What is in Store for Trump & the USA in 2017?

On the 20th January 2017, when Trump is sworn in as president, it will be just past the glow of the Cancer full moon located in Trump’s 12th whole-sign house.  This is a bad omen for the immediate pre-inauguration period as the 12th house is usually related to ‘self-made’ problems and looking backwards.  While the Cancer full moon falls in his 12th house, the lunar month for his inauguration is Capricorn ruling his 6th house.  This indicates that his main background focus in the whole of the lunar month of his inauguration is on his new staff and new appointees.

For Americans, your new president!
For Americans, your new president!

February 2017 is mainly associated with the Aquarius lunar month with the full moon in Leo, Trumps rising sign.  This suggests he be will ready to plow ahead somewhat in February.  With the whole lunar month ruling his 7th house, opposition will be very strong from whatever sources.   Trump’s secondary progressed Moon is located in his 12th house, and will not shift to his 1st (whole sign) house until around June 2017.  There are sure to be teething problems until June 2017 and he may make one or more significant blunders but he finally gets his full focus mid-year.

What will get Trump’s focus by mid-year?   The major issue in 2017 is war and conflict, a dependable bedrock issue for any conservative politician and this will be a real test for Trump.  Will he be attracted to the drums of war that will be beating very loudly very soon or will he keep focus upon construction?

The world is in the Libra sub-age (1970-2148), which contains 12 micro-ages, and the current micro-age is the Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029).  This also contains 12 nano-ages of almost 15 months each.  The world is currently in an Aries nano-age (Mar 2016 – June 2017) followed by the Aries nano-age overflow (June 2017 – Sep 2018) with the second half more powerful than the first half. Another way of examining this period is to examine the upper half of the whole Aries bell-curve (combining the Aries nano-age with the Aries nano-age decan overflow Mar 2016 to Sep 2018) which is the Aries quasi nano-age (Nov 2016 – Feb 2018).

This Aries nano-age definitely helped Trump in the presidential election as under Aries, people look to an alpha male leader who projects Herculean qualities to right all their wrongs.  The rest of the Aries nano-age and overflow (Mar 2016 – Jun 2017 – Sep 2018) will also help Trump because Aries rules construction, so he has the Aries nano-age on his side for building his Mexican wall plus his infrastructure program in general.

If Aries was only limited to construction, all would be OK, but its primary association is war, conflict and violence.  Expect Trump to be at loggerheads with anyone he can find both domestically and internationally because that is the nature of Aries.  Logic indicates that his main domestic opposition will be the Congressional Republicans as the Democrats have no power.  Trump may even field candidates to oppose Republicans in the mid-term elections due in 2018.  This Aries period does not indicate harmony but brute force.

A Kuwaiti oil field set afire by retreating Iraqi troops burns in the distance beyond an abandoned Iraqi tank following Operation Desert Storm.
A Kuwaiti oil field set afire by retreating Iraqi troops burns in the distance beyond an abandoned Iraqi tank following Operation Desert Storm.

However, the major influence of this Aries nano-age and overflow, that peaks in mid-2017 and seriously came online in November 2016, is war.  It is the same level of Aries that produced the previous two Iraq Wars.  The Allied invasion of Iraq in March 2003 was the most significant military event associated with the previous Aries quasi nano-age (February 2003 – May 2004).[1] This was also that period when bombings around the world were almost nightly news on the TV – including many suicide bombings.

Some of the more famous one’s include: a double suicide bombing at a Moscow rock concert; the Super Ferry bombing in the Philippines by the Abu Sayyaf guerrilla group; the bombs in four rush-hour trains in Madrid, killing 191 people and the beheading of an American civilian Nick Berg, in Iraq.  Another example of the extended Aries influence included the Beslan School Hostage Crisis with at least 335 people killed.

Aries rules accidents so we need to include the disintegration of the Space Shuttle Columbia during re-entry over Texas in February 2003, killing all 7 astronauts on board. Aries is also associated with health and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) also appeared with 8,273 cases and 775 deaths.

Major construction feats are related to Aries and many major skyscrapers commenced or were completed including the Freedom Tower at Ground Zero in New York City, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, which became the tallest man-made structure in the world, at 829.8 m (2,722 ft). The world’s tallest bridge, the Millau Bridge over the River Tarn in the Massif Central Mountains, France was opened and  the official opening of Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taiwan, standing at a height of 1,670 feet (509 metres) was the world’s tallest from 2004 until the 2010.[2]

Jumping back another micro-age, to the Leo micro-age (1985-2000) its Aries nano-age and overflow (Dec 1988-Mar 1990-Jun 1991) arrived at an historic turning point with a wave of revolutions that swept through the Eastern European Bloc, starting in Poland and coming to a head with the opening of the Berlin Wall in late 1989.  This was followed by the overthrow of the communist dictatorship in Romania, and ending in December 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

However 1990 also began with a crisis that would lead to the Gulf War in 1991 following the Iraq invasion of Kuwait.  The Gulf War (Aug 1990 – Feb 1991) took place in the second half of this Aries period.  This strongly suggests that these Aries nano-ages and overflow are linked to greater than average wars or conflicts but localized nevertheless.  Though a much higher probability exist for a major conflict in an Aries period, this does not mean it will occur in every Aries period.

If Trump focuses upon infrastructure construction he has the gods on his side because Aries is associated with construction.  Also the major influence on the sub-age decan level, which defines the international geo-political situation in the world, is currently the Gemini quasi sub-age decan (2000 – 2059) and Gemini activates the 4th house of home for the USA, the Pisces-Aquarius  Empire in the world.  As Gemini gets stronger approaching its high point in 2029, expect the USA to return to its international introversion phase.

The gods are on Trump’s side when he is focusing upon America’s heartland, and they even approve of his Mexican wall – but if he goes to war or raises the temperature in any existing conflict, the gods will be extremely displeased.  The gods specifically do not want the USA riding roughshod around the world for at least the next 75 years while Gemini is so strong!  Why? Because Gemini activates the USA’s 4th house which automatically detracts from its 10th house of status – the USA entered the low status period in 1970 and this low status period picked up speed in 2000. It increased in speed yet again in December 2014 and will reach its crescendo in 2029. (For more details see When Will the USA Retreat from the World? published in 2010)

In the short term, by mid-2017 a Pisces nano-age decan and overflow (Jun 2017-Sep 18- Dec 2019) first appears and will be influential for 2 ½ years.  The first half of this Pisces period overlaps the last half of the Aries period which is a fundamental astrological mechanism of the overflow effect in macro-astrology.  Pisces is the main sign for the USA so it implies that the USA will be pumping along nicely in its revolutionary conservative way during this period, especially the second half.  The economy should be bubbling and the old USA may temporarily appear like a momentary mirage.  But first, Aries takes the attention while Pisces is growing in the background.

Aside from the Mexican wall and any infrastructure projects, 2017 will be a year of animosity, conflict and almost certainly at least one serious military conflict.  It cannot be said if this conflict directly involves the USA or not, but this will be the focus of the year.  I remember reading some years ago from one war researcher who stated, after researching a thousand years of war, that “all wars are based on lies”.  In “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu said “All wars are based on deception.” Get ready for some good lies in 2017!  Pisces prefers lies!

[1] “2003 invasion of Iraq.” Wikipedia, 29 Mar. 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2013

[2] Major Breakthrough – First Nano-Age Decan Discovered? Part 3

The Progressives’ Lament

The perspective from outside of the USA is that Darth Vader from the Evil Empire has just been elected president of the USA.  While many Democratic voters are incredulous that such a ‘travesty’ has occurred, many on the other side of the political divide are ecstatic that finally they have someone who can champion the cause of the downtrodden folk, especially in the rust belt.

Darth Vader

How does this election conform to the long term narrative?  The long term narrative is very clear even without recourse to astrology.  There is a multi-century sweep of technical, social and political progress and advances but these advances are not uniform and not always in the forward direction in the short term.  Hitler and Stalin demonstrated that it is possible to go totally against the current and create incredible havoc, but the current wins in the end.  Few can doubt the impressive advance humanity has made over the last 5 centuries despite all the glaring problems and injustices that remain in the world today.

Technology, which includes medicine, has made exponential improvements over the last 4 or 5 centuries.  Many naïve astrologers believe that the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 1960s and 70s and that the landing of men on the Moon is confirmation.  Landing a man on the Moon did not happen overnight but was the result of a long trajectory of scientific advances that commenced in the Scientific Revolution centuries ago.  The latest date that is attributed to the beginning of the Scientific Revolution is the publication in 1543 of Nicolaus Copernicus’s “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”.

The same has occurred in politics.  Five hundred years ago the world was run by kings and sometimes queens utilizing the aristocracy as their bureaucracy.  Now that the world is ruled by democracies and dictators, kings and queens have been sent scurrying except in some mainly ‘ornamental’ roles like a living piece in a museum.

What does the past and present tell us about the world?  Simply stated, the world is a work in progress.  Since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century, liberal progress has been the overall narrative but progress certainly does not mean advance at every step and turn along the way.  Also, many developments combine both advance and regression at the same time.  For example the Communist revolutions in the early and mid-20th centuries brought social and economic equality and security to many but also stifling bureaucracy that affected anyone that stepped outside the straight and narrow communist ideology.  The Chinese communist government has taken China from being a basket case to the second strongest nation in the world.  Is this progress or not?  It is a mixture.

Science fiction movies generally paint an apocalyptic dystopian future of various sizes and colors.  Is this a reflection by many people that bad news in some big way is on the way?  Most science fiction movies about the future of the Earth are very pessimistic.  Does Hollywood get the future right – is the future a bleak and dreary place?

For this to be the case, Libra (or Venus and Libra) must be a beak and dreary planet and sign.  However these are not archetypes normally associated with either Venus or Libra.  On the negative side of Venus/Libra are many things, but not bleak or dreary. Bleak and dreary belong to Saturn/Capricorn.  The big picture narrative of the world is strongly associated with Libra.  On the down side this will mean problems associated with too much pleasure and too little willpower such as obesity and illnesses associated with sugar such as diabetes and cardiac diseases.  The big problem with Libra is that too much of a good thing can be highly detrimental.  Does this sound like living tribally in caves following an apocalyptic cataclysm?

Why is Libra so powerful in the world?  Each age has three age decans.  The three decans of Aquarius are Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.  However, precession of the equinoxes, which underpin the astrological ages, travels ‘backwards’ through the zodiac, so when the world arrived at the Age of Aquarius it arrived at the backdoor to Aquarius, as it entered Aquarius from the sign Pisces, not Capricorn!  This is why all age decans and sub-periods of the astrological ages such as sub-ages, micro-ages and nano-ages are always in the reverse of their normal order.  This also explains why all ages and sub-periods are far stronger at their endings because the beginnings of all signs are strongest at their start.  When signs are reversed for the ages, the beginning of a sign becomes the end of an age.

When the world entered the Age of Aquarius in 1433, the pre-imminent sign was and remains Pisces because the Age of Pisces had over 2,000 years to build up its momentum to a crescendo in 1433 and then like a tsunami, this Pisces has swept over the world BUT dragging the new kid on the block with it.  The new kid is Aquarius.   The Age of Aquarius peaks in 2863 and therefore has some way to go!  Libra, as the first age-decan in the Age of Aquarius is approaching its peak now.

During this over 700 year period, the Libran age-decan (1433-2148) also slowly evolves like the new bud of a plant and it blooms by 2148.  While it will be another 1600 years before the Age of Aquarius blooms, Libra’s bloom is just around the corner next century.  This is why Libra is so powerful in the world even though Pisces and Aquarius are powered by the more powerful ages. We are racing towards the Libra corner of the Age of Aquarius.

Even on an elementary level we can see the strength of Libra currently in the world just by the fact that over the last century or so, females in western democracies have become politically enfranchised, and in many developing countries as well.  Political equality does not mean equality and there is a lot further before equality becomes true on many levels.  This is because Libra is a work in progress too, and this is why there remain so many problematic issues involving females both in western countries and the rest of the world.  Libra is a work in progress, and we will not see its blooming in our lifetimes.  Therefore, a huge number of issues related to females will not get resolved in our lifetimes, but for those with perception, we can witness the seed of the final solution.

The same situation occurs in politics in general.  Since ‘civilization’ arrived, the world has never had it so good as it currently stands.  There is no time in the past that any sensible person would want to be transported to in place of today’s world.  Firstly, there was a 50% chance you would be dead by 20.  Secondly you would not be Cleopatra or Julius Caesar, you would most likely be doing hard labor just to survive in the most basic of circumstances.  Though many people had great lives in past times, the lottery of life in those times was against this being a secure reality.  One historian noted that Julius Caesar would have given everything he had to be an average person in the modern world!

The world today at the beginning of the 21st century is not an end product, it is work in progress.  Any study of history will show that social and political evolution is a slow process.  For example, in the early 19th century, workers, many who were still children, lived and worked in appalling conditions because at the time, money was more important than people, and to a certain degree, this remains the case.  So the workers started to get organised.  They were vilified, attacked, killed and persecuted but after a hundred years or more, they basically got their wish.

This is a poster for the musical Hair announcing a New Age
This is a poster for the musical Hair announcing a New Age

The 1960s and 70s precipitated another socio-political revolution, not a workers revolution but a new age revolution.  The hippies and empathizers introduced a new ethos to Western society, and the majority of this ethos is associated with Libra.  The peace symbol is a Libra archetype.  “Make love not war” is another Libra expression.  This new movement may have started in the 1960s and 70s, but it will not bloom until the middle of next century.

Why did this movement appear in the 1960s and 70s?  Every age has three decans and 12 sub-ages, so every age-decan has 4 sub-ages.  The 4 sub-ages in the current Libra age-decan in chronological order are Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Libra.  1970 was the cusp of the Scorpio sub-age (1791-1970) and the Libra sub-age (1970-2148).  You should note that every age-decan concludes with a sub-age of the same sign which is why they are stronger at their end compared to their beginning.

The 1960s and 70s had revolutionary Scorpio at its peak and Libra much more powerful than is normally the case because the new Libra sub-age is not isolated, it is part of the longer and more powerful Libra age-decan (1433-2148).  The ethos of the New Age movement is primarily Scorpio and Libra which also defines the rock music that also came out of this period.

The impact of the new ethos has already greatly affected western culture to the point that gay rights have been, or are in the process of, being legally enshrined.  Relationships have been deregulated from the clasp of religious dogma, and even many states and countries are either deregulating or legalizing recreational drugs.  Of course there is far more to the social revolution of the 1960s and 70s than gay rights, free love and marijuana but underlying it all are the two core archetypes associated with Scorpio and Libra – metamorphic change combined with fairness and tolerance.

Whenever there is a progressive change, there will be a reaction, and one aspect of Trump’s recent success is that on the conservative side of politics, the new ethos of the 1960s and 70s is destroying their perception of a proper life and world.  However, even on the so called progressive side of politics, Bernie Sanders could not even garner enough support to become the nominee for the Democrats.  The new ethos remains a fledgling in western society.

In many countries, but not the USA due to its restrictive electoral system, the new ethos is represented by the Green Party.  In my country, the Greens get about 10% of the vote.  Twenty years ago it would have been lucky to get 5% of the vote.  In 2059 the incoming Libra sub-age energy becomes stronger than the outgoing Scorpio sub-age overflow energy, and this will be the time that about 20% of western nations will support the Green party or similar parties with similar liberal new age policies.

Twenty percent is the tipping point.  Once a group gets to 20%, they have far greater influence upon society than just a 1/5th influence.  There will be some striking headway by the new ethos later this century.  In the meantime, it is not time.  The groundswell or conservative reaction and support for Donald Trump is far stronger than the fledgling new age ethos movement.  Even though the dominant change of the last 40 to 50 years has radiated out from the new age ethos, it will take until the middle of the next century to achieve their goals.  Even in the middle of the 22nd century, only about 50% of the population will be in the new age ethos camp.  However, this should be enough for a Mini Golden Age.

One of the reasons I misjudged the US presidential election is that I was very aware of the above long term narrative, and so I mentally live partly in that future, or a small bubble of the future.  As of December 2014, the world has entered the most progressive astrological time for over 7,000 years.  Why, because it all has to do with earth, air, fire and water.  After much research, I have found that whenever an earth or fire sign is dominant, conservative influences predominate.  Whenever water and air signs dominate, progressive and evolutionary tendencies predominate.  However, water and air signs bring volatility which means big problems while the conservative fire and earth signs usually bring stability – including economic stability – but only on average as Capricorn is an earth sign and always brings big problems.

As of December 2014, the world is in the Pisces age overflow and Age of Aquarius (1433-3574), Pisces age-decan overflow and Libra age-decan (1433-2148), Scorpio sub-age overflow and Libra sub-age (1970-2148), Cancer micro-age overflow and Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014-Nov 2029).  Notice that all these signs are either air or water.  This has not occurred for over 7,000 years.  There are only nine 15 year micro-ages in the whole of the Age of Aquarius where this occurs, and as of December 2014, we are in one of them.  The next one is not due until the Pisces micro-age overflow and Aquarius micro-age (2073-2088).

This is why I erroneously believed Hillary Clinton would become president. If the election had been after 2059, a very different result would have occurred.  But prior to 2059, the new ethos remains too weak on the political agenda.  However, it can readily be seen that this absolutely highly charged revolutionary 15 years has not disappeared in a whimper, it has channelled its energy through Donald Trump.  Remember, water and air signs bring progressive policies and volatility.  While I do believe Trump will bring some progress to the conservative side of politics, it is the volatility that is probably going to be the main game.  Also, 15 years is a long time in politics, and after Trump, it will not be business as normal.  This highly energized Cancer micro-age overflow and Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) will have many more upsets and progress.

There is no need to lament at the outcome of the 2016 presidential elections.  Social change occurs faster than political change, which is why politicians try so hard to prevent or restrict progressive social evolution.  But this is like trying to stop the tide from coming in with a six inch sand wall.

Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

I posted at this blog  Trump was Just the First Salvo in a Difficult Decade Ahead the day before the 2016 presidential election and though I was assuming a Clinton win, this post remains an accurate assessment of the next 10 years or so.

I had the first inkling of flaws in my assumption of Hillary Clinton winning the presidential election about one week before the election, and on November 6th I published on a number of Facebook sites The Scorpio Lunar Month & the US Presidential Elections

In this post I stated:

“For the current Scorpio lunar month, the Taurus full Moon (on 14th November), ….. actively stimulates Trump’s 10th house of status and fame and undermines Hillary’s personal worth in favour of her opponent.”

“There are a number of possibilities.  Firstly, the election result may be so close that the final result must wait until after the full Moon effect but in the meantime, Trump is sitting in the sunshine of a possible victory.  Secondly, the result is clear on the day but Trump goes on a final ranting binge about the corruption of the US presidential election followed by his last few days as a major news item? Thirdly, Trump actually wins the election?”

“Something strange and unusual is occurring here as Trump gets an immediate election afterglow, one way or another.”

“The only influence from the Dark Moon Lilith is that within 24 hours of the election the transiting Sun will be conjunct Trumps progressed Lilith.  This brings either great fame or great loss of fame, but nothing in the middle.”

“In conclusion, ….. it does suggest something that promotes Trump’s image post-election day … .  Somehow he gets an election afterglow….. The coming full Moon indicates he will be at his best under the glow of the full Moon.”

However, my mindset was so caught up in the prevailing view that it was impossible for Trump to win the election, that I did not heed the warnings of such a simple and elementary thing as the full moon only days after the election.  This full moon in Taurus is located in Trump’s 10th house of fame and prestige and located in Hillary’s 7th house representing her opponent (using whole sign houses).

The lunation cycle and full moons are generally overlooked by the huge majority of astrologers who are always hypnotized with the natal horoscope.  Every full moon behaves like a mini-eclipse.  Its effects are not limited to the actual few days that the full moon is in the actual sign where it occurs, but it spreads its wings for a number of days either side of the exact full moon.  It has personally affected me as the November 2016 Taurus full moon falls in my 4th house of anti-status, thus I am still digesting my hat from my wrong prediction.

Many astrologers correctly forecasted the election of Trump.  The following list (which is probably incomplete), has been researched and prepared mainly by Mark Cullen from Skyscript and he lists all the astrologers who correctly predicted Trump winning the election: Anil Aggarwal , Robert Antoniak, Amanda Auv, Steven Birchfield, Kenneth Bowser, Alison Chester-Lambert, Petros Eleftheriadis, Jonathan Flanery, Smiljana Gavrancic, Barry Goddard, Lisa J Gordon (aka Lisa Lazuli), Hossein Heidari‎, (Steve Judd), Sharon Knight, Inderjit Singh Kallirai, Stephen Lewis, Helmut Licht, Sachin Malhotra, Marina Marchione, Peter Novak, Arjun Pundit, Lamont Robinson, Krasi Serguieva, William Stickevers, Ming Wang and Theodore White.

Further details  of the presidential election predictions collated by Mark Cullen inluding a list of incorrect predictions is available at http://skyscript.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9205

It is always more difficult to pick the correct winner when the winner appears to be the outside chance plus with politics, it appears that 90% of astrologers are biased towards left wing or progressive political persuasion.  Therefore congratulations are definitely in order for these astrologers with the correct predictions in difficult circumstances.

A friend of mine stated after the election that a lot of hats are being eaten.  Though I had a late inclination that something was wrong with my expectation of a Clinton victory, it was too late.  I succumbed to the old enemy of accurate predictions – I succumbed to my own political bias.  I am totally aware of my political bias, and I actually try to counter-balance this bias, but in this case, my bias won.  At every point of analysis in weighing up the pros and cons of the positive and negative astrological influences, I gave Hillary the benefit of the doubt.

My bias was not so much towards the Democrats over the Republicans but my perspective of the future.  My analysis of the future is very positive and to the point I can see a Mini Golden Age ahead – but not until the middle of next century.  There are stepping stones towards this reality over the next century and a half, but I was being impatient with my expectations.  I was putting the USA further down the line of political evolution than is the case.  (see A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making).  The biggest stepping stone towards the new bright future does not appear until 2059, but there are many smaller ones before that date. Socio-political evolution is a much slower process than most people give credit.

What most Astrologers do not recognise is that there are two sides to Aquarius.  Aquarius promotes revolutionaries – but these revolutionaries can be promoting hard right wing political approaches (such as Donald Trump and the Republican Party) or left wing policies such as Bernie Sanders. However both are demonstrating Aquarius’ revolutionary spirit.  It is this Aquarius revolutionary spirit that garnered Trump enough votes to get him elected!

Donald Trump

For people on the left of politics, there is a silver lining to every cloud.  The silver lining with Trump is that he has brought political revolution to US politics – the cat is out of the bag!  Bernie Sanders almost made it but Trump broke through.  I am not going to get into an analysis of Trump’s hard-line political agenda at this point, but we are at the beginning of a ten year period where the major sign is Aquarius.  Up until now, the most obvious association to the Aquarius periods are fascist revolutionaries such as Adolph Hitler and Mussolini.

The last Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) brought the fascists and communists to power – both representing the revolutionary element of Aquarius but with little lasting beneficiary effect.  Our current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) is the strongest Aquarius influence any Baby Boomer or later generations have ever experienced and harks back to the 1920s and 30s when Aquarius was very strong (see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan for more details). However, our present 10 year Aquarius period is only one-third the strength or the former Aquarius period.  We can expect the growth of neo-fascists  (milder versions) rather than hard core fascists like Hitler in the current period as the world has moved on since the 1920s and 30s.

Too much connection should not be made between the fascists dictators of the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) and the current batch of neo-fascist and hard-line leaders appearing under the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec  2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) because apart from the fact the current Aquarius period is only one-third the power of the former Aquarius period, the big difference is Capricorn.

The early 20th century Aquarius period was followed by the cold dark Capricorn micro-age and overflow (1925 – 1940 – 1955) which brought the greatest calamity ever experienced in ‘civilization’, especially in the upper half of the Capricorn bell-curve (associated with the Capricorn quasi micro-age 1932 – 1947).  This is normally the case when Aquarius is found based on the twelve-fold division but not with the three-fold division associated with decans.

The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec  2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) has no corresponding Capricorn period in sight, only a small Capricorn digression surrounding the 2020 US presidential elections.  In fact the opposite is the case.  The other key sign associated with the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is Cancer (see Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World).  So while adherents of progressive politics will be experiencing shock and horror from what can be expected from President Donald Trump, this does not lead into a dark period, except for a short Capricorn period associated with the 2020 US presidential elections when the Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 2019 – Mar 21 – Jun 22) will be approachings its peak, and thus a mini depressive time – both economically and the general mood of the electorate.

The neo-fascist rhetoric of some of Trumps political statements needs to be placed in context.  He is a consummate showman and he knows how to attract voters.  He cannot run the presidency on rhetoric but on action.  Obviously there will be some highly detrimental policies to be expected from a more conservative view of the world, and environmental issues may suffer dearly.  It is best to wait and see what will actually take place rather than cry for the spilt milk before it has spilt, as everyone’s expectation of what may be spilt may be more aligned to fear and paranoia rather than reality.  The sign Cancer remains very powerful in the world and in these times people will gyrate between exhilaration and depression as is the nature of Cancer.

Another aspect of Trumps unexpected success and the unexpected result of the recent Brexit referendum in the UK is that ‘unexpected’ is a Uranus/Aquarius archetype.  In an Aquarian period such as the world is now in (as of December 2014 lasting almost 10 years), the unexpected is what we should expect. When you experience the shock (of dismay for some and exuberance of others) from these events you are experiencing Aquarius.  The astrological ages are speaking to you.  The world is always encountering two micro-age decans at any time (like two walking feet), and the Aquarius foot has just touched the ground for 10 years – the Cancer foot had a 5 year start and will end 5 years sooner.  The Libra foot hits the ground in December 2019 for its 10 year run.

All micro-age decans are not equal.  Whenever a micro-age decan is encountered that resonates with a larger more powerful period, its effects are stronger.  Currently, the major ‘senior’ signs in the world in order of their strongest influence begin with Pisces as the most powerful followed by Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio and Gemini in descending order.  Our little but current Aquarius micro-age decan is resonating with the second strongest sign currently influencing the world, so this little 10 year period stands out.

Aquarius revolution is in the air, and political volatility is rising in the world as expected when Aquarius is strong – which is the case since December 2014.  Dissatisfied voters are throwing out the old and taking in the new despite the consequences.  Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ have taken control of the US presidency, and this is what should be expected 50% of the time when Aquarius is powerful.

The USA’s primary sign from the perspective of macro-astrology is Pisces – two fish swimming in opposite directions (see Pisces America).  This is why with the US presidential elections, the norm is that the political party in control changes on average every 8 years.  Each fish gets their chance 50% of the time.  The big difference between the USA and most other modern democracies is this gigantic and growing split in the policies of both sides of politics.

This split will rise to its greatest height experienced in the USA since the American Civil War and will be at its highest volatility in the years 2019 – 2024 from the Aquarian element, but even greater in the following 5 years (2024 – 29) under the Libra micro-age decan overflow. The years 2024 – 29 repeats many astrological conditions that existed at the time of the American Civil War, but not as pronounced, so a new civil war is not expected – but serious discord cannot be ruled out.

The astrological anniversary of the Trump’s election win in November 2016 was just the opening salvo for US politics.  The fireworks will not be limited to Trump either, and it will be interesting how the USA passes through its most volatile 10 years in politics since the Civil War!  In the meantime, Trump is a representative of the Age of Aquarius, but mainly just one side of what is possible?  Here is something to consider – is Trump a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Even from the perspective of left wing or progressive politics, there is a very good chance that Trump will drag the Republican Party into the 21st century (kicking and screaming of course).  Trump is not a traditional Republican, he is a populace Republican and it is his base of supporters in the voting public that is his source of strength, not the machinery of the Republican Party.

Trump does not seem to be concerned with homosexuality.  It can be expected that in the social arena, Trump may espouse a number of liberal social ideals.  What are his views on abortion?  In the campaign, Trump was not making social issues the focus but mainly economic issues and of course illegal immigration.  Trump is not part of the anachronistic Tea Party.  While Trump may promote hard conservative economic policies and perhaps some regressive environmental policies, even in these areas we will just have to wait and see what he actually does as opposed to what he has said in the political campaign.  Trump does seem to be a political chameleon as he appears to channel the archetypal grifter – a traditional figure in the psyche of the USA.

If Trump does drop a number of social issues off the table, this is not only a big revolution in the Republican Party, it is also a positive revolution in US politics from the perspective of both sides of the political divide.  If formerly contentious social issues are ignored or removed from the platform, this allows the progressives to move further left or progressive in their posturing.

Finally, it is best for democracy that there is a regular change of government to prevent entrenched corruption and staleness at the top.  Trump has appropriately revolutionized politics in the USA  – and while many of his policies will be anathema to many progressives, there is a distinct silver lining.  Trump will probably drag the Republican Party at least partly into the “Age of Aquarius”.

When you see what type of president Trump becomes, and what he does, at least you know that the Aquarius micro-age decan is talking directly to you showing you that Aquarius is not limited to only the positive archetypes associated with Aquarius.  Watching Trump’s presidency will be equivalent to reading a chapter on Aquarius.

Regardless of your political persuasion, you can experience some of the thrills and excitement Trump supporters are experiencing because Aquarius is associated with excitement and thrills.  And remember, the same excitement is yet to be successfully brought to the Democrats!  Aquarius will be getting stronger each coming year and significantly increases in tempo in the middle of 2017 and even moreso in December 2019.

The Eight Most Popular Posts for Further Investigation

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies

An Age Old Mistake That Still Haunts Astrologers

The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s

SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Generational Astrology – Introduction (Part 1)

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Is Trump the New Caligula

Trump was Just the First Salvo in a Difficult Decade Ahead

Trump’s candidature in 2016 for the job of the US president was not a one-off erratic spectacle that the USA put on for the rest of the incredulous world.  It was in fact the opening salvo in the USA by a very sizeable minority of the US public absolutely disenchanted with the ‘progressive’ direction of the USA.  If they had their way, they would turn the USA back to a fantasy of what it once was.  However, this disenchantment is only going to increase over the coming decade.  The astrological influence over the coming decade will plumb the depth of the social and political dichotomy that is the USA.

The USA, since December 2014, has for the first time since the American Civil War (1861-65), entered a Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029).  The former Gemini micro-age associated with the American Civil War covered the period June 1851 to April 1866.  Why should Gemini be associated with so much upheaval and polarization in the USA?

No period in macro-astrology operates independently of larger and smaller periods in play plus overlapping periods definitely must be taken into account (see Age of Aquarius for Dummies). Both these Gemini micro-ages are also overlapped by a Cancer micro-age overflow and the overflow period is where a sign manifests at its peak strength.  Therefore the Gemini micro-ages, that the world is currently in, and was previously in place during the American Civil War, have even a stronger Cancer influence than Gemini.

Cancer is a critical sign for the USA as American society and culture commenced in the Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612) when Jamestown was settled on May 4, 1607.  This not only places the Capricorn element in the signature of the USA very high up the totem pole, it is enhanced by the fact that 1407 also occurred in a Capricorn micro-age (1597 – 1612) – the strongest time for Capricorn in the whole Capricorn sub-age (there are 12 micro-ages in every sub-age).

Capricorn brought to the USA the stern Puritan values and work ethic with a strong focus upon self-reliance, which has been instrumental in bringing the USA to where it is today the most powerful nation in the world though its social welfare systems is tantamount to a disgrace compared to other western nations.  Puritans don’t like helping other ‘worthless’ people as Capricorn is the judgmental sign.  Capricorn is not the only sign on the USA’s totem pole, higher up are also Aquarius and at the very top – Pisces (see Pisces America)

Nevertheless, with Capricorn so strong in the signature for the USA, it has trouble dealing with periods associated with Cancer.  It certainly had a major problem with the former Cancer micro-age overflow as the American Civil War is the greatest political issue the USA has ever encountered since its formation.  However the 19th century Cancer micro-age coincided with the much more massive Cancer sub-age decan (1791 – 1866).  Sub-age decans pack a real punch, and the resultant punch for the USA was not a knockout blow, but the next best thing – a massive civil war.

The current Cancer period does not invoke a massive Cancer sub-age decan or any other strong Cancer period.  This means that the internal turmoil expected in the USA under the Cancer micro-age overflow (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) will not produce a civil war.  But even with Donald Trump, we see some extra venom and separation between Republican and Democrat supporters compared to most US presidential elections.  We can expect some serious disturbances and opposition in the coming years.

The other key ingredient associated with the American Civil war is that it coincided with an Aquarius micro-age decan overflow within the Gemini micro-age.  (Any Gemini micro-age will have three micro-age decans, and one of them will be an Aquarius micro-age decan). The Civil War (1861 – 65) coincided very tightly with the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (May 1861 – April 1866).  This is the five years when Aquarius is at its greatest potential, but all three signs associated with the Civil War: Gemini, Cancer & Aquarius had a role to play.

Gemini tends towards splits and fragmentation.  The USA split into two in the Civil War and in the 2016 presidential elections we see the growing division in American society as the minority hard-line conservatives, manifesting as the supporters of Donald Trump, rage at the system that sees the erosion of their traditional values and expectations of the USA to be the greatest country in the world.  This erosion will not stop so this significant minority are expressing their displeasure at increasingly higher decibels.

The Aquarius element clearly manifested in the American Civil War as on one side the Unionists were fighting for the freedom of slaves and freedom is always associated with Aquarius.  On the negative side of Aquarius the Confederates were insisting on their God given right to own slaves which is the normal fascist approach to any situation – fascism always involves the subjugation of minorities as sub-standard people one way or another.  Fascism is a bedfellow of racism but a fascist or racist never admits to being one as they do not perceive this reality within themselves.  This would require introspection.  Fascism is always on the other side of the Aquarian coin! The fact that the primary precipitation leading to the US Civil war was slavery is in recognition that Pisces is the strongest sign on the USA’s totem pole.

The Aquarius element is again present in the world today, but in its formative stage.  Aquarius graduates to its potent stage with the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) but does seriously pick up speed commencing mid-2017.  Taking into account that the Democrats or liberal political elements are favoured to win every US presidential election up to 2028, the hard-line conservative elements in the USA represented by Capricorn will be extremely unhappy. They already had to put up with the insult of a black president, and now a female president.  When will this travesty stop!  Perhaps a lesbian president is next?

We should expect the dissolution of the two party political system in the USA in the coming decades as the major Gemini period the world is now entering is not just a Gemini micro-age but the peak part of the Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2059) with the period 2029 to 2059 the strongest Gemini section.  Gemini promotes splits and fragmentation.

Gemini is already manifesting around the world and not only by its mass seduction of the general public via cell phones and portable electronic devices.  The Brexit vote is another example of Gemini as the UK commences the fragmentation of the European Common Union. [see Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains] I would not be surprised if some states or regions in the USA again voice their desire to fragment the USA in the coming decade.

What will be most obvious in the next decade is the growing animosity between the progressives and conservatives in the USA as the conservatives’ experience the continuing erosion of their values and political base.  Power corrupts, and historically, very few groups within society willingly allow their power to erode.  Conservatives always consider that they have a god given right to rule.  For conservative groups, democracy is not the most important feature, it is their values that are most important.  Democracy is just this bothersome thing that subverts their “American” values.  When it comes to the crunch, conservatives will fall back upon neo-fascist approaches to solve their perceived problems.  Trump is probably just the first jack-in-the-box to pop out of the hardliner faction in American politics which is on a serious growth curve.

The religious fervor expressed by Trump’s adherents is something rarely seen in modern western democracies, but it was seen in the Brexit referendum in the UK.  Even an advanced modern western democracy is not 100% immune to the extreme right in politics.  Nearly all modern western democracies currently have a resurgent hard-line right wing political revival – but they usually only gain adherents from the looney end of society, whereas in the USA, a very strong and significant section of society have jumped onto the this bandwagon.

The ultra-conservative right in America may have taken the media bandwidth in the lead up to the US presidential election, but in leading western nations, the progressives will on average, have the edge.  Any setback by progressives will only be temporary.  The Age of Aquarius is not going to disappear! This is not the case in ‘immature’ democracies and other governments where the extreme conservative right can dominate politics such as in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, a number of central Eurasian nations and so on. For the rest of this century, the progressives and conservatives will be at each other’s throats.  Why, because the future lies with the progressives, and the stronger the progressive policies, the greater the reaction by the incensed minority that opposes these policies.

The USA is highly stressed, and will get even more stressed over the next decade.  There is nothing in the astrology that suggests any overthrow of the US government this century.  The same cannot be said for the middle of next century where there is a high chance that the government of the USA will be temporarily demoted, sidelined or usurped, one way or another, before it regains its momentum.  Astrologically, the USA will remain the dominant power in the world until around 2500 at which point it will probably be absorbed or evolved into Greater America (a combined North & South America).  This process is already underway with the Latinization of the USA.