When Will the USA Retreat from the World?

The dominance of the USA in world politics since the Second World War is clearly obvious. This coincides with a significant Pisces hotspot in the Pisces-Aquarian age (1433 – 3574) between 1910 and 1970 that strongly promoted the USA in the world due to the fact that the primary sign for the USA is Pisces. Recently chinks in America’s armor has all kinds of pundits and commentators predicting the USA’s fall from its exalted position – usually coinciding with the rising might of China. My soon to be released book on the astrological ages (see www.macro-astrology.com) compares the astrological signatures of China and the USA and how these two nations will weather the 3rd millennium.  The USA wins hands down but China will most likely take the yin position to America’s yang for most of the current 3rd millennium.

The most dominant sign in the 3rd millennium is Pisces because the whole of the 3rd millennium sits in the Pisces-Aquarian age that commenced in 1443 AD – and Pisces is the dominant sign in the Pisces-Aquarian age (and is also the dominant sign for the USA).  Pisces is a dual-bodied signs so it promotes dualities and polarities. For most of the first decan (one-third) of the Pisces-Aquarian age this duality has mainly played out in Europe.

Firstly the Catholic nations versus the new Protestant nations, then the various opposing blocs in Europe exemplified in the Napoleonic Wars leading into the 20th century with Germany and its allies against the rest of Europe and played out in the two 20th century world wars. Finally the short-lived Cold War expanded the scope out from Europe to the rest of the world with communism and capitalism firmly fighting for dominance. Since the collapse of the communist USSR and the arrival of capitalism into communist China the capitalist-communist divide has all but dissolved. However Pisces demands – as a rule of thumb – an ongoing political and cultural polarity in the world.

The strength of these political polarities wax and wane – within the Pisces-Aquarian age – depending upon smaller cycles within the ages. My observation is that that prime factor that defines these waxing and waning of  political dualities sits with the sub-age decans.  Each astrological age of some 2150 years each has 12 sub-ages of 178-9 years each.  Each of these sub-ages have three decans of approximately 60 years each.  These 60 years sub-age decans appear to define the geo-political reality in the world.

For example the bi-polar signs of Gemini, Libra and Pisces enhance political dualities.  The recent Pisces sub-age decan overflow (1910 – 1970), apart from promoting the USA, basically defined the rise to power of communism and its inevitable clash with capitalism until communism basically left the field of battle when the USSR imploded in 1991.  The current Scorpio sub-age decan overflow (1970 – 2029) is a mono-sign and so does not enhance polarities.  The next sub-age decan overflow is the polar sign of Gemini (a dual-bodied sign) with its full effect expected from 2029 to 2089. The world is gearing up to this new geopolitical reality and since 2000 the world has entered into a period with increasing Gemini influence – a kind of preparatory period for the Gemini sub-age decan overflow.

I expect the Gemini sub-age decan overflow will see the polarity of the USA and Western culture on the one hand and China plus Asia on the other.  This does not insinuate that this polarity will involve any significant wars or conflicts as the world is astrologically in the process of departing the multi-thousand years Age of Warfare. How will the USA react to this slow but inexorable rise of China as its sparring partner on the world stage?

The clue is the relationship of Gemini to the major sign associated with the USA – which is the sign Pisces.  Gemini stimulates the astrological 4th house to the sign Pisces (Gemini is four signs past Gemini in the zodiac).  The 4th house stimulates introversion, domestic affairs and avoidance of sabre rattling over issues of status.  This is a recipe for the USA to retire from its dominant role in the world and return to its more traditional isolationist approach to world affairs. This in no way detracts from its status as the age-empire of our times – it just means that the age-empire retreats to its own shores and avoids costly and divisive overseas wars or political turmoil.

The following sub-age decan after the Gemini sub-age decan overflow (2029 – 89) is the Aquarian sub-age decan overflow (2089 – 2148).  Aquarius is not a dual-bodied sign so it implies that whatever is behind the China-USA duality that exists for most of the 21st century – that it will not extend into the 22nd century to any degree worth mentioning.  Aquarius is the second strongest sign in the USA’s astrological signature. This indicates that this Aquarian sub-age decan overflow (2089 – 2148) should be positive for the USA but though evidence is scant – it also suggests that the USA will remain introverted or non-interventionist.  The most dominant micro-age between the two world wars of the 20th century was the Aquarian micro-age overflow (1925 – 40) when the USA again retreated form the world after the First World War and tried to avoid international controversies – only to be rudely awaken in 1941 by the Japanese.  The sign Aquarius seems to make the USA orientate itself upon itself.

At the beginning of the 21st century – with the USA engaged in two military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan – it seems inconceivable that the USA will not continue to behave like John Wayne on the international stage – shooting first and asking questions later. The USA has (as of 2010) been in its interventionist side of its nature for 69 years (slightly longer than the length of a sub-age decan). The astrology suggests that this has a time fuse on it (similar to the rise and fall of communism), and the USA is now on the countdown to returning to its isolationist nature.

There are astrological clues that support America’s return to isolationism. While Gemini is strongest in its sub-age decan overflow (2029-89), the embryonic Gemini sub-age decan arrived in 1970 – just in time to turn public opinion away from the war in Viet Nam. The next increased in strength for Gemini occurred in 2000 which witnessed the unprecedented mass opposition to the US led war in Iraq (and Afghanistan) by many former close allies and supporters around the world. The main support came from America’s core Anglo-Saxon allies – the UK and Australia. Here we are witnessing the whittling down of international support for America’s international interventionism.

The next increase in strength for Gemini takes place in 2015 when the Gemini sub-age (2015 – 29) arrives.  From around this date onwards we should see further examples of America’s deteriorating interventionist international foreign policy.  The arrival of the Gemini sub-age decan overflow in 2029 is the coup-de-gras. The big question is – will the USA’s retreat to isolationism be positive or negative?

I have made a big deal about the USA’s bi-polar nature oscillating between being interventionist on the world stage and being isolationist but there is another polarity associated with Pisces that should also be associated with the USA. Pisces is the ‘serve or suffer’ sign. Astrology indicates that it is not so important if America is interventionist or isolationist but rather whether it is serving (the rest of the world) or suffering as a consequence of not doing ‘the right thing’.

If you examine the history of the USA you will notice many examples of the USA ‘serving’.  The USA selflessly served liberals in Europe when it came belatedly to their rescue in the two world wars.  The USA also enacted the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 which basically protected the rest of the Americas from interference from colonizing Europeans.  The USA also attempted to protect China from the same marauding Europeans in the 18th century.  Whenever the USA actually helps or serves it receives accolades.

When America follows its self-seeking policies or follows the demands of its industrial-military complex to engage in yet another conflict it is increasingly being jeered and even ostracized. America’s secret is not to focus upon the oscillation between isolationism and interventionism but to orientate itself to truly helping those nations, regions and people that need help.  Whenever America serves it reaps its benefits, whenever it follows its self-seeking policies (oil in Iraq) it suffers.  Once America suffers enough it will retreat back to isolationism – not realizing that the problem was not its intervention in the wider world, but its self-seeking intervention.

The USA is slowly on the path back to isolationism but this may seem far-fetched at this point of time. However there is a highly volatile micro-age that the USA must pass through between now and the arrival of the inward-looking Gemini sub-age decan overflow in 2029. The Cancer micro-age overflow (2015-29) indicates much conflict in the USA as historically whenever Cancer is strong there is much discord in the USA (due to Capricorn being the third sign on USA’s totem pole and Cancer is opposite Capricorn in nature).  For example, the last Cancer micro-age overflow coincided with the American Civil War.  The previous Cancer micro-age overflow (1687-1702) also witnessed much internal strife in the American colonies.

Prognostications upon the Cancer micro-age overflow (2015-29) must wait for another blog entry – but my instincts tell me that the USA of today will be very different to the USA of 2029. So while it seems incongruous that the USA of today will turn away from the wider world and mainly be concerned with its own affairs, after the tumult of the Cancer micro-age overflow (2015-29) is another story.