A Glimmer of the Future?

Many people are currently feeling frustrated at the general state of the world, what with politicians refusing to provide leadership and especially over the devastation of the world’s environment.  There are many reasons for this frustration, and a lack of knowledge of history plays a part, but we should get a glimmer of the distant future over the next decade, especially in the second half (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) though for the astute observer, formative embryonic developments can pop up anytime from now on – and two possible examples may have already occurred.

Does the astrology of the future paint a nicer picture compared to the present?  This can be easily answered by track record.  The track record since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 AD indicates that massive improvement in the quality of life by the majority of people has occurred – but as a rule of thumb only.  More hundreds of millions of people than we can accurately estimate have in the same period experienced pitiful and terrible lives, with many cut short due to lack of adequate health care, famine, premature death or serious injury from war and so on. Things are getting better, but this in no way has led to a perfect world, or a world anywhere near perfect.

Though the future should be better, the future is slow to arrive, which is very frustrating in a period of time when Gemini[1] is so strong in the world, and getting stronger – because under Gemini, everyone wants everything now!  Not only are you not going to get everything now, you are most likely not going to see in your lifetime what you would like to see, though most Millennials and later generations will see some real progress or tangible results in tackling Climate Change.

In Year 587 of the Age of Aquarius (1433AD – 3574AD), the world is entering a new dawn or mini epoch (that occurs every 5 years or so).  December 2019 marked a number of fundamental changes involving five-year micro-age decans.  Decans, in general, are powerful in the astrological ages.  This applies to age-decans (approx. every 715 years), sub-age decans (approx. every 59-60 years) and micro-age decans (approx. every 5 years).  Even the humble nano-age decan lasting 5 months has clout, especially when associated with the stock market.

The Aquarius micro-age decan concluded in December 2019 – which covers the exact same period as the Cancer micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019), and an alternate way of describing these 5 years is to label it the Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan.  This doubling up applies to all periods in the astrological ages, taking into account that the first of the two signs is always the most powerful.  [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for more details]  Therefore, the biggest development in December 2019 was the shift from the Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan, with the emphasis on Cancer, to the Aquarius-Libra micro-age decan with the emphasis on Aquarius.  This promotion of Aquarius to the detriment of Cancer over the coming 5 years will increase the radicalization of society and promotion of fringe politics we have experienced over the last 5 years to an even higher level or greater intensity.  There will also be far greater grass-root movements to continue the push for equitable outcomes in an array of areas as there are just so many issues that contemporary society and politics inadequately handle. [see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan for more details].

The current radicalization and growth in fringe politics is nowhere near as strong as the last time Aquarius strongly manifested in the world under the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) – so this time around we tend to get neo-fascists and hard-right politicians rather than fully-fledged fascists such as Adolph Hitler, Mussolini and Franco in the 1920s and 30s – Stalin can also be added to the list of tyrants.  However, the near future is not just more of the same ramped up to a higher level (Trump, Brexit, and the many secondary neo-fascists leaders that have been popping up around the world recently) because a new element arrived in December 2019 – the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) – see Table 1 below.

Table 1 The Cancer-Gemini micro-age (December 2014 – November 2029)

This will be a powerful period for Libra due to its resonance with the massive Libra age-decan (1433 – 2148) of the Age of Aquarius (1433 – 3574) and strongly supported by the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) (see table 2 below).  The next 10 years of the Libra micro-age decan and overflow is the real inauguration of the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) as this is the strongest manifestation of Libra since the Libra sub-age commenced in 1970.  This can be labeled as the ‘christening’ of the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148).  Like Venus in the night sky, it should be something to behold.

Table 2 The Age of Aquarius with its age-decans and overflows

When the Libra age-decan (1433-2148) and Libra sub-age (1970-2148) both enter their respective overflow periods commencing in 2148, a very different world will exist compared to what we take as normal today, due to the nature of Libra – a natural benefic influence, by and large.  It is Libra that brings confidence to the expectation that the world will not only continue forward as it has done since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433, but also have an opportunity to take some more steps toward a more harmonious and even garden-like state compared to smokestacks and car exhausts filling up the atmosphere with noxious pollutants while governments spend trillions on weapons of mass destruction.  Our current plight is another example of our medieval world we have inherited from the Pisces age overflow [see the Myth of Modernity for more details]

This new Libran world will not be heaven on Earth or paradise for a number of reasons – the main reason being that humanity will continue its ongoing medieval momentum for at least another 1,500 to 2,000 years – albeit at a lower intensity compared to 2019. If you want to examine the ratio of modernity to medievalism, examine the period from the beginning of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 to now, and see the slow but steady development of modern society as it slowly displaced some of the vestiges of the medieval side of society.  For example, it still took around 300 to 400 years before starvation was mainly eradicated in Europe (though the Irish Potato famine extended this another century or so).  It took around 500 years for women to get the vote in western society.  The LGBT community has only recently been liberated, and even this is not yet universal in all western nations.  Change happens much slower than people realize, especially for people with a progressive outlook. But the overall trend remains – the world is progressing forward for the better, but this does not mean what is better is always triumphing over its opposite.

My educated guess is that contemporary western society is about 75% medieval and 25% modern (except for technology) – which reflects the power balance between the Pisces age overflow (1433– 3574) promoting medievalism and the up and coming Aquarius age (1433 -3574) promoting rationality. Though we have experienced some major throwbacks to medievalism over the last 500 years, these throwbacks are the aberration, as the worldwide tide under the Age of Aquarius is towards progressiveness and liberalism over the medium and long term – but not necessarily in the short term.  At any turn, medieval Pisces can bite, and bite savagely such as the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler’s Third Reich, communist oppression,the USA’s history of overthrowing democratic countries not towing the American line and so on as some major examples only.  The inadequate response to Climate Change can be considered another bite of the apple by medieval Pisces.

What can we expect from Libra? Libra likes parties, social events, women, art, gardens, the color green, compromises, armistices, peace and peace treaties as a few major archetypes.[2]  Libra prefers equity or the middle path over extremism! Libra is also associated with the Far East which includes China, Indo-China, Japan and immediate surrounding countries though Libra is not the primary sign for most of these countries.  For example, China’s strongest sign is Cancer, while Japan is Scorpio, but the (Libra) Far East provides the counterbalance to the (Aries) West.  Historically, China has nearly always surpassed (Aries) Europeans and all other parts of the world in nearly everything, and the recent rise of China is merely China returning to its natural state in world affairs.  It has an extremely bad track record in maintaining a stable government but continues to exist regardless.

Not everything associated with Libra is positive, as all 12 zodiacal signs are associated with positive and negative archetypes.  Libra is indecisive, so when action is needed on Climate Change, there is no mobilization of the necessary forces and resources countries would usually rely upon say, in times of war.  You can also expect under Libra a slowdown, if not a retreat, in countries trying to outdo each other in building the tallest building – as engineering belongs to Aries – the opposite sign to Libra. Libra rules sugar (and carbohydrates) and so we are seeing this manifest in the world in the obesity and diabetes epidemic.  People want to party hard, and this also fuels the rise of party drugs.  Finally, Libra is associated with immaturity, and we are probably witnessing this global immaturity on exponential growth curve, but music will be playing and the alcohol will be flowing.  At the end of the day, the world under Libra is like a girl that “justs wanna have fun”!

However, there is a very dark side to Libra (as with all zodiacal signs).  Some of the greatest wars have occurred under Libra, as Libra rules opposition and major irreconcilable polarities.  In horoscopic astrology, the appearance of Libra, its ruler Venus or the 7th house (Libra’s natural house) can all engender the formation of a major relationship, marriage, or business partnership, but it can also rule divorce, often acrimoniously, or the breakup of partnerships.  Libra will also focus upon open opposition, and a brief examination of its role in previous incarnations will demonstrate its highly destructive side.

The last Libra period of a note (ie larger than a 15-month nano-age that appears approximately every 15 years) was the Libra micro-age decan (1910-15) followed by the more potent Libra micro-age decan overflow (1915-20) of the Aquarius micro-age (1910–25).  The First World War (1914–18) fits amazingly well into the peak of Libra coinciding with its overflow.  This was not a time of peace but war and its aftermath of destruction including a pandemic that killed more people in the world than the First World War.

The 18th century Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1856 -61-66) produced in its second and more powerful half the American Civil War (1861-65) which strongly suggests that Aries plays an active role in the gun-toting American culture. The Libra micro-age decan overflow (1861-66) cannot be solely blamed for the Civil War, as this Libra period was within the potent Cancer sub-age decan overflow (1851-1910) of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 2148) and Cancer is opposite Capricorn – a key sign in the astrological signature for the USA that the Puritans brought with them to America.

The earlier Libra micro-age and overflow (1791-1806-1821) again captures the devastating Napoleonic Wars (1803 – 1815) mainly in the more potent second part.  The Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1746-51-56) saw the Seven Years’ War (1756-63) which included in the American theater the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763).  This international war is considered by some to have the status of a world war and precursor of the two world wars of the 20th century.  The world was learning how to produce world wars.

The even earlier Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1692-1697-1702) finds the beginning of another major European conflict – the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) which resulted in Britain’s rise as the leading European power with the simultaneous decline of the Dutch Republic.  The American theater of this was Queen Anne’s War (1702 -1713) as a precursor to the French and Indian War.

The correlation between major historical wars and Libra micro-age decans or micro-ages is too strong to ignore, and so it must be assumed that of the many disagreements currently existing around the world,  a new period of open conflict is not only possible but highly likely.  Taking into account that the previous major Libra conflicts were all associated with the major powers of the times, any conflict associated with the current Libra micro-age decan and overflow, especially roughly associated with the second half or overflow period, will most likely involve the major power brokers of today’s world.

Therefore, we can assume that the relationship between the USA and China, with or without the involvement of Europeans (on the American side) and Russia (on the Chinese side) with Middle Eastern states probably involved – cannot be ruled out. The big question is really the nature of the conflict?  Will it translate into actual hostilities, or will it be an economic war or proxy wars?  Regardless, we must allow for a major conflict at the upper echelon of world powers above and beyond the normal petty conflicts we have periodically experienced since the end of the Second World War.

Doomsday people will go for a world war, but a Libra period will not produce a world war without major resonance with a stronger period.  The First and Second World Wars occurred in the Pisces sub-age decan overflow (1910 – 1970) that was particularly strong in the first half (1910-1940).  This Pisces sub-age decan overflow resonated with the strongest sign in the world – the Pisces age-overflow (1433-3574) and this Pisces sub-age decan overflow represents the strongest manifestation of Pisces in the world which will not be replicated for around another 25,000 years.  The period 1910 to 1940 was an incredibly powerful cauldron.  The current Libra micro-age decan and overflow sits under the Scorpio sub-age decan overflow (1970 – 2029) and while Scorpio can be a savage sign, it is not anywhere near as comparable to the period 1910 to 1940.  Without the cauldron of the early 20th century, it is unlikely we will see a world war in the coming decade, but we must be prepared for some major conflagration or international discord above and beyond ‘normal’.

We will only be witnessing the glimmer of the distant Libra future over the next 10 years as the world is a long way away from such a dominant Libra reality – as this is reserved for the second half of the next century onward.  Everyone will not be dressed up as young girls partying with ecstasy, as both the positive and negative sides of Libra will manifest.  At the sharp edge of Libra is its quest for justice, equity, beauty and harmony, such as the mythical Garden of Eden, and it is no surprise that the Greens will benefit under Libra.  Though other Libra areas should not be ignored, it is probably the growth of the Green Movement and environmentalists that will provide the greatest focus over the next 10 years but it is important to take note of all Libra archetypes if you are searching for it in world affairs over the coming decade.  At the penultimate alternate festival in Australia straddling the 2020 New Year, their theme was appropriately “imagining a beautiful future.”[3]

It is much better to focus on solutions than problems, and one reason why so many people seem so down and depressed is that they are focusing on the problems – ‘you grow like the company you keep’.  The world has always had problems, and regularly very big problems.  People go to what they focus on – so it is better to take note of all the positive buds or new Libra plants that have been sprouting over the decades which will contribute to a better but imperfect world.  Of course, the message from the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148), especially in the first half, is that security and strength will not be found in the world, and if you are looking for these qualities, it is necessary to search within, as the inner world is ruled by Scorpio.  Looking for strength and security in the outer world is usually a case of chasing straws, and this is even magnified more in our current world with Scorpio ‘peaking’.  Hopefully, Scorpio will not invoke any more use of nuclear weapons in the coming conflict, but this cannot be ruled out, especially until 2059, at which point Scorpio drops in intensity as the Scorpio quasi sub-age decan (1881 – 2059) concludes (see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details on quasi periods)

The solution to the major problems in the world will not come from anything other than more people being conscious and wanting more action on equity – especially involving the environment.  Very few people make major changes to their belief systems or outlooks after the age of 25 years.  It will be each new generational

Greta Thunberg as representative of the Gemini quasi sub-age (2000-2059) and Gemini youth

crop that comes along with a far greater focus on climate change and equitable outcomes that will make the difference in the world.  This has been occurring since the appearance of the (Libra) peace Movement in the 1960s.  It now seems to be accelerating with the likes of Greta Thunberg sitting atop the iceberg of youthful climate activism and harnessing the youthful momentum of the Gemini sub-age and overflow (1970-2029-2088), especially in the years from 2029 onward.

An excellent calibrator for the coming change is the percentage of the population that votes Green.  In my country, I have watched the Green vote go from around 5% in the 1980s to 10% to 12% recently.  Based on the interaction of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791–1970-2148) with the Libra sub-age and overflow (1970–2148–2327) – the critical demarcation point this century is the year 2059 – the fulcrum point between the Scorpio quasi-age and Libra quasi-age.  Scorpio is focused upon pollution and destruction – it is not a peaceful stable sign., but it also can result in a rebirth or renewal.  Though it has brought nuclear bombs, tyrants and major destructive revolutions such as the communist revolution which just created even worse tyrants than existed previously and murdered millions of people in the process, it can also regenerate.  Fortunately for the future, the addition of Libra is not normally a sign of violence or destruction.

However, many countries have democratic political systems that prevent or limit the influence of the Green movement.  Two excellent examples are the USA and UK, which while nominally democratic, are extremely reticent in apportioning political influence to minor parties due to the gerrymander-style of democracy they have produced.  Most institutions are conservative, so it should come as no surprise that the USA and UK so-called democratic governments favor conservative elements and conservative structures that prevent or severely limit significant fringe views such as the Greens.  The members of the upper house in the UK are not even elected, while the upper house in the USA, the Senate, basically avoids giving voice to significant minorities by only allowing two senators per state which mostly only represents the two major parties.  Both instances grossly distort democracy.  This undemocratic reality is like racism, no one admits to it.

Nevertheless, despite the delusion of democracy in western society, the delusion of democracy is better than any other system going.  Under democracy, we are forced to work with the lowest common denominator in the political arena, and so the dictatorship of the proletariat basically decides the political direction – Trump in the USA and Brexit in the UK are good examples of the proletariat in action.  Under the first half of the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 14 Dec19-Nov 24) the proletariat is not happy with what (Leo) mainstream politics has given to them as they feel they have been ignored for decades – because they have.

If this was a permanent state of affairs, the world would probably not make it through the next century.  Fortunately, there is an evolution in progress in western society, and the astrology of the astrological ages indicates that the hippies and peace movement of the 1960s and 70s has provided the ethos for the revolution of our times – and it is a non-violent revolution due to the growing strength of peaceful Libra.  This evolution will make a big jump forward in 2059 when the fulcrum point between Scorpio and Libra occurs.  My estimate is that by 2059, 20% of western voters will be solid Green voters, and it will be 50% by the middle of the following 22nd century.  The violent revolutions of the previous two centuries occurred under Scorpio when monarchies around the world were overthrown and replaced by democracies, communism or dictators.

While the Green vote hitting 20% by 2059 may seem insignificant, 20% is the tipping point – once the support for something hits 20%, it is able to make major shifts in politics and society beyond the scope of their size.  However, most of us will not see 2059, but we do get to see the budding and growth of the Green Evolution.

Like all other movements or political parties, the Green evolution and associated politics will definitely not be perfect – far from it.  What is happening is that the current highly imperfect political system orientated towards the rich cannot deal with climate change and other ills of the world effectively.  They will be replaced by another slightly less imperfect system that despite its imperfections, can address to a higher degree the major issues of our times.  Western society has already experienced three major revolutions/evolutions since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433, and the Peace and Green Movement is the fourth one and the one for our times – for better or worse.  In centuries to come, it will also be ‘overthrown’ – due to the many imperfections that will prevent it from dealing with the issues of the future centuries. [see Is Western Society Due Another Revolution? ]

The rise of this new movement and political entity will not wipe out western society as we know it today.  Nearly all elements will remain such as imperfect democracies, corporations, rich and poor, war and conflict and so on, but kind of limited, put into their place, or not so freely allowed to create utter chaos such as extreme capitalism has done to the world’s environment.  The world has already rejected extreme socialism in the form of communism and just needs to also reject extreme capitalism currently strongly promoted by most conservative western governments with the unconscious support of their proletariats.  Libra promotes a balance, not a wipeout.  Furthermore, the medieval influence in western society will remain quite strong until at least 2500 AD, and even then, will continue on for almost another 2,000 years.  People will not let go of their belief systems but are like birds in a cage with the door open – but unwilling to fly out to their freedom.  The Green Movement also reeks of belief systems, just like the rest of society.  This is why the Green Movement will also have an expiry date as belief systems are more static and find difficulty adapting to changed circumstances.  The recent worldwide mainly religious-based pedophile scandal is a good example of inflexible belief systems hitting reality and is an excellent example of how medieval the world remains., but it is being slowly and surely chipped away over the centuries.

So what we get in the Libra micro-age decan and overflow over the next decade is a homeopathic taste of the future that most of us will not be alive to see.  If you solely focus on the stupidity of the world, you will merely continue to get depressed.  Look for positive archetypes associated with Libra – the momentum towards environmental justice and equity in general evoked by the Statute of Liberty – but currently mainly superficial and not yet fully manifested.  It is also important to acknowledge the good that has been developed in western society over the last 500 years or so, as the only reason we are able to live and exist the way we do is due to the momentum of progress and liberal democracy over these 5 centuries.  This is awesome (except for those hundreds of millions that were killed, displaced, persecuted or lived in poverty).

The Green and Peace Movements are a continuation of a very long process that was unleashed on an unsuspecting world when the Age of Aquarius arrived in 1433 AD and will stretch for thousands of years. Anything of substance seems to have a long germination process.  Most of us alive today will only get to witness the germination of the new major evolution of western society which will effectively address Climate Change ultimately – plus some other inequities in society and politics such as the rich getting richer while the rest stagnate  It is later generations that will get the major benefits. This does not mean that many other countries not part of western society will not do their share, but for the most part, ever since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century, the rest of the world has followed the lead of western society.  It hasn’t always been western society at the lead, nor will it always be in the future.  The dice of the astrological ages seems to randomly select a different region to be new ‘leaders’.  In the future, it may just select diffident groups within a homogenous worldwide society that is the likely outcome and end result of the Age of Aquarius?

There are already two possible manifestations of Libra that may have already raised its head.  Firstly, on the 20th December 2019, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the state must reduce its CO2 emissions.  It is claimed that due to this landmark court ruling, climate action is now inseparable from human rights.  The decision was based on Articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which creates obligations for states to protect their citizens against dangerous climate change setting an international precedent.[4]  It is unlikely that this judgment will make any critical change for the better but at least it is a small step in the right direction.  Law courts are ruled by Libra which is why you will often see a statue of the ancient goddess of justice holding a balance in front of major law courts.  This is probably just a small part of the opening salvo from Libra.

Secondly, the authorization by President Trump of the killing of the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani near Baghdad Airport on January 3 2020 indicates an increase in aggression by the US against Iran – its major foe in the Middle East.  This is seen by most as an escalation of tensions and therefore conforms to the appearance of the Libra micro-age decan.  The war-addicted USA may make an Iran conflict the catalyst for the next major international conflagration?

So in conclusion, the next 10 years is not just about the first significant manifestation of Libra since 1915-20, but also a foretaste or glimpse of our future world.  While on the one hand, serious steps towards greater liberal democratic and green policies will certainly occur, the wildcard is major conflict. In the meantime, the same is playing out for Aquarius, because December 2019 to November 2024 is also the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow and will provide an insight for the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029-2088-2148) that will also have a very profound influence upon the world later this century.  Even most Millennials will not see Aquarius in full flight later this century.  The real christening of the Age of Aquarius will occur in the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029-2088-2148) – the strongest manifestation of Aquarius since the inception of the Age of Aquarius in 1433. It will really be something for our collectove descendants to behold.


Greta Thunberg photo: On 16 April 2019, Greta Thunberg was invited by the European Parliament to close the sessions of the Committee on the Environment.


[1] Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2088)

[2] Rex E Bills, “The Rulership Book”, Macoy Publishing, Virginia, 1976, pp 343-346

[3]Janine Israel, Woodford folk festival review – a much-needed moment of positivity and reprieve, 2 Jan 2020, http://ow.ly/f8ST50xMXL9

[4] Jelmer Mommers, the Correspondent, https://thecorrespondent.com/194/thanks-to-this-landmark-court-ruling-climate-action-is-now-inseparable-from-human-rights/10441662-bbc4c291