The Astrology of the Spanish Flu & COVID-19

Some interesting astrological parallels exist between the Spanish flu (1918 – 1920) and COVID-19.  COVID-19 commenced in December 2019 aligned with the arrival of the Aquarius nano-age overflow (Dec 2019 – Mar 2021), one of 12 nano-ages in the Gemini micro-age (2014 – 2029).  Aquarius causes disruptions and Gemini rules the lungs – the major organ affected by the COVID-19.  December 2019 also saw the start of the Virgo nano-age decan and overflow (Dec 19 – May 20 – Oct 20).  Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo all had their part to play

The Spanish flu (February 1918 – April 1920) aligned with the Virgo nano-age overflow (Feb 1917 – May 1918), one of 12 nano-ages within the Aquarius micro-age (1910-25) but also in the Gemini micro-age decan (Nov 1915 – Oct 1920).  Again we see Aquarius disruption and Gemini lungs.  Virgo naturally stimulates public health issues.  The main connection between the Spanish flu and COVID-19 is that they both occurred in an air micro-age, and in both cases, due to the influence of the decans of these two air signs, both Gemini and Aquarius were strongly involved – see Table 1 below.  Virgo also made an appearance both times.

Table 1 – The micro-ages of the Scorpio and Libra sub-ages

However, the Spanish flu was far more deadly than COVID-19 – in a totally different class altogether, as the Spanish flu was one of the most terrible pandemics in human history whereas COVID-19 currently is killing about the same number of people who die in car accidents each year around the world.  The astrology behind the massive difference between the Spanish flu and COVID-19 is that the Spanish flu occurred within the Pisces quasi sub-age decan (1880 – 1940) of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) – one of 12 sub-ages that exist within the Age of Aquarius.

The significance of this Pisces quasi sub-age decan is that it is the last major thrust from the Pisces quasi-age (359 AD – 2503 AD) and can be allegorically considered as the last major thrust of Neptune’s trident into an unsuspecting world that was also engaged in the monumental stupidity of the First World War in (Pisces) Europe.  It seems that the Spanish flu was a byproduct of the First World War.

Every epoch produces three major hotspots, and for the Pisces epoch, each of the three Pisces hotspots was associated with the most major plagues the world has experienced to date.  Sitting within the Pisces quasi-age (352 – 2503 AD) are exactly 12 sub-ages, with every forth sub-age a water sub-age with one a Pisces sub-age, and the other two water sub-ages contains a Pisces sub-age decan.  It is these Pisces hotspots within the Pisces epoch that have the highest intensity of Pisces in the 26,000 years cycle of the ages.  These water sub-ages are:

  • Cancer sub-age (533 – 713 AD) – 1st Bubonic plague (540 AD – 750 AD)
  • Pisces sub-age (1253 – 1433 AD) – 2nd Bubonic plague (1331 – 1353)
  • Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970 AD) – 3rd Bubonic plague (1855 – 1860) & Spanish flu (1918-20)

The Cancer sub-age (533 – 713 AD) contains a Pisces sub-age decan (533 – 593 AD), and the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) also has its Pisces sub-age decan (1851 – 1910).  Associated with each of these three strongest manifestations of Pisces over the 26,000 years cycle of ages are the three greatest Bubonic plagues in history with the Spanish flu thrown in as an afterthought![i]

The world is always under the influence of a number of periods within the astrological ages, and currently, the world is under the influence of the Gemini quasi sub-age decan (2000 – 2059), which stimulates the lungs – for better or worse.  The lungs are the major organ affected by COVID-19, but also notice, that the major inroad against cigarette smoking in the First World has also occurred under Gemini’s watch.  You may have also noticed that hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones are getting increasingly bigger and fiercer over the last decade or so, and the world has not yet even got to the highpoint of Gemini yet.

However, the current Gemini quasi sub-age decan is not on par with the far more powerful previous Pisces quasi sub-age decan associated with the Spanish flu – which was the last major hotspot associated with the Pisces epoch. However, it is a very different story at the end of this century when the world encounters the Aquarius quasi sub-age decan (2059 – 2118) resonating with the up and coming Aquarian age (1433 – 3581).  The period (2059 – 2118) will be the baptism of the Age of Aquarius and the potential disruption this will bring to the world will be four times stronger than the period that covered the First and Second World Wars including the Great Depression and Spanish flu (and Prohibition in the USA).  The Aquarius baptism period will also be 12 times stronger than the world is now experiencing with COVID-19.

We should be thankful that for most people alive today, COVID-19 will be the worst disruption in our lives, but compared to the early 20th century and later this century – we have got off with the equivalent of a Sunday school picnic. Though with all the gnashing of teeth and hair-pulling, you could be mistaken for thinking that COVID-19 is a major drama.  As far as world dramas are concerned, it is about as mild as they come.

The mainly medieval responses many western nations have taken in their (mis)handling of COVID-19 is due to the fact that the strongest sign in the world today is Pisces, despite the world being in the Age of Aquarius for over five centuries.  This is why (Aquarius) rationality is sidelined, and instead, political knee-jerk responses are taken by many nations towards COVID-19, not to mention climate change.  The recent rise of populace leaders exacerbates the problem, as populace leaders tend to follow their supporters’ collective emotional needs rather than construct a (Capricorn) rational and strategic response.  The rise in populace leaders is associated with mainly the second half of the Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000 – 2014 – 2029) that overlaps the Gemini micro-age and overflow (2014 – 2029 – 2044). (see Table 1 above for the Cancer micro-age overflow highlighted in yellow).

Table 2 – the Pisces epoch remains the strongest manifestation of the 12 zodiacal signs in the world today, until the departure of the Pisces quasi-age in 2503

What the above perspective on the status of Pisces in the world today indicates is that the greatest delusion in the modern world is that we are ‘modern’, whereas, we remain more heavily influenced by (Pisces) medievalism as Table 2 indicates.  Our technology may be modern, but how we use technology is medieval, which is why the world has more nuclear bombs than necessary to blow up the whole world, and we are also using non-nuclear technology to destroy the world through environmental vandalism.  Our modern democracies remain ‘basic’ or embryonic, not the finished product, which is why the rich still rule the world, as they have done for thousands of years.  It’s like having various

Homer Simpson

incarnations of Homer Simpson in charge of the world for the last 5,000 years since governments were first created.

A really modern world cannot appear before 2503, and more likely around another thousand years later – though a good preview will appear towards the end of this century.  People in those distant future times will look back at us aghast at our primitiveness, in the same way as we look back at Ancient Rome and Greece where executions in public arenas were a spectator sport and a Roman father could murder his family members with impunity with this legal right granted to him as head of the household.

Despite so many inspiring things in the world today, it is an unreliable source for the inspiration that we personally need in our lives.  It is better to look elsewhere for inspiration, as while the world may have a high degree of primitiveness, as individuals, we do not have this kind of limitation.  Not only is the sky the limit for our personal inspiration, we miraculously live in one of those special times where real inspiration is available for the keen as we are currently in the strongest part of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2149) with the strongest quarter 1970 to 2059.

Under this Scorpio period, it is one of the best times over 2,000 years for a person to find their inner self or inner truth.  Don’t waste this opportunity by looking in the wrong place, it’s not the world that will present this opportunity to you, but by your own thirst for Truth.  It’s the same Truth that many avatars, teachers and guides from many parts of the world have provided insight and assistance for thousands of years. Furthermore, politics always appears to be a generation behind the times, so if you are an alert and aware person, you will normally feel frustrated at the conservative stance of most governments in most matters.  Don’t let the world drag you down to its level.  There is far more to life than what the ‘world’ has to offer!

Further Resources

Why I did Not Predict COVID-19 20 March 2020

Will the Coronavirus Recession Compare to the Great Depression of the 1930s? 2 May 2020

The Emerging Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic 6 May 2020

COVID-19 & International Travel? 12 July 2020


[i] Timeline of plague, Wikipedia, Retrieved 01:01, May 10, 2020, from