Aries Sub-Ages

I am pleased to announce the first publication of my new research on the astrological ages is available for download from:

Aries Sub-Ages by Terry MacKinnell 2017

My major research on the astrological ages was published in 2011[1] with the focus upon astrological ages of the Holocene Epoch commencing with the Cancer Age (9600 – 7350 BC).  The original research also included age-decans, quasi-ages and quasi-age decans (see “Age of Aquarius for Dummies” at ).  My original plan in 2011 was to also include sub-ages, but at 396 pages, I dropped sub-ages as apart from probably doubling the size of the book, it also may have delayed publication by at least two years.  I have been researching and writing about sub-ages and sub-age decans for around the last two years in fits and starts and have come to realize that while the conclusion to the research and publication of the book of sub-ages is highly desirable, it is another marathon multi-year project.  Therefore, I have decided to break the sub-age project into bite-size pieces and progressively make this research available as each part reaches draft status.

Instead of writing a book on sub-ages, I will write four books, one each on the sub-ages of the same element.  My first book will be fire sub-ages (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and the plan is to then follow through with earth sub-ages, air sub-ages and conclude with water sub-ages.  This arrangement only came into focus after writing about the Aries sub-ages, and then discovering that I had to cover the same ground when researching Leo sub-ages and Sagittarius sub-ages.  This is because each Aries sub-age also includes a Leo and Sagittarius sub-age decan, each Leo sub-age includes Aries and Sagittarius sub-age decans while each Sagittarius sub-age includes Aries and Leo decans.  In reality, all signs of the same element work together in sub-ages and their decans and to isolate sub-ages to their primary sign only does not accurately portray how their energies synthesize to produce the most accurate correlation to the historical events and unfolding current events.

The major difference between what I am making freely available now and what ultimately will be published is that I am only focusing upon sub-ages, and apart from a passing reference to sub-age decans, these will be ignored at this point of time. This will also simplify the process for the average astrologer who, by and large, is floundering at the concept of the Age of Aquarius arriving in the 15th century, let alone dealing with sub-ages.  Sub-age decans just may be one step too far and too fast.

Another reason I plan to publish my research on sub-ages and sub-age decans in a piecemeal fashion is due to the current sub-age decan.  The Gemini sub-age decan (1970 – 2029) is great for fake news, social media, handheld phones and devices, the growth of cities but on the other side of the coin sits short term attention spans and a lack of focus upon serious reading.  The following is a summary only of the material available in the attached Adobe Acrobat pdf file.

Aries sub-ages

 My sub-age research commences with the arrival of the Aries age in 2918 BC as historical accuracy before this time is far too vague.  However, I do seek out some vestiges of sub-ages before the arrival of the Aries age in 2918 BC.  Since 2918 BC, there have only been two Aries sub-ages, and despite the fact that about 2,000 years separate these two Aries sub-ages, a common theme is experienced from both.  The following is a summary only of the attached file which provides a detailed analysis of these two Aries sub-ages.

A number of diverse archetypes are associated with Aries but with a common underlying theme – raw energy.  This raw energy is readily seen in the combination of military leaders and massive warfare on the one side, and cultural florescence on the other.  Into this mix can be added new breakthroughs or the beginning of something plus major and significant engineering feats.  Basically Aries wants to do something – if this involves building the biggest tower, creating a city (with all the trappings such as a library, gardens etc.) or conquering as much land as possible – so be it!  Behind nearly everything associated with Aries is this desire to collectively roll up the sleeves of the society, conquer as much territory as possible, build one or more grand cities, plumb new depths in engineering and plunge forth intellectually with vigor whenever conditions are suitable.

Those individuals that are at the forefront of Aries become ‘great’ one way or another.  Usually this is through being a great military leader, but as the fortunes of the Aries age and overflow waned, people became respected for other reasons, especially for religious reasons as the Pisces age and overflow picked up speed from around 351 AD onward with the arrival of the Pisces quasi age.

The first Aries sub-age examined arrived at the peak of the almost 4,500 years Aries age and overflow ‘bell curve’ (2916 BC – 732 BC – 1433 AD), also known as the Aries era – the Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC) situated dead center.  The Aries crown in this period is given to Assyria – the military marvel and empire of this sub-age, and probably the purest manifestation of Aries’ ferocity.  No mercy was given to the inhabitants of any captured city that resisted Assyria’s army and the Assyrian’s used pure terror as a strategy to expand their empire.  Aries on one extreme is a pure bully.  Assyrian rulers delighted in hunting and this probably accounted for the extinction of the Mesopotamian lion which they slaughtered in large numbers. Assyria’s main city was Nineveh, and to supply it with water, two million limestone blocks were used in one bridge alone of the aqueduct constructed by thousands of prisoners of war.

Despite Assyria’s ruthlessness, the sciences and visual arts flourished.  The Assyrians were especially interested in astronomy and astrology.  One Assyrian king established the famous library at Nineveh with 30,000 clay tablets organized by shape but were separated by content into different rooms. As another Aries’ first – this library had one of the first library catalogs.[2]  The Assyrians were also the first nation to move en-masse conquered people to different locations in the Assyrian empire.[3]  Aries is always associated with people on the move for a new home.  The apex of Assyria was the reign of Tiglath-Pileser III. However, by the end of this Aries period, Assyria had disappeared from sight.  The power vacuum caused by the fall of Assyria allowed a Babylonian renaissance culminating in the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the capturing Jerusalem in 597 BC.

This Aries period also saw the rise of Ancient Greece (800 to 480 BC) and the settling of the village of Rome in Italy.  The Etruscans in the Italian peninsula also did well under Aries, and so the sign Aries was focused upon Rome from the very beginning, not only by its formation in this Aries period, but also by the influence from the Aries-orientated Etruscans and Greek.  The founding of Carthage also made it an Aries city-state, but with Aries a competitive sign, ultimately it was either Rome or Carthage – the stakes are high under Aries!

Classical Antiquity, also known as the Classical Era, Classical period or Classical Age,[4] aligns itself exactly to the first half of the Pisces age.  The second half of the Pisces age is aligned to the Medieval period.[5] With the arrival of the Aquarius age in the 15th century, the Modern period or age commenced.[6]  These long term fundamental periods suggest that our current modern “age” or period will last until the midway point of the Aquarius age around 2500 which is the same as the arrival of the Aquarius quasi-age.  Will 2500 bring the world to the post-apocalyptic age so well portrayed in many Hollywood movies?

The second Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) examined again witnessed  mighty Aries deeds.  The two greatest war mongers of this time were Genghis Khan and Pope Urban II.   Genghis Khan is reputed to be the world’s greatest warrior though Pope Urban II started the Crusades when he called upon Europeans to venture forth to the Middle East to attack the infidels occupying the Holy Land.  This Aries period coincided with the beginning of the Pisces quasi age-decan (1072-1791). Pisces archetypes therefore experienced a promotion and this is what we see also at this time in history – a Pisces religious leader becoming a war monger.  Only the Pisces religious pope had the ability to call Europe to arms as European secular powers were divided and at loggerheads with each other.  The default unification of Europe in fighting a common enemy confirms not only the major Pisces rulership of Europe, but also the secondary rulership by Aries.

The Crusades commenced within 30 years of the arrival of the Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) but concluded in 1291, about 40 years past the end of the Aries sub-age proper.  Aries is like a sky rocket, it goes up with a lot of fanfare but quickly comes back to earth with a thud.  Though wars appear to disfavor the aggressors, and this certainly happened to the Europeans in the failed Crusades, it did begin something else that had far reaching consequences.  All of a sudden backward Europeans gained first-hand knowledge of the majesty of the Byzantine Empire and Islamic Middle East.  The introduction of their greater knowledge and culture ultimately turned Europe from a backward atavistic society to conquer nearly all other societies in the world. Aires always wants to fight!

Genghis Khan delayed his birth to the very beginning of the more potent Aries quasi sub-age (1162-1332).  The Mongols tribes were like Europeans, always fighting among themselves, but Genghis Khan was able to meld the warring tribes into one large fighting force the likes the world had never experienced previously or since.  Like the European Crusades, the Mongol Empire lasted only while Aries was strong –  aligned to the Aries quasi sub-age.  This alignment to the Aries quasi sub-age is mimicked by Saladin – the warrior of note and military foe of Richard the Lionheart.  Saladin’s dynasty was also aligned to the Aries quasi sub-age (1162-1332).  After the death of Genghis Khan the Mongol Horde continued the momentum and conquered China, central Eurasia, much of Russia and almost Venice in 1214.  The Mongol dynasty in China fell only three decades past the end of the Aries quasi sub-age in 1332. The Mongols conquered more of Eurasia and killed a greater percentage of people than any time before or after making the Mongol Horde an Aries exemplar.  The Mongols also spread the widespread use of gunpowder and very quickly the Europeans, Muslims and Indians were employing canons and firearms – items always fondly caressed by Aries.

This Aries period saw the beginning of the end of the Eastern Roman Empire.  The sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders (under the bidding of Constantinople’s business rival, Venice) put an end to the Eastern Roman Empire’s last period of greatness.  Like the sunset period of the Western Roman Empire, the power in the Eastern Roman Empire commenced to be vested in provincial military families.  The final dynasty of the Eastern Roman Empire turned more to their Greek rather than Roman origins. This dynasty fell with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, only 20 years past the end of the Aries sub-age overflow and Pisces age.

The two Aries sub-ages examined have been located in the Aries age and overflow (2916 BC – 732 BC – 1433 AD) and all these sub-ages and sub-age decans since the Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC) have been the critical periods in the rise and fall of Ancient Rome.  The Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC) saw the settling of the village of Rome on the Tiber River.  Just past the end of the Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) the last vestige of Ancient Rome collapsed with the fall of Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, to the Muslim invaders.  Ancient Rome was book-ended by two Aries sub-ages.

The Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) saw, in allegorical terms, the handing of the baton from Ancient Rome to modern Europe.  The European resurgence was firstly most noticeable in Italy with the rise of powerful and rich trading states such as Venice.  This baton-passing act only temporarily involved Italy, and very quickly it left the Italian peninsula and moved into Europe where the Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Germans, Dutch and Great Britain were ready to launch forth on an unsuspecting world.  Context is everything, as each Aries sub-age or sub-age decan arrives, it must interact with whatever age, age-decan and associated quasi-periods.

The Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) is what I colloquially call the ‘sting in the tail’ of the Aries age and overflow. Any period in macro-astrology that is not a decan ends with such a sting-in-the tail and deserves an appropriate name.  Every age has as its second last sub-age in its age overflow period a sub-age with the same sign as itself.  Taking into account the sub-age overflow, this means that every age-wave finishes with a bang.  It is the conclusion to the story.

Other notable events associated with this pivotal Aries period include the Hussite Wars (1419-34) which saw the use of the hand-held cannon in Europe, Britain’s conquest of Wales (but failed conquest of Scotland) and the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) between France and England which commenced with bows and arrows but ended with firearms and was an emphatic loss to Britain though they retain Calais for some time.

There is strong evidence of Aries in Britain’s astrological signature.  The Celts are believed to have migrated into Britain in the Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC).  Britain entered another major phase of self-government with the withdrawal of Roman troops in the Aries sub-age decan and overflow (352 – 412 – 472 AD).  In the Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) Britain’s nationalistic sentiment was created due mainly to the One Hundred Years war with France.  Finally in the Aries sub-age decan and overflow (1672-1731-1791) the British Empire became temporarily the foremost military power in the world due to its successes in the Second Hundred Years War.  Appropriately, Great Britain was eclipsed in the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) with Scorpio sitting in the 8th house of death and vulnerability to Aries.  Aries is a significant sign for Great Britain.

Other developments of note in these Aries’ periods include the mass movement of people either forcibly or willingly.  Engineering and construction included most of the Seven Wonders of the World  including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  Other established Aries’ associations are developments in some sports and athletics including the Olympic Games.

The full version is available at:

Aries Sub-Ages by Terry MacKinnell 2017

References & Citations

[1] Terry MacKinnell, “The Dawning”, Xlibris, USA, 2011

[2] Library catalog. (2015, May 30). Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:24, June 4, 2015, from

[3] “A Very Short History of the World”, pp 68-72

[4] Classical antiquity. (2015, May 20). Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:35, June 4, 2015, from

[5] Middle Ages. (2015, June 4). Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:39, June 4, 2015, from

[6] Modern history. (2015, May 20). Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:42, June 4, 2015, from