A Glimmer of the Future?

Many people are currently feeling frustrated at the general state of the world, what with politicians refusing to provide leadership and especially over the devastation of the world’s environment.  There are many reasons for this frustration, and a lack of knowledge of history plays a part, but we should get a glimmer of the distant future over the next decade, especially in the second half (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) though for the astute observer, formative embryonic developments can pop up anytime from now on – and two possible examples may have already occurred.

Does the astrology of the future paint a nicer picture compared to the present?  This can be easily answered by track record.  The track record since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 AD indicates that massive improvement in the quality of life by the majority of people has occurred – but as a rule of thumb only.  More hundreds of millions of people than we can accurately estimate have in the same period experienced pitiful and terrible lives, with many cut short due to lack of adequate health care, famine, premature death or serious injury from war and so on. Things are getting better, but this in no way has led to a perfect world, or a world anywhere near perfect.

Though the future should be better, the future is slow to arrive, which is very frustrating in a period of time when Gemini[1] is so strong in the world, and getting stronger – because under Gemini, everyone wants everything now!  Not only are you not going to get everything now, you are most likely not going to see in your lifetime what you would like to see, though most Millennials and later generations will see some real progress or tangible results in tackling Climate Change.

In Year 587 of the Age of Aquarius (1433AD – 3574AD), the world is entering a new dawn or mini epoch (that occurs every 5 years or so).  December 2019 marked a number of fundamental changes involving five-year micro-age decans.  Decans, in general, are powerful in the astrological ages.  This applies to age-decans (approx. every 715 years), sub-age decans (approx. every 59-60 years) and micro-age decans (approx. every 5 years).  Even the humble nano-age decan lasting 5 months has clout, especially when associated with the stock market.

The Aquarius micro-age decan concluded in December 2019 – which covers the exact same period as the Cancer micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019), and an alternate way of describing these 5 years is to label it the Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan.  This doubling up applies to all periods in the astrological ages, taking into account that the first of the two signs is always the most powerful.  [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for more details]  Therefore, the biggest development in December 2019 was the shift from the Cancer-Aquarius micro-age decan, with the emphasis on Cancer, to the Aquarius-Libra micro-age decan with the emphasis on Aquarius.  This promotion of Aquarius to the detriment of Cancer over the coming 5 years will increase the radicalization of society and promotion of fringe politics we have experienced over the last 5 years to an even higher level or greater intensity.  There will also be far greater grass-root movements to continue the push for equitable outcomes in an array of areas as there are just so many issues that contemporary society and politics inadequately handle. [see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan for more details].

The current radicalization and growth in fringe politics is nowhere near as strong as the last time Aquarius strongly manifested in the world under the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) – so this time around we tend to get neo-fascists and hard-right politicians rather than fully-fledged fascists such as Adolph Hitler, Mussolini and Franco in the 1920s and 30s – Stalin can also be added to the list of tyrants.  However, the near future is not just more of the same ramped up to a higher level (Trump, Brexit, and the many secondary neo-fascists leaders that have been popping up around the world recently) because a new element arrived in December 2019 – the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) – see Table 1 below.

Table 1 The Cancer-Gemini micro-age (December 2014 – November 2029)

This will be a powerful period for Libra due to its resonance with the massive Libra age-decan (1433 – 2148) of the Age of Aquarius (1433 – 3574) and strongly supported by the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) (see table 2 below).  The next 10 years of the Libra micro-age decan and overflow is the real inauguration of the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) as this is the strongest manifestation of Libra since the Libra sub-age commenced in 1970.  This can be labeled as the ‘christening’ of the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148).  Like Venus in the night sky, it should be something to behold.

Table 2 The Age of Aquarius with its age-decans and overflows

When the Libra age-decan (1433-2148) and Libra sub-age (1970-2148) both enter their respective overflow periods commencing in 2148, a very different world will exist compared to what we take as normal today, due to the nature of Libra – a natural benefic influence, by and large.  It is Libra that brings confidence to the expectation that the world will not only continue forward as it has done since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433, but also have an opportunity to take some more steps toward a more harmonious and even garden-like state compared to smokestacks and car exhausts filling up the atmosphere with noxious pollutants while governments spend trillions on weapons of mass destruction.  Our current plight is another example of our medieval world we have inherited from the Pisces age overflow [see the Myth of Modernity for more details]

This new Libran world will not be heaven on Earth or paradise for a number of reasons – the main reason being that humanity will continue its ongoing medieval momentum for at least another 1,500 to 2,000 years – albeit at a lower intensity compared to 2019. If you want to examine the ratio of modernity to medievalism, examine the period from the beginning of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 to now, and see the slow but steady development of modern society as it slowly displaced some of the vestiges of the medieval side of society.  For example, it still took around 300 to 400 years before starvation was mainly eradicated in Europe (though the Irish Potato famine extended this another century or so).  It took around 500 years for women to get the vote in western society.  The LGBT community has only recently been liberated, and even this is not yet universal in all western nations.  Change happens much slower than people realize, especially for people with a progressive outlook. But the overall trend remains – the world is progressing forward for the better, but this does not mean what is better is always triumphing over its opposite.

My educated guess is that contemporary western society is about 75% medieval and 25% modern (except for technology) – which reflects the power balance between the Pisces age overflow (1433– 3574) promoting medievalism and the up and coming Aquarius age (1433 -3574) promoting rationality. Though we have experienced some major throwbacks to medievalism over the last 500 years, these throwbacks are the aberration, as the worldwide tide under the Age of Aquarius is towards progressiveness and liberalism over the medium and long term – but not necessarily in the short term.  At any turn, medieval Pisces can bite, and bite savagely such as the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler’s Third Reich, communist oppression,the USA’s history of overthrowing democratic countries not towing the American line and so on as some major examples only.  The inadequate response to Climate Change can be considered another bite of the apple by medieval Pisces.

What can we expect from Libra? Libra likes parties, social events, women, art, gardens, the color green, compromises, armistices, peace and peace treaties as a few major archetypes.[2]  Libra prefers equity or the middle path over extremism! Libra is also associated with the Far East which includes China, Indo-China, Japan and immediate surrounding countries though Libra is not the primary sign for most of these countries.  For example, China’s strongest sign is Cancer, while Japan is Scorpio, but the (Libra) Far East provides the counterbalance to the (Aries) West.  Historically, China has nearly always surpassed (Aries) Europeans and all other parts of the world in nearly everything, and the recent rise of China is merely China returning to its natural state in world affairs.  It has an extremely bad track record in maintaining a stable government but continues to exist regardless.

Not everything associated with Libra is positive, as all 12 zodiacal signs are associated with positive and negative archetypes.  Libra is indecisive, so when action is needed on Climate Change, there is no mobilization of the necessary forces and resources countries would usually rely upon say, in times of war.  You can also expect under Libra a slowdown, if not a retreat, in countries trying to outdo each other in building the tallest building – as engineering belongs to Aries – the opposite sign to Libra. Libra rules sugar (and carbohydrates) and so we are seeing this manifest in the world in the obesity and diabetes epidemic.  People want to party hard, and this also fuels the rise of party drugs.  Finally, Libra is associated with immaturity, and we are probably witnessing this global immaturity on exponential growth curve, but music will be playing and the alcohol will be flowing.  At the end of the day, the world under Libra is like a girl that “justs wanna have fun”!

However, there is a very dark side to Libra (as with all zodiacal signs).  Some of the greatest wars have occurred under Libra, as Libra rules opposition and major irreconcilable polarities.  In horoscopic astrology, the appearance of Libra, its ruler Venus or the 7th house (Libra’s natural house) can all engender the formation of a major relationship, marriage, or business partnership, but it can also rule divorce, often acrimoniously, or the breakup of partnerships.  Libra will also focus upon open opposition, and a brief examination of its role in previous incarnations will demonstrate its highly destructive side.

The last Libra period of a note (ie larger than a 15-month nano-age that appears approximately every 15 years) was the Libra micro-age decan (1910-15) followed by the more potent Libra micro-age decan overflow (1915-20) of the Aquarius micro-age (1910–25).  The First World War (1914–18) fits amazingly well into the peak of Libra coinciding with its overflow.  This was not a time of peace but war and its aftermath of destruction including a pandemic that killed more people in the world than the First World War.

The 18th century Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1856 -61-66) produced in its second and more powerful half the American Civil War (1861-65) which strongly suggests that Aries plays an active role in the gun-toting American culture. The Libra micro-age decan overflow (1861-66) cannot be solely blamed for the Civil War, as this Libra period was within the potent Cancer sub-age decan overflow (1851-1910) of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 2148) and Cancer is opposite Capricorn – a key sign in the astrological signature for the USA that the Puritans brought with them to America.

The earlier Libra micro-age and overflow (1791-1806-1821) again captures the devastating Napoleonic Wars (1803 – 1815) mainly in the more potent second part.  The Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1746-51-56) saw the Seven Years’ War (1756-63) which included in the American theater the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763).  This international war is considered by some to have the status of a world war and precursor of the two world wars of the 20th century.  The world was learning how to produce world wars.

The even earlier Libra micro-age decan and overflow (1692-1697-1702) finds the beginning of another major European conflict – the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) which resulted in Britain’s rise as the leading European power with the simultaneous decline of the Dutch Republic.  The American theater of this was Queen Anne’s War (1702 -1713) as a precursor to the French and Indian War.

The correlation between major historical wars and Libra micro-age decans or micro-ages is too strong to ignore, and so it must be assumed that of the many disagreements currently existing around the world,  a new period of open conflict is not only possible but highly likely.  Taking into account that the previous major Libra conflicts were all associated with the major powers of the times, any conflict associated with the current Libra micro-age decan and overflow, especially roughly associated with the second half or overflow period, will most likely involve the major power brokers of today’s world.

Therefore, we can assume that the relationship between the USA and China, with or without the involvement of Europeans (on the American side) and Russia (on the Chinese side) with Middle Eastern states probably involved – cannot be ruled out. The big question is really the nature of the conflict?  Will it translate into actual hostilities, or will it be an economic war or proxy wars?  Regardless, we must allow for a major conflict at the upper echelon of world powers above and beyond the normal petty conflicts we have periodically experienced since the end of the Second World War.

Doomsday people will go for a world war, but a Libra period will not produce a world war without major resonance with a stronger period.  The First and Second World Wars occurred in the Pisces sub-age decan overflow (1910 – 1970) that was particularly strong in the first half (1910-1940).  This Pisces sub-age decan overflow resonated with the strongest sign in the world – the Pisces age-overflow (1433-3574) and this Pisces sub-age decan overflow represents the strongest manifestation of Pisces in the world which will not be replicated for around another 25,000 years.  The period 1910 to 1940 was an incredibly powerful cauldron.  The current Libra micro-age decan and overflow sits under the Scorpio sub-age decan overflow (1970 – 2029) and while Scorpio can be a savage sign, it is not anywhere near as comparable to the period 1910 to 1940.  Without the cauldron of the early 20th century, it is unlikely we will see a world war in the coming decade, but we must be prepared for some major conflagration or international discord above and beyond ‘normal’.

We will only be witnessing the glimmer of the distant Libra future over the next 10 years as the world is a long way away from such a dominant Libra reality – as this is reserved for the second half of the next century onward.  Everyone will not be dressed up as young girls partying with ecstasy, as both the positive and negative sides of Libra will manifest.  At the sharp edge of Libra is its quest for justice, equity, beauty and harmony, such as the mythical Garden of Eden, and it is no surprise that the Greens will benefit under Libra.  Though other Libra areas should not be ignored, it is probably the growth of the Green Movement and environmentalists that will provide the greatest focus over the next 10 years but it is important to take note of all Libra archetypes if you are searching for it in world affairs over the coming decade.  At the penultimate alternate festival in Australia straddling the 2020 New Year, their theme was appropriately “imagining a beautiful future.”[3]

It is much better to focus on solutions than problems, and one reason why so many people seem so down and depressed is that they are focusing on the problems – ‘you grow like the company you keep’.  The world has always had problems, and regularly very big problems.  People go to what they focus on – so it is better to take note of all the positive buds or new Libra plants that have been sprouting over the decades which will contribute to a better but imperfect world.  Of course, the message from the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148), especially in the first half, is that security and strength will not be found in the world, and if you are looking for these qualities, it is necessary to search within, as the inner world is ruled by Scorpio.  Looking for strength and security in the outer world is usually a case of chasing straws, and this is even magnified more in our current world with Scorpio ‘peaking’.  Hopefully, Scorpio will not invoke any more use of nuclear weapons in the coming conflict, but this cannot be ruled out, especially until 2059, at which point Scorpio drops in intensity as the Scorpio quasi sub-age decan (1881 – 2059) concludes (see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details on quasi periods)

The solution to the major problems in the world will not come from anything other than more people being conscious and wanting more action on equity – especially involving the environment.  Very few people make major changes to their belief systems or outlooks after the age of 25 years.  It will be each new generational

Greta Thunberg as representative of the Gemini quasi sub-age (2000-2059) and Gemini youth

crop that comes along with a far greater focus on climate change and equitable outcomes that will make the difference in the world.  This has been occurring since the appearance of the (Libra) peace Movement in the 1960s.  It now seems to be accelerating with the likes of Greta Thunberg sitting atop the iceberg of youthful climate activism and harnessing the youthful momentum of the Gemini sub-age and overflow (1970-2029-2088), especially in the years from 2029 onward.

An excellent calibrator for the coming change is the percentage of the population that votes Green.  In my country, I have watched the Green vote go from around 5% in the 1980s to 10% to 12% recently.  Based on the interaction of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791–1970-2148) with the Libra sub-age and overflow (1970–2148–2327) – the critical demarcation point this century is the year 2059 – the fulcrum point between the Scorpio quasi-age and Libra quasi-age.  Scorpio is focused upon pollution and destruction – it is not a peaceful stable sign., but it also can result in a rebirth or renewal.  Though it has brought nuclear bombs, tyrants and major destructive revolutions such as the communist revolution which just created even worse tyrants than existed previously and murdered millions of people in the process, it can also regenerate.  Fortunately for the future, the addition of Libra is not normally a sign of violence or destruction.

However, many countries have democratic political systems that prevent or limit the influence of the Green movement.  Two excellent examples are the USA and UK, which while nominally democratic, are extremely reticent in apportioning political influence to minor parties due to the gerrymander-style of democracy they have produced.  Most institutions are conservative, so it should come as no surprise that the USA and UK so-called democratic governments favor conservative elements and conservative structures that prevent or severely limit significant fringe views such as the Greens.  The members of the upper house in the UK are not even elected, while the upper house in the USA, the Senate, basically avoids giving voice to significant minorities by only allowing two senators per state which mostly only represents the two major parties.  Both instances grossly distort democracy.  This undemocratic reality is like racism, no one admits to it.

Nevertheless, despite the delusion of democracy in western society, the delusion of democracy is better than any other system going.  Under democracy, we are forced to work with the lowest common denominator in the political arena, and so the dictatorship of the proletariat basically decides the political direction – Trump in the USA and Brexit in the UK are good examples of the proletariat in action.  Under the first half of the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 14 Dec19-Nov 24) the proletariat is not happy with what (Leo) mainstream politics has given to them as they feel they have been ignored for decades – because they have.

If this was a permanent state of affairs, the world would probably not make it through the next century.  Fortunately, there is an evolution in progress in western society, and the astrology of the astrological ages indicates that the hippies and peace movement of the 1960s and 70s has provided the ethos for the revolution of our times – and it is a non-violent revolution due to the growing strength of peaceful Libra.  This evolution will make a big jump forward in 2059 when the fulcrum point between Scorpio and Libra occurs.  My estimate is that by 2059, 20% of western voters will be solid Green voters, and it will be 50% by the middle of the following 22nd century.  The violent revolutions of the previous two centuries occurred under Scorpio when monarchies around the world were overthrown and replaced by democracies, communism or dictators.

While the Green vote hitting 20% by 2059 may seem insignificant, 20% is the tipping point – once the support for something hits 20%, it is able to make major shifts in politics and society beyond the scope of their size.  However, most of us will not see 2059, but we do get to see the budding and growth of the Green Evolution.

Like all other movements or political parties, the Green evolution and associated politics will definitely not be perfect – far from it.  What is happening is that the current highly imperfect political system orientated towards the rich cannot deal with climate change and other ills of the world effectively.  They will be replaced by another slightly less imperfect system that despite its imperfections, can address to a higher degree the major issues of our times.  Western society has already experienced three major revolutions/evolutions since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433, and the Peace and Green Movement is the fourth one and the one for our times – for better or worse.  In centuries to come, it will also be ‘overthrown’ – due to the many imperfections that will prevent it from dealing with the issues of the future centuries. [see Is Western Society Due Another Revolution? ]

The rise of this new movement and political entity will not wipe out western society as we know it today.  Nearly all elements will remain such as imperfect democracies, corporations, rich and poor, war and conflict and so on, but kind of limited, put into their place, or not so freely allowed to create utter chaos such as extreme capitalism has done to the world’s environment.  The world has already rejected extreme socialism in the form of communism and just needs to also reject extreme capitalism currently strongly promoted by most conservative western governments with the unconscious support of their proletariats.  Libra promotes a balance, not a wipeout.  Furthermore, the medieval influence in western society will remain quite strong until at least 2500 AD, and even then, will continue on for almost another 2,000 years.  People will not let go of their belief systems but are like birds in a cage with the door open – but unwilling to fly out to their freedom.  The Green Movement also reeks of belief systems, just like the rest of society.  This is why the Green Movement will also have an expiry date as belief systems are more static and find difficulty adapting to changed circumstances.  The recent worldwide mainly religious-based pedophile scandal is a good example of inflexible belief systems hitting reality and is an excellent example of how medieval the world remains., but it is being slowly and surely chipped away over the centuries.

So what we get in the Libra micro-age decan and overflow over the next decade is a homeopathic taste of the future that most of us will not be alive to see.  If you solely focus on the stupidity of the world, you will merely continue to get depressed.  Look for positive archetypes associated with Libra – the momentum towards environmental justice and equity in general evoked by the Statute of Liberty – but currently mainly superficial and not yet fully manifested.  It is also important to acknowledge the good that has been developed in western society over the last 500 years or so, as the only reason we are able to live and exist the way we do is due to the momentum of progress and liberal democracy over these 5 centuries.  This is awesome (except for those hundreds of millions that were killed, displaced, persecuted or lived in poverty).

The Green and Peace Movements are a continuation of a very long process that was unleashed on an unsuspecting world when the Age of Aquarius arrived in 1433 AD and will stretch for thousands of years. Anything of substance seems to have a long germination process.  Most of us alive today will only get to witness the germination of the new major evolution of western society which will effectively address Climate Change ultimately – plus some other inequities in society and politics such as the rich getting richer while the rest stagnate  It is later generations that will get the major benefits. This does not mean that many other countries not part of western society will not do their share, but for the most part, ever since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century, the rest of the world has followed the lead of western society.  It hasn’t always been western society at the lead, nor will it always be in the future.  The dice of the astrological ages seems to randomly select a different region to be new ‘leaders’.  In the future, it may just select diffident groups within a homogenous worldwide society that is the likely outcome and end result of the Age of Aquarius?

There are already two possible manifestations of Libra that may have already raised its head.  Firstly, on the 20th December 2019, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the state must reduce its CO2 emissions.  It is claimed that due to this landmark court ruling, climate action is now inseparable from human rights.  The decision was based on Articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which creates obligations for states to protect their citizens against dangerous climate change setting an international precedent.[4]  It is unlikely that this judgment will make any critical change for the better but at least it is a small step in the right direction.  Law courts are ruled by Libra which is why you will often see a statue of the ancient goddess of justice holding a balance in front of major law courts.  This is probably just a small part of the opening salvo from Libra.

Secondly, the authorization by President Trump of the killing of the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani near Baghdad Airport on January 3 2020 indicates an increase in aggression by the US against Iran – its major foe in the Middle East.  This is seen by most as an escalation of tensions and therefore conforms to the appearance of the Libra micro-age decan.  The war-addicted USA may make an Iran conflict the catalyst for the next major international conflagration?

So in conclusion, the next 10 years is not just about the first significant manifestation of Libra since 1915-20, but also a foretaste or glimpse of our future world.  While on the one hand, serious steps towards greater liberal democratic and green policies will certainly occur, the wildcard is major conflict. In the meantime, the same is playing out for Aquarius, because December 2019 to November 2024 is also the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow and will provide an insight for the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029-2088-2148) that will also have a very profound influence upon the world later this century.  Even most Millennials will not see Aquarius in full flight later this century.  The real christening of the Age of Aquarius will occur in the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029-2088-2148) – the strongest manifestation of Aquarius since the inception of the Age of Aquarius in 1433. It will really be something for our collectove descendants to behold.


Greta Thunberg photo: On 16 April 2019, Greta Thunberg was invited by the European Parliament to close the sessions of the Committee on the Environment.


[1] Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2088)

[2] Rex E Bills, “The Rulership Book”, Macoy Publishing, Virginia, 1976, pp 343-346

[3]Janine Israel, Woodford folk festival review – a much-needed moment of positivity and reprieve, 2 Jan 2020, http://ow.ly/f8ST50xMXL9

[4] Jelmer Mommers, the Correspondent, https://thecorrespondent.com/194/thanks-to-this-landmark-court-ruling-climate-action-is-now-inseparable-from-human-rights/10441662-bbc4c291

Is Western Society Due Another Revolution?

For most people in the western world, astrology is just the sun-sign.   Astrologers are not so circumscribed – they know that the sun-sign is just one of a huge number of influential astrological factors including the ascendant, moon signs, aspects and so on that are available in interpreting and predicting events associated with a person, object or event.

When it comes to the astrological ages, the situation is, in a way, almost reversed.  The average astrologer has usually heard of the Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius and plus some earlier ages such as the Age of Cancer – with each age somewhere around 2155 years each.  This is akin to sun-sign astrology.  The astrological age in play at any time in history is just one of many factors of the astrological influences that can be extracted from them.

Firstly, each age has three age-decans of almost 720 years each.  Secondly, each age has twelve sub-ages of almost 180 years each.  These again have three sub-age decans of almost 60 years each and 12 micro-ages of approximately 15 years each – and it does not stop there.  Micro-ages have 12 nano-ages of approximately 15 months each, and in the last few years, I have even been employing pico-ages that are only about 5 weeks in length.  These pico-ages provide valuable insights into subtle financial market gyrations. (For more details on the mechanics of the astrological ages, see The Age of Aquarius for Dummies.

The upshot of all these sub-periods is that when any historical event or current affair is examined, it has to be correlated to the appropriate sub-period of an astrological age, otherwise it is like a client wanting to know their future but only provide their sun-sign!

For any astrologer wanting to learn about the sub-periods of the astrological ages, the best sub-periods to commence with are the sub-ages because a new sub-age arrives approximately every 179 years.  Compare this to an age of some 2150 years – the common thread that must remain historically relevant for over 2,000 years, is very thin.  The common thread associated with a sub-age is far shorter and thicker – and thus easier to identify.

The focus in this article is upon the sub-ages that have been experienced within the current Age of Aquarius to date and specifically upon new cultural, social or political movements that have “revolutionised” western society with the arrival of every new sub-age commencing with the 15th century.  It seems that the world is always in decay, but decay can be taken only for so long.  Since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius there have been three large scale revolutions in western society, and we are again facing the problems and issues of another deterioration of western society requiring another revolution?

The three revolutions that have occurred since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius are related to the first three sub-ages within the Age of Aquarius.

Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612)

Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791)

Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970)

The Capricorn Revolution

A medieval scene of a cleric, soldier and worker

What was life like in 1433 AD at the arrival of the Age of Aquarius?  It was medieval!  The greatest institution in western society was the Roman Catholic Church that was riddled with extreme corruption and people could purchase their way to heaven by buying indulgences, thus supplying a steady income stream to the church.  Society’s perspective was based on the extremely conservative Christian tradition and there was no room for rationality or empirical evidence if the Bible had already commented upon a particular subject.  Furthermore, the church was able to dream up dogma on just about anything based on their religious concepts. People lived in a fantasy or what the world was, what it existed in, and how things worked.  People could be burnt alive for being witches.  It was an abject state of affairs and it made living more difficult than necessary as delusion, corruption and ignorance were accepted as real.

So what happened to correct this absurd state of affairs?  It all started with the appearance and evolution of Protestantism in Europe commencing in 1529.  The term derives from the letter of “protestation” from German Lutheran princes in 1529 against an edict of the Roman Catholic Church Diet of Speyer condemning the teachings of Martin Luther as heretical.

In the 16th century, Lutheranism, or associated reformed churches, spread from Germany into most of Northern Europe by such reformers as John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and John Knox. Protestants developed their own culture, which made major contributions in education, the humanities and sciences, the political and social order, the economy and the arts, and other fields.  The Protestants brought the first modern revolution to western society. In their day, they were the revolutionaries.

The changes brought about by Protestantism include a massive drive to educate their youth.  For example, when the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628, they founded Harvard College only eight years later.  Protestants believed that God gave them the power to reason, greatly contributing to the modern Scientific Revolution.  The main part of the Protestant’s moral code was industry, frugality, calling, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility – all strong Capricorn archetypes.  In tune with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, Protestantism was almost pure democracy in its internal structure compared to the Roman Catholic Church.  This new culture underpinned the formation of the USA.

It should also be noted that the modern Scientific Revolution appropriately commenced with this Capricorn sub-age but the first Age of Science or Scientific Revolution commenced in Ancient Greece  in the previous Capricorn sub-age (551 BC – 370 BC).  According to Nick Campion, this previous scientific revolution was “perhaps comparable to that which transformed European though from around 1500 to 1700, from Copernicus to Newton.”[1]

The Sagittarius Revolution

The bourgeoisie benefited from the Sagittarius sub-age and their “revolution” brought wealth to poverty-stricken western culture.  There were many

The prototypical bourgeois: Monsieur Jourdain, the protagonist in Molière’s play Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670).

revolutions in Europe in the early 1600’s because

There is nothing which stirs and angers the people more than food shortages and the cost of bread.[2]

The common term the “nouveau riche” also applied to the bourgeoisie as a derogatory term by the aristocracy against people that made their wealth from business.  In the 17th and 18th century, the bourgeoisie  were in battle against the Law of Privilege – the divine right to rule by the nobles and aristocracy.  The English Civil War (1642–51), the American War of Independence (1775–83), and French Revolution (1789–99) were partly motivated by the desire by the bourgeoisie to rid themselves of the feudal and royal encroachments on their personal liberty, commercial prospects, and the ownership of property. The extent of the bourgeoisie revolution in England is framed by one history book as “England, Towards a Bourgeois Monarchy”.[3]

In tandem with the bourgeoisie revolution was another major Sagittarius archetype – international travel and affairs.  This sub-age saw the flowering of the great joint-stock companies which emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe which served a leading role in spurring on global commerce and colonization.  The two most famous companies were the English East India Company and the Dutch East India Company – both from Protestant countries.  The end result of the bourgeoisie revolution was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution leading to the greatest economic boom and population explosion the world has ever experienced.

The Scorpio Revolution

The two signs strongly related to revolution are Aquarius and Scorpio, so any Scorpio sub-age within the Age of Aquarius is going to be highly revolutionary, and this sub-age lived up to its archetype.  The great revolution of the Scorpio sub-age was the Workers’ Revolution who basically took on the baton from the bourgeoisie and virtually eliminated western aristocracy in a little over a century.  The plight of workers at the beginning of the Scorpio sub-ages was pitiful.  The first excesses of the Industrial Revolution had created factories involving long hours, child workers, dangerous conditions and low pay while too many bourgeoisie owners behaved like Scrooge McDuck.

At the beginning of this sub-age in 1791, almost the whole of western society remained firmly under control of monarchs and the aristocracy with the

c.1865: Karl Marx (1818-1883), philosopher and German politician. (Photo by Roger Viollet Collection/Getty Images)

bourgeoisie making great inroads – the USA being the key exception to monarchy.  By 1970, only vestiges of monarchs remained.

However, the workers were not just against the aristocracy, they were also against the bourgeoisie – the owners of businesses. The key year was 1848 when there were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe. It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history.  As a result, significant lasting reforms included the abolition of serfdom in Austria and Hungary, the end of absolute monarchy in Denmark, and the introduction of parliamentary democracy in the Netherlands.  Austria and Prussia eliminated feudalism by 1850, improving the lot of the peasants. European middle classes made political and economic gains over the next 20 years; France retained universal male suffrage. Russia would later free the serfs on February 19, 1861.

A key expression of the Workers Revolution was trade unions.  They were banned in the UK in 1799 and severely repressed until 1824.  More permanent trade unions were established in the UK from the 1850s.  They were finally legalised in 1872 (in the UK).

The working class was not content to just being limited to forming trade unions, it was from the excess of extremists elements of the working class that brought the Russian Revolution in 1917 resulting in the communisation of much of the Eurasian land mass by 1950.  The workers finally got rid of the nobles, bourgeoisie and church – but this excess has been brought back to earth not long after the arrival of the Libra sub-age in 1970.  Nevertheless, something that is never taught in schools is that under the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), the biggest revolution the world has ever experienced took place.

The Libra Revolution

Each of the above revolutions arrived due to mass discontent of a significant part of western society against limitations and strictures placed upon them.  The limitations usually come from entrenched anti-democratic forces.  If history is any guide, then the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) should produce another “revolution”.  However what kind of revolution will Libra produce, as it is not a zodiacal sign renown for revolutionary intensity?  It may be better to say “evolution” in place of “revolution” but with the understanding that the result is the same – a major change in direction against an entrenched force.

What are the problems that exist in western society that require an evolution/revolution to fix?  It is not hard to see what the problem is – it is the agenda of most western nations promoting extremists capitalism.  The role of capitalism in the world today represents the opposite extreme of communism of the last century which was in reality extremist socialism.  Capitalism places money at the top of the totem pole, and this has resulted in the ongoing expansion of climate change due to out-of-control pollution in all of its forms and guises. It has also produced a ridiculous situation whereby as of 2015, the richest 1% of the world’s population now owns 50% of its total wealth.[4]

What many people are ignorant about is that when the first western democracy appeared in Ancient Greece (appropriately under the influence of the last Aquarius sub-age), the Athenians were not looking for democracy, they were just looking for a way to prevent utter chaos in their society due to the shenanigans of the rich.

The Libra revolution is firmly in place – it started with the Peace movement, hippies and the appearance of post-modernism in the 1960’s and 70’s.  So powerful and noticeable was this period that it is taken as granted in the American media that the 1960’s and 70’s was the Age of Aquarius with many contemporary writers and media articles waxing lyrical about the Age of Aquarius as if it was a 20 year age!  The 1960’s and 70’s was not the beginning of the Age of Aquarius but the high-point of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148).  Both Scorpio and Aquarius are revolutionary signs, so the revolutionary energies are high (pun not intended).

We are not looking at a violent and turbulent revolution because Libra is in the mix. Not only does the Libra sub-age begin in 1970, coinciding with the

This is a poster for the musical Hair.

Scorpio sub-age overflow, but we are also slowly approaching the high-point of the massive Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2148 – 2863) and Libra is opposite in nature to violent Aries.  Violent Aries is in for a surprise as Libra grows in strength, as aggression and violence will be replaced by peace and harmony, but not necessarily agreement.  We can expect a bi-polar world of some sort or another, probably split between totalitarian and democratic states with China at the apex of the totalitarian model (China also has a strong association with Libra).  We can also expect by the middle of the 22nd century that western nations will be relatively split between environmentalists with progressive agendas and died-in-the-wool capitalists keen to make a profit, but more constrained than the current free wheeling extreme capitalism that is currently running the world.

We are not going to see a perfect world (if such a thing is remotely possible), but a world that has been further tweaked, in the same way that the previous three sub-ages have seriously tweaked western society.  One of the reasons why so many people feel anguish at the current state of affairs in the world is that a small but significant percentage of western society has moved their heads into the new reality.  From the perspective of the new reality, the current situation of an anachronistic billionaire at the helm of the greatest nation in the world is just pure anathema, which combined with the ongoing and accelerating worldwide environmental disaster, billions spent on armaments when many many millions of people still starve and suffer – is just to hard to bear.  Major revolutions and evolutions are a multi-century affairs, and those that have the new consciousness will need to include patience and forbearance into their psychological outlook.

The outlook and consciousness of the standard bearers for change in western society will also evolve and develop over the coming century and more.  Some years ago a came across the small movement that promoted non-aggressive communication, which was looked upon like veganism as just being an idealistic extremist agenda with little of no relevance for the wider society.  Recently, I also heard an interesting personal outlook for the new age that is developing that went something like this:

Do not offend anyone.

Do not take offence from anyone.

Do not retaliate or take revenge against anyone that has offended you.

This kind of outlook is the harbinger of the world that is coming.  It is a recipe for harmony, understanding and consciousness.  It will not be a perfect world, but it will resolve some or many of the problems and injustices that remain prevalent in the world.  Most science fiction writers, novels and movies get the future completely wrong.  The common Hollywood expectation is either a world with more advanced technology in a corporate fascist environment or a post-apocalyptic world with numerous hardships and privations in an environment of survival of the fittest or most dangerous.  Neither of these two scenarios align with the current growing strength of Libra in the world.

I have been writing about the good news of where the world is heading  for some time, but we will only see the early stages.  Already the LGBT community is experiencing the benefits of this change, and the ongoing equalization of the sexes has made another step forward in the Me-Too movement.  If you are focused upon where we are going, and avoid focusing upon the inequities in the world carried forward from the past, the world suddenly becomes a better place in your personal bubble.

Some of my previous posts on where the world is heading are listed below:

The Silent Revolution

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Will New Agers Rule the World?

The Future of Capitalism in the Age of Aquarius

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

The Progressives’ Lament

The Real Revolution in the USA

Note: the above was adopted from an article published in the FAA Journal Volume 47 No. 3, June 2017 published by the Federation of Australian Astrologers


[1] Nicholas Campion, “The Dawn of Astrology”, Continuum, London, 2008 p.74

[2] “The Collins Atlas of World History”, London, 1987, p 158

[3] “The Collins Atlas of World History”, London, 1987, p 156

[4] Daniel Bentley, “The top 1% now owns half the world’s wealth”, Fortune, Oct 15, 2015, http://fortune.com/2015/10/14/1-percent-global-wealth-credit-suisse/

Weinstein’s Date With Fate

Over the many decades I have been doing astrological readings and predictions, the main insight I have reaped is that predictions are usually not necessary – because the average person does not have an objective assessment about what is happening to them NOW! What is the point of discussing the future in two months, two years or two decades if my client is confused about what is happening to them now?

The Beginning of History?

The same applies to the astrology of the world, with the main difference being that the average person also has a totally confused picture of the past, is flummoxed by the present and is too exhausted to consider the future. I remember reading one survey about a decade ago that said the average understanding of history in the USA began with the TV series The Simpsons first aired in 1989. Anything before that date is just a fog.

Out of this historical quagmire, many astrologers claim that the Age of Aquarius commenced in the 1960s or 70s because the opening song in the musical Hair proudly proclaimed “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…”. Other astrologers are equally confused and befuddled by stating that the previous Age of Pisces commenced with the life of Jesus Christ not realizing that both these statements cannot be simultaneously true because ages are about 150 years longer than 2,000 years. Many astrologers solve this problem by arbitrarily rounding each astrological age to exactly 2,000 years each because they need nice and tidy years for each age. This is how the influence of the Pisces age affects astrologers and astrology.

In the current Age of the Mobile Phone, where so much news, fake news, information and disinformation comes hurtling at our brains at an accelerating speed, this article is appropriately about flitting small periods within the Age of Aquarius that exist for just a few months. Think of and old fashion clock with an hour, minute and second hand. The hour hand allegorically represents the astrological ages of some 2,150 years each, the minute hand represents sub-ages of around 178 years each and the second hand represents micro-ages of some 15 years each. [See Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details on the mechanics of the astrological ages]

What I am examining in this article is the missing forth hand of the clock, which if it existed, represents each second again divided by 60. These represent nano-ages, and each nano-age is approximately 15 months in length. Most people reading this will be astrologers, so you should understand “decanates” commonly abbreviated to “decans”, and not to be confused with or pronounced like a church “deacon” – it’s been many a century since a deacon was allowed to study astrology, or at least publicly.

Decans allow us to divide sign-based periods into thirds – so if a nano-age is almost 15 months, a nano-age decan is about 5 months. These incredibly small periods within an age are nevertheless highly noticeable in the constant stream of discordant information, scandal and intrigue that we call the news. Many, if not the majority, of major news items that parade before us daily, are actually archetypally linked to these nano-ages and nano-age decans. You cannot see this connection if you do not know the nano-age and nano-age decan ephemeris or astrological archetypes!

For the purposes of this article, I am demonstrating the ephemeris in a semi-graphical fashion because all ages and their sub-periods (all the way down to nano-age decans) behave like waves or the monthly lunar cycle. Due to the ages and all sub-periods moving through the zodiac in the reverse of the normal order, all ages and sub-periods are at their strongest at their end, and weakest at their beginning. When a period comes to an end, this strength does not magically disappear but ‘breaks’ over the following period like a wave… or more like a tsunami. This wave is so strong, that it ‘manifest’ more in the following period than its own period, and both influence mingle.

Even though we are well and firmly in the Age of Aquarius, the influence from the Age of Pisces (Pisces age overflow) is even stronger. This is why so many astrologers believe we are in some kind of transition between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius because archetypes belonging to both Pisces and Aquarius are so strong in the world. However, unknown to most astrologers, there is never a time when the transitional influence of one age does not interact with the previous age due to the wavelike nature of ages and their sub periods. [See Age of Aquarius for Dummies ]

Currently, most of the world is more involved with (Pisces) belief systems, especially religious belief systems, than they are about Aquarius rationality. Too many people will die for their unproven and unsubstantiated beliefs – or try and force these beliefs upon other people. About 25% of Americans actually reject evolution and firmly believe that God created the world about 6,000 years ago. The influence from the Pisces age overflow rarely brings (Virgo) clarity and discrimination. However, Aquarius is associated with democracy, freedom, liberalism, flight and rationality and no one can deny the effect Aquarius is also having upon the world.

Even many astrologers get caught up in astrological belief systems, and some claim that the Pisces age is the Pisces-Virgo age, which will be followed by the Aquarius-Leo age – as if the opposite sign somehow gets strengthened. There is no evidence in any other branch of astrology that this occurs. For example, in a Pisces lunar month, Virgo is in detriment and anything ruled by Virgo is prone to have problems or hit a red light. When transiting Jupiter is in Scorpio, luck deserts Taurus! The Age of Aquarius is not the bipolar Aquarius-Leo age but the Pisces-Aquarius age followed by the Aquarius-Capricorn age. The Aquarius influence therefore is strongly associated with two full ages – a period of some 4,300 years – or what I call the Aquarius eon.

Mainly nano-ages, micro-age decans and their respective overflow periods

Examining the above graphic ephemeris and starting from the top down, we can see that the major influence is from Aries (all the red areas) with Scorpio strongly intruding. In the mid-section, we can clearly see that in November 2017, we remain are firmly in the Aries quasi nano-age (Nov 16 – Feb 18) and the Aries nano-age overflow (Jun 17 – Sep 18). This places the world in the most potent 3rd quarter of this full Aries period (Mar 16 – Jun 17 – Sep 18) and the 3rd quarter is always the most potent quarter.

Even though the Pisces nano-age (Jun 17 – Sep 18) has also arrived, it remains in its weakest quarter, though it is starting to manifest (e.g. the discovery in November 2017 that Uber had been hiding the fact that its customer and driver data was massively hacked in late 2016). While the new Pisces period may be at its weakest stage, this does not apply to its nano-age decans, because the first nano-age decan peaked in November 2017. The Scorpio nano-age decan and overflow (Jun 17 – Nov 17 – Apr 18) is in its most powerful 3rd quarter (Nov 17 – Feb 18), so we should also be seeing good examples of Scorpio also strongly manifesting in the news.

This Scorpio nano-age decan and overflow also has a punch above its size due to resonance. This very small Scorpio period is occurring within the much larger and stronger Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148) with the larger and far more powerful Scorpio period in its most potent 3rd quarter (1970 – 2059). Therefore, we can expect more from any small Scorpio period compared to most other small periods associated with other signs.

There is also a relationship between Aries and Scorpio because in traditional western astrology, both these signs were ruled by Mars – the god of war, conflict, sport, public health (or strength) & construction. While the current Aries nano-age and overflow has gone against the last few Aries nano-ages inasmuch as no regional war has been declared (the two Gulf wars occurred in the last two Aries nano-age periods), we have experienced the standoff between the USA and North Korea – with both sides behaving like boxers keen and eager to enter the ring for a real fight. However, even this incident brings in Scorpio, because Scorpio rules nuclear weapons, and this tension is brought about by North Korea’s growing and developing nuclear ambitions.

One of the classic events strongly associated with both Aries and Scorpio was the killing by Stephen Paddock of 58 people with 546 injured in Las Vegas making this the deadliest mass shooting perpetrated by a lone gunman in U.S. history. Before examining in detail more specific news items of note in 2017, some developments sit under the radar but remain highly potent and noticeable by the general public. In this case, I am referring to the Harvey Weinstein affair which came to light in early October 2017 – just as Scorpio was achieving its greatest strength. A number of prominent women have recently made a number of sexual harassment and misconduct claims against Harvey Weinstein, and this avalanche of built up resentment has flowed over to other prominent people around the world.

By David Shankbone – Own work, CC BY 3.0

“Dozens of women have accused Weinstein, a leading Hollywood producer, of sexual harassment, assault or rape. Police are investigating in the US and abroad. Weinstein has denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex.”[1]

This has spread to judge Roy Moore running for the vacant Senate race in Alabama in the wake of allegations that he preyed on teenagers. Other prominent people are getting caught in the new witch-hunt: the Democratic senator and former Saturday Night Live cast member, Al Franken, of Minnesota has been accused by four women of inappropriate touching; accusations made against the 88-year-old Democratic representative John Conyers, who is accused of using taxpayer money to settle cases with women who accused him of sexual misconduct. Fox News is promoting similar allegations against Bill Clinton.

These incidences are the tip of the iceberg and even in Australia, a very high profile star from the 1980s and 90s, Don Burke (from the TV series Burkes Backyard) has been caught out due to an overwhelming numbers of accusations against him due to his inappropriate sexual advances against a number of women. Many politicians, and men from around the world have subsequently fallen foul since the Weinstein affair commenced including British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon.

“The most comprehensive EU-wide study on sexual harassment, (based on interviews with 42,000 women, across 28 member states, and published in 2014), showed that between 45% and 55% of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment since the age of 15.”[2]

What this tells us is that the situation has been entrenched in our male-dominated society for centuries, if not millennia, but what is relevant is that under the signs of Aries and Scorpio, some of the dirty washing is coming out on display. Weinstein had a date with fate. Aries promotes maleness and Scorpio sex, so the combination of these two has created the correct environment. However, this combination appears around every 12 or 13 years, so there must be more than just the Aries nano-age and Scorpio nano-age decan involved?

Digging deeper into the above graphic ephemeris, something else occurred in 2017 of note – we entered the more powerful Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (June 2017 – June 2022), part of the larger Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024), which among other things, has given us President Trump as a gift or poison chalice (Aquarius always favors extremists on both sides of the ledger). Another sign strongly associated with males is Leo, and so in an Aquarius period, opposition to (Leo) males should be expected. Furthermore, Aquarius is a revolutionary sign and likes to upset the status quo, and the status quo is that many males feel they have the right to sexually molest and intimidate women. This is now being opposed. This strength of Aquarius has not been seen for almost 100 years, and the last time around it produced Hitler, Mussolini etc.

Digging even deeper is the fact that the world is in the most potent 3rd quarter of the Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000 – 2014 – 2029) with this potent third quarter empowering the period 2014 to 2022. Cancer is one of two key signs for women, so this strengthens women and their concerns. With Cancer also in opposition to Capricorn, the sign of the successful ‘elder’ or older male, we can therefore see that the signs are ganging up against sexually predatory males especially those that are prominent, older or highly successful. A Cancer period of this strength has not been around since the time of the suffragettes in their quest for female political rights. It is only after taking all these minor periods into account that we can see Weinstein’s, and his fellow travelers, date with fate.

This year is also the astrological anniversary of the 1854 founding of the Republican Party in the USA. As a birthday present, they control both houses of Congress and the presidency, and taking every opportunity to stack the US Supreme Court with conservative judges. In a recent survey, it found that the majority of US Republicans, even if they are also evangelical Christians, did not think that a politician with predatory sexual behavior, was a problem.[3]

The following is a list of noteworthy news items taken from Wikipedia for 2017 (to November 2017) with the highlighted words strongly associated with Aries or Scorpio or both. This list is compiled by independent Wikipedia editors that only deem items of major “significance” can be included. Therefore the significant mudslinging from President Trump in his Twitter account and ongoing public brawling he has with various people is not included, but remains a significant development of (Aries) aggression and Scorpio revenge in 2017.


January 21 – Millions of people worldwide join the Women’s March in response to the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. 420 marches were reported in the U.S. and 168 in other countries, becoming the largest single-day protest in American history and the largest worldwide protest in recent history.

February 11 – North Korea prompts international condemnation by test firing a ballistic missile across the Sea of Japan.

March 10 – The UN warns that the world is facing the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II, with up to 20 million people at risk of starvation and famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria.

April 6 – In response to a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town, the U.S. military launches 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at an air base in Syria. Russia describes the strikes as an “aggression”, adding they significantly damage U.S.–Russia ties.

April 13 – In the 2017 Nangarhar airstrike the U.S. drops the GBU-43/B MOAB, the world’s largest non-nuclear weapon, at an ISIL base in Afghanistan.

May 12 – Computers around the world are hit by a large-scale ransomware cyberattack, which goes on to affect at least 150 countries.

May 22 – A terrorist bombing attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England kills 22 people and injures over 100.

SCORPIO INFLUENCE COMMENCES (with ARIES) (Scorpio is also the sign most strongly associated with terrorists and terrorism)

June 7 – Two terrorist attacks were simultaneously carried out by five terrorists belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against the Iranian Parliament building and the Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini, both in Tehran, Iran, leaving 17 civilians dead and 43 wounded. It became the first ISIL attack in Iran.

June 10 – The 2017 World Expo is opened in Astana, Kazakhstan.

June 12 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later.

June 18 – Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fired six surface-to-surface mid-range ballistic missile from domestic bases targeting ISIL forces in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor Governorate in response to the terrorist attacks in Tehran earlier that month.

June 21 – The Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, Iraq, is destroyed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

June 25 – The World Health Organization estimates that Yemen has over 200,000 cases of cholera.

June 27 – A series of cyberattacks using the Petya malware begins, affecting organizations in Ukraine.

July 4 – Russia and China urge North Korea to halt its missile and nuclear programs after it successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile.

July 7 – The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is voted for by 122 of the 193 UN member states.

July 10 – Syrian Civil War: Mosul is declared fully liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

August 5 – The UN Security Council unanimously approves fresh sanctions on North Korean trade and investment.

August 17 – The first observation of a collision of two neutron stars (GW170817) is hailed as a breakthrough in multi-messenger astronomy when both gravitational and electromagnetic waves from the event are detected. Data from the event provided confirmatory evidence for the r-process theory of the origin of heavy elements like gold.

August 21 – A total solar eclipse (nicknamed “The Great American Eclipse”) is visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States of America, passing from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts.

August 25–ongoing – A military operation targeting Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar “seems a textbook example of ethnic cleansing“, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

August 25–30 – Hurricane Harvey strikes the United States as a Category 4 hurricane, causing catastrophic damage to the Houston metropolitan area, mostly due to record-breaking floods. At least 90 deaths were recorded, and total damage reaches $198.6 billion (2017 USD), making Harvey the costliest natural disaster in United States history.

September 1 – Russian President Vladimir Putin expels 755 diplomats in response to United States sanctions.

September 3 – North Korea conducts its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

September 6–10 – The Caribbean and United States are struck by Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 hurricane that is the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin outside the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The storm causes at least 134 deaths and at least $63 billion (2017 USD) in damage.

September 13 – The International Olympic Committee awards Paris and Los Angeles the right to host the 2024 and 2028 Summer Olympics, respectively.

September 15 – Cassini–Huygens ends its 13-year mission by plunging into Saturn, becoming the first spacecraft to enter the planet’s atmosphere.

September 19 – An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes Central Mexico, killing 369 people and leaving thousands more homeless.

September 19–20 – Just two weeks after Hurricane Irma struck the Caribbean, Hurricane Maria strikes similar areas, making landfall on Dominica as a Category 5 hurricane, and Puerto Rico as a Category 4 hurricane. Maria causes at least 94 deaths and damages estimated in excess of $51 billion (2017 USD).

October 1 – Fifty-eight people are killed and 546 injured when Stephen Paddock opens fire on a crowd in Las Vegas, surpassing the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting as the deadliest mass shooting perpetrated by a lone gunman in U.S. history.

October 12 – The United States announces its decision to withdraw from UNESCO.

October 14 – A massive blast caused by a truck bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia kills at least 358 people and injures nearly 400 others.

October 17 – Syrian Civil War: Raqqa is declared fully liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

October 27 – Catalonia declares independence from Spain, but the Catalan Republic is not recognised by the Spanish government or any other sovereign nation

November 2 – A new species of orangutan is discovered in Indonesia, becoming the third species of orangutan and the first great ape to be described for almost a century.

November 3 – Syrian Civil War: both Deir ez-Zor in Syria and Al-Qa’im in Iraq are declared liberated from ISIS on the same day.

November 5 – The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung publishes 13.4 million documents leaked from the offshore law firm Appleby, along with business registries in 19 tax jurisdictions that reveal offshore financial activities on behalf of politicians, celebrities, corporate giants and business leaders. The newspaper shared the documents with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and asked it to lead the investigation.

November 12 – A magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes the border region between Iraq and Iran leaving at least 530 dead and over 70,000 homeless.

November 15 – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is placed under house arrest, as the military take control of the country. He resigns six days later, after 37 years of rule.

A Leonardo da Vinci painting, Salvator Mundi, sells for US$450 million at Christie’s in New York, a new record price for any work of art.

November 20 – Nature publishes an article recognising the high velocity asteroid ʻOumuamua as originating from outside the solar system i.e. the 1st known interstellar object.

November 22 – The International Court of Justice finds Ratko Mladic guilty of genocide committed in Srebrenica during the 1990s Bosnian war, the worst massacre in Europe since World War Two. He is sentenced to life in prison.

November 24 – A mosque attack in Sinai, Egypt kills more than 235 worshippers and leaves hundreds more wounded.

Of the above 42 newsworthy items associated with 2017 to date, only 4 items don’t have a clear-cut relationship with Aries or Scorpio.


2017, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:25, November 29, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2017&oldid=812584234


This time next year it will be a totally different story as Pisces will be the short term reigning sign, so we can expect stock market bubbles (followed eventually by the inevitable crash), corruption, issues associated with multi-national corporations and corporations in general, especially when combined with deceit and deception. With Pisces the number one sign for the USA, expect that the USA will be temporarily back in the international driver’s seat for better or worse? Pisces also rules Hollywood and the acting profession plus race relations in the USA. The Pisces-orientated European Union may also be temporarily strengthened or highlighted in some way. Pisces rules the oceans, and according to the astrological ages, the most affected part of the planet from climate change over the coming centuries will be the oceans, so we can expect some new deteriorating elements associated with the welfare of our oceans (and Pisces’ wild animals). Drowning Pacific island nations may become more vocal about their plight. Fake news or anti-news can only increase in intensity under Pisces. Drugs are always strongly associated with Pisces and so more developments in legalization, prohibition and the Opioid Epidemic engineered by corporate drug pushers.


[1] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/26/nancy-pelosi-trump-weinstein-sexual-harassment-claims

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/21/metoo-is-raising-awareness-but-taking-sexual-abuse-to-court-is-a-minefield

[3] https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/8x5egv/why-evangelical-christians-stand-behind-accused-sexual-predators

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

Recently I have been exposed to many people with pessimistic outlooks upon the world.  We know that the world has enough food but yet people are starving.  We know that the world has adequate resources for all yet countless millions live in abject poverty.  We see Donald Trump on TV – and though he has redefined the concept of stupidity, he is an actual contender for the most powerful political position in the world.  And his finger could be on the button!  Will a cascade of intercontinental ballistic nuclear weapons rain down upon an unsuspecting world if he has a bad hair day?  What is also of concern is that over 40% of the American voting public apparently are prepared to vote for him.

Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses a legislative luncheon held as part of the "Road to Majority" conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria - RTX1H57C
Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses a legislative luncheon held as part of the “Road to Majority” conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria – RTX1H57C

This is just a small fraction of all the bad news.  Corporations and governments are facilitating the pollution of our air, water and land to the point that the average person actually must buy pure water to avoid poisoning themselves. Will we have to buy pure oxygen soon due to air pollution? In the Land of the Free (USA), where a greater percentage of the population is imprisoned compared to any other country, they have prisoner ‘sales’ targets whereby governments must ensure that the privatized prisons have at least 90% occupancy. The average prisoner costs the same amount of money to the state as the salary of a teacher.  Despite the trillions spent of the war against terrorists over the last decade or so, the likelihood of a random terrorist attack has increased exponentially many thousands of times.

I am sure that any sane person could spend the rest of their life documenting the ridiculous outcomes of our modern world.  Is modernity a negative concept? Even relatively normal people are expressing concern about where the world is heading.  The general consensus is that the world is like a ball rolling towards the cliff ready to fall over the edge.  This does not inspire optimism or confidence.

The astrology associated with the astrological ages, and specifically our position in the Age of Aquarius, does support the above pessimistic outlook but not the pessimistic outcome.  When we talk about optimism, we usually refer to Sagittarius suggesting that Sagittarius’ opposite sign Gemini is pessimistic.  A superficial examination of Sagittarius and Gemini plus other key signs within the Age of Aquarius reveals the reason for the current desultory outlook by many people, especially in Western Society.

"An Optimist & Pessimist" by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) - Russian painter
“An Optimist & Pessimist” by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) – Russian painter

In contrast to the West, many people in developing nations are not feeling negative or pessimistic as they are currently riding a secondary wave of economic expansion and material prosperity.  Whenever a new age or sub period of an age appears, the focus of new developments is usually focused upon a specific region, center or culture.  This is what occurred with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century which firmly placed a focus upon Western society.  It was Western society that pioneered the new Aquarian age ethos which then spreads out to the rest of the world like the wake of a boat.  This is why Western society has become despondent while other societies are still experiencing the wake of the fading expansionary period.  The new despondent wake will also hit Asia and the rest of the world in the future.

Western society started the modern expansionary economic paradigm with the Industrial Revolution feeding into the worldwide population explosion.  This quiet naturally was associated with the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612-1791-1970) which like a giant wave has swept through the world but spearheaded by mainly Western nations.  The majority of expansion and optimism was experienced in the second half of the wave (1791-1970).

World Manufacturing Graph (1750-1900)

Conversely, Western nations are unwittingly spearheading the drive towards contraction and minimalism but have not yet understood that this is actually happening and that this is not some temporary aberration but will continue for a long time.  The rest of the world is not taking over the reins from Western society, but just catching up, whereupon they will also start their own paths towards contraction, especially with their populations and economic growth. (see All Good Things Must Come to an End for more details)

Though the expansionary Sagittarius wave technically came to an end in 1970, this is not how it works in practice.  Basically the Sagittarius expansionary paradigm continues its momentum until it comes to a barrier. Secondly, near the end of this Sagittarius wave was a Sagittarius micro-age and overflow (1940-1955-1970) with the peak of this smaller wave aligned to the Baby Boomers.  (see Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius) The Baby Boomers are the last hurrah of expansionary Sagittarius as the world plummets into out-of-control economic overdrive and environmental degradation.  The Baby Boomers are like the captain of the Titanic encouraging the sailors to increase speed as they plow towards the iceberg.

The main sign that undermines Sagittarius is Gemini.  Gemini is currently developing as the new sign of our times. After the Sagittarius wave came the wave associated with the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148).  This remains very strong in the world and is part of the reason so many people are feeling vulnerable, sarcastic and desultory – Scorpio has never been known as a cheerful sign … unless you call throwing flower petals on a coffin a pleasant experience.  (see SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1 )

However, following in the wake of the Scorpio wave is the relatively new Libra sub-age (1970-2148), and based on previous sub-ages, its main period of benefit will be in its overflow period commencing in 2148 whereupon it will bring in a mini Golden Age – provided there is anyone left around to enjoy it!  The current Libra sub-age (this is why a female is running for US president in 2016) has three sub-age decans, and the first sub-age decan within the Libra sub-age is the Gemini sub-age decan (1970-2029). Naturally, Gemini will be far stronger in its almost 60 years overflow period commencing in 2029.

Gemini is opposite Sagittarius, and it is this Gemini sub-age that is currently bringing a halt to economic expansionism and optimistic outlook mainly in the Western economies.  Because Gemini is unlucky and pessimistic, it has a tendency to resort to cheating and thieving to gain advantage.  This growing phenomenon is being played out by corporations around the world where each year they discover new means and methods to cheat their customers.  Whereupon a few years ago, airlines discovered they could extract more money from their passengers by supplying a relatively cheap basic service than charging often exorbitant amounts for add-ons, flight changes and so on, this is now spreading like an inferno. In the absence of a strongly expansionary market, businesses are trying to extract more and more from each customer using anyone of a number of devious and nefarious (Gemini) schemes.

This anti-Sagittarius new Gemini reality may be hypnotizing the world with handheld mobile devices, but it is also associated with a pessimistic outlook.  If everything is not expanding crazily, things must be bad!  However, while Gemini may be a new and growing reality, it is not the most important player on the field.  A massive revolution is underway associated with the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) leading to an incredibly strong Libra period.  This Libra period will greatly affect the world for over 700 years commencing in 2148 – introducing the first mini golden age after almost 7,000 years of mainly war and violence.  Naturally, the last 5,000 years of war is associated with the arrival of the Aries age and overflow (2916BC – 732BC – 1433AD).

In the meantime in our cell phone modern world, it seems like a partnership with sour old Scorpio and pessimistic Gemini being the two key players of note.  Scorpio is bringing a smaller and more evolved world but change always grates because society and culture is always aligned to Taurus – the sign of stability. Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus, so all social cultural values have been under attack since 1791, and picking up speed since 1970.   Scorpio is introducing the most unstable of times and people not only dislike instability, they will even fight for their stable cultural-religious values as they dissolve in slow motion before their eyes.  But cultural values will continue to dissolve because Scorpio improves by first pruning the bush then producing new growth which is more appropriate to the times.  The world is mainly in the destructive side of a major metamorphosis.

If you look carefully, there are huge areas of advancement, progress and social evolution in the world today but our minds are more attuned to the disasters and problems when we feel desultory and pessimistic. A steady and growing percentage of Western populations are acknowledging the key role of the environment over short sighted capitalistic practices. Females continue to demand and get greater equality to the point that the most powerful political position in the world is soon to be most likely held by a woman.  Gays are in the process of gaining the right to marry in a growing number of Western nations. Some drugs demonized only a few decades ago are finding increasing support from mainstream society.

However, socio-political-cultural revolutions are painful, and many reactionary elements will do their best to stop the tide from coming in.  Donald Trump is tapping into this reactionary sentiment by many voters who nostalgically prefer the old over the new.   This is also why in the 1960s and 70s so many nations, including Western nations, succumbed to military coups and dictators in place of democracy to prevent progressive change from upsetting their part of the world.  It did not work then, and it will not work now or in the future but it will temporarily re-appear.  The main change to the change occurring in the world is that it will progressively grow stronger and have wider effects and affect more of the world – change is accelerating.  Reactionary elements will also periodically get stronger and try and stop the tide coming in.

So many people get despondent when they realize they will not be around for the mini Golden Age that will arrive mid next century.  There is no need to feel despondent as anyone can be mentally in the Golden Age now, and while the percentage of the population that may already be mentally in the Golden age is a small percentage, this percentage is constantly growing.  More and more people do not want more of the same. (see The Silent Revolution ) Unfortunately, Gemini makes people impatient, and many people are impatient for all the benefits of the Golden Age which cannot fully manifest before midway through next century.

There are important steps along the way towards the mini Golden Age, but the next most important step does not arrive until 2059 – but a preview will appear next decade.  What will happen around 2059?  In western society at least, about 20% of the population will be environmentally friendly and attuned to progressive political and cultural agendas compared to about 10% at present.  20% is the tipping point and research indicates that once 20% of the population has turned to a different direction, they have far greater influence upon society than what should be expected from only 20% of the population.  However, by the mid 22nd century, this 20% becomes 50%.

Finally, there is also very good news hidden behind the turmoil and angst of the modern world.  Of all the signs, Scorpio is the sign most aligned to inner reality or inner Truth.  This means that one of the greatest opportunities in the world today under Scorpio is to find or discover the inner reality that underpins life, the universe and everything.  Scorpio indicates change and turmoil in the external world but actively promotes the benefits of the inner world and the Truth available from going inside.  If truth and ultimate reality are important to you, then you have hit the jackpot for the time you live in.  Search for it because, among other considerations, the astrology is on your side for success in this endeavor.  It is also more fulfilling than complaining and watching the world seemingly go down the gurgler.

There is an old concept associated with the lotus.  While the lotus expresses beauty and enlightenment, it also usually grows in a smelly putrid swamp.  At this point of history, we definitely get the swamp, but we can also have the lotus.  Many ancient and modern seers have stated that they were distracted from smelling the putrid swamp when dazzled by the lotus.

Further Reading

Age of Aquarius for Dummies

Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Will New Agers Rule the World?

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan

No Baby Boomer, or anyone born later, has ever experienced a serious Aquarius sub-period of the Age of Aquarius.  When some Baby Boomers turned on, tuned in and dropped out in the 1960s and 70s they were not responding to the new Age of Aquarius, they were mainly responding to the 1970 peak of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148). The combination of revolutionary Scorpio and revolutionary Aquarius produced a major shakeup of mainly western culture and the ripples of this cultural shakeup are still strongly affecting society today.  The latest example is the recent confirmation by the US Supreme Court of the nation-wide legalization of gay marriage. This ruling is also an early example of the new Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow.

The new Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) is the first micro-age decan of the new Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) which resides in the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) – the forth sub-age in the Age of Aquarius.  For an explanation of the sub-periods of the astrological ages, see the Details of the Age of Aquarius for Dummies.

Why should gays have an easy time in an Aquarius micro-age decan?  Aquarius is an extremist sign, and so it places a focus on the outliers of the bell curve, not the mainstream majority.  Any group or sub-culture that is different, eccentric or on the fringe is favored by Aquarius – and this includes homosexuals.  Under Aquarius minorities can temporarily swing the mainstream their way.  This has mixed results as there is no guarantee the minority group is forward thinking with a positive effect upon society.  For example, any examination of the last Aquarius micro-age (1910 – 25) reveals the ability of the fringe Bolsheviks in Russia to take over their government and commence the worldwide communist revolution.

In the more potent Aquarius micro-age overflow period (1925 – 1940) the Nazi’s were able to sway the German public to their fascist principles at the same time similar events were occurring in Spain, Italy and Japan with echoes in most western countries including the USA.  Few people realize that the German Nazi’s never obtained more than a little over 20% electoral support.  The term “Fascism” was first used in 1915 by members of Mussolini’s movement, the Fasci of Revolutionary Action. [1]

The world is not even past the one year mark of the current Aquarius micro-age decan and already it has stamped its mark upon an unsuspecting world.  In the same way that the revolutionary peak of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow in the 1970s resonated with the revolutionary Age of Aquarius, so to the current revolutionary Aquarius micro-age decan resonates with the revolutionary Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148).  We are indeed in for some interesting times, especially in the Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (Jun 2017 – Jun 2022) which corresponds to the upper half of the Aquarius micro-age decan bell curve.

What has occurred since December 2014 that points towards Aquarius apart from confirmation of gay marriage in the USA?  One small but noteworthy item is the clearance given the propose law to the compulsory vaccination of children in California otherwise they will be prevented from attending public or private schools.  This is an example of the coercive fascist side of Aquarius.  On the other side is the legalization of gay marriage in Ireland in May 2015.

On the serious negative side we have the Charlie Hebdo terrorist massacre in January 2015 which can be directly linked astrologically to the four ISIS inspired attacks in June including the deaths of 40 people at the Tunisian resort at Port El Kantaoui.  Aquarius is the sign of radicals and revolutionaries.  There will be more than just radicals and homosexuals associated with the current Aquarius micro-age decan.  In the more advanced or evolved societies, the push will be towards progressive policies, and the legalization of gay marriage is just one such avenue.  In the less evolved societies, there will be a tendency towards fascism of one sort or another.  Countries like Russia, Thailand and much of Asia, Africa and South America will tend towards totalitarian autocratic type rule to solve their problems.  The more entrenched democratic societies are generally protected from such autocratic tendencies but fascist anti- immigration groups will get more powerful and influential even in First World Countries over the coming decade.

Senator Bernie Saunders

How will the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow play out in the USA?  Already Donald Trump has jumped on the fascist-leaning bandwagon with his declaration of virtual war against Mexicans.  Fascism always tends to deal with issues in a black and white fashion exploiting populace views.  The already polarized political spectrum in the USA will become more polarized.  If on one extreme we have Donald Trump, on the other extreme we have Bernie Saunders nominating for the Democrats as their presidential candidate. Bernie is the perfect example of a progressive promoting the positive side of Aquarius.  Hillary Clinton also pushes the Aquarius button as a female president of the USA is a progressive development.

President Franklin Roosevelt

The last Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) is instructive about how the two sides of Aquarius can manifest.  This period saw the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt (1882 – 1945) who was actually one of the most progressive presidents in the history of the USA and in response to the devastation of the Great Depression, he introduced a range of very progressive policies under the New Deal.  He was president from 1933 to 1945 aligned roughly with the Aquarius micro-age overflow (1925 – 1940). FDR’s New Deal promoted united labor unions, big city machines, white ethnics, African Americans, and rural white Southerners while at the same time more closely regulating business and high finance.  Also in line with freedom-loving Aquarius, Prohibition in the USA was repealed in 1933. However all was not rosy in the USA in the 1930s, and the clash of the collective strength of the impoverished and destitute versus local fascism was ably portrayed in John Steinbeck’s novel “Grapes of Wrath”

However in parallel with the progressive FDR, was the appearance of the Black Legion, which included in its membership serving members of the military and National Guard.  This group was the most violent expression of organized opposition against FDR and his New Deal policies. The Black Legion openly acknowledged that they considered the president a threat and sought the overthrow of the government.  The group primarily targeted Communists, blacks, Jews, and Catholics in the name of God for the protection of white Protestant America. The group was heavily associated with the Republican Party.  The group was political, large, and took serious action, including lynching people, shooting murders, floggings, kidnappings, and general threats of violence against people and groups that they opposed. The Black Legion was also acting in accord with the interests of some corporations and actively assisted corporations in union busting and threatening labor organizers.

In addition to the thugs of the Black Legion, some of the most famous American companies and business people were deeply involved with the Fascist regimes of Europe in the 1930s of which they admired.  These included: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK’s father), Charles Lindbergh, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles (later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City Bank, Coca-Cola, and General Electric. It was reported by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974 that:

 “The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II…are instructive…… In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world.  The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war.”[2]

The fascist way of describing corporations is to label them as anti-democratic dark forces of concentrated wealth, but this would be pure idiocy.  Like nearly everything, there are two sides to corporations and business interests.  The wealth and affluence we experience today is due to the successful wealth creation of corporations and business interests over the last few centuries.  When communism banned corporations and private enterprise they not only threw the baby out with the bathwater, they threw out virtually the whole family.  20th century communism was an abject failure but people have difficulty with big picture perspective and therefore cannot see that the world pendulum has swung the other way and has arrived at extreme capitalism.  While extreme capitalism continues to exist, it can sway and influence governments, governmental policies and laws and even more, as the Murdoch press did to the 2000 US elections in what could be regarded as the first corporate coup in the USA.  Corporate heavyweights also planned a coup to topple FDR.  Despite the dark forces around him, FDR instituted many progressive reforms in the USA.

Pushing back to previous Aquarius periods of note we arrive at the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1861) of the Gemini micro-age (1851 -1866).  This is the same combination and arrangement as the current Aquarius micro-age decan.  The 1850s in the USA was the decade of ‘Bleeding Kansas’ when a series of violent political confrontations between anti-slavery and pro-slavery elements took place mainly in the Kansas Territory between 1854 and 1861, exactly coincident with the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (1856 – 1861) when this Aquarius period was at full strength.  The heart of the conflict was the question of slavery.  This conflict was a proxy war between anti-slavery forces in the North and pro-slavery forces from the South.

This conflict presaged the Civil War (1861 to 1865)[3] exactly coincident with the middle Libra micro-age decan overflow (1861 -1866) of the 19th century Gemini micro-age. This suggests that Libra is a dangerous sign for entrenched traditional elements in the USA and suggest the period 2024 to 2029 (again aligned to a Libra micro-age decan overflow) will be an extreme confrontational period in the USA.  The seeds of this conflict should appear with the current Aquarius micro-age decan (2014 – 2019) and become bleeding obvious in the period 2019 – 2024.  This does not suggest anything as extreme as a civil war, as the 19th century period occurred just past the 1851 peak of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1791-1851-1910) with Cancer in opposition to the highly conservative Capricorn element high on the USA’s totem pole.  Context is everything in macro-astrology.  However the levels of opposition and bitterness will reach new heights.

There is the possibility that another progressive president of FDR genus may appear in American politics under the current Aquarius period.  Bernie Saunders may be FDR reincarnated?  However the current Aquarius period is one third the strength and size of FDR’s Aquarius micro-age and overflow.  This limits both the degree of progressive policies that will occur and the opposing fascists’ sentiments of conservative groups.  However, fascist tendencies will also strengthen in the USA over the coming decade in the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow even if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Saunders becomes president.

If the world just kept going around in circles, we would have the likes of Hitler and Mussolini appear regularly, but  each decade and century pushes the world further into the heartland of the Age of Aquarius, and the astrology strongly suggests that the world is heading towards a more progressive and democratic  world.  As an example, all OECD nations[4] are firmly democratic.  Since December 2014, for the first time in over 7,000 years, the world is in an age, age-decan, sub-age, sub-age decan, micro-age and micro-age decan which when combined with all their respective overflow periods, are ALL in Water or Air zodiacal signs.  It is the Fire and Earth signs that breed conservatism while the Air and Water signs promote progressive liberal policies.  So while there will be some backtracking, especially in the Second and Third World nations, the world is not speeding towards fascism but towards secular progressive democratic liberalism.

The liberal-fascist struggle will be played out mainly in the Middle East, China, Russia and Africa in the coming decade with fascism always the easy option.  The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow sits under the shadow of the Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029).  Cancer promotes China, Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, New Zealand and much of Polynesia, the Middle East including Greece.  These countries and regions excluding Scandinavia, Canada and New Zealand may succumb to backward political developments.  Progressive modern countries will be influenced by both sides of Aquarius but fascism needs an undemocratic environment to succeed and these countries are unlikely to succumb to populace brute force over democracy.

The revealing years for the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is the overflow period of December 2019 to November 2024 when the era of military coups so strong in the 1960s and 70s (under Scorpio) will again affect less evolved countries.  Some second tier countries will make progressive advances and other will turn more to fascism to control their populations.  Third World countries will be the most prone to autocratic exercise of fascism.  The countries most at risk are associated with Leo  as Leo is opposite Aquarius and therefore Leo countries will be either under threat or aggressive.   The Leo associated countries also include all of South America plus Bhutan, France (and particularly Paris – the City of Light), Greece, India, Israel and Zimbabwe – though these lists are incomplete.

Already Paris has been hit with the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack.  Greece resorted to a democratic defense in July 2015 to attempt to fight off the international bankers.  The likely contenders to be caught in the Aquarius net are:  Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and South America in general, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey and the USA. Singapore and Turkey will be interesting case studies to watch to see how far they may graduate into progressive countries or regress into fascism even though Turkey is an OECD country.

Countries that are financially vulnerable under Aquarius are any country associated with Cancer.  This includes a significant number of countries with China at the top of the list followed by Middle Eastern countries, much of Polynesia, France, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Russia, and the UK.  Countries that can lose prestige in any of a number of ways are those countries associated with Scorpio.  Scorpio countries include France, Germany, Indonesia and Japan (though Germany has a strong relationship with Aquarius and therefore avoid any loss of prestige).  The Roman Catholic Church’s reputation or status is also awkward in this period as the Roman Catholic Church is a Pisces-Scorpio institution (with plenty of Aries and Capricorn thrown into the mix).

The four stages of the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow are as follows:

Stage Start End Strength
1 Dec-14 Jun-17 Weak
2 Jun-17 Dec-19 Medium
3 Dec-19 Jun-22 Strong
4 Jun-22 Nov-24 Medium-Strong

The next upgrade of Aquarius is around June 2017 where even stronger hints of what lie ahead should appear.  From December 2019 onwards it is Aquarius all-the-way but from June 2022 it will pull back somewhat as the Libra quasi micro-age decan comes online but there is always a sting in the tail of all periods in macro-astrology.

The Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow will also archetypally interface in part with the Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029) because Cancer is anti-authoritarian and Aquarius is revolutionary which means it is usually fighting authority.  People from one end of the world to the other will be seeking to break free of out-of-date restrictions and limitations.  In response, reactionary forces will institute draconian and fascist’s measures to counter such ‘insurrection’ and the strength of each society will determine which of the progressive or reactionary forces succeed.  In some cases it will be the opposite scenario where the revolutionary forces (ISIS, Taliban, Al Quada etc.) or anti-immigration parties will attempt to exert their views upon society and either succeed or fail.  The anti-immigration forces will strengthen as the Cancer micro-age decan overflow that commenced in December 2014 ensures 7 years of increased movement of people between countries seeking a better home and lifestyle compared to before December 2014.

Another side of Aquarius is excitement.  The last Aquarius micro-age coincided with the Roaring 20s and the Jazz Age.  The cultural aspects of the Roaring Twenties began in leading metropolitan centers, especially Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Paris, Berlin and London; then spread widely in the aftermath of World War I producing a period with a distinct cultural edge. The French called it the “Crazy Years” emphasizing the era’s social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood and Art Deco peaked. The era saw the large-scale use of electricity (ruled by Aquarius) plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. In most major countries women won the right to vote.  The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity associated with (Aquarius) modernity and a break with traditions. Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, movies and radio enhanced the surge of “modernity” to a large part of the population. At the same time, jazz became popular and the period is also often referred to as the Jazz Age.[5]  We can expect exciting times ahead under our smaller Aquarius period and perhaps we will see some Jazz musicians the likes we have not seen for decades? The discordance of jazz matches the eccentric nature of Aquarius.

Finally, the new Aquarius period will ‘oppose’ the remnant influence from the Leo micro-age and overflow (1985-2000-2014) with the Leo micro-age period proper (1985 – 2000) aligned to the greatest bull market of all times.  The first major threat to the (Leo) bull market was the Scorpio micro-age decan overflow (2010-2014) coinciding with the darkest years of the recent Global Recession as Scorpio ‘demotes’ anything associated with Leo.  The remnants of the Leo bull market left in the world will get trampled upon by the Aquarius period, especially its overflow commencing in December 2019. This may already be affecting China’s share markets.

Aquarius is one of the ruling signs for astrology, the other two keys signs also recognized as being associated with astrology are Scorpio and Cancer.[6] Considering the world is in the most potent Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148), Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029) and now in the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (2014-2019-2024) we can expect some significant developments in the world of astrology, especially in the period 2019 to 2024.

As the world slowly creaks towards the strength of the Aquarius Age over the coming centuries, the tide passes over different landscapes, and the main landscape at this part of the Age of Aquarius is defined by Scorpio due to the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148).  Change is accelerated at this time as both Scorpio and Aquarius promote change.  Despite the great change forecast for the rest of this century, there is nothing as dire or gloomy as existed in the much of the first part of the 20th century.  However Scorpio provides a hint at how to best deal with our time.  Scorpio indicates that what is external is vulnerable because the strength lies inside.  Scorpio is the time of inner truth and history indicates that in previous Scorpio periods, there were a far greater number of seers, visionaries and promoters of Truth compared to other periods.  For example one of the greatest promoter of inner truth (when he was alive) was Jesus Christ[7] who lived almost at the same exact stage the world is in now but in the previous Peace_signScorpio sub-age overflow (8 BC – 173 AD).  Our 2015 corresponds to year 36 AD.  For those worried about climate change and the environment, the world will eventually be saved by the ethos of the new green and environmental movement that grew out of the alternative revolution of the 1960s and 70s at the peak of Scorpio.  This will not succeed in the coming decade, but it will eventually succeed.

Never a dull moment under Aquarius!


Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

The Progressives’ Lament


[1]. Paul O’Brien. “Mussolini in the First World War: The Journalist, The Soldier, The Fascist”. p. 52

[2] RG Price, “Fascism Part II: The Rise of American Fascism”, May 15, 2004, http://www.rationalrevolution.net/articles/rise_of_american_fascism.htm

[3] Bleeding Kansas, Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:09, July 5, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bleeding_Kansas&oldid=666234463

[4] OECD nations: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,  Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2015, June 27), Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:03, July 11, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Organisation_for_Economic_Co-operation_and_Development&oldid=668900043

[5] Roaring Twenties. (2015, July 8). Wikipedia, Retrieved 01:02, July 9, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Roaring_Twenties&oldid=670526191

[6] Research has found that over the last 2,000 years whenever significant periods are ruled by Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius, great strides are made in the evolution of astrology.

[7] Glenville Whittaker, “For Christ’s Sake: pressing the refresh button on the life of Jesus”, 2014


Associated Posts

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 1

Will New Agers Rule the World

Scorpio – the Sign of the Times


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell

www.macro-astrology.com – details of purchasing the book available

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies – explains the structure and sub-periods associated with the astrological ages

Aquarian Age Economics – Examines the relationship between macro-astrology and financial cycles

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

book-img 3D 110315
“The Dawning” is available from Xlibris, Amazon etc
Detailed examination of the astrological ages from the Age of Leo to the Age of Aquarius including age-decans

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 2

The current 21st century from an astrological perspective is a ‘mild’ century.  In Part 1, an initial examination of the 21st century was made which proposed that the 21st century is not as dangerous compared to the 20th and 22nd centuries due primarily to the fact that both these centuries have a major sub-age cusp whereas the 21st century does not.  The primary influence in the 21st century is from the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) and a basic examination of Scorpio archetypes was undertaken.  Sub-age cusps are not the only harbingers of disasters and difficulties, and in this post, a deeper examination of the differences between the current 21st century compared to the two adjoining centuries is made.

For those readers not familiar with periods used in macro-astrology, you may find your understanding significantly increases if you first read Age of Aquarius for Dummies

The 20th century saw both the peak of the Scorpio sub-age wave in 1970 and the peak of the Pisces sub-age decan (the middle decan of the Scorpio sub-age) wave in 1910.  Normally a wave associated with a sub-age decan should have only one-third the strength of a sub-age wave – but like the inevitability of Murphy’s Law, there is always an exception.  The peak of the Pisces sub-age decan wave in 1910 was the exception to the rule.  The greatest wave of all is caused by an age, and that last rolled in on an unsuspecting world in the 15th century.  The age cusp in the 15th century marked the boundary of the Pisces and Aquarian ages, but in the 15th century Pisces is the sign of strength while Aquarius is just the new spindly kid on the block.

In the 15th century, the Pisces age broke like a tsunami and is currently washing over the world for thousands of years bringing all manner of Pisces archetypes along for the ride.  Pisces is traditionally associated with Europe, is the primary sign on the USA’s totem pole, is the sign for corporations (fake bodies) and thus strongly linked to capitalism, and is the apocalyptic sign which is why key Pisces religions such as Christianity and Islam look to the end of the world for salvation.  Even many science fiction and futuristic movies often portray a post-apocalyptic future.  Pisces is the sign of endings, and many people are convinced about the imminent and messy end of human society or society as we know it.

Coincidentally Pisces archetypes include self-deception, delusion and a lack of clarity. Under Pisces’ spell, when Pisces was at its peak the Roman Catholic Church (and the new Protestantism) behaved like the Taliban or ISIS and burnt at the stake many people, exiled or persecuted them by other means due only to their beliefs.  There were massive religious wars between the Protestant and Catholic nations (similar to the Sunni and Shiite antagonism currently playing out in the Middle East).  The Black Death ravaged Europe.  The majority of the American Indians were killed by disease upon contact with their European superiors, if they had not already been murdered or enslaved.  Millions of innocent Africans were transported to become slaves with many millions dying a horrible death on route.  It was not a pretty picture.  There were many developments on the positive side of Pisces at this critical juncture but at this point, I am looking for worse case scenarios.

When the tsunami of the Pisces age wave passes over the centuries, if it comes across a significant Pisces sub-period it resonates with the smaller Pisces period creating, for a short time, a far greater impact than can normally be expected from a smaller wave.  When the Pisces age wave hit the early 20th century, it resonated with the smaller Pisces sub-age decan wave and reminded the world of what it was like to live under medieval Pisces in earlier centuries.  This is why in the first half of the 20th century the world saw two World Wars, the Great Depression and the millions of deaths associated with the Spanish flu in 1918 which killed more people than the First World War.  How many hundreds of millions of people were cut down before their time in the first half of the 20th century? Again, I am focusing on the dark side of Pisces only. The first half of the 20th century was the great disaster of modern times, and there is nothing remotely like it indicated in the current 21st century.

On the other side of the 21st century, the 22nd century has something that only appears once every age.  Each age has three age-decans.  The cusp of one age decan coincides with the cusp of the ages so can be discounted, leaving the two remaining cusps.  The first of these two age-decan cusps takes on additional role.  The first age-decan cusp of any age is of the opposite sign of the second last age overflow and stops it in its tracks!  The whole of the Pisces age (732 BC – 1433 AD) was dominated by the Aries age overflow in the same way that the current Aquarius age (1433 – 3574) is dominated by the Pisces age overflow. However when the 15th century arrived unleashing the Pisces age-overflow, the remnants of the Aries age overflow continued to be carried along in the slipstream.  Aries brought the Age of Warfare and the continuation of the military madness associated with Aries has carried forward into the modern world – but it has a time fuse attached to it.

War is not the only archetype attached to Aries, it is the sign of male-dominated society and sits high on the European totem pole along with Pisces in contrast with the Far East which has a focus upon Libra.  Aries has driven the constructive urge in the world where nearly everywhere in the world has numerous examples of spectacular engineering feats.  Somehow, all this comes to a screeching halt from the middle of the 22nd century onwards because of the peak of the Libra age decan in 2148 – with Libra countering Aries’ archetypes.  Furthermore, age-decan cusps produce serious schisms, and the strength of an age decan cusp is such that even the constitutional integrity of the US government will most likely be compromised (for a short time) before political continuity returns.  Major empires and regions have a history of collapsing upon the arrival of an age-decan cusp.  Age-decan cusps are serious business.  Nothing like this is seen in the current 21st century.

Before examining the 21st century in detail, it is important to reiterate what has been investigated so far.  The current 21st century, for all its problems, will in no way be comparable to the extreme destruction witnessed in the first half of the 20th century nor what is projected to occur in the 22nd century.  The mood however for the 21st century will be desultory and people will feel vulnerable – some will feel very vengeful. A new ethos will grow and develop over the century which can be sourced back to the 1960s and 70s.  This has precedence and previous incarnations of this same phenomena occurred with the rise of the workers commencing the early 19th century, and the earlier rise of the bourgeoisie (self-employed businessmen). Prior to that there was the sudden appearance of the Puritans and Protestant Christians.  In each case, these movements were associated with sub-ages – the Puritans with the Capricorn sub-age, the bourgeoisie with the Sagittarius sub-age and the workers with the Scorpio sub-age.  In all cases there were long germinations times.

Figure 1 – the first four subages of the Aquarian age
Each of these sub-ages of the Aquarian age have produced a major new socio-political movement

What is the new movement or ethos emanating out of the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148)?  It is the New Age movement, and the growth of this new environmentally-friendly social ethos is sure to follow the same pattern.  We will not experience its culmination in this century.

The two key aspects that need to be examined for a top-down view of the 21st century are the influences from the Scorpio sub-age overflow and the newly arrived Libra sub-age (both 1970-2148 and this period can be labelled the Scorpio-Libra sub-age) plus the role of the two sub-age decans cusps that occur in the 21st century.  Because of the wave-like nature of all periods in macro-astrology, no period is solely influenced by only one sign.  The Scorpio sub-age overflow and Libra sub-age are occurring simultaneously as the Scorpio wave has attained its peak ascendancy in 1970 and ‘breaks’ over the following period while in 1970 the Libra sub-age comes online ready for its 179 years climb to its peak.  Abbreviating the period to the Scorpio-Libra sub-age indicates the role of the two signs in this period and the dominance of Scorpio of Libra in the timeframe.

The Scorpio-Libra sub-age (1970-2148) has a demarcation line around the year 2059.  Before 2059 Scorpio is the absolute dominant sign in the partnership, but from around 2059 Libra becomes noticeably more powerful.  The input from Scorpio has already been covered in brief, but there is more to Scorpio than regeneration.  The other key archetype associated with Scorpio is reduction including minimalism.  Scorpio likes to prune the tree.  All the predictions for the world population indicate a continuation of the exponential growth in the number of people in the world.  The population explosion was a direct result of the Sagittarius sub-age overflow (1791-1970) and few people will disagree with the association of a booming population with the sign Sagittarius.  However it is now Scorpio’s turn, and Scorpio is not expansionary like Sagittarius – in many ways it has an opposite quality.  Scorpio wants the population of the world to reduce!

How will the world’s population reduce when all the pundits predict the opposite?  Most people latch onto apocalyptic scenarios, but this melodramatic view of the future is associated with Pisces, and though Pisces is the primary sign in the world for many more centuries to come, there is no Pisces period of strength in the 21st century to resonate with.  The most it can do is prop up the Pisces micro-age and overflow (2059-2074-2089) where it is likely to create another economic bubble which will again crash spectacularly around 2092 to 2097.

The fall in population is already occurring but most people cannot see it.  Most western nations have had negative population growth for decades which means the number of children being born is less than the number of people dying.  The only reason western countries are not shrinking is due to immigration.  This population contraction is now not limited to only western nations, many second tier nations are witnessing the same.  Furthermore, as the spread of the middle class extends from developed nations to developing nations, population growth falls because middle class families do not need to depend upon their children for their social security and labor as they grow old.  Recently, for the first time in history, more people live in urban centers than in rural areas.  This is merely confirmation of the worldwide trend towards an urbanized middle class with greater wealth than their average rural counterpart, resulting in families with significantly less children.  In addition, China, with 1.3 billion people is the most populace nation on earth and had for many decades an enforced One-Child policy which has drastically affected population growth for a significant proportion of the world’s population.

It may be too unrealistic to suggest that all the population contraction will be based solely on economic issues – other mildly catastrophic events may reduce population growth, but if disease, epidemics, pollution, violence and so on become factors that prune the world’s population, it cannot be at the same echelon of disasters that befell the world in the first half of the 20th century.  One possible reason for population decline is due appropriately to growing rates of infertility – infertility is in the stable of Scorpio archetypes.  Infertility or difficulties for women to become pregnant has substantially increased in western nations since the 1960s.[i]  Infertility clinics are becoming as common as McDonalds.

The effects of the astrological ages and sub-periods are not uniform around the world but always radiate out from the age-empire or civilization focal point of the time.  Since the 15th century this has been the prerogative, for better and worse, of western culture – firstly in Europe, but during the powerful Pisces resonant point in the early 20th century, this was passed on to the USA.  The emergent developments will tend to occur first in western nations then radiate out to the rest of the world over the following decades or centuries.  The negative population growth of western nations has commenced radiating out past western nations, and though it may not hit Africa for over another century or more, it will ultimately get there.

The other big picture association to Scorpio is pollution.  Pollution will be a significant factor in world affairs at least until the early 23rd century.  When the world arrives at the peak of the Taurus sub-age decan[ii] around 2207, a counterbalancing period lasting many decades will reign in pollution or its effects one way or another.  There is no need to review the plethora of dire consequences that environmental scientists predict for the world except for one major aspect that I did briefly refer to in my book published in 2011.  Global Warming is real, and currently the heat is not going into atmospheric temperature but into rising oceanic temperature.  Apart from melting the ice at the poles, hot water expands.

“Can any insight be gained from the astrological ages about the prediction by many scientists of a serious rise in ocean levels due to climate change? Pisces takes control of the oceans, and scientists are stating that the conclusions of the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are too optimistic and conservative. The average ocean levels rose about 17 cm in the twentieth century. Most people are aware that the melting of glaciers and ice sheets is contributing significantly to sea level rise. However, global warming is also causing the existing seawater to expand, thus further increasing sea level rise. Based on the combination of meltwater from melting ice and expanding oceans, some experts believe ocean levels could rise by 1 meter by 2100 CE.” [iii]

The scientific evidence suggests that the sea level will rise around one meter (over 3 feet) per century for the next five centuries.  Since the 15th century the strongest sign in the world is Pisces and will remain Pisces at least until 2500 – therefore the astrology supports the scientists.  This will be an ongoing major catastrophe in slow motion and satisfies the requirement of our current century that detrimental change is here, but not to the destructive level of the early 20th century.  Recently I was discussing the issue with a university lecturer in marine biology and he stated that the effects of an average sea level rise of just one inch can push back the shoreline by 20 yards or more.  Most of the world’s coastal cities are doomed, but not immediately – how long can Venice survive?

In conclusion, both the 20th and 22nd centuries have major astrological precipitators creating extreme situations due to the Pisces sub-age decan resonating with the Pisces age overflow in the early 20th century, and the Libra age-decan cusp in the 22nd century opposing the violent influence carrying over from the Aries age. The funny thing is that nothing on this level occurs in the current 21st century.Peace_sign

Each sub-age produces a sub-culture with a new ethos, and I have proposed that the new and emergent sub-culture that will be in a position to deal with the world’s problems will evolve from the New Age movement and Green sympathizers.   The population explosion is not only likely to continue to considerably slow down, it may even start reducing the world population as the 21st century unwinds, unless this is totally reserved for the 22nd century.  Ages and all sub-periods ‘radiate’ and at this stage of the Age of Aquarius, it is western culture that is the source of the radiation, and its radiating influence will slowly but steadily affect the rest of the world for better or worse (torturing prisoners or highly questionable interrogation tactics such as waterboarding will also radiate out to the rest of the world).  On the other extreme is the Peace or New Age movement which was developed within western culture.

Finally pollution will increasingly become the issue that must be resolved and the second half of the 21st century looks promising in this regard.  The astrology suggests that the current ethos of western culture is incapable of adequately addressing the major issue of pollution due to the overriding focus upon financial profit, and that it will only be due to the growing influence of the New Age/Green movement, or whatever emerges from this movement, that will sufficiently address the problem – possibly as early as 2059 or shortly thereafter.  The drive towards addressing pollution and Climate Change will build and develop in the period leading to 2059.


[i] http://www.fertility.com/en/stage1/articles/article8/article8.html

[ii] This Taurus sub-age decan belongs to the Virgo sub-age (c.2148-2327)

[iii] Terry MacKinnell “The Dawning”,Xlibris, 2011, p 237-8

Associated Posts

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 1

Will New Agers Rule the World

Scorpio – the Sign of the Times


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell

www.macro-astrology.com – details of purchasing the book available

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies – explains the structure and sub-periods associated with the astrological ages

Aquarian Age Economics – Examines the relationship between macro-astrology and financial cycles

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

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“The Dawning” is available from Xlibris, Amazon etc
Detailed examination of the astrological ages from the Age of Leo to the Age of Aquarius including age-decans


Falling Crime Rate Surprises Everyone

Why did violent crime peak around 1991 in the USA, Canada and elsewhere then commence to significantly reduce?  In a New York Times article it was reported that the aggregation of all violent crime in the USA significantly peaked in 1991:

Perhaps nowhere has the drop been more stunning than in New York City, which reported only 328 homicides for 2014, compared with 2,245 in 1990.

There was not only a fall in serious crime, there was also declines in teenage pregnancy, child abuse and juvenile delinquency. [1]

Coincidentally, I only discovered the most likely reason for the falling crime rate from watching Catalyst, an Australian TV program, in an episode called Lead Astray[2] which included the following:

“New York today is a very different city to the one it was 20 years ago. For one thing, it’s considered to be much safer. There’s been a big drop in violent crime since the 1990s…. ..but oddly enough, as the rate of violent crime plunged in New York, it also plummeted in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, in fact, all over the United States and in many other countries.”


“Although it’s just a correlation, studies of individuals also show high childhood lead exposure increases the likelihood of a life marked by crime.”

Not only is there a correlation, the correlation between crime levels and lead levels has a 22 years delay, so that the peak in crime in 1991 is 22 years after the peak in lead pollution around 1969.  1969 is an extremely interesting date because the peak of the 357 years Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148) is 1970. [For details of the mechanics and terminology used in macro-astrology – refer to The Age of Aquarius for Dummies]

In the same way that Scorpio indicates the excretory organs for a person, in a worldwide perspective, Scorpio rules the excrement of the world – especially pollution. The astrology supports the assertion that the crime wave peak in 1991 correlates to the lead pollution levels in the late 1960s.

“Perhaps the biggest crime associated with lead is that it was known to have serious toxic effects long before it was added to petrol.”

The history of the use of lead as a fuel additive has a direct correlation to Capricorn, the traditional ruler of lead.  In 1924, the year before the start of the 30 year Capricorn micro-age and overflow (1925-40-55), 17 workers died from lead poisoning in Standard and DuPont refineries in New Jersey.  This was so controversial at the time that it resulted in a one year moratorium on the addition of lead additives to gasoline (petrol) commencing in 1925, while an inquiry was under way.  This inquiry and subsequent research were hijacked by the lead industry.  The late 1920’s research by Robert A. Kehoe of the University of Cincinnati concluded that lead had no adverse health benefits – and this corrupt assessment held sway until the 1960s.  When an independent researcher discovered in 1943 that children with lead poisoning developed behavioral problems, he was threatened with a lawsuit and the research ceased. It took almost 40 years to discredit Kehoe and in the 1970s, the US government finally commenced phasing out lead in gasoline.  The lead industry then shifted their marketing to developing countries and actively lobbied these governments against phasing out of lead in gasoline.[3]  This unethical practice by global corporations has been mimicked by numerous other industries once they get banned or limited in First World countries.

Finally, it was during the Leo quasi micro-age (December 1993-July 2007), that nearly all countries passed laws to stop adding lead to gasoline – only Germany and Austria pre-empted this period but they still enacted laws in the first part of the Leo micro-age. Leo represents the 8th house of death to Capricorn lead!

How many peoples’ lives have been ruined by lead? Very small exposure to lead seriously restricts the mental development of a child as they evolve into adults.  Does this carelessness (to the point of criminality) of adding lead to gasoline apply to anything else?  Are harmful residues of plastics, industrial chemicals, pesticides and so on having deleterious effects upon the general public?  The astrology strongly supports this assertion plus there is the legendary unethical behavior of major corporations that are only focused upon their revenue like a drug pusher selling ice.

The strongest period for the Scorpio sub-age and overflow is the third quarter of its cycle – specifically the period 1970 to 2059.  This is the period that Scorpio runs amok like a freight train out of control. Unfortunately, lead continues to be used widely in the world in a variety of situations other than a fuel additive.  In addition, Iraq continues to add lead to petrol and other countries following the same practice are: Afghanistan, Burma (‘Myanmar’), North Korea, Algeria and Yemen.[4]

As a result of the rapidly increasing crime rates in the 1980s, the USA enacted draconian laws including expanding the death penalty, spent billions of dollars extra in law enforcement and built more prisons.  The USA now imprisons more of its population than any other country in the world.

The USA imprisons more people and a greater percentage of its population than any other country
Prisoner population rate per 100,000 population by country

What is the astrological reason behind the plummeting crime rates?  From the astrological perspective, 1991 as the peak date for crime occurred in a Leo micro-age (1985-2000) in an Aries quasi micro-age decan (Sep 1987 – Sep 1992).  If anything, this Aries should promote excess violent behavior and it did!  However the Leo micro-age (1985-2000) is the same period as the Virgo micro-age overflow. What has prisons got to do with Virgo when Virgo’s opposite sign, Pisces, rules prisons?  Virgo sits at the 7th house position to Pisces and the 7th house indicates detraction or attack.  In this case, prisons archetypally went on the attack capturing more and more of the general public and placing them in prisons like some giant one cell amoeba devouring its victims as depicted in  horror movies I saw when a kid in California.

From a statistical perspective, it is very possible that in the USA, a significant percentage of crimes and prison inmates were probably due to excessive childhood exposure to lead levels, especially prevalent in inner city and former industrial areas.  However reality is finally catching up, and some lawmakers are re-examining the costly crime control infrastructure to bring it back in line with the current much lower crime levels but Republicans are recalcitrant, and with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, don’t hold your breath.  Canada never enforced draconian legal enforcement measures like the USA but its crime wave has also plummeted as with much of the world.

Why the heavy-handed response from the USA? The USA has Capricorn high on its totem pole, probably situated in third place after Pisces then Aquarius.  Capricorn is hard-headed and lacking emotional warmth or connection.  Certainly the USA’s response to the spiraling crime wave of the 1980’s was a hard-headed response compared to most of the rest of the world.  This Capricorn explains why amongst First World Nations, the USA appears to have the most backward and conservative policies in many areas.  On the other side of the equation, the Capricorn archetype that the Puritans brought with them to the USA (mainly in the Capricorn sub-age overflow 1612-1791) also gave them a self-reliant nature with a determination to get ahead in the world – something the USA has certainly accomplished in only a matter of a few centuries. However with Pisces at the top of the USA’s totem pole, it is also prudent to view the USA as if it is bi-polar – a land of extremes.

The perception of most people in the world is that everything is getting worse, especially crime but this is not backed up by any facts.  There is a noticeable gap between perception and reality by the general public.  For example, when people were asked to rate the safety of 10 major cities in the USA, New York was rated the second most dangerous city, while Dallas and Houston were generally rated safe.  The actual crime rate in New York is half of Dallas or Houston.  This pessimistic outlook that appeared somewhere a few decades ago is in line with the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148).  Under Scorpio, people feel vulnerable and insecure.  The previous sub-age influence was from Sagittarius, and despite two world wars and tens of millions of people killed due to war, violence and pogroms etc., people in western nations felt optimistic.  Sagittarius is an optimistic sign and Scorpio is the sign of insecurity.  What has occurred in line with falling crime rates is more intense reporting of crime increasing the feeling of vulnerability by most people.

The New York Times does briefly mention the possible connection between crime rates and lead pollution but scientists do not accept statistical correlation as proof.  This is why scientists reject astrology.  Even if astrologers can demonstrate statistical relationships, unless the underlying cause can be proved, Capricorn ruled hard-headed scientists will continue to reject astrology.

In summary, lead as an additive to gasoline was used prior to the Capricorn micro-age and overflow (1925-40-55) but during this Capricorn period, it became an entrenched commercial practice resulting in a culmination of lead pollution in 1969 – one year off the absolute peak of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148).  The 22 year delay between lead levels and crime resulted in a crime peak in 1991 occurred in an Aries quasi micro-age decan (Sep 1987 – Sep 1992) with Aries always associated with violence.  Lawmakers in the USA became alarmed and introduced a series of draconian law enforcement measures resulting in a burgeoning prison population in a period ruled by Pisces opposite sign Virgo, in the Virgo micro-age (1985-2000).  Finally, in the Leo micro-age and overflow (1985-2000-2014), and even more specifically during the upper half of the bell-curve for Leo, the Leo quasi micro-age (December 1993-July 2007), nearly all countries passed laws to stop adding lead to gasoline – Leo represents the 8th house of death to Capricorn lead!


[1] Erik Eckholm, In a Safer Age, U.S. Rethinks Its ‘Tough on Crime’ System  New York Times, Jan 13, 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/14/us/with-crime-down-us-faces-legacy-of-a-violent-age-.html?rref=politics&module=Ribbon&version=context&region=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Politics&pgtype=article

[2] Catalyst Lead Astray, http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4174798.htm

[3] Tetraethyllead, Wikipedia, Retrieved February 16, 2015, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tetraethyllead&oldid=647309043

[4] Anne Roberts, Six countries still use leaded petrol. Why?, LEAD Action News vol 11 Number 4, June 2011, ISSN 1324-6011, The journal of The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group Inc., http://www.lead.org.au/lanv11n4/lanv11n4-5.html


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell

www.macro-astrology.com – details of purchasing the book available

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies – explains the structure and sub-periods associated with the astrological ages

Aquarian Age Economics – Examines the relationship between macro-astrology and financial cycles

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

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Detailed examination of the astrological ages from the Age of Leo to the Age of Aquarius including age-decans




Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World

Most people who make their way to this blog read “SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times” that I wrote in 2006.  We are currently in the process of exiting from this heightened Scorpio ‘hotspot’ that affects the world from 2005 until 2015, but with the upper half of the bell-curve located 2007 to 2011/12.  This Scorpio hotspot is currently being replaced by the sign Cancer, and Cancer will be the paradigm of note for the next five years (2012-17) but it has a wider bandwidth than the normal five years.  This Cancer period will be stronger than the effects of most five years quasi-micro age decans but it will not be a hotspot like the previous Scorpio quasi nano-age that resonated with the large Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148)

For those new to this blog, a micro-age is approximately 15 years long and is one-twelfth of a sub-age (approx. 178 years).  Each age of approximately 2,150 years has twelve sub-ages.  These small micro-ages can be divided into three equal parts using traditional astrological techniques.  One third of a micro-age is a micro-age decan.  Associated with all ages and their sub-periods, including micro-ages, are quasi periods comprising the last half of the current period in question with the first half of the next period.  This explanation of a quasi-period in relation to the astrological ages can suffice at this point, and those readers wanting to delve into the subject can purchase my book “THE DAWNING – Shedding new Light on the Astrological Ages”.

If each sign has three decans, one of which is the same as the parent sign, then sometimes the parent sign and sub-period will be the same.  This is the case with the current Cancer quasi-micro age decan.   The Cancer quasi-age decan (2012-17) is derived from the Cancer micro-age decan (2010-15) and is the last decan of the Cancer micro-age (2000-15).  Due to the overflow effect, as the influence of all periods rolls over the following period similar to a wave, the full extent of Cancer is the Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000 – 2015 – 2029).  We can easily verify the arrival of this 29 year period – in 2001, the 9/11 attack upon the USA brought to the forefront of world affairs the situation in the Muslim world.  The key zodiacal sign associated with Islam is Cancer.  This Cancer period has increased the status of Islam in the world for better or worse.  In response to this attack, the USA and its close allies attacked Afghanistan and then perversely attacked Iraq – two nations in the Muslim heartlands.  The Afghanistan war has now become the longest war of all times for the USA.  The other key region in the world that has strong Cancer associations is China. Though we cannot pinpoint China’s ascent to world stardom to the exact year 2000, it has certainly exhibited its daunting lurch forward in economic development over the last ten years.

The arrival of Cancer is noticeable, but the whole period under the rulership of Cancer is not homogeneous – it is more like a giant bell-curve.  In 2007  is the beginning of the Cancer quasi-micro-age (covering the period 2007 to 2022) indicating this central area of heightened Cancer activity.  Again we can clearly see the arrival of this increased Cancer influence with the GFC that commenced with the sub-prime crisis of 2007.  In 2007 it became obvious to traders that a huge swath of derivatives based on real estate mortgages were worth far less than their market value. Homes and consequently real estate is a strong Cancer archetype.  The collapse of this sub-prime market led to the collapse of a number of banks and resulted in the GFC which was basically aligned to the Scorpio quasi-micro age decan (2001-12) that comprises one of the decans of Cancer.

Not only did the rising intensity of Cancer precipitate the sub-prime mortgage crisis, it increased the temperature in the Muslim world, and by 2011 a number of governments of Islamic nations fell to protestors or commenced civil wars or periods of ongoing dissent. The temperature increased in 2012 with the arrival of the five year Cancer quasi-age decan (2012-17) – the upper echelon for Cancer in its assigned 29 year period.  We can expect further unsettled conditions in the Middle East and we can expect China to soon peak – which does not insinuate it is ready to ‘fall’ – this is merely the dreams of American Republicans nostalgic about America being the only superpower of note in the world.

Cancer is not limited to Islam and China.  Cancer, the ruler of homes, always witnesses mass migrations of people looking for a new home and whom we sometimes call refugees – but governments and right-wing politicians and their supporters generally prefer the term illegal immigrants.  This practice by human beings over the last tens of thousands of years (hundreds of thousands of years?) to move to locations where conditions are better has now been made basically illegal.  In response to mass migrations, governments often resort to another archetype associated with Cancer and build a defensive wall (in medieval times a fortress with moat).  The USA is constructing and upgrading its border with Mexico as is Israel building massive concrete walls against Palestinians.  Under Cancer we can expect the number of refugees and ‘illegal immigrants’ to increase exponentially, and extreme approaches to ‘defend our borders’ – perhaps we should buy shares in company’s specializing in fortifications?

Another aspect of Cancer is that it is opposite the sign of Capricorn.  Capricorn represents the status of leaders and those with rank, especially with a conservative approach, plus it also rules the long-term view and long-term plans.  Both these are under threat under the current Cancer period.  The leaders of countries are falling, either democratically voted out by their citizens incensed at their handling of the GFC or falling to insurrection such as we have already witnessed in the Middle East.  In place of Capricorn long-term policy and wise decisions the world will be ruled by changeable public opinion for a number of years, as the public is ruled by Cancer.  I thought the Cancer world today was a threat to the re-election of President Obama as public opinion can swing wildly under Cancer, but in the end he was probably saved by opposing Republicans in the Capricorn camp.  Conservative leaders are on the nose to the general public and I don’t think the general public took kindly to Romney stating that the Democratic 47% of the populace were parasites on the system.

Unfortunately this lack of Capricorn long term view has derailed the international effort to curtail climate change.  At a time when leadership is required, the major carbon producing nations have their heads in the sand and are bickering about their relative carbon emissions.

Countries with Capricorn predominantly in their respective astrological signatures can expect additional turmoil.  Two countries that are unambiguously in this camp are the USA and India.  The USA was first settled by Europeans under the highpoint of the Capricorn sub-age and overflow (1433 – 1612 – 1791) – the first sub-age in the Age of Aquarius.  The USA’s conservative credentials are strong relative to the other First World nations basically due to a large fundamentalist Christian faction derived from the austere and conservative Puritans and religious folk who fled from Europe to escape religious persecution.  The first Cancer micro-age the colonists encountered was from 1687 to 1702 with its overflow period extending to 1716.  For example in 1688 the first group to denounce slavery occurred in Pennsylvania precipitating the split in American values leading ultimately to the much later American Civil War.  Another similar public statement was made by a Boston judge in 1698. In 1689 two insurrections occurred, one in Boston and the other in New York based on divided loyalties between Jacobites and supporters of the new English king, William of Orange. In 1692 twenty `witches’ were executed in Salem. In 1699 a yellow fever epidemic killed many people.

The next Cancer micro-age and overflow was (1836-1851-1866) which naturally includes the American Civil War (1861 – 65) at the end of the Cancer micro-age overflow period (1851-1866).  If this war was replicated in the current Cancer micro-age and overflow, it would occur from 2023 to 2028.  While I am not suggesting that there will be another American Civil War in the current elongated Cancer period, it does suggest that the USA will pass through a very stressful time in the next two decades.  It turns out that the American Civil war coincided with a Gemini micro-age decan (1861 – 1866).  It is therefore possible that the American psyche has aligned itself strongly to the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612-1791-1970) and therefore any Gemini period may be difficult as Gemini is opposite to Sagittarius.  The Gemini micro-age (2015-29) is not just another Gemini period.  The year 2029 marks the end of the Gemini sub-age decan (1970 – 2029) and the beginning of the powerful Gemini sub-age decan overflow (2029-2089) with 2029 the very highpoint of Gemini.  So while I don’t expect another American Civil War, I do expect great tensions and stresses in the American psyche at this juncture.  This will possibly be the culmination of the stress fracture between progressives versus the fundamentalists and conservatives that appeared in the 1970s with the arrival of the Gemini sub-age decan.  Alternatively it could be a major opposition with China or the Muslim world.

India is showing no signs to date of succumbing to the Cancer micro-age and overflow.  Any strategic change may relate to its Capricorn cast system that remains a strongly entrenched social practise even if illegal.  Greater India includes Pakistan and so they may use their nuclear arsenals against each other, but unless this occurs by 2015, it is more likely to be a conventional disagreement.

There is a lot more to Cancer than refugees, American dissent, fall of leaders, lack of long term planning, China, India and Muslim countries.  My research on historical events over the last two centuries indicates a number of developments that congregate around the sign Cancer.  These include everything to do with ships, canals, food (including eating disorders such as bulimia, binge eating and food intolerance), mental health, Mexico, the Moon, mines, New Zealand, photography, protectionism, Russia, Scandinavia, temperance, water (including tsunamis and floods), women and the Working Class. I am not suggesting that this list is exhaustive as I expect great developments towards curing the disease cancer during the current Cancer period, which is already happening.

More blogs on these subjects associated with the sign Cancer is planned!

SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited Part 2 – Nuclear Issues

In my 2006 article:  SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times  published in the Astrological Monthly Review (Vol. 68, No. 11, November 2006, pgs 27-31) I stated:

“The world has arrived at another hotspot which stretches from 2005 to 2015 but the most potent time is between 2010 and 2015.  Already some early indicators of Scorpio’s increased presence is making itself felt.  One of the most noticeable aspects is a new concerted push to expand nuclear energy production.  Australia, the major supplier of uranium in the world, is moving towards increasing the number of mines and production and possibly even introducing nuclear reactors into Australia.  Other nuclear developments are North Korea’s claim in 2005 that it had developed a nuclear bomb and the belief in 2006 that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon.  If the last Scorpio hot spot is any guide, some nuclear calamity due to aggression or accident may be around the corner, especially between 2010 and 2015.”

The key nuclear issue (to date) associated with the current Scorpio hotspot is the Japanese disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant following the tsunami in March 2011.  Until this accident, the current Scorpio hotspot had seen a sharp revival of interest in building more nuclear reactors around the world to a level not seen for decades (since the previous Scorpio hotspot).  Currently 60 nuclear plants are under construction – with the majority in Asia and many existing plants are being upgraded.  The plants in operation in 2009 provided 15% of the world’s electricity. 155 nuclear reactors are in the planning stage with another 320 proposed.[1]  As one adverse aspect of this new push towards nuclear energy, the German government suffered some serious political humiliation early in 2011, after the Japanese tsunami, due to its strong promotion of nuclear power prior to the Japanese accident. Japan naturally has put on hold plans to expand its nuclear energy. In my 2006 article I stated that the current Scorpio hotspot would see

“…. a new concerted push to expand nuclear energy production”.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster may not be the only “accident” in this period.  Apart from some other similar nuclear accident, there is also the possibility of a dirty bomb or increased threats to use nuclear weapons by rogue states.  We are not out of the woods yet.  With the increased fervour to build many more nuclear reactors, there will be the increased chance in the future that further accidents will occur for the same reason that no matter how safe new jet passenger airlines are constructed, some will still crash!  One key time for future nuclear accidents will be the next Scorpio hotspot due in 2059 to 2069 with the most potent time 2064 to 2067.

Of course, the desire to produce electricity by nuclear power is driven by the needs of an energy hungry world trying to cut its addiction to carbon-based power stations and their attendant pollution.  The real solution, supported by the sign, Scorpio – the sign of our times, is that the world’s population needs to drastically decrease, people need to consume far less and there should be a greater reliance upon sustainable power sources. The vested commercial interests, generally represented by the conservative political parties and therefore supported by an enormous number of the general public around the world, believe that the sustainable approach to ecology will have a disastrous effects upon the capitalistic world economy.

The sustainable ecological approach will be fiercely resisted until people are dropping due to the adverse effects of pollution.  And even at this point there is no guarantee that the moneyed class and supporting political apparatus will effectively respond when people start dying from pollution.  China is giving us a preview of this now.  By 2009, it was estimated that air and water pollution was prematurely killing 2 million people a year in the world, with at least 656,000 of these in China and over 500,000 in India.[2]  In 2007 China suppressed the release of a report on this problem for fear on inciting social unrest.[3]  This is the coming reality for much of the world. It reminds me of some graffiti I use to observe in Sydney in the last Scorpio hotspot (1960s-70s)

“mutate now, avoid the rush”.

The strong Scorpio flavour at our part in the Aquarian age suggest that the world will continue on down its current path until it goes past the point of no return, and then try and rectify the situation when most of the calamity has occurred or the damage is mainly irreversible.  This dire forecast however is offset by another astrological reality that will commence to unfold in the world at an increased level from around 2029 onwards.  From 2029 onwards, the astrological energy shifts to ‘anti-expansion’ due to a Gemini sub-age decan overflow (2029 – 2089).

Therefore there will be two opposing forces in the world for most of the 21st century.  On the one-hand, the expansionary overflow from the Sagittarius sub-age decan and overflow (1612–1791–1970), that is linked to the Industrial Revolution and world-wide population explosion, will meet its opposite sign, Gemini at its peak power from 2029 onwards. In association with the frugal and contracting archetypal nature of the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148), the world should see the brakes consistently applied beginning 2029. The tensions between these expansionary and contracting archetypal energies will define most of the rest of this century.  There are early precursors to this evolving situation now (see When Will the World Slow Down? )

One of the reasons why the world is so ineffective in taking a stance against the coming peril of climate change due to extreme pollution is that the first third of the Aquarian age is ruled by the Libran age-decan (1433 – 2148), with Libra building in tempo as it approaches its highpoint in 2148 whereupon it should reign triumphant.  Libra promotes ease and comfort – including all the modern labour-saving conveniences that are available since the Industrial Revolution.  Libra is also anti-war but lacks will and decisiveness.  So it is easier to feed the world cheap consumer goods (often from the heavily polluted factories) rather than promote frugality, anti-consumption and sustainability.  This wishy washy approach to climate change will seriously “bite” the world in the coming decades.

So while the world remains in the current Scorpio hotspot until 2015, and especially strong until 2012, we must expect the strong possibility that either another nuclear incident will occur, or that the medium-term effect of the Fukushima nuclear plant incident will reverberate around the world truncating the rising demand for nuclear power.  This may be wishful thinking as commercial interests do not like being blocked from securing future profits.

This part 2 blog on revisiting Scorpio, the Sign of the Times, is part of a series that will update that 2006 published article with a strong focus upon the prime concepts associated with Scorpio:

  • Revolution and general instability
  • tyrants with their cruelty
  • terrorists
  • spiritual regeneration
  • death, assassinations and murder
  • waste products from any process, which naturally includes sewage and pollution
  • atomic energy and bombs
  • almost everything associated with sex
  • taxes and debt (including credit cards)
  • underground criminal organisations
  • spy networks
  • minimalism

In Part 1 of this series I concentrated upon tyrants and revolution.  When I commenced writing this series I was aware that ‘assassination and death’ (included in the list of above Scorpio archetypes) seemed under represented.  However the recent assassination of Osama bin Laden by American forces in Pakistan has corrected this situation. This event has multiple Scorpio archetypes attached to it – terrorism, revolutionary leader, assassination, spy networks (CIA and the Pakistan intelligence service) and finally an undercover operation resulting in bin Laden’s death.  Assassinations and death will be explored later in this series.  The next blog in this series will be part 3 on the Scorpio activities of taxes and debt – which has also recently risen significantly in stature as the US faces its many trillions of burgeoning debt.

Continue: SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited Part 3 – Taxes & Debt

[1]Plans For New Reactors Worldwide”, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf17.html, downloaded 22 April 2010

[2] Kevin Holden Platt in Beijing, China, “Chinese Air Pollution Deadliest in World, Report Says”, for National Geographic News, July 9, 2007, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070709-china-pollution.html, downloaded 22 April 2010

[3] Clifford Coonan in Beijing , “China ‘suppressed report on pollution deaths’”, 4 July 2007, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-suppressed-report-on-pollution-deaths-455834.html, downloaded 22 April 2010

When Will the World Slow Down?

I don’t know the velocity of the Earth as it orbits the sun, nor do I know if this velocity is increasing or decreasing – but this is not the crucial question here. I am not talking about the speed of planet Earth, but about the speed and growth of human civilisation on the crust of our planet. We take our civilisation for granted, but what we take for granted is a mere spec in the history of the earth and of human beings. Until relatively recently humans were unable to make drastic changes to our environment because there were too few of us alive at any one time.

Currently the population of the world is approaching 7 billion people.  It took humans (homo sapiens) over 150,000 years to reach the first billion people around 1804.  It took slightly more than a century to double this.  It took another 33 years to get to the 3 billion mark in 1959.  Each extra billion people took fewer years to achieve compared to the previous benchmark up to 6 billion people (achieved in 1999).  Forecasts indicate however that each extra billion people from 6 billion on will take incrementally more years than the previous billion.  This indicates a slow down in the rate of population growth – but population growth in the world continues like a juggernaut.[1]

This slow down in the rate of population growth does suggest something is happening to the world’s population.  Basically most First World countries are experiencing negative population growths and their populations are only expanding due to immigration.  Population growth is now reducing in the second tier of nations and this process is expected to spread.  The greatest influence that reduces population is increased wealth and affluence.  Middle class families find large families too expensive and they do not need a built in social security system provided by numerous children as the modern state is usually adequate in taking care of this function.

Despite this reduction in the rate of population growth, the world’s population keeps on ballooning.  By 2040 the world’s population is expected to be 9 billion – 50% more than 1999.  Earlier forecasts did not have the world’s population of 9 billion until 2054, so while the population growth rate is declining over the long term, it seems to be picking up speed in the short term.

What astrological input has created this booming world?  It is not the Age of Aquarius – even though it has been around since 1433 AD.  Aquarius is not noted for its expanding qualities.  The sign of expansion is traditionally Sagittarius.  Closer inspection of the Aquarian age reveals that Sagittarius is not only the culprit – it also has a limited time-span and therefore we can use Sagittarius to predict when the world will start slowing down.  The Sagittarius in question here is the Sagittarian sub-age (1612 – 1791 AD) of the Aquarian age (each age has 12 sub-ages).  Due to the Overflow Effect, Sagittarius builds up a powerful momentum in its period (1612 – 1791) then like a projectile is launched out into the world to do its businesses – until something stands in its way or it runs out of puff.  The expansion of Sagittarius is absolutely demonstrated when we look at the population growth in the world from 1804 to 1999 – from 1 billion to 6 billion people in a mere 195 years.

However, since the Sagittarius sub-age the world has experienced the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), culminating in the revolutionary 1960s and 70s that most people mistake for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.  Since 1970 the Scorpio projectile has been launched and Scorpio is not expansionary – it favours contraction.  In the old Biblical myth of the seven fat cows and seven emaciated cows, Scorpio is the emaciated cows.  Scorpio wants a shrinking world in the same way in Lord of the Rings, the ring that rules them all wants to return to its master.

We are already seeing the first glimpse of Scorpio in the drop in the growth rate of the world’s population.  Scorpio is a newer projectile than Sagittarius, so it is fresh, energised, fully equipped and ready for the fray.  Even without consideration of other astrological factors, Scorpio will chip away at our expanding world for almost the next 200 years.

However another anti-Sagittarian projectile is soon to appear.  Each sub-age (of around 178 years has three decans (termed sub-age decans of around 60 years) and since 1970 the world has been experiencing a Gemini sub-age decan.  The Gemini sub-age decan is in its momentum-gaining stage and will not become a projectile until 2029, whereupon it will unleash its jihad over the coming 60 years at a minimum.  The relevant point is that Gemini is opposite the sign Sagittarius in the zodiac so Gemini naturally opposes and undermines Sagittarius whenever it can.  From 2029 Gemini will shift up a gear and therefore speed up the contraction of human civilisation. However do not expect to wake up on January 1st, 2030 to find a totally different landscape devoid of people.  History dictates that major changes usually take lots of time.

Interestingly we have a precedent to refer to.  Ancient Rome also experienced a Sagittarian sub-age (in the previous Pisces age) from 370 BC to 189 BC, at which date it became a projectile and provided strong expansionary influence to the Roman Empire.  From the astrological perspective, the expansion of Ancient Rome and the expansion of the modern world were both due to their respective Sagittarian sub-ages and overflows.  However around 53 AD the Romans experienced a Gemini sub-age decan that we are bout to experience soon.  Did this slow down the Roman Empire?

Rome, at the beginning of its Sagittarian sub-age in 370 BC was already a republic (since 509 BC when they threw out their king) but they did not even rule the whole of Italian peninsula.  This did not occur until the 200s BC.  Once the peninsula was under control the Romans started its massive expansionary phase that continued all the way until 117 AD under Trajan[2] – the largest area Rome ever ruled. From this time onwards Ancient Rome slowly contracted. 117 AD is 64 years after 53 AD when they first experienced the full force of Gemini.

If we add 64 years to the equivalent Gemini period in our time, we arrive at the year 2093.  Around this date is the highest possibility for the upper limit of our expanding world and population.  After this it is downhill all the way – but not necessarily in a negative sense.  The world has to contract as it is currently unsustainable on many levels, and it will grow ever more unsustainable until around 2094.  The easiest way to reduce pollution is to reduce the population, the scope of human activity plus being increasingly environmentally sustainable in the process.

A world that reduces its population and slows down will create enormous strains on a multitude of levels – especially the economic level.  Capitalism depends upon expanding markets for its success.  This suggests that many activities currently undertaken by capitalistic measures will probably be taken over by governments in a form of socialism – but not to the exclusion of free enterprise.  Capitalism is here for the long haul, but perhaps not in such a monopolistic exalted position as it is today.

The impact upon human society from a contracting world around the end of this 21st century will be very stressful for civilisation because of another extremely important astrological factor.  Each age can also be broken into three decans (termed age-decans), and the world must experience the cusp of the first age-decan of the Aquarian age in 2148.  My research into the cusps of age-decans clearly indicate that these creates massive changes a century either side of the actual cusp, especially 50 years either side.  50 years either side of the age-decan cusp of 2148 is 2098 to 2198. Therefore from 2098 for a century civilisation-shaking developments will be foisted upon the world.

In the past these age-cusps have broken the back of previous age-empires and temporarily upset the current age-empire.  The age-decan cusp of 8 BC saw the final dissolution of Egypt’s independence after its conquest by the Roman Empire and the final collapse of Babylon after thousands of years of existence.  The age-empire at the time, Ancient Rome, experienced its greatest political discontinuity when the semi-democratic Roman Republic collapsed and was replaced by the Roman Empire with a dictatorial Caesar at its head. From hereon in, whoever had the loyalty of  the strongest military force was leader of the Roman Empire.

Despite massive a major changes to civilisation at the cusp of age-decans – life does go on both during it and afterwards.  At one age-decan cusp in Ancient Egypt, the first evidence in the world of a workers revolted is found – and then they reversed roles – the aristocrats had to serve the workers. Most people want a roof over their head, food in the cupboard and a reasonable standard of living.  For most this will remain the case as the world passes through it age-decan cusp next century, but nevertheless major political, economic, military and environmental developments will take place in a world that is contracting.

The only question is – will the world be contracting voluntarily or will it be due to such adverse environmental conditions that there is not enough food and resources for the 10 billion plus people at the second half of the 21st century?  The answer is probably a combination of both.  The world is moving towards greater affluence for all of its population – and affluent people have fewer children.  However with the expected rise in population of the course of the 21st century, even with strong mitigating measure to limit the destructive influence of pollution and adverse effects of climate change, this will most likely prove ineffective.  Something relatively drastic is on the horizon – but if the past is any guide, it is not drastic enough to be the end of the world or the end of civilisation – it may even herald in a Golden Age once all the screaming and shouting has ceased. (see How will we be judged?)


Preview to the new book on the astrological ages AVAILABLE NOW

For the first time in well over 2,000 years a definitive guide and explanation to the astrological ages, including the Aquarian age, is available.  Over 2,000 years ago the astrological ages got lost in the fog of history, and all we were left with were insufficient remnants that do not do the ages justice.  For over the last 2,000 years astrologers have been trying to use these remnants, but unsatisfactorily. This new book unveils the previously hidden structure and timing of the ages and provides an exacting correspondence to any historical event over the last 12,000 years.

This new book should be published by early 2011 (based on the transits and progressions of Jupiter).  An early preview is however available now.


[1] Population. (2010, July 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 06:31, July 31, 2010, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Population&oldid=376038798

[2] Ancient Rome. (2010, July 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 07:54, July 31, 2010, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ancient_Rome&oldid=375687387

Postscript April 2011

In an article Humanity’s 200-year sprint slows down[i], the opening sentence states:

“The human race is slowing down”.

The completion of the final flight of the US space shuttle in June 2011 will mark another step backwards – following in the footsteps of the Concorde passenger jet. The author, Daniel Michaels, believes that humanity may be for the first time, slowing down. Commencing in the 1700s, man could travel at around 10km (6 miles) per hour.  Now, passengers in a jet can travel at 1000km (600 miles) per hour. Humanity’s speed commenced accelerating around 1815, just inside the expansionary Sagittarian sub-age overflow (1791 – 1970).  The fastest jet achieved a speed of Mach 3.2 at the close of the Sagittarian sub-age overflow, but these SR-71 Blackbirds were pensioned off in the 1990s. The Concorde (which could exceed Mach 2), experienced a similar fate following a devastating crash in 2000. The average speeds of today’s jets are about the same that some of our parents flew 60 years ago.

The above is another clue to the coming slowdown expected in the world.  A slowing world does not necessarily mean doom and gloom, but a shift in priorities. Another possible example of the future is Japan.  For decades economic pundits have been describing Japan’s economy as a basket case – shrinking and going nowhere with a growing massive government financial deficit and associated debt.  Recently its economy slipped from second place to third place in the world ranking. It also has an aging population with all the pitfalls that that will involve in the coming decades.  Rather than being just a basket case, Japan may also be leading the world into the future where economic expectations must be curtailed, and in its place, a sustainable future with a static or diminishing market is envisioned.  The world may have to learn some relevant lessons from the Japanese – both positive and negative.

The recent massive earthquake and tsunami in early 2011 follows a long line of disasters that have hit Japan – the last being the Second World War.  Japan has always responded better to disasters than to success.  This may be a preview of what the world will have to undergo in the coming 150 years as pollution and climate change devastate the world. The astrology of the world for the next 150 years indicates that we will have to kiss security goodbye, and in its place deal with one crisis after another in a shrinking or slowing world!  From 2029 onwards we cease getting the preview, and dive into the deep end.

[i] Daniel Michaels, The Weekend Australian,  April 9-10, 2011 Pg 21 World section, taken from The Wall Street Journal