Weinstein’s Date With Fate

Over the many decades I have been doing astrological readings and predictions, the main insight I have reaped is that predictions are usually not necessary – because the average person does not have an objective assessment about what is happening to them NOW! What is the point of discussing the future in two months, two years or two decades if my client is confused about what is happening to them now?

The Beginning of History?

The same applies to the astrology of the world, with the main difference being that the average person also has a totally confused picture of the past, is flummoxed by the present and is too exhausted to consider the future. I remember reading one survey about a decade ago that said the average understanding of history in the USA began with the TV series The Simpsons first aired in 1989. Anything before that date is just a fog.

Out of this historical quagmire, many astrologers claim that the Age of Aquarius commenced in the 1960s or 70s because the opening song in the musical Hair proudly proclaimed “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…”. Other astrologers are equally confused and befuddled by stating that the previous Age of Pisces commenced with the life of Jesus Christ not realizing that both these statements cannot be simultaneously true because ages are about 150 years longer than 2,000 years. Many astrologers solve this problem by arbitrarily rounding each astrological age to exactly 2,000 years each because they need nice and tidy years for each age. This is how the influence of the Pisces age affects astrologers and astrology.

In the current Age of the Mobile Phone, where so much news, fake news, information and disinformation comes hurtling at our brains at an accelerating speed, this article is appropriately about flitting small periods within the Age of Aquarius that exist for just a few months. Think of and old fashion clock with an hour, minute and second hand. The hour hand allegorically represents the astrological ages of some 2,150 years each, the minute hand represents sub-ages of around 178 years each and the second hand represents micro-ages of some 15 years each. [See Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details on the mechanics of the astrological ages]

What I am examining in this article is the missing forth hand of the clock, which if it existed, represents each second again divided by 60. These represent nano-ages, and each nano-age is approximately 15 months in length. Most people reading this will be astrologers, so you should understand “decanates” commonly abbreviated to “decans”, and not to be confused with or pronounced like a church “deacon” – it’s been many a century since a deacon was allowed to study astrology, or at least publicly.

Decans allow us to divide sign-based periods into thirds – so if a nano-age is almost 15 months, a nano-age decan is about 5 months. These incredibly small periods within an age are nevertheless highly noticeable in the constant stream of discordant information, scandal and intrigue that we call the news. Many, if not the majority, of major news items that parade before us daily, are actually archetypally linked to these nano-ages and nano-age decans. You cannot see this connection if you do not know the nano-age and nano-age decan ephemeris or astrological archetypes!

For the purposes of this article, I am demonstrating the ephemeris in a semi-graphical fashion because all ages and their sub-periods (all the way down to nano-age decans) behave like waves or the monthly lunar cycle. Due to the ages and all sub-periods moving through the zodiac in the reverse of the normal order, all ages and sub-periods are at their strongest at their end, and weakest at their beginning. When a period comes to an end, this strength does not magically disappear but ‘breaks’ over the following period like a wave… or more like a tsunami. This wave is so strong, that it ‘manifest’ more in the following period than its own period, and both influence mingle.

Even though we are well and firmly in the Age of Aquarius, the influence from the Age of Pisces (Pisces age overflow) is even stronger. This is why so many astrologers believe we are in some kind of transition between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius because archetypes belonging to both Pisces and Aquarius are so strong in the world. However, unknown to most astrologers, there is never a time when the transitional influence of one age does not interact with the previous age due to the wavelike nature of ages and their sub periods. [See Age of Aquarius for Dummies ]

Currently, most of the world is more involved with (Pisces) belief systems, especially religious belief systems, than they are about Aquarius rationality. Too many people will die for their unproven and unsubstantiated beliefs – or try and force these beliefs upon other people. About 25% of Americans actually reject evolution and firmly believe that God created the world about 6,000 years ago. The influence from the Pisces age overflow rarely brings (Virgo) clarity and discrimination. However, Aquarius is associated with democracy, freedom, liberalism, flight and rationality and no one can deny the effect Aquarius is also having upon the world.

Even many astrologers get caught up in astrological belief systems, and some claim that the Pisces age is the Pisces-Virgo age, which will be followed by the Aquarius-Leo age – as if the opposite sign somehow gets strengthened. There is no evidence in any other branch of astrology that this occurs. For example, in a Pisces lunar month, Virgo is in detriment and anything ruled by Virgo is prone to have problems or hit a red light. When transiting Jupiter is in Scorpio, luck deserts Taurus! The Age of Aquarius is not the bipolar Aquarius-Leo age but the Pisces-Aquarius age followed by the Aquarius-Capricorn age. The Aquarius influence therefore is strongly associated with two full ages – a period of some 4,300 years – or what I call the Aquarius eon.

Mainly nano-ages, micro-age decans and their respective overflow periods

Examining the above graphic ephemeris and starting from the top down, we can see that the major influence is from Aries (all the red areas) with Scorpio strongly intruding. In the mid-section, we can clearly see that in November 2017, we remain are firmly in the Aries quasi nano-age (Nov 16 – Feb 18) and the Aries nano-age overflow (Jun 17 – Sep 18). This places the world in the most potent 3rd quarter of this full Aries period (Mar 16 – Jun 17 – Sep 18) and the 3rd quarter is always the most potent quarter.

Even though the Pisces nano-age (Jun 17 – Sep 18) has also arrived, it remains in its weakest quarter, though it is starting to manifest (e.g. the discovery in November 2017 that Uber had been hiding the fact that its customer and driver data was massively hacked in late 2016). While the new Pisces period may be at its weakest stage, this does not apply to its nano-age decans, because the first nano-age decan peaked in November 2017. The Scorpio nano-age decan and overflow (Jun 17 – Nov 17 – Apr 18) is in its most powerful 3rd quarter (Nov 17 – Feb 18), so we should also be seeing good examples of Scorpio also strongly manifesting in the news.

This Scorpio nano-age decan and overflow also has a punch above its size due to resonance. This very small Scorpio period is occurring within the much larger and stronger Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148) with the larger and far more powerful Scorpio period in its most potent 3rd quarter (1970 – 2059). Therefore, we can expect more from any small Scorpio period compared to most other small periods associated with other signs.

There is also a relationship between Aries and Scorpio because in traditional western astrology, both these signs were ruled by Mars – the god of war, conflict, sport, public health (or strength) & construction. While the current Aries nano-age and overflow has gone against the last few Aries nano-ages inasmuch as no regional war has been declared (the two Gulf wars occurred in the last two Aries nano-age periods), we have experienced the standoff between the USA and North Korea – with both sides behaving like boxers keen and eager to enter the ring for a real fight. However, even this incident brings in Scorpio, because Scorpio rules nuclear weapons, and this tension is brought about by North Korea’s growing and developing nuclear ambitions.

One of the classic events strongly associated with both Aries and Scorpio was the killing by Stephen Paddock of 58 people with 546 injured in Las Vegas making this the deadliest mass shooting perpetrated by a lone gunman in U.S. history. Before examining in detail more specific news items of note in 2017, some developments sit under the radar but remain highly potent and noticeable by the general public. In this case, I am referring to the Harvey Weinstein affair which came to light in early October 2017 – just as Scorpio was achieving its greatest strength. A number of prominent women have recently made a number of sexual harassment and misconduct claims against Harvey Weinstein, and this avalanche of built up resentment has flowed over to other prominent people around the world.

By David Shankbone – Own work, CC BY 3.0

“Dozens of women have accused Weinstein, a leading Hollywood producer, of sexual harassment, assault or rape. Police are investigating in the US and abroad. Weinstein has denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex.”[1]

This has spread to judge Roy Moore running for the vacant Senate race in Alabama in the wake of allegations that he preyed on teenagers. Other prominent people are getting caught in the new witch-hunt: the Democratic senator and former Saturday Night Live cast member, Al Franken, of Minnesota has been accused by four women of inappropriate touching; accusations made against the 88-year-old Democratic representative John Conyers, who is accused of using taxpayer money to settle cases with women who accused him of sexual misconduct. Fox News is promoting similar allegations against Bill Clinton.

These incidences are the tip of the iceberg and even in Australia, a very high profile star from the 1980s and 90s, Don Burke (from the TV series Burkes Backyard) has been caught out due to an overwhelming numbers of accusations against him due to his inappropriate sexual advances against a number of women. Many politicians, and men from around the world have subsequently fallen foul since the Weinstein affair commenced including British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon.

“The most comprehensive EU-wide study on sexual harassment, (based on interviews with 42,000 women, across 28 member states, and published in 2014), showed that between 45% and 55% of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment since the age of 15.”[2]

What this tells us is that the situation has been entrenched in our male-dominated society for centuries, if not millennia, but what is relevant is that under the signs of Aries and Scorpio, some of the dirty washing is coming out on display. Weinstein had a date with fate. Aries promotes maleness and Scorpio sex, so the combination of these two has created the correct environment. However, this combination appears around every 12 or 13 years, so there must be more than just the Aries nano-age and Scorpio nano-age decan involved?

Digging deeper into the above graphic ephemeris, something else occurred in 2017 of note – we entered the more powerful Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (June 2017 – June 2022), part of the larger Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024), which among other things, has given us President Trump as a gift or poison chalice (Aquarius always favors extremists on both sides of the ledger). Another sign strongly associated with males is Leo, and so in an Aquarius period, opposition to (Leo) males should be expected. Furthermore, Aquarius is a revolutionary sign and likes to upset the status quo, and the status quo is that many males feel they have the right to sexually molest and intimidate women. This is now being opposed. This strength of Aquarius has not been seen for almost 100 years, and the last time around it produced Hitler, Mussolini etc.

Digging even deeper is the fact that the world is in the most potent 3rd quarter of the Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000 – 2014 – 2029) with this potent third quarter empowering the period 2014 to 2022. Cancer is one of two key signs for women, so this strengthens women and their concerns. With Cancer also in opposition to Capricorn, the sign of the successful ‘elder’ or older male, we can therefore see that the signs are ganging up against sexually predatory males especially those that are prominent, older or highly successful. A Cancer period of this strength has not been around since the time of the suffragettes in their quest for female political rights. It is only after taking all these minor periods into account that we can see Weinstein’s, and his fellow travelers, date with fate.

This year is also the astrological anniversary of the 1854 founding of the Republican Party in the USA. As a birthday present, they control both houses of Congress and the presidency, and taking every opportunity to stack the US Supreme Court with conservative judges. In a recent survey, it found that the majority of US Republicans, even if they are also evangelical Christians, did not think that a politician with predatory sexual behavior, was a problem.[3]

The following is a list of noteworthy news items taken from Wikipedia for 2017 (to November 2017) with the highlighted words strongly associated with Aries or Scorpio or both. This list is compiled by independent Wikipedia editors that only deem items of major “significance” can be included. Therefore the significant mudslinging from President Trump in his Twitter account and ongoing public brawling he has with various people is not included, but remains a significant development of (Aries) aggression and Scorpio revenge in 2017.


January 21 – Millions of people worldwide join the Women’s March in response to the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. 420 marches were reported in the U.S. and 168 in other countries, becoming the largest single-day protest in American history and the largest worldwide protest in recent history.

February 11 – North Korea prompts international condemnation by test firing a ballistic missile across the Sea of Japan.

March 10 – The UN warns that the world is facing the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II, with up to 20 million people at risk of starvation and famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria.

April 6 – In response to a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town, the U.S. military launches 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at an air base in Syria. Russia describes the strikes as an “aggression”, adding they significantly damage U.S.–Russia ties.

April 13 – In the 2017 Nangarhar airstrike the U.S. drops the GBU-43/B MOAB, the world’s largest non-nuclear weapon, at an ISIL base in Afghanistan.

May 12 – Computers around the world are hit by a large-scale ransomware cyberattack, which goes on to affect at least 150 countries.

May 22 – A terrorist bombing attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England kills 22 people and injures over 100.

SCORPIO INFLUENCE COMMENCES (with ARIES) (Scorpio is also the sign most strongly associated with terrorists and terrorism)

June 7 – Two terrorist attacks were simultaneously carried out by five terrorists belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against the Iranian Parliament building and the Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini, both in Tehran, Iran, leaving 17 civilians dead and 43 wounded. It became the first ISIL attack in Iran.

June 10 – The 2017 World Expo is opened in Astana, Kazakhstan.

June 12 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later.

June 18 – Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fired six surface-to-surface mid-range ballistic missile from domestic bases targeting ISIL forces in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor Governorate in response to the terrorist attacks in Tehran earlier that month.

June 21 – The Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, Iraq, is destroyed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

June 25 – The World Health Organization estimates that Yemen has over 200,000 cases of cholera.

June 27 – A series of cyberattacks using the Petya malware begins, affecting organizations in Ukraine.

July 4 – Russia and China urge North Korea to halt its missile and nuclear programs after it successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile.

July 7 – The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is voted for by 122 of the 193 UN member states.

July 10 – Syrian Civil War: Mosul is declared fully liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

August 5 – The UN Security Council unanimously approves fresh sanctions on North Korean trade and investment.

August 17 – The first observation of a collision of two neutron stars (GW170817) is hailed as a breakthrough in multi-messenger astronomy when both gravitational and electromagnetic waves from the event are detected. Data from the event provided confirmatory evidence for the r-process theory of the origin of heavy elements like gold.

August 21 – A total solar eclipse (nicknamed “The Great American Eclipse”) is visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States of America, passing from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts.

August 25–ongoing – A military operation targeting Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar “seems a textbook example of ethnic cleansing“, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

August 25–30 – Hurricane Harvey strikes the United States as a Category 4 hurricane, causing catastrophic damage to the Houston metropolitan area, mostly due to record-breaking floods. At least 90 deaths were recorded, and total damage reaches $198.6 billion (2017 USD), making Harvey the costliest natural disaster in United States history.

September 1 – Russian President Vladimir Putin expels 755 diplomats in response to United States sanctions.

September 3 – North Korea conducts its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

September 6–10 – The Caribbean and United States are struck by Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 hurricane that is the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin outside the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The storm causes at least 134 deaths and at least $63 billion (2017 USD) in damage.

September 13 – The International Olympic Committee awards Paris and Los Angeles the right to host the 2024 and 2028 Summer Olympics, respectively.

September 15 – Cassini–Huygens ends its 13-year mission by plunging into Saturn, becoming the first spacecraft to enter the planet’s atmosphere.

September 19 – An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes Central Mexico, killing 369 people and leaving thousands more homeless.

September 19–20 – Just two weeks after Hurricane Irma struck the Caribbean, Hurricane Maria strikes similar areas, making landfall on Dominica as a Category 5 hurricane, and Puerto Rico as a Category 4 hurricane. Maria causes at least 94 deaths and damages estimated in excess of $51 billion (2017 USD).

October 1 – Fifty-eight people are killed and 546 injured when Stephen Paddock opens fire on a crowd in Las Vegas, surpassing the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting as the deadliest mass shooting perpetrated by a lone gunman in U.S. history.

October 12 – The United States announces its decision to withdraw from UNESCO.

October 14 – A massive blast caused by a truck bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia kills at least 358 people and injures nearly 400 others.

October 17 – Syrian Civil War: Raqqa is declared fully liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

October 27 – Catalonia declares independence from Spain, but the Catalan Republic is not recognised by the Spanish government or any other sovereign nation

November 2 – A new species of orangutan is discovered in Indonesia, becoming the third species of orangutan and the first great ape to be described for almost a century.

November 3 – Syrian Civil War: both Deir ez-Zor in Syria and Al-Qa’im in Iraq are declared liberated from ISIS on the same day.

November 5 – The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung publishes 13.4 million documents leaked from the offshore law firm Appleby, along with business registries in 19 tax jurisdictions that reveal offshore financial activities on behalf of politicians, celebrities, corporate giants and business leaders. The newspaper shared the documents with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and asked it to lead the investigation.

November 12 – A magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes the border region between Iraq and Iran leaving at least 530 dead and over 70,000 homeless.

November 15 – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is placed under house arrest, as the military take control of the country. He resigns six days later, after 37 years of rule.

A Leonardo da Vinci painting, Salvator Mundi, sells for US$450 million at Christie’s in New York, a new record price for any work of art.

November 20 – Nature publishes an article recognising the high velocity asteroid ʻOumuamua as originating from outside the solar system i.e. the 1st known interstellar object.

November 22 – The International Court of Justice finds Ratko Mladic guilty of genocide committed in Srebrenica during the 1990s Bosnian war, the worst massacre in Europe since World War Two. He is sentenced to life in prison.

November 24 – A mosque attack in Sinai, Egypt kills more than 235 worshippers and leaves hundreds more wounded.

Of the above 42 newsworthy items associated with 2017 to date, only 4 items don’t have a clear-cut relationship with Aries or Scorpio.


2017, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:25, November 29, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2017&oldid=812584234


This time next year it will be a totally different story as Pisces will be the short term reigning sign, so we can expect stock market bubbles (followed eventually by the inevitable crash), corruption, issues associated with multi-national corporations and corporations in general, especially when combined with deceit and deception. With Pisces the number one sign for the USA, expect that the USA will be temporarily back in the international driver’s seat for better or worse? Pisces also rules Hollywood and the acting profession plus race relations in the USA. The Pisces-orientated European Union may also be temporarily strengthened or highlighted in some way. Pisces rules the oceans, and according to the astrological ages, the most affected part of the planet from climate change over the coming centuries will be the oceans, so we can expect some new deteriorating elements associated with the welfare of our oceans (and Pisces’ wild animals). Drowning Pacific island nations may become more vocal about their plight. Fake news or anti-news can only increase in intensity under Pisces. Drugs are always strongly associated with Pisces and so more developments in legalization, prohibition and the Opioid Epidemic engineered by corporate drug pushers.


[1] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/26/nancy-pelosi-trump-weinstein-sexual-harassment-claims

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/21/metoo-is-raising-awareness-but-taking-sexual-abuse-to-court-is-a-minefield

[3] https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/8x5egv/why-evangelical-christians-stand-behind-accused-sexual-predators