The 2017 Economic Meltdown? (Extract Only)

There is a growing sense by a mounting cacophony of doomsday commentators that a catastrophic economic downturn is around the corner.  This is not supported by my global economic outlook for 2017.  My previous research has indicated that the two key critical ingredients for determining the economic situation in the world is the 5 year quasi micro-age decans and 15 month nano-ages.

Only once every five years the quasi micro-age decan change, and this is the case in 2017.  In June 2017 the Cancer quasi micro-age decan (Jul 2012 – Jun 2017) comes to an end and this marks the end of the 5 year post Global Recession period.  Cancer is moderately good for the economy (because it is opposite in nature to Capricorn) but due to Cancer lacking Capricorn’s archetypes – Cancer has no backbone.  Therefore this Cancer quasi micro-age decan is a period of weak recovery.

The new 5 year period to arrive in mid-2017 is the Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (Jun 2017 – Jun 2022).  Unfortunately Aquarius is opposite Leo – one of the best signs for positive economic conditions and especially stock markets.  This does not bode well for the Aquarius period as it means that there is no strength in the coming economic conditions.  The inconsistency associated with Aquarius will mimic the changeable nature of Cancer so the market volatility of the 5 years Cancer period will continue in the coming 5 years Aquarius period.

Furthermore, the greatest bull market of all time occurred in the Leo micro-age (1985-2000) and the coming Aquarius period has the opposite intent – it wants to finalize pulling the rug out of positive (Leo) economic conditions for western economies.  This not only will occur, it most likely will be concluded with an economic recession in the period March 2021 to June 2022 – though this coming recession should be much milder than the last Global Recession.

This Aquarius period is not going to bring economic stability or any sustained growth or strength, and any vulnerability due to a weakening IT sector, digital disruption, insufficient electricity or anti-globalization is bound to become a negative economic issue as this 5 year Aquarius period plays out.

Taurus nano-age & overflow (Dec 14 – Mar 16 – Jun 17)

Taurus is the most stable of all the signs. Despite this overall economic stability, issues related to money and currencies are promoted, so we have seen all the issues re international currency manipulation with countries desperately trying to devalue their currency so their products are cheaper to buy on the international market.


Other Taurus related financial difficulties include India removing overnight (late 2016) some high denomination notes to counter the anti-tax black cash market that dominates India.  Many other countries such as Venezuela, Egypt, Rhodesia, China, Mexico (due to Trump), UK (following Brexit), Papua New Guinea, Switzerland are also experiencing financial problems related to liquidity, the black economy and so on.

Aries nano-age & overflow (Mar 16 – Jun 17 – Sep 18)

A Kuwaiti oil field set afire by retreating Iraqi troops burns in the distance beyond an abandoned Iraqi tank following Operation Desert Storm.
A Kuwaiti oil field set afire by retreating Iraqi troops burns in the distance beyond an abandoned Iraqi tank following Operation Desert Storm.

Aries is as turbulent as Taurus is stable, but the turbulence from Aries is not usually directed to the economy but to war.  With the peak of Aries occurring in mid-2017, we must expect an international conflict of the level of the Gulf war and Iraq invasion.  The arrival of such a war or significant conflict, above and beyond the ‘norm’ since the invasion of Iraq in the last Aries nano-age, will most likely spook the markets but usually Aries is a strong sign for the economy, so we should not expect the markets to be dragged down by this conflict other than in the very short term.

Scorpio nano-age decan and overflow (Jun 17 – Nov 17 – Apr 18)

This Scorpio period will bring the first economic shock associated with the larger 5 year Aquarius period.  By November 2017 the markets are going to be rattled and we will see a downturn in sentiment in the period Aug 2017-Jan 2018 with the strongest focus in November 2017.  This is not going to collapse the house of cards but the sentiment is one of vulnerability, lack of economic progress and a more restricted economic environment than we have experienced for a few years.

Bond Market Collapse

“After a 30-year bull run, there has been a rout on global bond markets since Donald Trump was declared President elect, with close to $US3 trillion flowing out of bonds across the globe.” (Courtesy of finance correspondent Phillip Laskersee of the Australian ABC government funded socialist media network:

The global bond market rout is the inverse of the stock market rally of the almost 9% surge in price of stock on Wall Street accounting for a $US3 trillion flow of funds into global stocks.  This development has been precipitated by Trump’s election.   Appropriately, this is occurring in a Taurus nano-age overflow (March 2016 – June 2017) where a greater emphasis on financial issues should be experienced.

However, what caught my attention was the reference to 30 years.  30 years is twice the length of a micro-age (1/144th of an astrological age).  Why should the bond market have a 30 year ‘bull’ run then fall by the wayside so suddenly?  The answer is at least partly explained in my post The 2017 Economic Meltdown?

“the greatest bull market of all time occurred in the Leo micro-age (1985-2000) and the coming Aquarius period has the opposite intent – it wants to finalize pulling the rug out of positive (Leo) economic conditions for western economies.  This not only will occur, it most likely will be concluded with an economic recession in the period March 2021 to June 2022 – though this coming recession should be much milder than the last Global Recession.”

There is even more revealing astrological information about this global bond market rout linked to the 30 years.  While it is entirely appropriate such a financial issue should coincide with a Taurus period, this Taurus period is very small compared to 30 years.  However, the 30 years basically corresponds with the Virgo micro-age overflow (1985-2000) and the Leo micro-age overflow (2000-Dec 2014).  In macro-astrology, both these signs belong to the ‘conservative’ 50% of zodiacal signs.

The conservative and economic stable signs are the fire and earth signs while the volatile but progressive signs are the air and water signs.  The overflow period is where each sign manifests at their peak strength.  Therefore, only two years ago, the world came to the end of a 30 year period overshadowed by two conservative influences which also usually coincide with greater than normal economic stability notwithstanding the recent Global Recession – which did not appear to upset the 30 year bond market.

The bond market rout is supposedly in reaction to predictions that the world is entering a period of higher inflation spurred on by Trump’s construction zeal.  Following the 30 year conservative but relatively stable influence, we are now only two years within a new 30 year period of the opposite intent – volatility and progressive influences.  (Even Trump is progressive and volatile on the conservative side of politics)

Certainly Trump has increased the volatility stakes and perversely, despite the fact that no recession of the magnitude of the recent Global Recession is due to appear in this new 30 year period, it is going to be very problematical for the world economy – or at least for western nations.  The difficult economic issues facing the world for the next few centuries, and particularly the rest of the 21st century, does not result in massive recessions or economic depressions but appears to be an incremental downturn.  At each turn of the road, economic conditions slowly deteriorate and the numbers of positive economic appear with less frequency or strength.

Though the current Taurus nano-age overflow (March 2016 – June 2017) may seem like a small bit player in a larger field populated by micro-ages and sub-age decans etc, occasionally this is not the case, and in this situation, this is not the case.

The current Taurus nano-age overflow (March 2016 – June 2017) is part of the Taurus nano-age & overflow (Dec 2014-Mar 16 – June 17) – which is strategically situated as the first nano-age in the Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029).  In 11 out of 12 cases, the first nano-age within a micro-age is a preview of the following much larger micro-age – in this case the Taurus micro-age (Nov 2029-Sep 2044) leading into the more powerful 15 years Taurus micro-age overflow commencing September 2044.

So while the rout of the 30 year global bond market and inverse stock market surge – both precipitated by Trump’s election – may just appear as something interesting, these kind of financial issues will return with a vengeance in the Taurus micro-age and overflow.   The seed of the future can usually be found in the present.


2017 appears to be a continuation of the last half of 2016 for the first three quarters of 2017 than a visible pullback …… but not an economic collapse.

The full article is available at: The 2017 Economic Meltdown?

Is Trump the New Caligula?

Who was Caligula? Caligula became the Roman emperor in AD 37, which corresponds in our calendar to about 2017 (or 2018).  The correspondence is drawn from the fact that while Caligula lived in the previous Pisces age, everything else was identical in the sub-ages and smaller sub-periods.  For both Trump and Caligula, they were the respective leaders of the Empire of the Aries-Pisces age (Rome) and the Empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age (USA) with both under the influence of the respective Libra sub-age, Cancer micro-age overflow and Aquarius micro-age decan in each age.  This correspondence only occurs once approximately every 2,000 years.

Gaius Caligula
Gaius Caligula

Caligula was a noble and moderate ruler during the first six months of his reign and then his focus turned to cruelty, sadism, extravagance, and sexual perversity and he was considered an insane tyrant.  During his brief reign, Caligula worked to increase the unconstrained personal power of the emperor, as opposed to countervailing powers within the principate (government). He directed much of his attention to ambitious construction projects and luxurious dwellings for himself, and initiated the construction of two aqueducts in Rome.[i]  He lasted less than 4 years before he was assassinated – Romans didn’t bother about elections when they got tired of their leaders.

About 10 years ago, I realized that from about 2015 onward (for up to 15 years), the world would be strongly under the influence of the Cancer micro-age overflow, and that historically, Cancer is associated with mental instability and leaders who exhibited mental instability.  I used to muse on who could possibly fulfill this role.  For many years I thought it to be the North Korean leader and at times Putin.  Recently the president of the Philippines reared his fascist head encouraging the state sanctioned murder of drug users and dealers – and he can definitely be put in the political lunar camp.  But maybe the politically ‘deranged’ leader will be closer to home?  A leader can exhibit crazy or lunar political tendencies without being personally crazy or deranged.

I am a Vedic-western fusion astrologer which means that I practice both black arts.  For the purposes of examining Donald Trump, like some sterile physician examining a multitude of X-rays and ultrasounds, it is his Vedic horoscope that draws my focus because while the western horoscope is superior in its ability to classify his personality, emotions, desires and so on, it is his relationship with the wider world that I am more interested.  This is where Vedic astrology comes into the picture.

For most western astrologers, Vedic astrology is way too far out of focus due to unfamiliarity, but Vedic astrology is the appropriate stethoscope in this situation.  Vedic astrology is much better at indicating how a person actually interfaces with the world regardless if they have a good, bad or middling nature or personality – as defined by their western horoscope.

Donald Trump Vedic Horoscope
Donald Trump Vedic Horoscope

Trump’s Vedic chart clearly indicates that the two key elements are Rahu (the Moon’s north node) and Mars.  With sidereal Leo rising, Trump’s ruler is the Sun, firmly and appropriately located in his 10th house of status, reputation and fame – so far so good.  The Sun also represents fame, so to have planet of fame in the house of fame is advantageous for a politician.  In contrast, musicians and actors have a preference for the Sun in the 1st house as they want their personality or personal style to garner the fame.

With the Sun representing the indomitable Trump in his Vedic chart, the greatest influence in his life is from Rahu (the Moon’s north node) that sits only two degrees away from his Sun, as he was born on the day of an eclipse.  Rahu is also rajayoga which is like a pot of gold in Vedic astrology, so it brings him great assistance in the area of fame as the raja yoga is in Trump’s 10th house.  (This raja yoga is formed by the ruler of an angular house aspecting Rahu which is also in an angular house – the Sun rules the angular 1st house and is conjunct Rahu in the angular 10th house).

In addition, Rahu itself is greatly enhanced by being involved in a rajayoga.  Rahu is futuristic, because it is the dragon’s head which has eyes, and these eyes perceive the future.  Rahu can make Trump a visionary.  On the down side of Rahu there are a few issues which many would like to be swept under the carpet.  Rahu tends to breed a low class or crass nature – no argument there, but the Gods still favor him nevertheless for this ‘slight’ blemish.  Rahu is devoid of a ‘spiritual’ or esoteric influences and his main focus is firmly focused upon wealth, and the acquisition of more wealth.  With Rahu located in the 10th house, perhaps we can add fame to money! But because Rahu does not have a stomach, no matter how much wealth he obtains, he will never be satisfied and never have enough.  Will the same occur with fame?

Trump is fired up about the future, and this is his forward looking rajayoga-Rahu speaking.  But Rahu always has a demonic element, a bit like a dragon.  We know that dragons are wise, but their wisdom is not necessarily for the benefit of anyone other than the dragon.  According to James Braha, Rahu is a “hedonistic, unconscious and insensitive being”.  Rahu can often bring “ignorance” as well! With Rahu manifesting through Trump on the American and world stage, we can expect interesting times ahead.

The other key element In Trump’s Vedic horoscope is Mars located a few degrees above Trump’s ascendant degree in his first house.  Mars brings a combative nature and a pioneering spirit.  Vedic Mars is very similar to western Mars and includes builders, ambitious people, forcefulness, temper, arguments and fights.  Mars in Vedic astrology also has some of the archetypes associated with Uranus in western astrology – forging ahead where angels fear to tread.  What we do not know is if his pioneering spirit is greater, equal or less than his combative spirit?  Again, we can see both sides of Vedic Mars in Trump.

With a supercharged futuristic temperament combined with a pioneering spirit, we can expect much angst on the conservative side of politics as he tries to drag the Republican Party into the 21st century (see “Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius” @ ).  However, on the progressive side of politics, the Mars-Rahu combination is bound to kick them in the guts, which he has already done merely by winning the presidential election.  Trump potentially has 4 more years of gut kicking.

Independent of astrology, it is a very rare person that escapes their track record.  Whatever Trump has been like in his public, business and media affairs for the past decades is likely to be continued once he is in office.  His previous focus on proving that President Obama was not born in the USA is a classic example. Trump seems to have few scruples about the means that gets him to his desired end result.  Therefore, this tendency is likely to continue.

His real support base is not the Republican Party but the disenchanted blue collar and rural voters who elected him and who were impressed with his character on the TV series “The Apprentice”.  Trump has already indicated an interest for running for a second term, and if so, he has to keep these voters in his camp.  This is fortunately a mild boon as these voters are not so much ideologically driven as driven by knee-jerk reaction to the issues that confront them.  Trump is relatively trapped in this populace web, for better or worse.  Time will tell if he is also the reincarnated Caligula I have been waiting for all these years.

If not Trump – who?


[i] Caligula. (2016, November 17), Wikipedia, Retrieved 19:38, November 17, 2016, from

Illustration: By Louis le Grand – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,