The Future Has Changed

While preparing one of my recent blog[1] and video The Myth of Modernity, I gained a deeper insight into the interface between the Age of Pisces with the Age of Aquarius.  Many astrologers have, for many decades, drawn the conclusion that the world is currently at the cusp of the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius, and that the influences of these two ages combine in the world today.  On a simplistic level, they take the ongoing strength of (Pisces) religions combined with some of the trapping of Aquarius such as democracy, technology, flight, computers and so an as proof that we are experiencing this cusp.

While this approach is very popular, it is only half correct, but half correct is better than a random incorrect guess.  The world is on the cusp of ages, but these nebulous cups can only come into effect once the new age begins.  For example, 100 years before the end of the Age of Pisces, as with 50 years, 5 years or 5 months, there is no Aquarius hanging around.  But as soon as the Age of Aquarius begins, the momentum from the Pisces age overflows onto the new Age of Aquarius and the archetypes associated with Pisces and Aquarius co-mingles.  This occurs at the cusp of all ages and sub-periods of the ages such as age-decans, sub-ages and so on and the term I use is the Overflow Effect. [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies ]

I first discovered this Overflow Effect in 1987, and until very recently, I had understood that as each century passes in the new Age of Aquarius, the influence of Aquarius ‘grows’ while the lingering influence from Pisces ‘shrinks’!  But this is overly simplistic and turns out to be not the case, because while the Aquarius influence definitely grows, so does the Pisces influence.  This means that in 2019 and 2020, Pisces remains on a growth curve along with Aquarius.  This is important to take into account, because for at least the first half of the Age of Aquarius, not only will Pisces be growing, it is possibly be growing even faster than Aquarius – and this will continue until at least 2503 AD – the midpoint of the Age of Aquarius.

What does this mean in reality?  It means that for all societies, countries, regions and so on, people will often be more attracted to Pisces archetypes than Aquarius archetypes.  Since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 AD, society has definitely been attracted to (Aquarius) technological advances, and such was the unprecedented developments and discoveries in science and technology, it was called the Scientific Revolution – which commenced no later than 1543[2] based on the works of Copernicus.

Copernicus was the first accepted authority in modern times that the Sun and planets did not orbit the Earth but the Earth orbited the Sun and was subordinate to it.  This was heresy in the day, as humans traditionally take the point of view that they are superior and above everything else, so if we live on Earth – Earth must be the center of the universe.  Heretical scientists were executed for rejecting the ego-centric Earth-centered universe but this did not affect Copernicus as he died of old age the day he received the first copy of his book from the printers.   Scientists are again being treated as heretics with regard to Climate Change.

Nevertheless, despite some early supporters being executed or punished, Aquarius scientific developments picked up speed over the succeeding centuries leading to the technological marvel of the modern world.  Without going into detail, after similar early experimentation with democracy, democracy of one form or another became entrenched in most western nations by the second half of the 20th century.  However, the gradual drift towards democracy met with the normal medieval suppression, persecutions and condemnation which remain widespread today in the ‘modern’ world that remains firmly bedded on medieval outlooks.

The reason why I state that the future has changed is that those forces aligned to (Pisces) medievalism that prefer suppression and persecution of scientific and liberal supporters are not withering on the vine and dying off, but are also getting stronger and more influential.  Previously, I had not taken this into account, but with some recent giant backward steps toward medievalism in a number of leading western countries with the election of a veritable grifter to the US presidency and the electoral win by Brexiters in the UK, it can no longer be assumed that anything that aligns to Aquarius will be favored, and anything aligned to Pisces will be subjugated by Aquarius at our early stage in the Age of Aquarius.

It is highly instructive at this point to examine some key Pisces archetypes followed by key Aquarius archetypes.  Pisces is orientated to large bureaucratic organization such as corporations and religions. The Roman Catholic Church virtually pioneered corporations combining both corporations and religions commencing around the 4th century AD.  Corporations are ‘fake’ bodies, and anything that is fake is associated with Pisces – such as fake news.  Pisces strongly promotes fake news, as with politicians and business people that employ lies, deceit and distortion to convince a gullible general public, as “gullibility” is also in the Pisces camp.  Pisces does not produce a knowledgeable electorate. Pisces prefer belief systems over facts or rationality as was the case in medieval times.

Pisces also loves economic bubbles with investors partaking in mob behavior intent upon paying ridiculously high prices based purely on its future price rather than the fundamentals backing the “asset”.  Naturally, Pisces likes products like Bitcoin which has no intrinsic value at all – just a demand-driven value.   Pisces is the mob, and anyone who has encountered a mob will quickly realize that the mob does not respond to common sense and rationality, but will respond to the thrill of being part of the mob (or tribe) with its primal intensity.  Fascism depends upon the mob.

Pisces does have a heart, and would like to save people from hell, and can even provide charity to the poor and downtrodden, and spiritual succor to those seeking a living connection to a higher cause through religious practices.  It likes heavenly and earthly paradises and was very fond of Pacific islands but is also attracted to apocalypses and the end of the world or at least everything in it, as Pisces rules endings. Pisces does provide excellent music, dancing and drama and so is at one with Hollywood, Bollywood and all forms of entertainment that promote fiction and fantasy or just the simple pleasure entertainment can provide.

Aquarius is a totally different animal, and while Pisces is emotionally or feeling orientated, being a water sign, in contrast, Aquarius is intellectually orientated being an air sign.  This is why Aquarius is thrilled by scientific discoveries, technology and a sense of fairness that translated to liberalism and democracy.  It was only after Gutenberg invented his printing press around 1436[3] (only three years inside the Age of Aquarius), that the proliferation of intellectual ideas and inquiry took off as suddenly, many people began to have access to books that were previously only copied extremely slowly by hand.  But what (Pisces) masterpieces the hand-copied manuscripts were with Pisces ruling the fine arts.

However, the Pisces and Aquarius ages are not iconoclastic but are forced to mix in their environment.  When Aquarius gets fused to Pisces, it has produce fascism, and as an example only, many tens of millions of people were slaughtered in the 20th century due to the Nazi’s lofty (Pisces) ideal of a thousand years of peace – but unfortunately, if you had the wrong ethnicity, skin color or a different lifestyle such as being a gypsy, gay or a trade unionist – it would be arranged for you to be terminated.  Fascists usually have a ‘magnetic’ or populace leader who can ‘electrify’ their supporters and excite them like a frenzied mob.  Anything exciting is usually associated with Aquarius (as is electricity and magnetism).

This 20th-century fusion of Pisces and Aquarius called fascism creates some consternation for many people as the average person does not understand what fascism actually is.  Basically, fascism is associated with anti-democratic sentiments, a powerful ruler with an agenda that usually includes the persecution of minorities, dissidents and those of alternate political persuasions and a favorite tool is to shame an opponent as unpatriotic.  Fascism is almost exactly identical to communism except for the economic system employed.  Fascists prefer capitalism while communists prefer socialism, but otherwise, their modus operandi is almost identical and both hate liberal democracy, equality and free-thinking.

The world is currently going through a mild resurgent neo-fascism phase again as the world is currently experiencing the strongest Aquarius sub-period within the Age of Aquarius since the last century.  The Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) is the most powerful manifestation of Aquarius since the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940). That 20th century Aquarius micro-age and overflow also coincided with the high-point of Pisces peaking in 1910 in the center of the Pisces sub-age and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970).  This strong overlap between Pisces and Aquarius saw the decimation of (Pisces) Europe by both the (Pisces-Aquarius) communists and fascists.

For the sake of simplicity, I employ medievalism for Pisces and modernism for Aquarius but it is important to note that both signs comprise positive and negative archetypes, and it is questionable if one sign is intrinsically better or worse than any other sign.  However, the ‘growth’ of one sign does suggest the freshness of what is “new” as a positive connotation. Therefore anything associated with Aquarius belongs to the “new” camp while anything associated with Pisces represents the “old” or entrenched.  Basically, it was not a nice place back “there”.

Previously I had assumed that the ongoing struggle between Aquarius (modernity) and Pisces (medievalism) would see a tendency for Aquarius to “win” in any contemporary struggle.  This can no longer be taken for granted following the election of Donald Trump in the USA and confirmation in the recent UK election that the pro-Brexit forces should be able to proceed with Brexit unhindered by their ‘progressive’ opponents.  These significant developments in western society associated with the first significant Aquarius sub-period since the first part of the 20th century need to be acknowledged and understood.

The only mitigating factor that suggests we should hold our judgment on the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) is that we are at the mid-way point which provides the demarcation between the Cancer dominated Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) and the Aquarius-Libra micro-age decan (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) which is dominated by Aquarius.  Cancer promotes populace leaders, anti-government sentiment and emotional responses to political issues, with a retreat to the homeland strongly favored.  Cancer ceases to be prominent in 2020 onward, and Aquarius jumps up a gear.  Each side of politics will take advantage of this new reality, but it will be the extremists on both sides that “win” as Aquarius undermines the mainstream in favor of radicals and extremists.

On the progressive side of politics, progress is viewed as being much slower than progressives would like to acknowledge.  However, the 10% to 20% of people that are hardcore progressives do not really represent mainstream society any more than Donald Trump and his hardcore supporters.  The astrology associated with the Age of Aquarius suggests that what most progressives and climate change activists want, will not manifest until around midway next century.  Even at the most extreme positive view of the current century, it will take until around the year 2059 for 20% of western society to be ardent and hardcore climate change activists or at least vote for one!  A few years ago when Al Gore visited, he stated to the effect that:

‘Expected change comes far more slowly than expected, but once it does, it occurs far more quickly than expected’.

Most progressives I talk to don’t like this at all – but this is both the political and astrological reality. A good way to see how progress manifests from year to year is that, at best, 51% of new laws, government edicts and so on may favor modernist Aquarius, while 49% favor medieval Pisces.  Over the long term, this does result in the world changing towards the modern and rational – and the last five centuries proves this, but this change is still at a slow pace. Furthermore, the long-term preference toward modernity in the Age of Aquarius does not have to be reflected in the short term – and so at times, far more legal and societal preference can be toward medieval Pisces with modernist Aquarius ostracized such as we have recently experienced in the USA, UK and various other countries.

It is also important to realize that the progressive and conservative sides of politics are not focused only upon Aquarius modernity or Pisces medievalism.  Each side, along with all people, are affected by and attracted to archetypes associated with both signs.  A progressive group can employ medieval techniques, while a conservative group can employ modern or democratic techniques such as Trump’s son-in-law harnessing social media to get their message across to critical political battlegrounds.  Politics, as with the world, is not black and white, good or bad and so on.  Conservatives are not evil and progressives are not good.  Everyone, and all groups are a combination of both elements.

How the world moves ‘forward’ towards Aquarius modernity is somewhat like evolution. People, societies and governments do a whole range of things, some

“Peace in our Times” declared the UK prime minister just before the most disastrous war in history

good and some bad, and either side of politics will do both. However, over time, the ‘bad’ is overthrown or relegated to the dustbin of history, and the ‘good’ tends to survive – but not necessarily in the short term.  For example, in the UK, it will take some time for the British to discover if Brexit is good or bad in the same way when Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from Germany in 1938 and received a rowdy homecoming after signing a peace pact with Nazi Germany.

“Jubilation and waves of relief washed over London in a celebration that had not been seen since the armistice that silenced the guns of World War I.”[4]

In retrospect, this was one of the biggest disasters for the UK in close to a thousand years and almost saw them being invaded.  Unfortunately for the UK, the astrology of Brexit also indicates this is an unmitigated disaster and the British will have to discover this for themselves the hard way.[5]  The astrology indicates if it wasn’t Brexit, the British would have done something equally stupid, so it does seem kind of inevitable?  Perhaps if Brexit did not occur, the Atlantic Conveyor Belt may have been impacted by Climate Change with the average temperature in the UK dropping 10 degrees C?  If the sages are correct, perfection or anything near it cannot be experienced on Earth by us mere mortals anyway.

So in conclusion, the future has not really changed, but my understanding of it has.  No longer can it be assumed that the progressive side of politics has a substantial lead over the conservative side of politics as a fait accompli in any situation.  For frustrated progressives dismayed at the direction the world is heading, patience and an appreciation of historical cycles is required to understand that even contemporary western society has most of its fundamental values sourced from medievalism and most progressives employ medieval techniques to promote their message.

Furthermore, medievalism from both sides of politics will often triumph over modernity even after more than 500 years of the Age of Aquarius because the strongest sign in the Age of Aquarius is actually medieval Pisces!  It is better to understand the nature of medievalism to understand the modern world – which I refer to in my book[6] as the Age of Techno-Medievalism.  Our so-called modernity is a (Pisces) delusion (technology excepted).  As a simple example, scientists are again falling foul of medieval governments over Climate Change just as renaissance scientists were persecuted for claiming the Earth orbited the Sun.  Hey, but courtesy of Pisces and Aquarius, you can always binge on Netflix or Amazon Prime to drown your sorrows?

[1] The Myth of Modernity

[2] Scientific Revolution, Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:46, December 16, 2019, from

[3] Printing press, Wikipedia, Retrieved 05:11, December 17, 2019, from


[5] Background to Brexit
