A Glimmer of the Future?

Many people are currently feeling frustrated at the general state of the world, what with politicians refusing to provide leadership and especially over the devastation of the world’s environment.  There are many reasons for this frustration, and a lack of knowledge of history plays a part, but we should get a glimmer of the distant future over the next decade, especially in the second half (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) though for the astute observer, formative embryonic developments can pop up anytime from now on – and two possible examples may have already occurred.

Does the astrology of the future paint a nicer picture compared to the present?  This can be easily answered by track record.  The track record since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 AD indicates that massive improvement in the quality of life by the majority of people has occurred – but as a rule of thumb only.  More hundreds of millions of people than we can accurately estimate have in the same period experienced pitiful and terrible lives, with many cut short due to lack of adequate health care, famine, premature death or serious injury from war and so on. Things are getting better, but this in no way has led to a perfect world, or a world anywhere near perfect.

Though the future should be better, the future is slow to arrive, which is very frustrating in a period of time when Gemini[1] is so strong in the world, and getting stronger – because under Gemini, everyone wants everything now!  Not only are you not going to get everything now, you are most likely not going to see in your lifetime what you would like to see, though most Millennials and later generations will see some real progress or tangible results in tackling Climate Change.

In Year 587 of the Age of Aquarius (1433AD – 3574AD), the world is entering a new dawn or mini epoch (that occurs every 5 years or so).  December 2019 marked a number of fundamental changes involving five-year micro-age decans.  Decans, in general, are powerful in the astrological ages.  This applies to age-decans (approx. every 715 years), sub-age decans (approx. every 59-60 years) and micro-age decans (approx. every 5 years).  Even the humble nano-age decan lasting 5 months has clout, especially when associated with the stock market.

The Aquarius micro-age decan concluded in December 2019 – which covers the exact same period as the Cancer micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019), and an alternate way of describing these 5 years is to label it the Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan.  This doubling up applies to all periods in the astrological ages, taking into account that the first of the two signs is always the most powerful.  [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for more details]  Therefore, the biggest development in December 2019 was the shift from the Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan, with the emphasis on Cancer, to the Aquarius-Libra micro-age decan with the emphasis on Aquarius.  This promotion of Aquarius to the detriment of Cancer over the coming 5 years will increase the radicalization of society and promotion of fringe politics we have experienced over the last 5 years to an even higher level or greater intensity.  There will also be far greater grass-root movements to continue the push for equitable outcomes in an array of areas as there are just so many issues that contemporary society and politics inadequately handle. [see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan for more details].

The current radicalization and growth in fringe politics is nowhere near as strong as the last time Aquarius strongly manifested in the world under the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) – so this time around we tend to get neo-fascists and hard-right politicians rather than fully-fledged fascists such as Adolph Hitler, Mussolini and Franco in the 1920s and 30s – Stalin can also be added to the list of tyrants.  However, the near future is not just more of the same ramped up to a higher level (Trump, Brexit, and the many secondary neo-fascists leaders that have been popping up around the world recently) because a new element arrived in December 2019 – the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) – see Table 1 below.

Table 1 The Cancer-Gemini micro-age (December 2014 – November 2029)

This will be a powerful period for Libra due to its resonance with the massive Libra age-decan (1433 – 2148) of the Age of Aquarius (1433 – 3574) and strongly supported by the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) (see table 2 below).  The next 10 years of the Libra micro-age decan and overflow is the real inauguration of the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) as this is the strongest manifestation of Libra since the Libra sub-age commenced in 1970.  This can be labeled as the ‘christening’ of the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148).  Like Venus in the night sky, it should be something to behold.

Table 2 The Age of Aquarius with its age-decans and overflows

When the Libra age-decan (1433-2148) and Libra sub-age (1970-2148) both enter their respective overflow periods commencing in 2148, a very different world will exist compared to what we take as normal today, due to the nature of Libra – a natural benefic influence, by and large.  It is Libra that brings confidence to the expectation that the world will not only continue forward as it has done since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433, but also have an opportunity to take some more steps toward a more harmonious and even garden-like state compared to smokestacks and car exhausts filling up the atmosphere with noxious pollutants while governments spend trillions on weapons of mass destruction.  Our current plight is another example of our medieval world we have inherited from the Pisces age overflow [see the Myth of Modernity for more details]

This new Libran world will not be heaven on Earth or paradise for a number of reasons – the main reason being that humanity will continue its ongoing medieval momentum for at least another 1,500 to 2,000 years – albeit at a lower intensity compared to 2019. If you want to examine the ratio of modernity to medievalism, examine the period from the beginning of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 to now, and see the slow but steady development of modern society as it slowly displaced some of the vestiges of the medieval side of society.  For example, it still took around 300 to 400 years before starvation was mainly eradicated in Europe (though the Irish Potato famine extended this another century or so).  It took around 500 years for women to get the vote in western society.  The LGBT community has only recently been liberated, and even this is not yet universal in all western nations.  Change happens much slower than people realize, especially for people with a progressive outlook. But the overall trend remains – the world is progressing forward for the better, but this does not mean what is better is always triumphing over its opposite.

My educated guess is that contemporary western society is about 75% medieval and 25% modern (except for technology) – which reflects the power balance between the Pisces age overflow (1433– 3574) promoting medievalism and the up and coming Aquarius age (1433 -3574) promoting rationality. Though we have experienced some major throwbacks to medievalism over the last 500 years, these throwbacks are the aberration, as the worldwide tide under the Age of Aquarius is towards progressiveness and liberalism over the medium and long term – but not necessarily in the short term.  At any turn, medieval Pisces can bite, and bite savagely such as the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler’s Third Reich, communist oppression,the USA’s history of overthrowing democratic countries not towing the American line and so on as some major examples only.  The inadequate response to Climate Change can be considered another bite of the apple by medieval Pisces.

What can we expect from Libra? Libra likes parties, social events, women, art, gardens, the color green, compromises, armistices, peace and peace treaties as a few major archetypes.[2]  Libra prefers equity or the middle path over extremism! Libra is also associated with the Far East which includes China, Indo-China, Japan and immediate surrounding countries though Libra is not the primary sign for most of these countries.  For example, China’s strongest sign is Cancer, while Japan is Scorpio, but the (Libra) Far East provides the counterbalance to the (Aries) West.  Historically, China has nearly always surpassed (Aries) Europeans and all other parts of the world in nearly everything, and the recent rise of China is merely China returning to its natural state in world affairs.  It has an extremely bad track record in maintaining a stable government but continues to exist regardless.

Not everything associated with Libra is positive, as all 12 zodiacal signs are associated with positive and negative archetypes.  Libra is indecisive, so when action is needed on Climate Change, there is no mobilization of the necessary forces and resources countries would usually rely upon say, in times of war.  You can also expect under Libra a slowdown, if not a retreat, in countries trying to outdo each other in building the tallest building – as engineering belongs to Aries – the opposite sign to Libra. Libra rules sugar (and carbohydrates) and so we are seeing this manifest in the world in the obesity and diabetes epidemic.  People want to party hard, and this also fuels the rise of party drugs.  Finally, Libra is associated with immaturity, and we are probably witnessing this global immaturity on exponential growth curve, but music will be playing and the alcohol will be flowing.  At the end of the day, the world under Libra is like a girl that “justs wanna have fun”!

However, there is a very dark side to Libra (as with all zodiacal signs).  Some of the greatest wars have occurred under Libra, as Libra rules opposition and major irreconcilable polarities.  In horoscopic astrology, the appearance of Libra, its ruler Venus or the 7th house (Libra’s natural house) can all engender the formation of a major relationship, marriage, or business partnership, but it can also rule divorce, often acrimoniously, or the breakup of partnerships.  Libra will also focus upon open opposition, and a brief examination of its role in previous incarnations will demonstrate its highly destructive side.

The last Libra period of a note (ie larger than a 15-month nano-age that appears approximately every 15 years) was the Libra micro-age decan (1910-15) followed by the more potent Libra micro-age decan overflow (1915-20) of the Aquarius micro-age (1910–25).  The First World War (1914–18) fits amazingly well into the peak of Libra coinciding with its overflow.  This was not a time of peace but war and its aftermath of destruction including a pandemic that killed more people in the world than the First World War.

The 18th century Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1856 -61-66) produced in its second and more powerful half the American Civil War (1861-65) which strongly suggests that Aries plays an active role in the gun-toting American culture. The Libra micro-age decan overflow (1861-66) cannot be solely blamed for the Civil War, as this Libra period was within the potent Cancer sub-age decan overflow (1851-1910) of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 2148) and Cancer is opposite Capricorn – a key sign in the astrological signature for the USA that the Puritans brought with them to America.

The earlier Libra micro-age and overflow (1791-1806-1821) again captures the devastating Napoleonic Wars (1803 – 1815) mainly in the more potent second part.  The Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1746-51-56) saw the Seven Years’ War (1756-63) which included in the American theater the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763).  This international war is considered by some to have the status of a world war and precursor of the two world wars of the 20th century.  The world was learning how to produce world wars.

The even earlier Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1692-1697-1702) finds the beginning of another major European conflict – the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) which resulted in Britain’s rise as the leading European power with the simultaneous decline of the Dutch Republic.  The American theater of this was Queen Anne’s War (1702 -1713) as a precursor to the French and Indian War.

The correlation between major historical wars and Libra micro-age decans or micro-ages is too strong to ignore, and so it must be assumed that of the many disagreements currently existing around the world,  a new period of open conflict is not only possible but highly likely.  Taking into account that the previous major Libra conflicts were all associated with the major powers of the times, any conflict associated with the current Libra micro-age decan and overflow, especially roughly associated with the second half or overflow period, will most likely involve the major power brokers of today’s world.

Therefore, we can assume that the relationship between the USA and China, with or without the involvement of Europeans (on the American side) and Russia (on the Chinese side) with Middle Eastern states probably involved – cannot be ruled out. The big question is really the nature of the conflict?  Will it translate into actual hostilities, or will it be an economic war or proxy wars?  Regardless, we must allow for a major conflict at the upper echelon of world powers above and beyond the normal petty conflicts we have periodically experienced since the end of the Second World War.

Doomsday people will go for a world war, but a Libra period will not produce a world war without major resonance with a stronger period.  The First and Second World Wars occurred in the Pisces sub-age decan overflow (1910 – 1970) that was particularly strong in the first half (1910-1940).  This Pisces sub-age decan overflow resonated with the strongest sign in the world – the Pisces age-overflow (1433-3574) and this Pisces sub-age decan overflow represents the strongest manifestation of Pisces in the world which will not be replicated for around another 25,000 years.  The period 1910 to 1940 was an incredibly powerful cauldron.  The current Libra micro-age decan and overflow sits under the Scorpio sub-age decan overflow (1970 – 2029) and while Scorpio can be a savage sign, it is not anywhere near as comparable to the period 1910 to 1940.  Without the cauldron of the early 20th century, it is unlikely we will see a world war in the coming decade, but we must be prepared for some major conflagration or international discord above and beyond ‘normal’.

We will only be witnessing the glimmer of the distant Libra future over the next 10 years as the world is a long way away from such a dominant Libra reality – as this is reserved for the second half of the next century onward.  Everyone will not be dressed up as young girls partying with ecstasy, as both the positive and negative sides of Libra will manifest.  At the sharp edge of Libra is its quest for justice, equity, beauty and harmony, such as the mythical Garden of Eden, and it is no surprise that the Greens will benefit under Libra.  Though other Libra areas should not be ignored, it is probably the growth of the Green Movement and environmentalists that will provide the greatest focus over the next 10 years but it is important to take note of all Libra archetypes if you are searching for it in world affairs over the coming decade.  At the penultimate alternate festival in Australia straddling the 2020 New Year, their theme was appropriately “imagining a beautiful future.”[3]

It is much better to focus on solutions than problems, and one reason why so many people seem so down and depressed is that they are focusing on the problems – ‘you grow like the company you keep’.  The world has always had problems, and regularly very big problems.  People go to what they focus on – so it is better to take note of all the positive buds or new Libra plants that have been sprouting over the decades which will contribute to a better but imperfect world.  Of course, the message from the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148), especially in the first half, is that security and strength will not be found in the world, and if you are looking for these qualities, it is necessary to search within, as the inner world is ruled by Scorpio.  Looking for strength and security in the outer world is usually a case of chasing straws, and this is even magnified more in our current world with Scorpio ‘peaking’.  Hopefully, Scorpio will not invoke any more use of nuclear weapons in the coming conflict, but this cannot be ruled out, especially until 2059, at which point Scorpio drops in intensity as the Scorpio quasi sub-age decan (1881 – 2059) concludes (see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details on quasi periods)

The solution to the major problems in the world will not come from anything other than more people being conscious and wanting more action on equity – especially involving the environment.  Very few people make major changes to their belief systems or outlooks after the age of 25 years.  It will be each new generational

Greta Thunberg as representative of the Gemini quasi sub-age (2000-2059) and Gemini youth

crop that comes along with a far greater focus on climate change and equitable outcomes that will make the difference in the world.  This has been occurring since the appearance of the (Libra) peace Movement in the 1960s.  It now seems to be accelerating with the likes of Greta Thunberg sitting atop the iceberg of youthful climate activism and harnessing the youthful momentum of the Gemini sub-age and overflow (1970-2029-2088), especially in the years from 2029 onward.

An excellent calibrator for the coming change is the percentage of the population that votes Green.  In my country, I have watched the Green vote go from around 5% in the 1980s to 10% to 12% recently.  Based on the interaction of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791–1970-2148) with the Libra sub-age and overflow (1970–2148–2327) – the critical demarcation point this century is the year 2059 – the fulcrum point between the Scorpio quasi-age and Libra quasi-age.  Scorpio is focused upon pollution and destruction – it is not a peaceful stable sign., but it also can result in a rebirth or renewal.  Though it has brought nuclear bombs, tyrants and major destructive revolutions such as the communist revolution which just created even worse tyrants than existed previously and murdered millions of people in the process, it can also regenerate.  Fortunately for the future, the addition of Libra is not normally a sign of violence or destruction.

However, many countries have democratic political systems that prevent or limit the influence of the Green movement.  Two excellent examples are the USA and UK, which while nominally democratic, are extremely reticent in apportioning political influence to minor parties due to the gerrymander-style of democracy they have produced.  Most institutions are conservative, so it should come as no surprise that the USA and UK so-called democratic governments favor conservative elements and conservative structures that prevent or severely limit significant fringe views such as the Greens.  The members of the upper house in the UK are not even elected, while the upper house in the USA, the Senate, basically avoids giving voice to significant minorities by only allowing two senators per state which mostly only represents the two major parties.  Both instances grossly distort democracy.  This undemocratic reality is like racism, no one admits to it.

Nevertheless, despite the delusion of democracy in western society, the delusion of democracy is better than any other system going.  Under democracy, we are forced to work with the lowest common denominator in the political arena, and so the dictatorship of the proletariat basically decides the political direction – Trump in the USA and Brexit in the UK are good examples of the proletariat in action.  Under the first half of the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 14 Dec19-Nov 24) the proletariat is not happy with what (Leo) mainstream politics has given to them as they feel they have been ignored for decades – because they have.

If this was a permanent state of affairs, the world would probably not make it through the next century.  Fortunately, there is an evolution in progress in western society, and the astrology of the astrological ages indicates that the hippies and peace movement of the 1960s and 70s has provided the ethos for the revolution of our times – and it is a non-violent revolution due to the growing strength of peaceful Libra.  This evolution will make a big jump forward in 2059 when the fulcrum point between Scorpio and Libra occurs.  My estimate is that by 2059, 20% of western voters will be solid Green voters, and it will be 50% by the middle of the following 22nd century.  The violent revolutions of the previous two centuries occurred under Scorpio when monarchies around the world were overthrown and replaced by democracies, communism or dictators.

While the Green vote hitting 20% by 2059 may seem insignificant, 20% is the tipping point – once the support for something hits 20%, it is able to make major shifts in politics and society beyond the scope of their size.  However, most of us will not see 2059, but we do get to see the budding and growth of the Green Evolution.

Like all other movements or political parties, the Green evolution and associated politics will definitely not be perfect – far from it.  What is happening is that the current highly imperfect political system orientated towards the rich cannot deal with climate change and other ills of the world effectively.  They will be replaced by another slightly less imperfect system that despite its imperfections, can address to a higher degree the major issues of our times.  Western society has already experienced three major revolutions/evolutions since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433, and the Peace and Green Movement is the fourth one and the one for our times – for better or worse.  In centuries to come, it will also be ‘overthrown’ – due to the many imperfections that will prevent it from dealing with the issues of the future centuries. [see Is Western Society Due Another Revolution? ]

The rise of this new movement and political entity will not wipe out western society as we know it today.  Nearly all elements will remain such as imperfect democracies, corporations, rich and poor, war and conflict and so on, but kind of limited, put into their place, or not so freely allowed to create utter chaos such as extreme capitalism has done to the world’s environment.  The world has already rejected extreme socialism in the form of communism and just needs to also reject extreme capitalism currently strongly promoted by most conservative western governments with the unconscious support of their proletariats.  Libra promotes a balance, not a wipeout.  Furthermore, the medieval influence in western society will remain quite strong until at least 2500 AD, and even then, will continue on for almost another 2,000 years.  People will not let go of their belief systems but are like birds in a cage with the door open – but unwilling to fly out to their freedom.  The Green Movement also reeks of belief systems, just like the rest of society.  This is why the Green Movement will also have an expiry date as belief systems are more static and find difficulty adapting to changed circumstances.  The recent worldwide mainly religious-based pedophile scandal is a good example of inflexible belief systems hitting reality and is an excellent example of how medieval the world remains., but it is being slowly and surely chipped away over the centuries.

So what we get in the Libra micro-age decan and overflow over the next decade is a homeopathic taste of the future that most of us will not be alive to see.  If you solely focus on the stupidity of the world, you will merely continue to get depressed.  Look for positive archetypes associated with Libra – the momentum towards environmental justice and equity in general evoked by the Statute of Liberty – but currently mainly superficial and not yet fully manifested.  It is also important to acknowledge the good that has been developed in western society over the last 500 years or so, as the only reason we are able to live and exist the way we do is due to the momentum of progress and liberal democracy over these 5 centuries.  This is awesome (except for those hundreds of millions that were killed, displaced, persecuted or lived in poverty).

The Green and Peace Movements are a continuation of a very long process that was unleashed on an unsuspecting world when the Age of Aquarius arrived in 1433 AD and will stretch for thousands of years. Anything of substance seems to have a long germination process.  Most of us alive today will only get to witness the germination of the new major evolution of western society which will effectively address Climate Change ultimately – plus some other inequities in society and politics such as the rich getting richer while the rest stagnate  It is later generations that will get the major benefits. This does not mean that many other countries not part of western society will not do their share, but for the most part, ever since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century, the rest of the world has followed the lead of western society.  It hasn’t always been western society at the lead, nor will it always be in the future.  The dice of the astrological ages seems to randomly select a different region to be new ‘leaders’.  In the future, it may just select diffident groups within a homogenous worldwide society that is the likely outcome and end result of the Age of Aquarius?

There are already two possible manifestations of Libra that may have already raised its head.  Firstly, on the 20th December 2019, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the state must reduce its CO2 emissions.  It is claimed that due to this landmark court ruling, climate action is now inseparable from human rights.  The decision was based on Articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which creates obligations for states to protect their citizens against dangerous climate change setting an international precedent.[4]  It is unlikely that this judgment will make any critical change for the better but at least it is a small step in the right direction.  Law courts are ruled by Libra which is why you will often see a statue of the ancient goddess of justice holding a balance in front of major law courts.  This is probably just a small part of the opening salvo from Libra.

Secondly, the authorization by President Trump of the killing of the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani near Baghdad Airport on January 3 2020 indicates an increase in aggression by the US against Iran – its major foe in the Middle East.  This is seen by most as an escalation of tensions and therefore conforms to the appearance of the Libra micro-age decan.  The war-addicted USA may make an Iran conflict the catalyst for the next major international conflagration?

So in conclusion, the next 10 years is not just about the first significant manifestation of Libra since 1915-20, but also a foretaste or glimpse of our future world.  While on the one hand, serious steps towards greater liberal democratic and green policies will certainly occur, the wildcard is major conflict. In the meantime, the same is playing out for Aquarius, because December 2019 to November 2024 is also the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow and will provide an insight for the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029-2088-2148) that will also have a very profound influence upon the world later this century.  Even most Millennials will not see Aquarius in full flight later this century.  The real christening of the Age of Aquarius will occur in the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029-2088-2148) – the strongest manifestation of Aquarius since the inception of the Age of Aquarius in 1433. It will really be something for our collectove descendants to behold.


Greta Thunberg photo: On 16 April 2019, Greta Thunberg was invited by the European Parliament to close the sessions of the Committee on the Environment.


[1] Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2088)

[2] Rex E Bills, “The Rulership Book”, Macoy Publishing, Virginia, 1976, pp 343-346

[3]Janine Israel, Woodford folk festival review – a much-needed moment of positivity and reprieve, 2 Jan 2020, http://ow.ly/f8ST50xMXL9

[4] Jelmer Mommers, the Correspondent, https://thecorrespondent.com/194/thanks-to-this-landmark-court-ruling-climate-action-is-now-inseparable-from-human-rights/10441662-bbc4c291

The Myth of Modernity

On an extremely elementary level, myth is associated with Pisces and modernity with Aquarius and this dichotomy provides the crux of not only this post, but the big-picture view of our world at large.  Though the world is currently in the Age of Aquarius, the overflow from the previous age of Pisces is even stronger – especially in the first half of the Age of Aquarius [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details].  A more inclusive way to name the Age of Aquarius is the Pisces-Aquarius age, which followed the Aries-Pisces age (when Aries was more powerful than Pisces).  The combination of Pisces with Aquarius means that the influence of ‘myth’ from the Pisces age overflowing into the Aquarian age is greater than the influence of modernity even though modernity is easier to perceive – which is why most people live in the delusion that we are modern.

It is extremely easy to see modernity as it is represented by electricity, computers, technology, the internet, flight and the most widespread application of various forms and quality of democracy in the world to date – with most of this evidence tangible to the eye (with only democracy being the most nebulous item in this list).  Myth is a far more imprecise concept to deal with as it behaves like smoke and mirrors – what you perceive is not necessarily what exists if you can perceive anything at all!

Modernity is not a myth, the myth is that most people perceive that the world is modern without any qualification – an axiomatic situation.  Modernity may be the most noticeable game in town but Pisces’ myth and other Pisces’ associations are more influential in contemporary society and current affairs compared to Aquarius archetypes.  Modernity only plays the supporting role to myth, yet people believe modernity is the main focus.  This surreal situation is created by Pisces – the sign of delusion, illusion and vagueness overflowing into our ‘modern’ time.  Pisces is the branch we are all sitting upon as our reference point which, due to the nature of Pisces, we are generally unaware.  Furthermore, Pisces promotes medievalism – the name historians gave to that period before the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century.

What is medievalism?  There are a number of definitions and associations to medievalism, but in general terms, it refers to that period when there were knights in white shining armor, kings, lords, dukes, barons and so on ruled the lands either benevolently or ruthlessly via a system of feudalism that resembled slavery – another archetype belonging to Pisces.  It was a time when (Pisces) Christianity had an extremely strong influence in western society where the beliefs of individuals could be classified as heretical at the whim of the church followed by punishment of one form or another – including the possibility of execution.

A 13th-century French text representing the Medieval tripartite social order: those who pray (clerics), those who fight (knights from the nobility) and those who work (peasants and members of the lower middle class).

In medieval society, logical understanding and rationality took the back seat to knee-jerk reactions and decisions based on dogmatism, chauvinism and sectarianism rather than fact – similar to how many or most contemporary politicians and governments often operate today.  Facts were scarce in medieval times, and to fill the vacuum, beliefs filled the void.  The time of medievalism was known as “a period contrary to reason.”[i]  Anything different was generally feared, ostracized or condemned and very little accurate information was known about the laws of physics or science.  Society was marked by prejudices and taboos – females were considered inferior, and people could and would believe anything – just as many follow this pattern today.

The more correct term for the current Age of Aquarius is the Age of Pisces-Aquarius, and this indicates that while medievalism is supposedly finished, it actually has continued to exist and dominates society – though feudalism has disappeared.  Another difference between contemporary society and medieval society is that our society has made some progress in extracting itself from irrationality, but the main difference is our harnessing of technology since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century.  This is why historians claim that medievalism finished in the 15th century and was replaced by Early Modernity. Wikipedia states that Early Modernity, based on traditional historiography, arrived in 1453 – only 20 years after the arrival of the Age of Aquarius (or Pisces-Aquarius age).  Some historians claim Early Modernity arrived in 1436[ii] – displaying a scant three year error to the correct date.

Early Modernity led to Modernity around the 18th century but while historians and people, in general, congratulate themselves on modernity, this places the focus upon mainly technological developments and ignores the root medievalism that permeates contemporary western society.  Just consider that at the apex of modernity supposedly sits the USA – but about 25% of Americans refute the idea of evolution and the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago, and embrace a conception of the world that has existed for only about 6,000 years.  This is not the only example of contemporary medievalism.  A better description of western society since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century is that we live in the age of Techno-Medievalism.

There are so many examples of contemporary medievalism in society, and when we leave western society and examine Second and Third World countries – the medievalism jumps in magnitude. One easy way to see this is that in many Second and Third World countries, religious doctrine of one sort or another is written into law and enforceable by governments – with some ‘modern’ western countries also enforcing religious doctrines usually based on some fundamentalist Christian belief.  Another classic example is President Trump – irrational, often incoherent, appearing deceptive and deceitful but supported by a very large minority of voting Americans because he promises to support their values – with most of these values based on conservative belief systems sourced from medieval outlooks.

There is a very good reason why the USA embodies technological advances and democratic practices on the one hand, and atavistic belief systems with strong fundamentalist Christian overtones on the other.  The USA was settled by basically medieval Europeans who brought their medieval belief systems with them.  Europe continued to evolve, but their colonizing cousins who went to America held on to many of their medieval beliefs far longer than Europeans due to their ‘isolation’ from Europe.  Europe at that time was at the nexus for the cutting edge of progressive developments and European society moved on somewhat.  This is similar to what many 20th-century immigrants experienced when migrating from post-war Europe to the USA, Canada, Australia and so on.

For example, so many Greeks migrated to Melbourne, Australia after the Second World War that Melbourne was labeled the third largest Greek city in the world.  But when many of these Greek migrants eventually returned to Greece after many decades, they were shocked to find that the Greece culture they knew and kept alive in Melbourne no longer existed – as the Greeks in Greece had continued to evolve their culture.   I have heard similar stories about Pakistanis migrating to the UK.

Unless we recognize that we are not modern but live in the Age of Techno-Medievalism, we are deluding ourselves.  However, this does not mean that things do not or cannot improve – the dramatic improvements I have experienced in my lifetime are awesome.  No longer does religion have a stranglehold over western legal systems as it did back in the 1950s.  Then there is the sexual revolution that came out of the 1960s and the decriminalization of homosexuality, abortion and the recent judicial investigations of religious sexual deviants.  Recreational, and in some cases hard drugs, have been partially or completely decriminalized or approaching a medical condition rather than a legal issue in many western nations.  Even Malaysia has recently acknowledged they have lost their war on drugs and plan to decriminalize drugs.  Euthanasia is seeing the light of day.

The problem with the many recent social and legal improvements is that people don’t seem to notice them – their focus remains on the ills and deficiencies of contemporary society and legal systems.  By analogy, it is like entering a room that urgently needed all surfaces painted.  If a painter turns up to do the job, but runs out of paint before the last wall is painted – which wall will draw your attention when you enter the room?  The unpainted wall of course.  This is what many progressives tend to do, not acknowledge the gains and only focusing upon the ills of society.

Modernity is a development in progress.  It did not wait until the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 AD to start splashing, but with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius – Modernity got down to the serious business of modernizing the world.  But, according to the astrological ages, Modernity, and all its trappings, is a process that parallels the Aquarian age and overflow (1433 – 3574 – 5697) and furthermore, its momentum will strongly extend about another seven centuries past 5697 to  c.6397 AD before it starts experiencing a serious pushback (from the Leo age-decan of the distant Sagittarius age).

Based on the above, if we take the whole period where the process of modernization is under development (1433 – 6397), a period of 4,964 years, in the year 2019 we are only 586 years inside this modernizing period.  This indicates that only approximately 12% of the possible modernization to come has made its impact to date.  The remaining ‘necessary’ 88% of modernization remains to be tackled. This is a very low level of modernization in our world, as the medieval influence can be argued to sit at around 88%.

The world remains at the kindergarten level of modernization (and democracy) – much more is yet to come.  So the big question is – what fills the gap between contemporary modernization and the level we are to achieve over the coming millennia?  It is mainly Pisces archetypes with a dash of Aries.  The world remains strongly influenced by the Aries age and overflow (2916 BC – 732 BC – 1433 AD) and while the momentum from this Aries epoch continues on with its male macho aggressive influence – its days are numbered.  The current Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2148 – 2863) is in the process of overthrowing the vestige influence from the Aries epoch, and the recent strides females have made since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius and Libra age-decan is part of the accelerating Libra influence (which shifted into second gear in 1791).  Libra is even stronger next century (when it shifts into third gear).  In the meantime, we still have leaders in the world mentioning the possibility of using nuclear weapons demonstrating the ongoing legacy of violent Aries.

The Pisces epoch is defined as the Pisces age and overflow (732 BC – 1433 AD – 3574 AD), plus an additional seven centuries at the end (until it hits the might of the Virgo age-decan and especially its overflow around 2,000 years from now).  Pisces is not only the sign of today, it has also passed through about 80% of its time of might and so we know a lot more about the influence of Pisces.  In a nutshell, Pisces is associated with medievalism.  Combine medievalism with the remnant from macho Aries and you have a popular combination for the president of the USA modeled after John Wayne. and a growing number of wannabees around the world such as the UK, Brazil and so on.

No sign is associated with only positive archetypes.  The current Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2148 – 2863) at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius breeds opposition.  This may help explain the developing divide of progressive versus conservatives around the world – but mainly in western society at present as each side of the debate sours with increasing frustration at either lack of progress or too much progress.  Another developing divide is autocratic governments (China, Russia etc) versus the ‘free’ world.  These divides will grow over the coming centuries due to the increase in influence in the Libra age-decan and overflow, especially post 2148 – though the astrology does indicate the possibility of a compromise of sorts.

The currents Libra sub-age and overflow (1970 – 2148 – 2327) is accelerating toward the 2148 high point of the first age-decan in the Age of Aquarius – the Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2148 – 2863).  This suggests that all those science fiction apocalyptic or doom and gloom scenarios that have presented to us about the future are actually the transformation of our current pessimistic outlooks into the future and does not take into account the ‘softening’ of the world social and political situation associated with Libra.  Libra is not associated with austerity or living in caves or ruins of cities in a post-apocalyptic world due to climate change, nuclear war etc.  However, it cannot be absolutely ruled out that Libra will return the world to its garden state because humanity has wiped itself out by nuclear or environmental issues before Libra extends its influence from around 2059 onward.  If we survive, things look much better in the future, if we don’t, the world will improve anyway.

All the above however remains under the long term shift in emphasis from Pisces to Aquarius, and while progressive policies may fluctuate between centuries, it does not change the fundamental outlook that progress is a slow and extremely long term process.  I am sure that in the middle of the next century, progressives will still be gnashing their teeth and conservatives searching for ways to trip them up.  In addition, just to complicate matters, it is absurd to think that all initiatives of progressives or liberals are ‘good’ and that conservative initiatives are bad.  This is an absurd gross oversimplification that would imply that progressives are better people than conservatives.

In my decades of research, I have come to the conclusion that nearly everyone believes they are doing the right thing – and promoting the best policies or outlooks for their family, community, society, nation and world regardless of their political orientation.  It is important to be able to empathize with your political opponents and understand where they are coming from – because your opponent is usually equally sincere in their beliefs as you are.

In the meantime, living in the Age of Techno-Medievalism means that we must deal with a lot of backward and regressive issues due to our early position in Modernity.  There is only so much modernization that can occur in every century, and we will have to realize that the sum total of modernity cannot arrive either in our lifetimes, this century – or even this millennium.

Furthermore, progressive are not anti-medieval and conservatives pro-medieval.  This black and white narrative is incorrect.  Every person, group and country is a mixture of medieval and rational attributes.  The Greens and progressive political parties often demonstrate adherence to medieval values in their pursuit of modern progressive objectives.  A classic example is Greenpeace’s  Rainbow Warrior and its confrontational objectives. Another example is vegans breaking into animal farms and destroying property.   Is it ideal to seek idealistic solutions using yesterdays’ confrontational methods?  Many progressive believe so and indicates how pervasive Pisces medievalism remains out of control in our early 21st century world.

It is not good enough having progressive policies, it is also necessary to be highly conscious in dealing with opponents.  For millennia to come, every Aquarius archetype that appears will be shadowed by Pisces!  We all have the court jester, a knight in white shining armor, witch persecutor or damsel in distress in each of us. Instead of resorting to medieval tribalism, it is far more rational to respect political opponents and to be conscious in any dealings with them.  The views of our conservative opponents are usually a reflection of their gestational social and family environment which is rarely under their control.  A conservative cannot help being a conservative any more than a progressive can help being a progressive.

In conclusion, if you are a frustrated progressive, there is very little you can do to immediately correct all the ills in society other than by voting, expressing your opinions, belonging to groups engage in progressive change, participating in peaceful demonstrations etc with the understanding that progressive policies are very slow in arriving.  On a recent visit by Al Gore to Australia, he stated to the effect that:

‘expected change is much slower in coming than what is expected, but when it does come, it comes much faster than expected’

Despite the need for progressives to be more realistic in the fulfillment of their expectations, what is under our control is our interrelationships with conservative people, institutions and governments and society as a whole.  Gandhi captured the astrology of our times with his non-violent resistance. Non-violence also applies to the nature of our expression and treatment of people that do not agree with us.  The only limit to our personal modernization is ourselves.  Modernity may remain a myth for a long time to come, but our own personal or inner modernization is something we can all work on every day.  The Age of Aquarius is not going to come along and deliver to us a fantasy world on a silver platter where everything is great – that is just a typical Pisces myth.

See my YouTube Channel for more details on macro-astrology and the video of the above p[ost should be available soon.


Peace has Sent a Message of Peace to the World

Is Western Society Due Another Revolution?

The Real Revolution in the USA

The Progressives’ Lament

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

Aquarian Age Myths, Fallacies & Distortions

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Pisces America

Will There be Peace in the Age of Aquarius?


[i] K. J. Christiano, W. H. Swatos and P. Kivisto, Sociology of Religion: Contemporary Developments (Rowman Altamira, 2002), p. 77.

[ii] Modernity. Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:37, September 27, 2019

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

Recently I have been exposed to many people with pessimistic outlooks upon the world.  We know that the world has enough food but yet people are starving.  We know that the world has adequate resources for all yet countless millions live in abject poverty.  We see Donald Trump on TV – and though he has redefined the concept of stupidity, he is an actual contender for the most powerful political position in the world.  And his finger could be on the button!  Will a cascade of intercontinental ballistic nuclear weapons rain down upon an unsuspecting world if he has a bad hair day?  What is also of concern is that over 40% of the American voting public apparently are prepared to vote for him.

Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses a legislative luncheon held as part of the "Road to Majority" conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria - RTX1H57C
Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses a legislative luncheon held as part of the “Road to Majority” conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria – RTX1H57C

This is just a small fraction of all the bad news.  Corporations and governments are facilitating the pollution of our air, water and land to the point that the average person actually must buy pure water to avoid poisoning themselves. Will we have to buy pure oxygen soon due to air pollution? In the Land of the Free (USA), where a greater percentage of the population is imprisoned compared to any other country, they have prisoner ‘sales’ targets whereby governments must ensure that the privatized prisons have at least 90% occupancy. The average prisoner costs the same amount of money to the state as the salary of a teacher.  Despite the trillions spent of the war against terrorists over the last decade or so, the likelihood of a random terrorist attack has increased exponentially many thousands of times.

I am sure that any sane person could spend the rest of their life documenting the ridiculous outcomes of our modern world.  Is modernity a negative concept? Even relatively normal people are expressing concern about where the world is heading.  The general consensus is that the world is like a ball rolling towards the cliff ready to fall over the edge.  This does not inspire optimism or confidence.

The astrology associated with the astrological ages, and specifically our position in the Age of Aquarius, does support the above pessimistic outlook but not the pessimistic outcome.  When we talk about optimism, we usually refer to Sagittarius suggesting that Sagittarius’ opposite sign Gemini is pessimistic.  A superficial examination of Sagittarius and Gemini plus other key signs within the Age of Aquarius reveals the reason for the current desultory outlook by many people, especially in Western Society.

"An Optimist & Pessimist" by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) - Russian painter
“An Optimist & Pessimist” by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) – Russian painter

In contrast to the West, many people in developing nations are not feeling negative or pessimistic as they are currently riding a secondary wave of economic expansion and material prosperity.  Whenever a new age or sub period of an age appears, the focus of new developments is usually focused upon a specific region, center or culture.  This is what occurred with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century which firmly placed a focus upon Western society.  It was Western society that pioneered the new Aquarian age ethos which then spreads out to the rest of the world like the wake of a boat.  This is why Western society has become despondent while other societies are still experiencing the wake of the fading expansionary period.  The new despondent wake will also hit Asia and the rest of the world in the future.

Western society started the modern expansionary economic paradigm with the Industrial Revolution feeding into the worldwide population explosion.  This quiet naturally was associated with the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612-1791-1970) which like a giant wave has swept through the world but spearheaded by mainly Western nations.  The majority of expansion and optimism was experienced in the second half of the wave (1791-1970).

World Manufacturing Graph (1750-1900)

Conversely, Western nations are unwittingly spearheading the drive towards contraction and minimalism but have not yet understood that this is actually happening and that this is not some temporary aberration but will continue for a long time.  The rest of the world is not taking over the reins from Western society, but just catching up, whereupon they will also start their own paths towards contraction, especially with their populations and economic growth. (see All Good Things Must Come to an End for more details)

Though the expansionary Sagittarius wave technically came to an end in 1970, this is not how it works in practice.  Basically the Sagittarius expansionary paradigm continues its momentum until it comes to a barrier. Secondly, near the end of this Sagittarius wave was a Sagittarius micro-age and overflow (1940-1955-1970) with the peak of this smaller wave aligned to the Baby Boomers.  (see Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius) The Baby Boomers are the last hurrah of expansionary Sagittarius as the world plummets into out-of-control economic overdrive and environmental degradation.  The Baby Boomers are like the captain of the Titanic encouraging the sailors to increase speed as they plow towards the iceberg.

The main sign that undermines Sagittarius is Gemini.  Gemini is currently developing as the new sign of our times. After the Sagittarius wave came the wave associated with the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148).  This remains very strong in the world and is part of the reason so many people are feeling vulnerable, sarcastic and desultory – Scorpio has never been known as a cheerful sign … unless you call throwing flower petals on a coffin a pleasant experience.  (see SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1 )

However, following in the wake of the Scorpio wave is the relatively new Libra sub-age (1970-2148), and based on previous sub-ages, its main period of benefit will be in its overflow period commencing in 2148 whereupon it will bring in a mini Golden Age – provided there is anyone left around to enjoy it!  The current Libra sub-age (this is why a female is running for US president in 2016) has three sub-age decans, and the first sub-age decan within the Libra sub-age is the Gemini sub-age decan (1970-2029). Naturally, Gemini will be far stronger in its almost 60 years overflow period commencing in 2029.

Gemini is opposite Sagittarius, and it is this Gemini sub-age that is currently bringing a halt to economic expansionism and optimistic outlook mainly in the Western economies.  Because Gemini is unlucky and pessimistic, it has a tendency to resort to cheating and thieving to gain advantage.  This growing phenomenon is being played out by corporations around the world where each year they discover new means and methods to cheat their customers.  Whereupon a few years ago, airlines discovered they could extract more money from their passengers by supplying a relatively cheap basic service than charging often exorbitant amounts for add-ons, flight changes and so on, this is now spreading like an inferno. In the absence of a strongly expansionary market, businesses are trying to extract more and more from each customer using anyone of a number of devious and nefarious (Gemini) schemes.

This anti-Sagittarius new Gemini reality may be hypnotizing the world with handheld mobile devices, but it is also associated with a pessimistic outlook.  If everything is not expanding crazily, things must be bad!  However, while Gemini may be a new and growing reality, it is not the most important player on the field.  A massive revolution is underway associated with the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) leading to an incredibly strong Libra period.  This Libra period will greatly affect the world for over 700 years commencing in 2148 – introducing the first mini golden age after almost 7,000 years of mainly war and violence.  Naturally, the last 5,000 years of war is associated with the arrival of the Aries age and overflow (2916BC – 732BC – 1433AD).

In the meantime in our cell phone modern world, it seems like a partnership with sour old Scorpio and pessimistic Gemini being the two key players of note.  Scorpio is bringing a smaller and more evolved world but change always grates because society and culture is always aligned to Taurus – the sign of stability. Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus, so all social cultural values have been under attack since 1791, and picking up speed since 1970.   Scorpio is introducing the most unstable of times and people not only dislike instability, they will even fight for their stable cultural-religious values as they dissolve in slow motion before their eyes.  But cultural values will continue to dissolve because Scorpio improves by first pruning the bush then producing new growth which is more appropriate to the times.  The world is mainly in the destructive side of a major metamorphosis.

If you look carefully, there are huge areas of advancement, progress and social evolution in the world today but our minds are more attuned to the disasters and problems when we feel desultory and pessimistic. A steady and growing percentage of Western populations are acknowledging the key role of the environment over short sighted capitalistic practices. Females continue to demand and get greater equality to the point that the most powerful political position in the world is soon to be most likely held by a woman.  Gays are in the process of gaining the right to marry in a growing number of Western nations. Some drugs demonized only a few decades ago are finding increasing support from mainstream society.

However, socio-political-cultural revolutions are painful, and many reactionary elements will do their best to stop the tide from coming in.  Donald Trump is tapping into this reactionary sentiment by many voters who nostalgically prefer the old over the new.   This is also why in the 1960s and 70s so many nations, including Western nations, succumbed to military coups and dictators in place of democracy to prevent progressive change from upsetting their part of the world.  It did not work then, and it will not work now or in the future but it will temporarily re-appear.  The main change to the change occurring in the world is that it will progressively grow stronger and have wider effects and affect more of the world – change is accelerating.  Reactionary elements will also periodically get stronger and try and stop the tide coming in.

So many people get despondent when they realize they will not be around for the mini Golden Age that will arrive mid next century.  There is no need to feel despondent as anyone can be mentally in the Golden Age now, and while the percentage of the population that may already be mentally in the Golden age is a small percentage, this percentage is constantly growing.  More and more people do not want more of the same. (see The Silent Revolution ) Unfortunately, Gemini makes people impatient, and many people are impatient for all the benefits of the Golden Age which cannot fully manifest before midway through next century.

There are important steps along the way towards the mini Golden Age, but the next most important step does not arrive until 2059 – but a preview will appear next decade.  What will happen around 2059?  In western society at least, about 20% of the population will be environmentally friendly and attuned to progressive political and cultural agendas compared to about 10% at present.  20% is the tipping point and research indicates that once 20% of the population has turned to a different direction, they have far greater influence upon society than what should be expected from only 20% of the population.  However, by the mid 22nd century, this 20% becomes 50%.

Finally, there is also very good news hidden behind the turmoil and angst of the modern world.  Of all the signs, Scorpio is the sign most aligned to inner reality or inner Truth.  This means that one of the greatest opportunities in the world today under Scorpio is to find or discover the inner reality that underpins life, the universe and everything.  Scorpio indicates change and turmoil in the external world but actively promotes the benefits of the inner world and the Truth available from going inside.  If truth and ultimate reality are important to you, then you have hit the jackpot for the time you live in.  Search for it because, among other considerations, the astrology is on your side for success in this endeavor.  It is also more fulfilling than complaining and watching the world seemingly go down the gurgler.

There is an old concept associated with the lotus.  While the lotus expresses beauty and enlightenment, it also usually grows in a smelly putrid swamp.  At this point of history, we definitely get the swamp, but we can also have the lotus.  Many ancient and modern seers have stated that they were distracted from smelling the putrid swamp when dazzled by the lotus.

Further Reading

Age of Aquarius for Dummies

Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Will New Agers Rule the World?

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

Aquarian Age Myths, Fallacies & Distortions

© Terry MacKinnell 2008, 2016 Under the Berne Convention

Why do people project Pisces’ archetypes onto the Age of Aquarius?  Most astrologers claim that Jesus commenced the Pisces age and most people believe the Age of Aquarius commenced in the 1960s and 70s.  However how can both these facts be true if ages are at least 2150 years in length?  Most projections of what we can expect in the Age of Aquarius is a paradisiacal age free from all the problems that have encumbered the world in recent millennia.  Are your Aquarian friends perfect?  Do they stand out as superior to the other 12 signs of the zodiac?  Why should the Age of Aquarius be more positive than any other age?

The Age of Aquarius has become an urban legend ever since the theatrical production of Hair proclaimed “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius ….”  Most newspapers and comments on blogs clearly relate the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to the 1960’s and 70’s when Hair first appeared.  Many people are so disappointed with the direction the world has taken since those inspiring times (for some) of the 60’s and 70’s to the point where the sentiment has become `where is the goddamned Age of Aquarius anyway?’  Some journalists even state that the Age of Aquarius was a 20 year phenomenon applying only the 1960s and 70s and has now died an ignoble death.

This is a poster for the musical Hair.

While people are ready to accept an Aquarian age commencing in the 60’s and 70’s as a fait accompli, rarely does anyone check the sources of such claims about the Aquarian age.  The song’s lyrics contain the following:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
and Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

While it is certainly melodious, from an astrological perspective it is absolute nonsense.  The position of the moon in the seventh house, eleventh house or any house has no relationship in any way with the Age of Aquarius.  Jupiter aligns with Mars (i.e. a conjunction) every couple of years or so and this has no relationship to the Age of Aquarius either.  There is no reason why the Aquarius song should maintain astrological integrity due to poetic license.  However this poetic license has continued unabated in the general public’s perception and many astrologers of this urban legend.

The above stanza is followed by the following lyrics. In addition, I have underlined the key word or words in each line and assign them the astrological sign that is most commonly associated with the word or phrase.  The following is the result:

Then peace will guide the planets  – Libra
And love will steer the stars  – Libra

Harmony and understanding  –  Libra, Gemini?
Sympathy and trust abounding  – Pisces, Pisces
Golden living dreams of visions  – LeoPisces
Mystic crystal revelation  – Pisces, Pisces, Pisces
And the mind’s true liberation  – Aquarius?
As our hearts go beating through the night  – Leo
We dance unto the dawn of day  – Pisces
To be the bearers of the water  – Aquarius
Our light will lead the way  – Leo
We are the spirit of the age of Aquarius  – Pisces
Angelic illumination  – Pisces
Rising fiery constellation  – Aries
Travelling our starry courses
Guided by the cosmic forces  – 
Oh, care for us; Aquarius  – Pisces

Removing repetitive choruses and lines the archetypal information that the song is telling us indicates 11 instances of Pisces, Libra 3, Leo 3, Aquarius 2, Aries 1 and Gemini 1.  Of the 21 instances from the above lyrics that can be related to astrological archetypes, 52% relate to Pisces and 10% to Aquarius.  Even if some of the above archetypal assignations are incorrect, much the same result of a great focus upon Pisces remains.

The lyrics to a song, like poetry, can engage in poetic license.  Poetic license has definitely occurred in the song Aquarius because only 10% of it is directed towards Aquarius while over half is directed to Pisces.  So why is a song that is directed at the Age of Aquarius full of Pisces metaphors?

This issue has an extra edge as the Age of Aquarius follows the age of Pisces.  On a simplistic level what this song indicates is that our collective view of the new Aquarian age is so corrupted by our entrenched Pisces sensibilities which will not allow us to accurately project Aquarius.  When we wish to project Aquarius we project Pisces. Why, because in the first half of the Age of Aquarius at least, the momentum from the Pisces age is stronger than Aquarius which is the new kid on the block and has not yet had time to age and mature.

The poetic license that exists in Aquarius does not end with this song.  It has continued unabated over the last three and a half decades with the result that over half the projections of the new Aquarian age actually describe Pisces.  Though anecdotal, my observation is that over 90% of the projections of the Aquarian age relate to Pisces.

For example, take the following excerpt was obtained online in 2008:

 This millennium came in with great expectation. Many people thought it was a new age that would usher in the age of Aquarius, the water bearer and the bearer of spirituality. As a result of this transformation the foundational western belief, dualism, would be shaken and give way to a more holistic approach to living. Spirituality would be available to everyone experientially and we would all be enlightened. Perhaps this will happen, but when we take a look around the world right now it’s obvious that it really hasn’t happened yet.[i]

The underlined text in the above is those keywords that draw upon Pisces archetypes.  In other words, this writer’s expectations of the Age of Aquarius is that it will bring in a Pisces paradise, but paradise belongs to Pisces, not Aquarius.

Another excellent example along the same theme is provided by (sic) theeKultleeder  in 2008 – the underlining of Pisces archetypes are mine:

 Some New Age adherents explicitly describe the new age as a return to paradisiacal Eden —…  Joel Kramer, in Yoga Journal 1980-Jan, wrote “In the mid-Sixties, many people believed that we were on the verge of an exciting and glorious new age in human evolution. The popular song, ‘Aquarius,’ captured the spirit …. , Many of us naively expected the human race to smoothly and quickly cultivate the earth into a new Eden.” In a poem titled “Age of Aquarius”, a New Age adherent named Cecil Hickman wrote in 2005-Feb: “A future to dream, we live in peace and love. / Glorious time for all of Earths humankind, / Eden reborn as promised from our Lord above. […] United as a planet, love will live, prejudice cease. […][ii] 

In the above peace and love and United as a planet, love will live evoke Libra.

The greatest myth of the Aquarian age is that it will bring in a Pisces paradise with a strong support from Libra.

Another typical example is the following from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:

  So, now a New Age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius, meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of Kundalini.[iii]

Spirituality is Pisces likewise all psychic phenomena and subtle forces such as Kundalini.

It is a fascinating that most comments, statements and expectations about the Age of Aquarius promote Pisces.  I am not the only astrologer to notice this extreme contradiction but the momentum of misinformation about the Pisces-colored Age of Aquarius is so strong that it continues like a never ending tragic soap opera – Pisces also rules tragic soap operas!  Occasionally someone refers to Aquarius archetypes in their projection of the Age of Aquarius, but they are a small minority.

Wolf in Sheep Clothing

The upshot of this is it is more likely than not that anything anyone states about the Aquarian age is pure (Pisces) myth.  The unfortunate repercussion of the myth-laden Age of Aquarius is that the misinformation spread about the Aquarian age prevents people from really seeing the Aquarian age in its own right.  Visualize an Pisces wolf in an Aquarian clothing – this is the situation today with the urban myths spread about the Age of Aquarius.  The Aquarian age does not need to recreate the mythical Garden of Eden to be a great age.  The Aquarian age does not require the comical spectacle of humanity all being enlightened – who will collect the garbage?  The Aquarian age can stand on its own feet and display its self-esteem about its Aquarian archetypes that will predominate in the Age of Aquarius. However, of all the signs, Aquarius is the sign of lowest self-esteem as its opposite sign, Leo, vacuums up self-esteem by the spade full leaving scant remnants for Aquarius.

The poetic license associated with the Age of Aquarius is so strong that probably in excess of 90% of everything ever stated about the Age of Aquarius is poetic license.  In other words, if a concept about the Aquarian age sounds good – it must be true!  This approach has not only been maintained by the general public, but also by most astrologers.

Why has this situation come about?  It is very simple really.  The astrological fraternity has not a clue about the Age of Aquarius.  Charles Carter, a leading 20th century British astrologer, stated:

It is probable that there is no branch of Astrology upon which more nonsense has been poured forth than the doctrine of the precession of the equinoxes

Note: precession of the equinoxes is the astronomical source for the ages such as the Age of Aquarius. All astrology has an astronomical source.  In the case of the astrological ages, precession of the equinoxes means that the Earth spins like a top but wobbles.  This wobble creates a 26,000 year cycle which when divided by 12, allows for the creation of 12 ages per cycle at a little over 2,000 years per age.

It is this total lack of clarity amongst astrologers referred to by Charles Carter that has created a knowledge vacuum about the Age of Aquarius.  In this vacuum poetic license has filled the gap.  So what is the solution to this mixed-up urban myth?  The only solution is that nothing should be believed about the Aquarian age (or any other age) unless some proof is tendered that a reasonably intelligent person can understand.  Unless some proof is tendered it is more likely than not that anything anyone states about the Aquarian age is pure myth or fallacies even though the astrologers peddling such misinformation are well intentioned – another Pisces archetype!

The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s

Another commonly stated myth about the Aquarian age is that it commenced in the 1960’s or ’70s.  Blogs from one end of the world to the other repeatedly discuss the arrival of the Aquarian age in those rebellious and drug-fueled times.  Just because the musical Hair proclaimed that `this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…’ does not make it so.  If all the people in the world jumped up and down in unison declaring this is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius could not care less, even if everyone sang it in key!

When it comes to the Aquarian age, astrologers want to eat their cake and keep it.  The most common statement on the subject, from those few research astrologers that examine the ages, is that the previous age, the Age of Pisces, arrived with the birth of Jesus Christ.  Pisces is the sign of two fish.  Since early times Christians preferred the fish symbol for Christianity, so astrologers behave like Homer Simpson and say

Homer Simpson

d’oh – Jesus must have started the Pisces age

However if Jesus commenced the Pisces age, the earliest the Aquarian age can arrive is around 2150.  Why?  Because the cycle of ages takes approximately 26,000 years to make one revolution therefore each age appears for approximately 2150 years each.  If the Pisces age commenced with Jesus then the Aquarian age cannot commence before approx. 2150.

Furthermore, some astrologers actually believe that the length of an age is taken literally from the size of the zodiacal constellations along the zodiac.  For example, the constellation of Pisces is much larger than normal, so therefore the Pisces age must be even longer than 2,150 years.

The problem with the Aquarian age arriving in the middle of the 22nd century is how to explain all the Aquarian developments in the world today.  Such Aquarian developments include electricity, computers, flight, space travel and democracy.  What do these have to do with the Pisces age?

To get around this awkward question the solution is easy – just state that we are approaching the cusp of the Pisces and Aquarian ages, and at the cusp there is a blurring of the two influences.  Unfortunately no experienced astrologer to my knowledge has ever experienced cusps.  Cusps are an urban myth popular with those members of the general public with a little knowledge of astrology and with novice astrologers who do not know any better.  In over three decades of studying astrology, I have never encountered a factual explanation of cusps that justify their existence nor heard from any experienced astrologer that cusps have any validity.

The above is a good demonstration of irrationality at work.  When no justification for the arrival of the Aquarian age before 2150 can be supplied, astrologers have invented a solution that no one has proved or can substantiate.  In past times this is called `building your house on sand rather than rock’.  The house is going to fall down if built upon the sand. Cusps are made of sand.

What else is sand here – something very simple and totally overlooked?   There is no doubt that Christianity has a relationship with Pisces.  Pisces shares the fish symbol with Christianity and Pisces is also associated with mysticism and mystical religions, and religions based on salvation.  But the BIG question is, why should the Pisces age begin with the arrival of the avatar of Western culture?  Who said that ages must begin with a famous person?  What about Buddha, why could not the Pisces age be already in place when Buddha was alive around six centuries earlier?

The whole mess of an Aquarian age not arriving before 2150 is dependent on the unsubstantiated assumption that Jesus began the Pisces age.  When I have confronted some astrologers about this anomaly their eyes turn blank and their aura recedes because astrologers are not accustomed to think about the ages in general and the Aquarian age in particular.  Astrologers are deep thinkers, but not when it comes to the ages.  The astrological age topic is that one area in astrology where astrologers can dream up all manner of unsubstantiated nonsense and pretend it is true.   If this is how astrologers behave, no wonder the urban myths on the Aquarian age are in La-La-land.

If the Aquarian age arrived, say at 1970, then the Pisces age should have arrived at around 181 BC (1970 AD – 2150 = 181 BC).  What happened around 181 BC to indicate a major historical shift in gears?  Nothing!  There is no reason to believe that the Pisces age arrived around 181 BC.  However this does not mean that 181 BC was not in the Pisces age.

The upshot of all this is that from a simplistic and obvious point of view the Age of Aquarius has arrived.  What have ipods, cell phones, large-screen LCD TVs, super-jumbo jets, Facebook and blogs got to do with Pisces?  What astrologers have failed to recognize here is that unless astrology ‘works’ it is useless.  Unless the ages ‘work’ why even refer to them.  If the evidence suggests that the Aquarian age has arrived, why not investigate this to discover the real truth about the ages in general and the Age of Aquarius in particular?  Why not look at the evidence and avoid the idle and unfounded speculation?

Will the Age of Aquarius Solve the Problems of the World?

What is it about the Aquarian age that makes many people feel history will go against itself and create a problem-free age?  Has there ever been a problem-free age?  Perhaps every time the Age of Aquarius turns up around every 26,000 years the world takes a sabbatical from wars, violence, anger, catastrophes and natural disasters and creates a totally different age compared to all the other ages?

As ridiculous as this sounds, there is an element of truth to this concept.  Of all the twelve zodiacal signs, Aquarius is the one sign that is the different, radical or eccentric sign.  In other words Aquarius behaves very differently to the other eleven zodiacal signs.  Therefore if Aquarius behaves very different to the other signs, and if historically the other ages are full of problems, logic says that in the Aquarian age it should not have these problems.  Unfortunately this is faulty logic.

The reason that the logic is faulty is that it can be very different in the Aquarian age compared to other ages, but continue to be full of major problems, or problems of a very different nature.  How about this for a different kind of major problem – in this age, for the first time in history, the world may be destroyed or severely affected by humans due to the use of their nuclear arsenal or from the effects of pollution. Have humans previously been capable of destroying the world?

There is another way of approaching the difference associated with the Aquarian age compared to other ages.  If the difference is so fundamental between the sign of Aquarius and the other eleven zodiacal signs represented in the astrological ages then we should also see this with people. Have you noticed that Aquarians stand out from other people as being problem-free or saint-like?  If you have then you must know some incredibly rare Aquarian.  There is no evidence whatsoever that Aquarians are problem-free or better than the other signs.  The great people of the world are not overly represented by Aquarius, if they are then this would be one of the greatest secrets in astrology!

Unless there is some evidence to suggest that Aquarius is better than the other eleven zodiacal signs there is no reason to believe that the Aquarian age will be better than any other age.  If the Aquarian age is not better than any other age then why would the world be problem-free in the Age of Aquarius?

The world is very different in this Aquarian age to date compared to the known historical events of any other age.  No other age has seen the human population anywhere near current levels.  In no other age could humans light up the world at night (with Aquarius electricity) so that it is observable from space.  In no other age could some people fly, watch TV and have all the labor savings devices available in this modern Age of Aquarius.  In no other age has any human walked on the Moon.

What is noticeable to date from the Aquarian age is that the benefits seem much greater compared to previous ages and the problems see much greater compared to earlier ages.  This in itself satisfies the Aquarian archetype that it must be somehow fundamentally different to other ages.

The Age of Aquarius is not going to save the world.  The Age of Aquarius is not going to raise your consciousness.  The future of the world depends upon the sum of all the people in the world.  It is what all the people in the world do that will make things happen.  Judging by its track record to date, the problems and benefits in the Age of Aquarius will be much greater than previous.  However, there is every reason to believe from the evidence provided by astrology that in this age of uncertainty, there is a much higher chance than normal that the world is heading for a mini-golden age associated with the Libra age-decan of the Age of Aquarius that will be firmly in place by around the middle of the next century (the 22nd century). See  A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making



Hair poster – By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26559170

Beware the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by Sam Phillips – http://samphillips.co.nz/wolf-in-sheep-s-clothing-tattoo-print/

Homer Simpson – By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7781941


[i] http://test.proshopsale.com/2008/03/08/the-greatest-teacher-is-nature-and-you/ but no longer available?

[ii] http://spelunkingtheeideosphere.blogspot.com/2008/03/unearthing-religious-and-new-age.html but no longer available?

[iii] http://www.adishakti.org/age_of_aquarius.htm

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 1

The astrological ages behave like mighty ocean waves. Each age-wave mimics each other age-wave, in shape, size and velocity, but the variation is in the archetypes associated with each wave.  Each wave brings a different set of archetypes with it.  The problem with astrological ages is that they are spaced around 2,150 years apart and very few people can contextualize a series of historical currents separated from each other by 2,150 years.

Dividing an age into three equal parts creates age-decans with each age-decan in the order of around 700 years may be slightly more palatable, but the time spans involved are still taxing for most people.  Sub-ages of around 179 years each may be a little more familiar to many people as most people have some kind of familiarity with the Renaissance followed by the Age of Maritime Exploration with the Scientific Age closely on its heel.  Next came the Industrial Revolution leading to the worldwide population explosion, followed by the Atomic Age and now we have the desultory period of post-modernism.  Sub-ages enter the realm of relative familiarity.

In the same way that ages can be divided into three decans, so can sub-ages.  It is my observation that the smaller sub-age decans of approximately 60 years is the most palatable way for most people to relate to history because 60 years approaches the average span of life.  The normal person will have personal experience of at least two sub-age decans over the course of their life, and the cultural remembrance of the sub-age decan experienced by their parents or grandparents is so strong, that a third sub-age becomes almost as real as the two that are directly experienced.  For Baby Boomers at least, they have direct experience of the Scorpio sub-age decan, the current Gemini sub-age decan, with handed down tales of the Pisces sub-age decan of their grandparents, supplemented with the movies of the 1930s we saw as kids on TV.  Younger generations may be too removed from the Pisces sub-age decan, but they should assimilate the arrival of the coming Aquarian sub-age decan in 2029!

These 60 years sub-ages are not only understandable by most people due to their direct experience, they also seem to dictate the geopolitical reality of the world that sits upon the collective expectations and reality of the world’s population.  The sub-ages provide a structure to analyze what can be expected to occur in the current 21st century.  The 21st century is mainly focused upon the Gemini sub-age decan (1970-2029) followed by the Aquarius sub-age decan (2029 – 2089).  These two sub-ages are the first two of three sub-ages of the Libra sub-age (1970-2148).  The funny thing is that the current 21st century will be ‘milder’ than last century and next century.

Before delving into the sub-age decans of the current 21st century (2001 to 2100) it is important to place the 21st century into context.  The 21st century sits between the 20th and 22nd centuries.  The 21st century is not only bookended by each of these two centuries but also dwarfed by each of them.  The 20th and 22nd centuries are far more powerful than the current 21st century.  This can be readily explained.

The 20th and 22nd centuries each have a sub-age cusp located within them whereas the 21st century lacks such an event.  The Scorpio sub-age came to an end in 1970, and the current Libra sub-age will truncate in 2148.  Each of these cusps can be viewed as the crest of their respective waves.  The wave associated with a sub-age is the third strongest of all the waves, and is only exceeded by the age-decans’ and age cusps’ waves. In a superficial analysis, the fact that the current 21st century has no wave of the size of a sub-age cusp may indicate that it is a ‘lessor’ century.  This may or may not be the case because approximately every second century lacks a sub-age cusp.  Since 1000 AD, the 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th centuries all lacked a sub-age cusp.  It is very possible that each of these centuries were subordinate to the centuries that did contain a sub-age cusp.  A superficial examination of all the centuries since 1000 AD in Wikipedia does qualitatively support this notion but even if true, it is probably a moot point.

So while our 21st century is bereft of a sub-age cusp, it sits directly under the path of the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) which in essence is like a tsunami passing over a hapless world. Scorpio does not bring peace or security but disaster and regeneration.  Scorpio is not the sign of war, but it is the sign of terrorism and terrorists. It is the sign of underground criminal networks and disenchanted individuals willing to die for whatever cause.  It is the sign of vulnerability where despite statistical indications to the contrary, people feel that crime, death from war and violence and premature death is occurring more frequently. Scorpio is also the sign of debt, so instead of countries being rated on their gold reserves, they are rated on their debt level.  People use credit cards instead of cash.  The recent GFC was extremely painful for many who had borrowed heavily to fund their stock portfolios.

However, the great scourge associated with the Scorpio wave that peaked in 1970 and is now washing over the world is pollution. Some astrologers have a problem with pollution being associated with Scorpio, but in reality, pollution is the excrement of our modern enlightened society and associated economy.  Many people fear the advent of the Third World War, but the scourge of this century is not a world war but something that has the potential to be just as deadly.  Of course atomic bombs and nuclear power stations are ruled by Scorpio, and their proliferation since the arrival of the Scorpio sub-age decan overflow in 1970 plus some of the nuclear accidents that have occurred to date, strongly suggest that nuclear radiation contamination is also in the hand of cards now being played.  Fukishima again demonstrated our increasing vulnerability to nuclear accidents.

Not everything is dark and gloomy with Scorpio, after all, sex is a strong Scorpio archetype. The Sexual Revolution unleashed in the 1960s and 70s aligned to the peak of the Scorpio wave has fundamentally changed western society and continues to ripple out to the rest of the world. The arrival of legalized gay marriage in some regions of the western world demonstrates that the Scorpio wave of sexual liberation is showing no signs of faltering.  Even Muslim countries like Malaysia have recently allowed their gays to come out of the closet while more backward nations have strengthened their anti-homosexuality laws – but the focus remains on Scorpio.

Is Scorpio a doom-laden gloomy sign compared to most other signs? This is a matter of perspective.  Certainly a key attribute of Scorpio is its death-rebirth nature.  On the one hand this breeds born-again Christians (and seemingly born-again Muslims) but on a more significant perspective, it indicates a time of renewal following a breakdown.  Is the world breaking down?  Is it renewing?

I recently had the fortunate experience of attending the 2014 Ubud Writers & Readers Festival in Bali.  This was not the first time I had attended one of these festivals in Bali, but it was the first for a few years.  It is a great place to feel which direction the wind is blowing.  The almost unanimous consensus by the writers, intellectual s and attendees was that the direction the world is heading is wrong.  Specifically the economic paradigm introduced or forced upon the rest of the world by powerful western nations (since the arrival of the Pisces age overflow in the 15th century) benefits the minority rich at the expense of the vast majority of the world population.  The accumulation of wealth by a few is disproportionate to the number of extremely poor people in the world.  Furthermore, the environmental degradation of the world is a direct consequence of this unquenchable quest for wealth by those who basically are already wealthy in relative terms.

In contrast to chasing wealth, many people at the festival expressed the need to find value from non-materialistic aspects in life.  This was probably best expressed by Keibo Oiwa from Japan who is a cultural anthropologist, film-maker, environmental activist, public speaker and the author of over 50 books.  His slogan for the future was the need to be ‘slower, smaller and simpler’. He received much applause.  Thus we are seeing the dawn of a new perspective on the modern world, one not focused upon wealth and power but upon quality and happiness.  No one was calling for the destruction of capitalism but the sentiment was that capitalism will have to be house-trained.

Keibo Oiwa is not alone, and ever since the 1960s and 70s there has been a small but growing number of people attempting to live an alternative lifestyle or opting out of the money-centric world of extreme capitalism that we now find ourselves in.  Is the shopping mall a sign of progress?  One Balinese teacher complained how her youthful students were totally focused upon what we would call junk-food, because in their eyes, cool people overseas ate rubbish at McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the like – anyone with a white skin was considered cool.  It seems that humans are like chimpanzees that want to mimic each other.

This alternative urge towards house-trained capitalism and quality of life over wealth will be a growing phenomenon of the current 21st century but for a while, this new movement will be dwarfed by terrorism, epidemics, failed states, criminal gangs, tyrannical leaders and megalomaniac states but this does not mean a rebirth is not in progress.  According to Malcolm Gladwell, author of “The Tipping Point”, it only takes about 20% of the population to move towards a new idea, trend, or social behavior which then crosses a threshold and spreads like wildfire.  Already in Australia, about 10% on average of the voting population vote Green in every election.  How many decades until this figure is 20%?

The work is certainly cut out for the world in the 21st century, but any examination of the two centuries that sandwich the 21st century suggests that while change is imminent, due to the Scorpio wave passing over the whole of this century, the level of destruction or chaos that will be experienced in the 21st century is limited. The destructive influence on both the 20th and 21st centuries are much greater compared to the 21st century.  We have already passed through the 20th century, and survived, and the inherent problems in the 21st century should not be as great, despite contemporary society’s pessimism.  A funny thing about the present 21st century is that it should be ‘milder’ on humanity compared to the previous 20th century.

Relevant time periods:

Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148)

Libra sub-age and overflow (1970-2148-2327)

  • Gemini sub-age decan (1970-2029)
  • Aquarius sub-age decan (2028-2089)
Figure 5 – the subage decans of the Libra subage
The sub-age decans of the Libra sub-age


All ages and sub-periods behave like a wave in the shape of a bell curve.  When any period commences, it is at its weakest point, and steadily build in strength to its apogee at the end of its period.  It then breaks like a wave and washes over the following period like a wave in what is called its ‘overflow’.  Research indicates that the sign associated with any period appears stronger in the overflow period.  For example the Scorpio sub-age was 1791 to  1970 but Scorpio will appear to diversify much further in its overflow period compared to its period proper. A funny thing about the present 21st century is that it should be ‘milder’ on humanity compared to the previous 20th century.

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SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited Part 2 – Nuclear Issues

In my 2006 article:  SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times  published in the Astrological Monthly Review (Vol. 68, No. 11, November 2006, pgs 27-31) I stated:

“The world has arrived at another hotspot which stretches from 2005 to 2015 but the most potent time is between 2010 and 2015.  Already some early indicators of Scorpio’s increased presence is making itself felt.  One of the most noticeable aspects is a new concerted push to expand nuclear energy production.  Australia, the major supplier of uranium in the world, is moving towards increasing the number of mines and production and possibly even introducing nuclear reactors into Australia.  Other nuclear developments are North Korea’s claim in 2005 that it had developed a nuclear bomb and the belief in 2006 that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon.  If the last Scorpio hot spot is any guide, some nuclear calamity due to aggression or accident may be around the corner, especially between 2010 and 2015.”

The key nuclear issue (to date) associated with the current Scorpio hotspot is the Japanese disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant following the tsunami in March 2011.  Until this accident, the current Scorpio hotspot had seen a sharp revival of interest in building more nuclear reactors around the world to a level not seen for decades (since the previous Scorpio hotspot).  Currently 60 nuclear plants are under construction – with the majority in Asia and many existing plants are being upgraded.  The plants in operation in 2009 provided 15% of the world’s electricity. 155 nuclear reactors are in the planning stage with another 320 proposed.[1]  As one adverse aspect of this new push towards nuclear energy, the German government suffered some serious political humiliation early in 2011, after the Japanese tsunami, due to its strong promotion of nuclear power prior to the Japanese accident. Japan naturally has put on hold plans to expand its nuclear energy. In my 2006 article I stated that the current Scorpio hotspot would see

“…. a new concerted push to expand nuclear energy production”.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster may not be the only “accident” in this period.  Apart from some other similar nuclear accident, there is also the possibility of a dirty bomb or increased threats to use nuclear weapons by rogue states.  We are not out of the woods yet.  With the increased fervour to build many more nuclear reactors, there will be the increased chance in the future that further accidents will occur for the same reason that no matter how safe new jet passenger airlines are constructed, some will still crash!  One key time for future nuclear accidents will be the next Scorpio hotspot due in 2059 to 2069 with the most potent time 2064 to 2067.

Of course, the desire to produce electricity by nuclear power is driven by the needs of an energy hungry world trying to cut its addiction to carbon-based power stations and their attendant pollution.  The real solution, supported by the sign, Scorpio – the sign of our times, is that the world’s population needs to drastically decrease, people need to consume far less and there should be a greater reliance upon sustainable power sources. The vested commercial interests, generally represented by the conservative political parties and therefore supported by an enormous number of the general public around the world, believe that the sustainable approach to ecology will have a disastrous effects upon the capitalistic world economy.

The sustainable ecological approach will be fiercely resisted until people are dropping due to the adverse effects of pollution.  And even at this point there is no guarantee that the moneyed class and supporting political apparatus will effectively respond when people start dying from pollution.  China is giving us a preview of this now.  By 2009, it was estimated that air and water pollution was prematurely killing 2 million people a year in the world, with at least 656,000 of these in China and over 500,000 in India.[2]  In 2007 China suppressed the release of a report on this problem for fear on inciting social unrest.[3]  This is the coming reality for much of the world. It reminds me of some graffiti I use to observe in Sydney in the last Scorpio hotspot (1960s-70s)

“mutate now, avoid the rush”.

The strong Scorpio flavour at our part in the Aquarian age suggest that the world will continue on down its current path until it goes past the point of no return, and then try and rectify the situation when most of the calamity has occurred or the damage is mainly irreversible.  This dire forecast however is offset by another astrological reality that will commence to unfold in the world at an increased level from around 2029 onwards.  From 2029 onwards, the astrological energy shifts to ‘anti-expansion’ due to a Gemini sub-age decan overflow (2029 – 2089).

Therefore there will be two opposing forces in the world for most of the 21st century.  On the one-hand, the expansionary overflow from the Sagittarius sub-age decan and overflow (1612–1791–1970), that is linked to the Industrial Revolution and world-wide population explosion, will meet its opposite sign, Gemini at its peak power from 2029 onwards. In association with the frugal and contracting archetypal nature of the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148), the world should see the brakes consistently applied beginning 2029. The tensions between these expansionary and contracting archetypal energies will define most of the rest of this century.  There are early precursors to this evolving situation now (see When Will the World Slow Down? )

One of the reasons why the world is so ineffective in taking a stance against the coming peril of climate change due to extreme pollution is that the first third of the Aquarian age is ruled by the Libran age-decan (1433 – 2148), with Libra building in tempo as it approaches its highpoint in 2148 whereupon it should reign triumphant.  Libra promotes ease and comfort – including all the modern labour-saving conveniences that are available since the Industrial Revolution.  Libra is also anti-war but lacks will and decisiveness.  So it is easier to feed the world cheap consumer goods (often from the heavily polluted factories) rather than promote frugality, anti-consumption and sustainability.  This wishy washy approach to climate change will seriously “bite” the world in the coming decades.

So while the world remains in the current Scorpio hotspot until 2015, and especially strong until 2012, we must expect the strong possibility that either another nuclear incident will occur, or that the medium-term effect of the Fukushima nuclear plant incident will reverberate around the world truncating the rising demand for nuclear power.  This may be wishful thinking as commercial interests do not like being blocked from securing future profits.

This part 2 blog on revisiting Scorpio, the Sign of the Times, is part of a series that will update that 2006 published article with a strong focus upon the prime concepts associated with Scorpio:

  • Revolution and general instability
  • tyrants with their cruelty
  • terrorists
  • spiritual regeneration
  • death, assassinations and murder
  • waste products from any process, which naturally includes sewage and pollution
  • atomic energy and bombs
  • almost everything associated with sex
  • taxes and debt (including credit cards)
  • underground criminal organisations
  • spy networks
  • minimalism

In Part 1 of this series I concentrated upon tyrants and revolution.  When I commenced writing this series I was aware that ‘assassination and death’ (included in the list of above Scorpio archetypes) seemed under represented.  However the recent assassination of Osama bin Laden by American forces in Pakistan has corrected this situation. This event has multiple Scorpio archetypes attached to it – terrorism, revolutionary leader, assassination, spy networks (CIA and the Pakistan intelligence service) and finally an undercover operation resulting in bin Laden’s death.  Assassinations and death will be explored later in this series.  The next blog in this series will be part 3 on the Scorpio activities of taxes and debt – which has also recently risen significantly in stature as the US faces its many trillions of burgeoning debt.

Continue: SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited Part 3 – Taxes & Debt

[1]Plans For New Reactors Worldwide”, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf17.html, downloaded 22 April 2010

[2] Kevin Holden Platt in Beijing, China, “Chinese Air Pollution Deadliest in World, Report Says”, for National Geographic News, July 9, 2007, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070709-china-pollution.html, downloaded 22 April 2010

[3] Clifford Coonan in Beijing , “China ‘suppressed report on pollution deaths’”, 4 July 2007, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-suppressed-report-on-pollution-deaths-455834.html, downloaded 22 April 2010

How will we be judged?

….. or to be more precise, how will our contemporary modern world be judged in one thousand years time?

I was inspired to write this blog after partially watching an interesting TV documentary Life After People.[1] This documentary explores the fictional notion that somehow all of humanity suddenly disappears, leaving the world intact as it is today but minus human beings.  Without humans, everything begins to decay.  Termites begin chewing through the wooden structures, iron rusts and vegetation takes over. Even concrete ‘dissolves’ as modern concrete is not as sturdy as the ancient concrete employed by the ancient Romans (and modern concrete produces far more pollution than Roman concrete).  In about 1,000 year’s time, there is virtually nothing left – except for ancient monoliths such as the Egyptian pyramids.

This documentary contrasted ancient monuments and modern construction techniques.  Modern construction materials are not orientated for longevity. Without constant rebuilding or intense maintenance, most of our constructed modern world will quickly deteriorate.  In stark contrast, the pyramids have lasted over 4,000 years, and many of ancient Rome’s impressive building remain available for tourists to visit. These remnant Egyptian monuments are likely to last for many more thousands of years.

The contrast between ancient Egypt and the modern world has an underlying astrological connection.  Ancient Rome was the empire of the Taurus age.[2]  The modern world currently is the product of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow[3] (of the Aquarian age). Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs!  Therefore what is strong in a Taurean period is weak in a Scorpio period (and vice versa).  When we think of ancient Egypt we think of grand pyramids, the Sphinx and massive rock facades on valley walls – plus the aroma of incense, essential oils and freshly baked bread ….. and other sensual delights.  Ancient Egypt was Taurus made manifest.  There will be no other time in the world where Taurus will be as strong, as when ancient Egypt thrived, for round about another 19,000 years.  So despite the modern technological revolution, it is unlikely any society over the next 19,000 will produce a society that leaves so many archaeological epitaphs for many thousands of years compared to ancient Egypt.  Egypt has set the benchmark for a long time!

We automatically conclude that our modern world is superior to what came before.  However the astrology of the ages indicates otherwise.  For example, why hasn’t the contemporary modern world with vastly greater population produced a better poet than Shakespeare?  Why aren’t modern classical composers superior in quality and quantity compared to the classical musicians from a couple of centuries ago?  The answer is very simple.  At various times over the course of the Great Year (some 26,000 years long), there are twelve astrological ages, and these ages indicate a peak of archetypal energy associated with the zodiacal sign of the astrological age.  For example the Aries age and overflow (2916 BC – 1433 AD) indicates a peak time for war and violence.  Despite the fact nothing in the past is of the magnitude of the two world wars of the 20th century,[4] the person who conquered more of the Eurasian land mass than anyone prior or later is Genghis Khan (c.1162–1227 AD).  This occurred under the influence of Aries and is unlikely to be repeated until around another 23,000 years when the world enters the next Aries age.  The sub-ages of ages also demonstrate this same trait. 

The modern world is a passing experience – and it does not mean that the modern world is superior to all of what came before.  From the perspective of the Scorpio age and overflow (1791 – 2148 AD) within the Aquarian age, that has produced much of what we recognize as the contemporary modern world, certain developments that are archetypally associated with Scorpio will set benchmarks that should withstand the next 2,000 years.[5]  What are these Scorpio benchmarks?  These include the internet, genetic engineering and all its spin-offs including GM foods, the sexual revolution, abortion, nuclear power and weapons, national and personal debt, loans, credit cards, tyrants (Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc), pollution, recycling, revolutions, underground criminal networks (e.g. the Mafia, Triad etc) and unseen forces such as insecurity and spiritual regeneration  – to name a few. The appearance of these Scorpio archetypes will withstand the winds of change for quiet some time. 

It is possible to predict the next peak of human activity based on the slow movement of the ages.  Of the twelve sub-ages (approx 179 years each) that exist within each astrological age, sub-ages can be broken down into three sub-age decans (of approximately 60 years each).  The Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2074 with its peak period 2029 – 2074) will witness the greatest manifestation of Gemini since 1073 AD (around 1,000 years ago).  What can we expect from Gemini – especially in the period around 2029 to 2074?  Firstly the continuation of the communications revolution due to cell phones (mobile phones), emails and the internet. Other areas strongly associated with Gemini include: the massive growth of education around the world[6] – especially pre-university education; the automobile revolution utilizing clean energy; a new futuristic road network; environmentally sustainable transportation; a revitalization of cities; and the minimalization of language due to texting; plus the greatest novelist(s) of the last 1,000 years. Amazon’s Kindle and Apples iPad are ongoing example of new direction in (Gemini) literature. On the negative side the world may be prone to major wind storms, deteriorating air quality and massive increase in lung diseases due to pollution.  Gemini currently remains in its formative period (1970 – 2029), and all the Gemini archetypes referred to will be at their most powerful in the period 2029 – 2074.

Though we can expect amazing novelists to spring out of the peak of the current Gemini influence around 2029, the influence of the larger and current Scorpio sub-age is much greater.  How will people in the future judge our modern world?  On the negative side they will see the modern period as the greatest example of rapine of the Earth where much of the oil and gas laid down over many millions of years and many other limited natural resources are extracted from the ground and used injudiciously with scant regard for future generations.  We are behaving like pigs at the trough.  We will be earmarked as that strange period when atomic energy and bombs were developed and utilized for good and bad – provided we have not blown the world to smithereens or totally polluted it with nuclear waste so that it is inhospitable to humanity.

On the plus side, we will be seen as that time in history when the world revolted, and dismissed its hereditary kings, monarchs and aristocracy.  The internet will be seen as a gift.  The Sexual Revolution will also be noticeable in one thousand years time when humanity commenced to be liberated from archaic sexual roles and gender inequality. We will be remembered for our spiritual and religious reinvigoration as displayed by the arrival of born again Christians, the growth of fundamentalism in Christianity and Islam plus the increased spiritualism associated with new sects and groups that have proliferated since the 1970s and the natural spirituality of the New Age movement.

Though it has not occurred yet, we will probably be well remembered for the grassroots revolution against rampant and ecologically unsustainable consumerism (this grass roots revolution is unlikely to see its culmination prior to the middle of the next century).  We will be seen as that strange time before the coming ecological golden age (2148 – 2863).[7]  Our modern world is actually the gear-change time where the 10,000 years momentum of unplanned and ad hoc development of the world collides with its ecological consequences.  This is part two of a mighty revolution that is underway.  Part one was the revolution that dethroned the kings – part two is the environmental revolution that we are only seeing the beginning.

Unfortunately we will most likely be remembered badly – because compared to what is to follow, we don’t look good.  The mini-golden age due around the middle of next century and lasting for around seven centuries indicates a world of balance, equality, ecological awareness and most likely a much smaller world population compared to today’s world.  Scorpio is the sign of pruning – how much of the world’s population will be pruned over the next 150 years or so?  From the current figure of 7 billion people, at least half may be pruned.  This is already occurring.  Most first world nations now have a negative population growth, with many second tier nations also falling in line.  Research indicates that the more educated and economically prosperous a region – the lower the birth rate.

The astrology of the ages supports the realization by many that the world is on a collision course with environmental degradation due to pollution.  How far will we go before something decisive and effective is done about the deplorable ecological situation?  The influence of the Scorpio sub-age strongly insinuates that the world will go past the point of no-return before anything effective is done – with some severe long-term consequences for this lack of timely and direct counter measures. Despite the appearance of a possible golden age next century associated with the Libra decan of the Aquarian age, Libra produces indecisiveness – as no zodiacal sign has only positive qualities associated with it.  So while the steady increase in Libra that has been occurring in the world has produced greater environmental awareness by a significant amount of the population, the amount of indecisiveness and the degree of luxury people want to experience (and damn the consequences) is also on the increase.  The perceived failure of the Copenhagen Accord in late 2009 on climate change to really tackle the issue head-on is an example of this indecisiveness.

We must put the present parlous circumstance of the world in context.  What period since the arrival of civilization has been viewed as a golden age?  The earliest and only recorded possible contender for a golden age is in the Gemini age many thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia (present day Iraq) when farmers first settled down into villages but no form of government existed.  It appears that political and social decisions were made through consultation and the family elders.  This golden age occurred at the cusp of hunter-gathers and the new farmers before all the developed attributes of civilization had evolved (i.e. laws, regulations, leaders, armies, police, religions etc).  Civilization brings great benefits and great problems.  Are the benefits greater than the problems?  On average perhaps not, but the next 150 years may be the exception to the rule where problems of civilization are far greater than the benefits.

I fear that in one thousand years time we will be judged badly but with two qualifications.  Firstly I am assuming that civilized society exists in 1,000 years time – which cannot be assumed.  Secondly I am assuming that people in 1,000 years time will be judgmental – like they are today, and seem to have been for many thousands of years.  Perhaps people in a thousand years will be more evolved and will follow the maxim “judge not and you will not be judged”?

[1] see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_After_People and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBtHICMmDJk

[2] Specifically the Taurus age overflow (2916 – 732 BC)

[3] the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 2148) – the third sub-age of the Age of Aquarius (see Is the Aquarian Age Like a Block of Granite?). Basically each astrological age has 12 sub-ages.  The most influential sign currently in the Aquarian age is Scorpio.

[4] To be statistically correct, the many millions of deaths associated with the two world wars of the 20th century need to be put in context of the world population at the time.

[5] In around 2,000 years time in the next age, the Capricorn age, there will also be a Scorpio sub-age.  The current Scorpio sub-age is the most powerful example of Scorpio until that time and therefore provides us with a 2,000 years Scorpio benchmark.

[6] India has just announced (in 2010) a massive plan to educate its vast millions of uneducated children over the coming decades.

[7] The ecological golden age is associated with the Libran age-decan of the Aquarian age.  Each age has three age-decans.

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

We have anniversaries, biennial events, diamond jubilees, centenaries, bi-centenaries and even millenarianism but rarely do celebrations arrive around every 7,000 years!  Between December 2014 and 2029, a very special event takes place that has not occurred since 5122 BC.  The world in 5122 BC was a very different place.  The population of the world was about 25 million people in 3000 BC, and so perhaps 10 to 15 million people were alive in 5122 BC – about the size of present day Los Angeles.  Nevertheless, great things were stirring in the world as this period marked the first widespread settling down of humans, farming and domestication of animals.

Until 5122 BC the world was the closest in temperament to the society still being shaped by mankind in today’s Aquarian age in the 21st century.  5122 BC marks the end of the Gemini age.  The Gemini age and Aquarian age are both Air signs.  The Aquarian age that arrived in 1433 AD is the first age of the same Air element since the Gemini age (7351 – 5122 BC).  Obviously, the world’s inhabitants in 5122 BC were not concerned about broadband, computers, the price of fossil fuel, pollution or over-crowding, but their heads were in an intellectually creative mode – something common with Air signs.

While these ancients may not have been making technological discoveries of the modern world, they were making farming and agricultural discoveries that allowed them to produce more food than they required – spurning on population growth and spreading their new agricultural technology far and wide.  The Gemini age also saw the first large villages or hamlets and the introduction of many discoveries around the world including the relatively simultaneous cultivation of newly domesticated crops in most continents of the world.  Pottery became widespread, primitive canoes were built, irrigation trenches first appeared and the white-skinned race continued to evolve as they turned to milk and

Old Sumerian goddess (possibly Lilith)

trekked further north where the sun shines weakly.  Gavin White believes that in this distant ancient period, people in Mesopotamia were investigating the night sky and commenced creating key constellations, including some of the zodiacal constellations [Ref: Babylonian Star-Lore, Solaria Publications, London, 2007, pp, 256, 259, 263]

The world in the Gemini age was on the move.  Probably more discoveries and inventions occurred in the Gemini age than in the previous 50,000 years.  While life was much slower and far less intense in the Gemini age compared to the current Aquarian age – similar intellectual inventiveness was evident.

The relationship between the Gemini age and Aquarian age deepens when the full context of each age is taken into account.  In reality, it was the Cancer-Gemini age and today we are in the Pisces-Aquarian age (see Is the Aquarian Age Like a Block of Granite?).  Cancer and Pisces are Water signs and Gemini and Aquarius are Air signs.  There are four elements associated with the 12 zodiacal signs – Water, Air, Fire and Water.  Each of these elements has specific characteristics.  Fire and Earth signs promote conservatism, patriotism and the status quo.  Water and Air signs promote change, evolution and instability.  The more Water and Air signs the more change and instability.  The more Fire and Earth signs the more conservatism.  When Reagan was president of the USA, and

Reagan & Thatcher

Thatcher prime minister of the UK the world was experiencing a mainly Earth and Fire micro-age influences and even here we can see the rise of conservatism on the small scale following the heady 60s when the progressive Water element was dominant.

The current Pisces-Aquarian age being Water and Air promotes evolution, change and instability.  Within the current Pisces-Aquarian age are 12 sub-ages.  Currently, the world is in the Scorpio-Libra sub-age (1970-2148).  Scorpio is a Water sign and Libra is an Air sign – the same combination as Pisces and Aquarius.  This is the first time in the Pisces-Aquarian age that we are in a Water-Air sub-age.  This is the first time in over 7,000 years that both the ages and sub-ages are all in Water and Air territory.  The plot deepens.  Each sub-age also has 12 micro-ages.  In December 2014 (plus or minus a month or two) the world enters a little 15 years Cancer-Gemini micro-age with Cancer a Water sign and Gemini an air sign – the same combination of Air and Water again!

Therefore from around December 2014, for the first time in over 7,000 years the world will be passing through an age, sub-age and micro-age that all aligned with Water and Air – with no Fire or Earth in sight.  This occurrence will occur nine times in the Pisces-Aquarian age, with the first three occurring between 2014 and 2148.  This period will, therefore, see the extreme of change, evolution and instability.  Over the last 7,000 years, the world descended into the opposite of what we are now facing.  In the Taurus-Aries age (2916 – 732 BC) the world experienced nine times when Earth and Fire elements ruled supreme without any Water and Air signs in sight.  The world was turning to the bedrock of conservatism, war and nationalism, during that time and the construction of ‘advanced’ societies and massive structures such as pyramids,  and palaces.

Early societies were mainly democratic orientated often involving elders in a tribe. The Taurus-Aries age coincided with the firm arrival of an entrenched aristocracy, pharaohs, kings and other forms of totalitarian governments who by and large were hell-bent on waging war with each other.  The world is like a pendulum that swings from conservative totalitarianism to ‘democratic’ liberalism. After 7,000 long years, the world is returning to progressiveness, liberal change but instability.  Those revolutionary and heady days of the 1960s and early 70s have nothing on what is coming – at best the 1960s and 70s is a preview of what is to come.

The conservative backlash (mainly in the USA and Islamic fundamentalists) following the 1960s and 70s was due to a small digression back into the conservative Virgo and Leo micro-ages – Earth and Fire micro-ages respectively. The stepping stones to the first all Air and Water period commenced with little fanfare in 2000 with the arrival of the Leo-Cancer micro-age (Fire and Water), but changed gear in 2007 (one year before the election of the first black president of the USA) when the Water element in the Fire and Water  Leo-Cancer micro-age (2000 – 2014) became stronger.  The world will finally move into all Water and Air territory around December 2014 for the first time in over 7,000 years.

What can be expected in the period 2014 to 2029 – the first of nine such periods in the Pisces-Aquarian age?  Unfortunately, the extent of what we can expect is hard to determine because historical records going back 7,000 are insufficient to provide us with clear antecedents.  Alternatively, we can examine some of the previous two hundred years or so and look for periods where they are closest to the ideal scenario of all periods elements being Air and Water.  In the Sagittarius-Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) only Sagittarius was Fire, all other signs were Air and Water, so those micro-ages within the Sagittarius-Scorpio sub-age that were also exclusively Air and Water may provide us with a guide.  The particular periods include the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851-66) and the Pisces-Aquarius micro-age (1910-25).

Both these periods witnessed many instabilities including in the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851-66) the American Civil War, The Crimean War and the Taiping Rebellion with an estimated death toll of between 20 and 30 million alone.  Wikipedia states that

“The 1860s were an extremely turbulent decade in the world, with numerous cultural, social, and political upheavals in Europe and America.”

In the Pisces-Aquarius micro-age (1910-25) saw the end of European millenarianism and conservative influences with the arrival of the 1st World War.  This triggered the abdication of various conservative monarchies and the fall of the last world empires (German, Ottoman and Austria-Hungary).  The arrival of the communists in full force with the Russian Revolution in 1917 introduced radical new concepts of how societies could operate.  The USA attempted to outlaw alcohol with prohibition. The Irish commenced throwing off their British overlords leading to the Irish Rebellion.  Fascists took advantage of political instability.

The instability in these periods was extensive, but so was the progressiveness.  Probably the most important breakthrough in the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851-66) was Charles Darwin’s publication of The Origin of Species, putting forward the theory of evolution by natural selection in 1859.  On a minor note, Paris became the fashion capital of the world.  In the following period, the Pisces-Aquarius micro-age (1910-25) Einstein did to physics what Darwin did to biology, and produced his revolutionary theory of general relativity while Alfred Wegener suggests that the continents drift and collide with each other.  Culturally radio, movies and jazz became popular and Pablo Picasso became the leading 20th-century painter, first with Cubism than moving on to Surrealism.  The 1920s introduced the Roaring Twenties or Jazz Age.

As a guide to the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (2014 – 29), we can expect great instability, but also progress – one way or another.  Though doom and gloom pundits may predict a 3rd World War I don’t think this is a possibility as astrologically the world is turning away from war.  There is a bigger problem facing humanity than war – climate change.  However, even climate change can precipitate division.  One way or another the USA fractures in Gemini-Cancer micro-ages so some serious division, conflict or discord will occur in the USA.  Possibly this will occur due to a perception by conservative elements in the USA that they are losing control.  Mass dislocation of people and massive legal and illegal immigration is sure to be a factor in the world.

Climate change requires great adaptation by societies if it is to be successfully tackled, and this period does to a certain extent promote such change – more so from the general population than leaders.   If the last two Water and Air micro-ages produced Darwin’s evolution and Einstein’s relativity – some very significant breakthrough may occur in 2014 – 2129, perhaps the understanding of dark matter and dark energy that supposedly constitutes around 90% of the universe? Other alternatives include breakthroughs in nano-technology, AIDS immunization, a new and superior internet, longevity, DNA in medical technology, a cure for many cancers or even a replacement for fossil fuels.

It would be nice to say that in a Water-Air period that is soon to arrive in late 2014 that positive elements will succeed at the expense of negative elements but this should not be expected. In the 1960s and early 70s, though revolution was in the air for youth, many countries witnessed military coups and dictatorial governments.  Water-Air periods while producing advances both technological and societal, also produce instability which can be taken advantage of by the unscrupulous – particularly the military.  The desire by many people to be free will rise, and some existing totalitarian governments are sure to falter, but others will tend to extract revenge upon many of their citizens – such is the ugly nature of politics.  While public opinion and sentiment are sure to rise, leadership may be wanting in the years 2014-29.  Some key political leaders may actually suffer mental illness and behave like a modern-day Nero or Caligula.  Hopefully, they will not have their finger on the button!

The period 2014 – 29 is a celebration of over 7,000 years in the making – but what kind of a celebration will it be?  Will it be more like a party or a wake?  It is bound to have elements of both, but at the bottom line and despite whatever conflicts and turmoil occur, some very interesting, evolutionary and progressive developments are sure to claim our attention, awe and wonder like we collectively have not experienced for over 7,000 years.

Copyright Terry MacKinnell 2009

Illustrations (added later)

  • Famous relief from the Old Babylonian period (now in the British museum) called the “Burney relief” or “Queen of the Night relief”. The depicted figure could be an aspect of the goddess Ishtar, Mesopotamian goddess of sexual love and war. However, her bird-feet and accompanying owls have suggested to some a connection with Lilitu (called Lilith in the Bible), though seemingly not the usual demonic Lilitu. By Manuel Parada López de Corselas User:Manuel de Corselas ARS SUMMUM, Centro para el Estudio y Difusión Libres de la Historia del Arte – Own work, Public Domain
  • “FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Celebrates Royal Baby” by DEVIN DWYER WASHINGTON, July 22, 2013, abs NEWS, http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/royal-baby-flashback-ronald-reagan-margaret-thatcher-celebrate/story?id=19739217


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell

book-img 3D 110315

www.macro-astrology.com – details of purchasing the book available

Demystifying the Aquarian Age – General introduction to the astrological ages

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

Is the World Doomed?

As a young child, I remember many cartoons depicting some misfit carrying a placard saying that ‘the end is nigh’ or the ‘world is doomed’.  There was a good reason for this despondency – there were enough nuclear warheads ready to blow humans to smithereens.  I remember a graffiti message from this era ‘mutate now and avoid the rush’.  However now, in addition to the nuclear arsenal, humans are attempting to pollute themselves into oblivion.

One thing we know for certain is that the world is definitely doomed.  Eventually, the Sun will reach its terminal stage, expand and snuff out the Earth like some unlucky cockroach whacked with a folded newspaper.  However, this reality of certain doom is not due for many billions of years to come.  In the meantime, we have to contend with the world’s nuclear arsenal and carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere at unnaturally high levels.  Will either of these potential doomsday scenarios arrive on our doorstep in the immediate or near future?

James Lovelock developed the Gaia hypothesis in the 1970s.  He basically stated that the Earth as a whole can be viewed as an interaction of living (organic) and non-living (inorganic) material that in combination with each other regulates the environment of the world.  Lovelock was instrumental in the worldwide CFC ban to protect the slowly depleting ozone layer that provides a protective shield for the world.  However, he is less enthusiastic about global efforts to protect the world from carbon emissions.  Basically, Lovelock says:

 “I don’t think we can react fast enough or are clever enough to handle what’s coming up”   [ref: We’re doomed, but it’s not all bad, New Scientist, 24 January 2009, Pg 31].

The astrology of the Aquarian age agrees with Lovelock.  Each age has twelve sub-ages that interact with each other and the Aquarian age to produce a basic outline of what can be expected.  Between 1970 and 2148 the key sub-age is the Scorpio sub-age.  The previous sub-age was the Sagittarius sub-age.  In line with Sagittarius’ expanding and positive qualities, the world went into overdrive with the Industrial Revolution and the world population explosion – both the key factors producing pollution.  Scorpio is a very different zodiacal sign – it does not promote expansion and positivity but rather contraction, pollution, vulnerability and financial duress amongst a menu of Scorpio archetypes.

Since the 1970s the world has been in a transition time where the baton is being passed from Sagittarius to Scorpio.  There are key timeframes in this transition.  The 1970s saw the first glimmer of Scorpio with the rise of environmental groups concerned about the degradation of the environment or promoting sustainability.  However, despite some improvements the world continued on its merry way of expanding with the associated expansion of pollution.  Money, profits, economy and jobs were more important than the atmosphere or environment.

Even in the current economic crisis, many politicians are saying that measures to limit pollution should be put on hold – clearly implying that the economy (i.e. profits) is more important than the environment.  A good argument can be made that it is the quest for profits that is either the key factor or a key factor in the degradation of the environment.  Another key ingredient that results in environmental degradation is debt – especially credit card debt.  Debt allows people to consume now what they cannot afford.  It is consumption that creates pollution.

Between 2005 and 2015 a second key Scorpio period appears, and during this time it is driving its point home – the world is on a collision course with global warming and environmental degradation.  In addition, Scorpio is the sign associated with debt – and the recent global financial crisis is one manifestation of debt gone feral.  This is the time that serious remedial action should be put in place – but this is unlikely to occur to the extent necessary.

James Lovelock discredits the current approach that world leaders are giving lip service to.  He is especially scornful of carbon trading (this merely props up the economic establishment with profit in their sights), carbon sequestration (“it’s a crazy idea and dangerous”) and believes that it’s already too late for emissions reduction measures.

Lovelock believes that the result of humanity’s collective stupidity is that the world’s population will have to plummet from a projected nine billion people to one billion people by the end of this century as a world four degrees centigrade hotter than now cannot support more than about one billion people.  Though the astrology of the Aquarian age cannot be as proscriptive to the actual numbers as Lovelock indicates, Scorpio is the sign that wants to contract.  Think of the biblical seven fat cows and seven scrawny cows – Scorpio is the scrawny cows.  The population of the world will contract – but the amount of contraction is difficult to say based exclusively on astrology.

Population contraction has already been occurring for decades – first in most of the developed First World countries, and now in the second tier nations such as Korea.  It is just too expensive to have many kids in the modern world.  This contraction is hidden by immigrants so that First World countries can still log an expanding population – but not by the birth-rate alone.  The comical result of this natural contraction of birth-rates is that many countries (including Australia) are providing significant financial bonuses for parents to have children.

The reason that the Earth is suffering from pollution is that there are too many people who are consuming too many goods and services that are producing too much pollution.  These same governments that are supposedly going to save us from our own folly in the environmental area are encouraging (Sagittarian) population growth – the old paradigm.  As Lovelock states, Kyoto was 11 years ago and the only thing that has happened is endless talks and meetings.  The reason that governments behave the way they do is that they reflect the views of the general population.

Any study of history will show that human beings can rise to challenges, produce mighty artworks, cultures and civilization but equally go to war, persecute their citizens or neighbors and murder and kill enormous numbers of people.  This is all done in the name of patriotism, ideology or religion – in essence, masking stupidism.  What will happen in the coming century? Is stupidism or awareness going to be the dominant paradigm that guides the world to either destruction or rebirth?

The current Scorpio influence within the Aquarian age cannot answer this question, but it does provide a shortlist of outcomes.  Scorpio promotes death and destruction, pollution, secret deals, debt and tyranny.  It also promotes rebirth, renewal, environment sustainability and minimalism.  Minimalism indicates a limit to the number of offspring, currently occurring voluntarily in the West, and by government edict in China’s one-child policy.  Which path will the world go down?  Will the world continue in its current trajectory towards environmental doom and a massive population cull?

I essentially concur with the outlook of James Lovelock but with an added twist.  I believe that the world will go the point of no return before serious effort is put into turning around our current consumption and polluting paradigm.  This may seem like a contradiction but in reality, the result is surprisingly similar to what James Lovelock surmises. Lovelock says he is an optimistic pessimist about the dire environmental issue facing the world.

Global warming and water scarcity are stepping stones to much greater problems.  The sub-periods of the Age of Aquarius indicate that air quality will be a much more serious problem from about 2030 onwards (at the latest).  When significant numbers or people commence dying prematurely due to atmospheric degradation (remember the air we pollute is the same air we must breathe), when breathing without coughing plague much of the world (with the attendant lung diseases and problems) – surely something more realistic and drastic will be done?

Fortunately, some very significant astrological elements appear in the current century that has not occurred in the world for around 7,000 years.  These astrological elements involve progressive and lateral thinking of the highest order.  The first one comes online between 2015 and 2029.  The second appearance occurs at 2074 – 2089 and wraps up with a final one around 2133 – 2148.  More of these revitalizing elements appear about 700 years later.

From a rational perspective (as provided by James Lovelock) the world is in a bad way and getting worse.  The astrological configuration on one hand supports this pessimistic assessment but equally, it supports the addition of an unexpected new spirit or sense of renewal that is available to humanity this century.  Even the election of Barack Obama as president of the USA may be a titillating foretaste of the potential change that is coming our way.  Barack Obama may be part of the advance guard preparing the way for a new perspective that does not have companies’ profits as the base.

There has been no century in recorded history that is not a combination of various degrees of difficulties, natural calamities, adversity and problems with advancement, survivability and relative peace.  There is no reason to believe that the 21st century will be the perfect century or that any century can ever be a perfect century.  The 21st century will be a century of change, fragility, passion, catastrophe, financial losses, renewal, transformation and rebirth.  The ancient Chinese would say to their enemies:

‘may you live in interesting times’.

Interesting times was a euphemism for upheaval.  The 21st century will be an interesting time!

James Lovelock’s latest book is The Vanishing Force of Gaia