The Astrology of the US House of Representative’s Speaker Turmoil (January 2023)

The recent turmoil over the election of the speaker of the US House of Representatives has two precedents, one in December 1855, and another in December 1923.  There are some concise astrological similarities between these previous and present speaker votes involving Aquarius (and Gemini). Is this an accident or coincidence, or does it tell us something about the astrological dynamics of the USA?

The extreme Republicans blocking Kevin McCarthy are refusing to accept a loss – the core of the Trumpist playbook.  ‘This is not what democracy looks like; this is what acting out a belief in minority rule looks like.’ Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images courtesy of The Guardian.

These three coincidences all occur within the Age of Aquarius, but the first two occurred in the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) while the current one occurs in the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2149).  Each sub-age has 12 micro-ages (of almost 15 years each) and this is where the astrological correlation starts to come into focus.

  • 1855 – Aquarius micro-age decan (6/1851 – 5/1856)
  • 1923 – Aquarius micro-age decan (10/2020 – 10/2025)
  • 2023 – Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (12/2019 – 11/2024)

The Gemini connection can never be far away for Aquarius due to decans, and any Aquarius period, other than a decan, will have a Gemini decan and vice versa.

  • 1855 – Gemini micro-age (1851 – 1866)
  • 1923 – Gemini micro-age decan overflow (10/1920 – 10/1925)
  • 2023 – Gemini micro-age (2014 – 2029)

There is another commonality between these three periods other than their connections to Aquarius (and Gemini) – these three Aquarius periods are the three strongest appearances of Aquarius the world has experienced since the early 1800s.  In every 15 years micro-age there are 12 nano-age (approx. 15 months), including an Aquarius nano-age, but these are short-term periods closer to the second hand on the clock, whereas the micro-age and decans relate more to the minute hand.  These three Aquarius periods stand out as the strongest manifestations of Aquarius over the last 200 years, and they usually only appear once every 60 years (on average but with some eccentricities).  Aquarius is probably the most relevant because we are in the Age of Aquarius, and so any Aquarius sub-period, such as a micro-age or micro-age decan, will resonate with the full power of the Aquarian age.  These Aquarius micro-age and micro-age decan can be taken as part of the backbone of the Age of Aquarius, and taking into account that the USA is the empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age, these small Aquarius periods have special relevance. [Note: I discovered backbones associated with the ages only recently, and my initial discovery of astrological backbones was focused upon the backbone of the current Libra age decan (1433 – 2149)]

Every age since the Gemini age has produced an age empire, but a mono-signed age is really a misnomer – each age is really the combination of the previous age combined with the new age.  Accordingly, we are not in the Age of Aquarius, we are in the Pisces-Aquarius age. The Gemini-Taurus age produced Mesopotamia with its first cities and writing, the Taurus-Aries age produced Ancient Egypt with its massive temples and pyramids, the Aries-Pisces age produced Ancient Rome with the mightiest army legions prior to modern times and now the Pisces-Aquarius age has produced the USA as the corporate monolith in the world. It is the first of the dual signs associated with each age empire that has the real power. [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies ]

Though the USA is the age-empire of the current Pisces-Aquarius age, Pisces has the greatest influence which is readily perceived.  The USA was mainly settled by arrivals from Pisces Europe.  Pisces rules slavery and the USA gained its initial economic leverage from slavery, plus has fought a civil war over slavery.  Pisces is the sign of corporations (fake bodies), and the USA sits at the center of the modern corporate world.  Pisces rules dreams and Americans place dreams on the pedestal of the American Dream.  The USA is the movie capital of the world and Pisces rules movies.  Pisces also rules suburban culture – pioneered by the USA. Pisces promotes snake-oil salesmen and grifters. [see Pisces America ]

Pisces is also the dumbbell sign due to its two fish swimming in opposite directions, which explains why the USA behaves as if it is two separate nations forced to live together, rather than one society with two shades – as is the case with most modern western countries.  This dumbbell analogy for the USA explains why the rift between conservatives and progressives is far more divisive compared to most other western nations, as the USA is two countries forced to exist within a common border.  Each half of the USA has its own ethos, and the two halves often vehemently clash such as with Prohibition. 

The secret to all age empires is that they harness both the energies of the previous age and current age though this is difficult to achieve because all age empires appear to have a love-hate relationship between their two key signs, and for the USA, Aquarius is the partner it both loves and hates.  Aquarius is placed strongly in America’s psyche, which is why the USA trumpets its democratic credentials around the world – but the USA is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  The wolf is America’s corporate-business interests while the sheep’s clothing is Aquarius democracy. This is not a criticism as astrology suggests that this is about the best that can be expected at this point in the socio-political evolution of societies.

The astrology of the world from the perspective of the astrological ages suggests that the first age-empire that will pioneer Aquarius (democracy) as its primary ethos cannot appear in the world before the arrival of the Capricorn age in 3581 when the empire of the Aquarius-Capricorn age will manifest. In thousands of years’ time, the USA will be looked back at as the key stepping stone from the kindergarten democracy of Ancient Athens and the more democratic-orientated world of the post-3581 world.  The USA fulfills the role of elementary or formative democracy only, while the ancient Athenians grappled with their very basic and rudimentary democracy – killing Socrates in the process!

The problem with the USA as the empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age is that Aquarius sits at the 12th house position to Pisces and the 12th house is basically an unfavorable house and suggests significant self-made problems associated with Aquarius democracy and fascism.  There is something about Aquarius that unsettles Pisces, and I believe that these three periods of discord associated with the speaker elections of the House of Representatives demonstrate the difficulty the USA has with Aquarius.  Most astrologers are brainwashed into thinking that the Age of Aquarius will introduce to the world a Pisces’ heaven, but Aquarius has its own agenda based on Aquarius archetypes – and Aquarius archetypes have nothing to do with peace, mysticism, rainbows or love. 

High up on Aquarius’ totem pole of archetypes sits disruption and extremism.  Examples of such disruption and extremism under the current Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) include the election of Donald Trump as president of the USA and Britain’s exit from the European Union.  The recent massive international social disruption and supply chain disruptions due to the Covid pandemic is another example of the current Aquarius period – especially its overflow commencing in December 2019.  Another example of Aquarius is the Russian invasion of Ukraine disrupting energy and food supplies around the world.  China is now experiencing massive disruption in its society due to the sudden deregulation of its former draconian policies toward Covid.

Despite the extremism and disruption associated with Aquarius, any historical analysis of the world since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius also promotes freedom, liberty and democracy – but at every step of the way, there are barking mad dogs trying to upset the apple cart such as Putin in Ukraine, Trump in America, and all the other clones around the world.  Despite the rabid mad dogs of the 20th century, the world did not ultimately succumb to the fascist and communist extremists and currently, more and more countries are slowly moving to the democratic camp. Ukraine is an example of one recent arrival embracing the positive side of the Age of Aquarius.

The Republican extremists in the US House of Representatives who delayed the election of the speaker is merely one of many instances of extremists trying to either gain power, or more power.  Based on a number of commentators, there is a perception that these Republican extremists, if they don’t get their own way, want to wreck as much as possible as extremists do not like democracy, they prefer their minority political views instead. It’s one of the ironies of politics that Aquarius breeds nutcase extremists and democracy with the same breath!

If we want to understand the real Age of Aquarius, and not the delusionary Piscean view of the Age of Aquarius, we need to closely examine the backbone of the Age of Aquarius, and the world is experiencing one of these Aquarius vertebrae now.  The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is the most powerful experience of Aquarius that any baby boomer or younger generations have experienced to date.  You don’t want to miss the experience of examining our current Aquarius backbone as these are usually once-in-a-generation opportunity? 

The US House of Representatives speaker debacle is part of this Aquarius backbone in action, and no matter how many battles the forces of darkness wage and even win against the incoming Aquarian tide of freedom and democracy, freedom and democracy are due to win the war – but not in our lifetimes, century or even this millennia. Most of the changes that most progressives want now will eventually arrive, but it’s a long slow process though surges do appear infrequently or unexpectantly – especially when Aquarius is involved.

Though I have glossed over Gemini in favor of Aquarius, Gemini may have a supporting role?  When Gemini is strong, truth, honesty and ethics are weak as Sagittarius is in detriment in a Gemini period.  Certainly, under the influence of the current Gemini micro-age (2014 – 2029) we have seen the dilution of facts into counter-facts to such an extent, that a significant minority of society will accept any information peddled on the internet or from a political grifter as the gospel truth if it aligns with their distorted outlook on life.  This must be expected for a very long time, as the strongest sign in the world for a very long time remains Pisces, as we are in the Pisces-Aquarius age.

Our current Gemini influence has witnessed the rise of conspiracy theories to its highest level in recent times, and the conspiracy epidemic is parallel to the Covid pandemic.  The rejection of Trump’s electoral loss is one of these counter-facts, and the recent impasse in the US House of Representatives is apparently spearheaded by these anti-fact troglodytes.  Bad habits by the age-empire of our times spread like a stench, and the recent assault upon democracy by rioters in Brazil when they invaded their governmental buildings is a good example. This is the price of democracy – the weirdos get to be the focus every once in a while, especially if Aquarius is involved, but this is a small price to pay to live in a democratic-orientated country and not under a Putin-styled thug.  At least the Ukrainians understand this clearly where the biggest contemporary battle of the Aquarian age is currently taking place! The spread of freedom and democracy is the major focus of the Age of Aquarius. We need to understand that we sit only about 500 years within this war for democracy that will play out over the next four and a half thousand years! It’s extremely early days in this war, so expectations should not be too high, and many battles will be lost before the war is finally won!

The Next BIG Thing! (Extended Version)

( Click here for the condensed version of this analysis )

Exhausted or bored with the COVID pandemic? What is the next big thing that will greatly impact the world?  What is a big thing?  If we start with contemporary history, 9/11 was the first big thing of this century.  As a consequence, the USA with the help of allies quickly invaded Afghanistan, found an excuse to invade Iraq in 2003 and resurrected the defacto Christian versus Islam modern Crusade against the infidels – the end result has been about as abysmal as the original Crusades about a thousand years earlier.  The next big thing to appear was the sub-prime mortgage crisis (2007 – 2010) in American real estate mortgages leading to the Global Recession (Global Financial Crisis).

Following or overlapping with the above, the Arab Spring commencing in Tunisia and soon spread to Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain with unrest in Morocco, Iraq, Algeria, Iranian Khuzestan, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, and Sudan concluding by around 2012.  Out of the Arab Spring, or following Arab Winter (which extended to 2019 at least), evolved the Islamic State (ISIS) and by 2014 ISIS was able to drive Iraqi troops out of key cities and it even captured Mosel which it held until 2017.

Next came populace leaders such as Donald Trump (USA), Narendra Modi (India), Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico), Matteo Salvini (Italy), Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines) and Boris Johnson (UK).  These populace leaders have usually polarized their societies and depending upon which side you take, they will make their country great again or are throwbacks to a previous uglier time in the world.  Finally, to cap off these two decades was COVID-19 creating the greatest disruption in the world since the Second World War. Based on precedent, there is every reason to believe that the world will continue to stumble from one upset or disaster to another as was the case with the first two decades of the 21st century, not to mention the last many thousands of years of disasters and turmoil that have plagued our world yet surprisingly, has never permanently dampened the human spirit.

The above provides a context for the extent of what the next big thing may be, but exactly what is next in line?  This may be answered by recognizing the hidden structure that strongly influences all of the above.  The hidden structure is the sub-periods of the current Age of Aquarius.  The most relevant sub-periods associated with the above are micro-ages and micro-age decans.  Each age of some 2150 years has 12 sub-ages of around 178 years, and these each have 12 micro-ages of slightly less than 15 years, and naturally, any decan will be a third – or nearly five years.

Table 1 – the Cancer micro-age and overflow (Feb 2000 – Nov 2029) including all micro-age decans and the following Gemini micro-age and overflow.

Table 1 outlines the relationship between these major events and the micro-ages and micro-age decans in effect:  The key common sign for the first three decades of the 21st century is Cancer due to the Cancer micro-age and overflow (Feb 2000 – Dec 2014 – Nov 2029).  Under the sign Cancer, there is a strong focus on Islamic nations as Islam is strongly associated with Cancer, being a Pisces-Cancer religion compared to its sibling Christianity which is a Pisces-Scorpio religion.  This helps explain the whole Islamic orientation of world politics since 9/11 commencing with the 9/11 attack on the USA, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Arab Spring (and Winter) and the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban in 2021. 

The Cancer micro-age (Feb 2000 – Dec 2014) commenced with the Leo micro-age decan overflow (Feb 2000 – Jan 2005) but Aquarius is the second strongest sign in the astrological signature for the USA (age empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age).  Leo will ‘attack’ Aquarius, which played out with 9/11.  The overlapping Pisces micro-age decan focused upon the primary sign for the USA which it harnessed in its invasion of Iraq in 2003 and its success is attributable to the Pisces quasi micro-age decan (Nov 2003 – Jul 2007) and not shown in Table 1.  All quasi periods indicate the upper half of the bell curve of strength and are derived from the combined second half of its foundation period and first half of its overflow period.

The crash of 2000 is also worth mentioning as it was due to investors’ interest in internet-related companies which increased to a frenzied level following massive growth and adoption of the internet.  Under the Leo micro-age decan overflow (Feb 2000 – Jan 2005) Aquarius technology was under ‘attack’ due to Aquarius and Leo being opposite signs.  In April 2000 the Nasdaq Composite index fell 25% in just one week.

The sub-prime mortgage crisis (2007 – 2010) is readily associated with Cancer as homes are ruled by Cancer, and its appearance in 2007 basically coincided with the arrival of the Cancer quasi micro-age (Jul 2007 – Jun 2022) (not shown in Table 1) shifting Cancer up a gear.  There is also a strong Pisces element as the whole sub-prime fiasco was the typical American smoke-and-mirrors that American capitalists are regularly able to pull from their hat of deceptive tricks.

The path to the Great Recession (2007 – 09) is readily associated with the Scorpio micro-age decan and overflow (Jul 2007 – Jul 2012 – Dec 2014), and though this recession was nominally only a few years, it dampened the economies of many countries for many more years.  This same Scorpio micro-age decan and overflow (Jul 2007 – July 2012 – Dec 2014) also provided the revolutionary impetus for the Arab Spring (Dec 2010 – late 2014)[1] with Cancer also playing a dominant background influence.

Cancer is also the sign of populace leaders because Cancer is the sign of the common people and is opposite Capricorn – the sign of wisdom of the elders or wise people.  Though elements of populace leaders appeared before the Cancer micro-age overflow such as Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee alongside Arizona Senator John McCain, it was not until the Cancer micro-age overflow commencing December 2014 that they became a worldwide phenomenon. For example, Donald Trump won the US presidential elections in November 2015 and Rodrigo Duterte became president of the Philippines on 30 June 2016.

Cancer produces the anti-leader as under Cancer, the general public is more attuned to having their base political needs met, and will support anyone who panders to their desires regardless of the consequences as there is no future involved in the equation created by Cancer.  Cancer is also the hypersensitive sign of fear, and much of the policies of populace leaders was and is to stoke inherent fears of their supporters – especially by demonizing the objects of their fears – be they people of a different race, religion or attitudes, especially liberal attitudes.  This is why president Duerte of the Philippines was able to get away with the state-sponsored murder of drug users as the public feared them.

The nascent Aquarius element from the Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 14 – Dec 19) also feeds into these populace leaders (as it did in the 1920s and 30s) as community, social and political norms are radicalized by Aquarius – Aquarius and Cancer are also associated with mental instability and helps explain the rise of conspiracy babble around the world that behaves like a virus!

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic came to international attention the very same month that the Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) entered its more powerful Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024).  Aquarius is the sign of disruption, and the greatest disruption that human society has withstood to date was under the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 2025 – 1940) which saw the First World War, Spanish flu, Great Depression, communism and the beginning of the Second World War.  The associated Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (Jun 2017 – Jun 2022) deemphasizes Aquarius to a certain extent in mid-2022 suggesting that this is around the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, or that it is all over bar some final angst in scattered counties around the world manifesting as the pandemic of the unvaccinated.

One of the truly surprising fruits of my research into the astrological ages and their sub-periods is that it is the decans that generally provide the most relevant insights.  For example, the previous big things since 2000 are mostly associated with micro-age decans.  It is these micro-age decans that provide the necessary background on the next big thing.

To gain a better understanding of what the next big thing may be, it is necessary to see what follows the Aquarius micro-age decan.  What ‘follows’ in macro-astrology is always an overlapping influence (as Table 2 indicates).  Firstly, since December 2014, the world entered the Cancer micro-age overflow (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) but in December 2014 arrived the overlapping Gemini micro-age and overflow (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029 – Sep 2044) which commenced with the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024).  The next cab off the rank is the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) and as usual, the second half is always the most powerful half.  It is Libra that provides the nexus for the next big thing with the emphasis on November 2024 to November 2029.

Table 2

You may be in for a big surprise with Libra – I certainly was!  I have just completed extensive research on every Libra micro-age and Libra micro-age decan that has appeared in the world since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433.  It is only through solid research that some confidence can be achieved in any predictive process.  A naïve expectation of a Libra micro-age decan is that it may promote art, women, justice, parties, alliances, parks and gardens and so on.  Well, I can confirm that all these are associated with nearly every Libra micro-age or micro-age decan, but the most notable and strongest element associated with these Libra periods is not only war and conflict, but war and conflict at the upper level of possibilities and that usually breaks new ground in its extent and destruction. 

Following are extracts from my previous research with the focus upon the details of war and conflict in previous Libra micro-ages or micro-age decans since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius:

Libra micro-age and overflow (March 1463 – March 1478 – March 1493)

In 1482 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, whose marriage finally united Christian Spain, started the Granada War (Reconquista) to expel their multi-centuries opponents in Spain – the Islamic Moors back to Africa. The Reconquista was successfully brought to an end by Spain in 1491 (near the end of this Libra period in early 1493).  This was a major adjustment and enhancement to the map of Europe.  Spain quickly became the world superpower of the times due to its unification and the conquest of the New World following the discoveries of Christopher Columbus of the Americas in 1492. 

In Britain, the War of the Roses commenced before this Libran period but was mainly resolved within it (under Libra, an existing conflict can get resolved).  After Richard III from the House of York was killed and his forces defeated, Henry VII from the House of Lancaster took the throne and married Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter and heir of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, thereby again uniting the claims from the two Houses. The House of Tudor ruled England until 1603, with the death of Elizabeth I, granddaughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. 

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (December 1527 – December 1532 – November 1537)

This period witnessed a major European division with the ‘divorce’ of England from the Roman Catholic Church over the issues of multiple (Libra) marriages by King Henry VIII.  This breakup occurred simultaneously with the beginning of the Protestant movement in earnest spearheaded by Martin Luther in Germany leading to a major religious-political schism in Europe. Spain and Portugal were dividing the world in two preparing for the massive European invasion of the world over the following centuries and the Austrian and Turks commenced a bitter 150 years of conflict. This period closely matches the current Libra micro-age and overthrow and it is interesting that in both, we see the widening separation of Britain from continetal Europe.

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (August 1582 – August 1587 – July 1592)

Relatively quickly, this period commenced with the Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604) which included the famous Spanish Armada (1588) with 130 ships and 30,000 men when Catholic Spain attempted to invade Protestant England and dispose Queen Elizabeth 1 but failed miserably at the hands of what constituted the British navy.  The English countered with two armadas against Spain which both failed, and Spain sent a second armada against England which also failed due to bad weather.  At this time Spain was the world’s superpower.  The victory was acclaimed by the English as their greatest since Agincourt.

The War of the Three Henrys (1587-89) was one of a series of French civil wars under the umbrella of the French Wars of Religion (1562 – 98). The war was instigated by Spain to keep France from interfering with the Spanish army in the Netherlands and the Spanish invasion of England – there were so many wars that they had wars within wars!  The Eighty Years’ War commencing in 1568 (before this Libra period) was basically a Protestant revolt of what are today the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg against the superpower of Catholic Spain, and by 1587 the newly formed Dutch Republic was successful in commencing the Dutch Golden Age lasting until 1672.[2] 

In the Far East the first Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 was really the beginning of a proxy war between Japan and China with Korea the stepping stone from Japan to China. The conflict ended in 1598 after Japan’s second unsuccessful invasion followed by the withdrawal of the Japanese forces from the Korean Peninsula after a military stalemate (appropriate for Libra).  This war resulted in an imbalance of power within Japan with the Toyotomi clan’s power significantly weakened due to the exhaustion of its armed forces for the failed Korean conflict and the opposing Tokugawa clan, who had abstained from the war, and with their armed forces in tack, were able to eventually triumphed in this civil war (post this Libra period). The association of Scorpio with Japan activates the difficult 12th house when a Libra period appears and rarely does anything positive come from the 12th house.

Libra micro-age and overflow (April 1627 – May 1642 – April 1657)

The British Civil Wars (1639 – 1653) included rebellions, civil wars and invasions with the most important being the English Civil War which ended when the English parliamentarian army won followed by the execution of the king, the abolition of the monarchy, and the founding of the Commonwealth of England which lasted until 1660 only a few years past the end of this Libra period. [3] No English king had ever been previously executed.  The English Civil War was a major event in the history of the UK and is the second example of regime change in England under Libra.

Libra micro-age decan & overflow (Jan 1692 – Jan 1697 – Dec 1701)

The Nine Years’ War (1688–1697) had already commenced prior to this Libra period, but it was mostly within the Libra period that the fiercest fighting occurred in 1692-3.  It was a conflict between France and an opposing European coalition which included England, Spain and Portugal with theaters also in North America and India. Its importance in association with this Libra period is that this war is considered to be the first global war and while war has been endemic over the last many thousands of years, Libra seems to inspire war and conflict at the upper level. This global war is considered a precursor to the two world wars of the 20th century.

The Nine Years’ War encompassed Ireland and Jacobite risings in Scotland (with some later elements of the Jacobite risings partly portrayed in the TV series Outlander), and North America between French and English settlers and their respective Indigenous allies.  England was once again threatened by invasion, this time by the new European bully – France, but was thwarted by the destruction of the French navy in 1692.  The last year of this Libra period saw the beginning of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) due to unresolved issues of the Nine Years’ War with a focus on maintaining the (Libra) balance of power between different European countries.[4]

Libra micro-age decan & overflow (Sep 1746 – Sep 1751 – Aug 1756)

War also makes its mark with the beginning of the Seven Years’ War (1756 – 1763) commencing at the very end of this Libra period.  Such was the magnitude of the Seven Years’ War that some historians call it World War Zero as many considered it a world war[5] harking back to the Nine Years’ War (1688–1697) of the previous Libra period that was considered the first global war.  This strongly insinuates a diachronic relationship between major wars and these Libra periods. 

The Seven Years’ War was the outcome of the Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 involving a major realignment of European alliances which shifted the European balance of power – always part of the Libra milieu. Austria shifted alliances away from Great Britain to France, while Prussia shifted to Great Britain.  The Seven Years’ War was between Great Britain and France with most European countries aligned one way or the other.  The result of the Seven Years’ War propelled Great Britain into its superpower status, and curtailed France and Spain.  The Seven Years’ War in the North American theater was called the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763).

Libra micro-age and overflow (June 1791 – April 1806 – March 1821)

This Libra period begins with the largest astrological transition following the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in 1433.   1791 experienced a change in the quasi age-decan (Pisces to Libra), sub-age (Sagittarius to Scorpio) and sub-age decan (Sagittarius to Cancer).  It therefore appropriately commenced with the French Royal Family’s flight in disguise to Varennes where they were captured with the king and queen ultimately executed. The French Revolution was already underway before this Libra period but the frenzy of beheadings was delayed until after the arrival of the deadly Scorpio sub-age in 1791 with Scorpio’s focus on death and destruction. 

The main war in this Libra period was the Napoleonic Wars (1805 – 1815) and included the minor War of 1812 between the UK and the USA which ended in a stalemate.  The wars had profound consequences on global history, including the spread of nationalism and liberalism, the rise of Britain as the world’s foremost naval and economic power for its almost a century and a half as the world’s superpower, the appearance of independence movements in Latin America and subsequent collapse of the Spanish Empire and Portuguese Empire, the fundamental reorganization of German and Italian territories into larger states, and the introduction of radically new methods of conducting warfare, as well as advances in civil law.

More French soldiers were casualties in the Napoleonic wars than in the First World War – it is estimated that five million people died due to the Napoleonic Wars.  The Napoleonic Wars transformed war into total war due to the massive escalation of the size and scope of the conflicts which is also an acknowledgment of the role played by the Sagittarius sub-age overflow (1791 – 1970) which has produced the ‘big’ modern world of mass production and mass consumption, including the mass production of military weapons and massive wars.  The Napoleonic Wars were another stepping stone from pre-industrial wars to the two world wars of the 20th century.

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (May 1856 – May 1861 – Apr 1866)

The main focus in this period is the American Civil War (1861 – 65) and again, Libra contributed towards this war, as it ultimately was based on giving justice to slaves.  The American Civil War occurred near the beginning of the Pisces sub-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970), and it was this Pisces SAD&OF that ultimately raised the USA into the age-empire of our age.  Whereas Pisces is strongly located in the European astrological signature, it takes first place in the USA’s astrological signature – though to be technically correct, the USA is the empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age.  Similar to Pisces’ ability to split Europe due to the two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces can also split the USA, and because it did so early in the Pisces SAD&OF, the USA had plenty of time to capitalize upon the power Pisces has brought and rise to its role as the major superpower in the world. 

The American Civil War was dwarfed by the Taiping rebellion (1850 – 1864) in China which was the bloodiest civil war in world history, with 30 to 50 million dead and mostly contained within this Libra period. This period closely matches the current Libra micro-age and overthrow and does not support a time of internal strength for either the USA or China.

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 1910 – Nov 1915 – Oct 1920)

Of course, the major event in this period was the monumental man-made disaster of the First World War triggered when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in 1914, with the USA entering in 1917 and concluding on 11 November 1918.  With around 22 million deaths, it was one of the largest wars and deadliest conflicts in history. It again confirms that each of these relatively small Libra periods, sitting within the Libra age decan (1433 – 2149), outstrips previous Libra periods in pushing the war envelope. 

The Next Big Thing

Each and every Libra micro-age or micro-age decan since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius has a focus on upper-level major conflicts with ever-increasing violence and destruction, and if the current Libra MADOF (Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) follows form, a major conflict is on our doorstep. The most likely timeframe is from November 2024 onward for almost five years but it could commence any time between now and November 2024.  Who will be the combatants in this new conflict?  The most likely scenario is the USA, its NATO allies and other Anglo-Saxon nations against China and Russia as these two blocs represents the current strongest international balance of power, and though it is extremely unlikely that either side will destroy or annihilate the opposing bloc, some modification or new kind of international order is likely to evolve from this conflict if the past is any guide.

With the two main protagonists being the USA and China, a brief examination of both may provide relevant insights into its performance in such an international tussle. 


Libra is a significant sign in China’s astrological signature as Libra is associated with the whole of the Far East.  In the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 1527 – Dec 1532 – Nov 1537) China was having difficulties, and in 1528 to 1530 in Henan province, an enormous drought coupled with a gigantic swarm of locusts deprived the region of harvests for the next two years, killing off half the people in some communities, due to starvation and cannibalism.  However, this could also be attributable to the overlapping Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow that was at its most potent in the second half of this period (i.e. December 1527 – December 1532) especially taking into account the disruptive ability of Aquarius.

The following Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Aug 1582 – Jul 1592)  saw the first Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 which was really the beginning of a proxy war between Japan and China with Korea the stepping stone from Japan to China. The conflict ended in 1598 after Japan’s second unsuccessful invasion followed by the withdrawal of the Japanese forces from the Korean Peninsula after a military stalemate.  This period closely matches the current Libra micro-age and overthrow.

China was also a major focus within the next Libra micro-age and overflow (Apr 1627 – May 1642 – Apr 1657). In 1627 the Manchus took advantage of Korea’s war-weakened state due to the unsuccessful Japanese invasion in the previous Libra period and invaded in 1627 and 1637, and this was even before the Manchus had taken over China.    In 1641 a massive epidemic struck in northern and central China with some local areas and towns having 90% of the local populace wiped out, which may have contributed to the fall of the Ming Dynasty just three years later. In 1644 the invading Qing army captured Beijing marking the beginning of Manchu rule over China proper.  The Ming dynasty had ruled over China from 1368 to 1644 while the Qing dynasty survived until 1912 (also in a Libra period).  This major and highly significant political development in China supports a close connection between Libra and China. Libra is associated with major events in China.

China’s affinity to Libra was again on display in the Libra micro-age and overflow (Jun 1791 – Apr 1806 – Mar 1821) when in 1793, the isolationist Chinese government rebuffed an attempt by the British to sell their manufactured goods to China and install a British ambassador in the Chinese court.  In 1796 the White Lotus Society, whose core belief is that a future Buddha will usher in an era of peace and plenty, commenced revolutionary activity against the oppressive Chinese government. The White Lotus Society also appropriately worshipped their Unborn Venerable Mother at the beginning of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1791 – 1851 – 1910).  This same movement was behind the rise of the Ming dynasty liberating China from its Mongolian rulers in 1387.  Their first revolution in the 1330s was unsuccessful,[6] but this did occur before the arrival of the Age of Aquarius.  However, it did take place in a Libra micro-age and overflow (1314 – 1329 – 1344) within the Pisces sub-age (1254 – 1433) in its Cancer sub-age decan (1314 – 1373).  Their success in 1387 was in the Cancer sub-age overflow (1373 – 1433) which supports the notion that while Libra is associated with China, its Cancer connection is stronger.

Finally in the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 1910 – Nov 1915 – Oct 1920) commenced with the formation of the Republic of China in 1912 after a revolution that overthrew the Qing dynasty, ending 5,000 years of monarchy in China and 267 years of the Manchu dynasty. 

Obviously Libra is a sign of ferment for China and suggests that major calamities are often on its doorstep and often indicate dynastic/regime change.  If Cancer is the primary sign for China, Libra activated the lowly 4th house and detracts from its 10th house of government and authority.  If the approaching conflict deeply involves China, it does not portend a favorable result for China, unless a possible regime change turns out to be favorable?

The current Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2059) is not favorable to China (especially in the second half) as Gemini sits at the 12th house position to China’s Cancer and more importantly in opposition to Sagittarius – a sign strongly associated with China.  However, within this Gemini age-decan is the Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000 – 2014 – 2019) and we have seen China’s rise to the second strongest superpower in the world under this micro-age and overflow.  This rise is so potent, many pundits have claimed that China will become the number one superpower soon.  However, there are only a few more years of the Cancer micro-age overflow concluding in November 2029 with a waning influence over China for the following 10 years as it confronts the opposing Capricorn micro-age decan and overflow (Nov 2029 – Oct 2034 – Oct 2039).  This will not be a fortuitous period for many parts of the world, and specifically Cancer-orientated regions such as China, Russia, the Middle East and Islamic countries.


What is the astrological environment for the USA in the approaching possible major conflict?  The American Civil War demonstrated that the USA was and remains like conjoined twins, who can never get away from each other and often detest each other.  This is again the reality in the USA when the rural voters throughout the USA voted for Trump, while urban areas voted Democrat.  The end of 2021 is equivalent to 1858 – only three years before the beginning of the American Civil War.  Does this mean that the USA is heading for another civil war?

Table 3

A very good argument can be made that the USA is heading towards a period of even greater internal conflict than has been experienced over the last five years, but the world is no longer in the Pisces sub-age decan (highlighted in yellow in Table 3) as was the case with the Civil War.  Pisces at strength is probably needed for the USA to tear itself apart – though the USA’s second sign on its totem pole, Aquarius, also has a love-hate relationship with the USA.  In place of Pisces, the world is currently under the influence of the Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2088) but Gemini is not part of the astrological signature for the USA.  However, the American Civil War did occur in the Gemini micro-age, or to be technically exact, the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851 – 66), as it is also this decade.

The American Civil War occurred at the highpoint of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1791 – 1851 – 1910) and Cancer is opposite Capricorn, the third strongest sign in the USA’s astrological signature. When those settlers stepped ashore in Jamestown in 1607, they did so near the very end of the first sub-age in the Age of Aquarius – the Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612) and also within the last micro-age in the Capricorn sub-age, the Capricorn micro-age (1597 – 1612) so Capricorn became a key sign for the future USA. The current Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000 – 2014 – 2029) will also provoke tensions in the USA but compared to the 18th century, this Cancer influence is very mild compared to the 19th century.

With Pisces the strongest sign for the USA, and Cancer opposed to Capricorn, the third strongest sign in the astrological signature, the current Gemini SAD&OF is not of the same league.  However, Gemini is probably detrimental to the USA on the world stage, as Gemini sits at the lowly 4th house position to Pisces which detracts from its 10th house authority, and shifts the focus to domestic over international issues – which was played out by Trump through avoiding new foreign wars or conflicts, and extracting US troops from ongoing international conflicts whenever possible.  President Biden has continued this trend with the withdrawal of American military from Afghanistan in 2021.  The USA is most likely heading towards some form of isolationism for most of the rest of the 21st century due to the Gemini sub-age decan overflow (2029 – 2088) except where commercial interests are concerned.

Apart from Gemini and Cancer, the other common sign between the American Civil War and the current Libra MAD&OF is that they both occur within the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2149) and Scorpio indicates that the world currently does not exist in a time of stability, but a time of wrenching change, transformation and evolution.  Life is not meant to be stable and peaceful under Scorpio.  Scorpio is the sign of our times.

We can certainly expect a period of greater lack of social and political cohesion in the USA, especially in the Libra MAD&OF (Nov 24 – Nov 29) with the situation deteriorating beforehand, but it should be nowhere near the level of stress that existed in the buildup and execution of the American Civil War.  If the major problem the USA is faced with is not civil war or vigorous internal dissent, how will it handle a possible major external conflict?

It cannot be overstressed that the USA is the age-empire of our time, and once an age-empire gets established, they don’t like to be kicked around, and they tend to have longevity – at least for the first half of the age, which means the USA should retain its international position until at least the midway point of the Age of Aquarius around 2507 AD.  In contrast, China has a far more resilient history for cultural longevity, but not for its ruling dynasties or regime who come and go regularly (similar to the lunation cycle).  If China is the main protagonist in any approaching international military polarization, it will continue to exist afterward, but it may be politically restructured – as has been the case for the previous thousands of years. 

The Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2149 – 2865) does not suggest the eradication of opponents, as Libra is the sign of balance.  For most of the current millennia, a major polarization in the world is indicated, and this polarization will strengthen over the coming centuries.  This is in strong contrast to the last two ages at least.  This strongly suggests that China, for better or worse, will remain as the yin balance to American yang for most of this Millennium.  Therefore any approaching conflict may represent one of a number of international adjustments of this very long-term geopolitical situation?

Extent of the Conflict

Finally, what icould be the nature of the coming conflict? Each Libra period appears to outstrip the previous one in ferocity, and so if this is literally taken to be the case in the coming conflagration, the use of atomic weapons cannot be ignored as nations have historically used every means of weaponry available to defeat their enemies.  This is reinforced by the fact that the world remains in the most potent quarter (1970 – 2059) of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148).  The risk level for atomic weapons remains very high until 2059 at least.  Another viable possibility is that in place of open warfare, the world descends to all-out cyber warfare, as Scorpio is a key driver for the internet (along with Gemini).

If you examine Table 4, the strongest zodiacal signs are when the Overflow and Quasi periods are of the same sign.  This only applies to the sub-age and age and confirms the volatility of Scorpio and atomic weapons or cyberwar.  The Pisces age overflow and Pisces quasi-age provide the base environment for this situation and the major influence in the world until around 2507.  This therefore promotes the possible precipitation for conflict could be the South China Sea as the oceans and islands are ruled by Pisces.  It must be remembered that under the sign Aquarius, society and nations are more prone and likely to adopt extreme policies far outside the realm of normality – and this extremism leads to disruption as the first half of the 20th century so adequately demonstrated.

Table 4

For the rest of the world, a bunch of islands and reefs recently occupied and claimed by China in the South China Sea may seem a ridiculous precipitation for an international conflict but not according to Daniel Yergin, author of The New Map:

China’s efforts to assert sovereignty in the South China Sea is perhaps the most volatile foreign policy issue in the world today.  Through its waters pass $US3.5 trillion of world trade — two-thirds of China’s maritime trade, and over 40 percent of Japan’s and 30 percent of total world trade. Eighty percent of China’s oil imports pass through it. Its waters are crucial for food security. It provides much of the seafood consumed both in China, the world’s largest consumer of fish, and Southeast Asia.

Those waters are also fraught with risk. ‘A single irresponsible action or instigation of conflict,’ warned Vietnam’s prime minister, ‘could well lead to the interruption of these huge trade flows, with unforeseeable consequences not only to regional economies but also to the entire world.’

Even while writing this blog, the USA, UK and Australia announced in September 2021 a major new military project Aukus to build a number of nuclear submarines in Australia. This is obviously aimed at China due to the perceived recent strategic advancement of China in the Pacific and Indian oceans indicating that the heat is rising and the international balance of power is being stressed. China is also currently overflying its military aircraft into Taiwan’s air space which is a classic example of sabre-rattling.

China’s main sign is Cancer, the sign of perimeters and thus borders, and China does not have a history of military engagements with countries not on its borders – unlike the Europeans and their offspring’s who historically have marauded everywhere possible.  But the South China Sea is on China’s borders, as is Taiwan, Tibet, Korea, Nepal and India and a number of other countries.  Any coming conflict with China is bound to be on its ‘edges’.

Of course, there is no guarantee that any major conflict is identical to what I have indicated above.  This is where expertise in mundane astrology with the outer planetary cycles providing some fine-tuning would be a positive addition to my arsenal of techniques, but my 30 years and more of research into the astrological ages has prevented me from learning traditional mundane astrology to any proficiency.

Despite the unknowns of the precipitation and source of any new major conflict, the astrological reality of a major conflict is very strong, with finer details more speculative.  Will it be considered a Third World War?  Even in this worst-case scenario, it does not have the astrological background to compete with the two world wars of the 20th century.  The astrology of the first half of the 20th century was a cauldron of extremely potent astrological forces.  The key element was the Pisces sub-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970) with the most potent quarter 1910 – 1940 and this level of Pisces will not be experienced in the world for around another 25,000 years.  Secondly, the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) was three times stronger and more powerful than our current ‘mini’ Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) which nevertheless was still capable of bringing the world to its symbolic knees with Coronavirus.  The world has got off relatively easily with COVID-19 as the previous and next Aquarius periods are far stronger in their disruption compared to the current one.

The next international turmoil that could rival the Pisces sub-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970) is the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029 – 2088 – 2149) especially in its third-quarter from 2088 to 2118 as this coming substantial Aquarius period resonates with the emergent Age of Aquarius.  The coming Aquarius period towards the end of this century is so potent that it is probable that the likes of Trump’s supporters that stormed the US Congress in early 2021 are likely to succeed and actually overthrow the government of the USA – perhaps only temporarily – perhaps charting a new autocratic direction for the USA?  Even age-empires quake at age-decan cusps.  In Ancient Egypt these age-decan cusps were basically aligned to the cusps of the Old, Middle and Late Kingdoms, and in Ancient Rome, the Roman Republic fell and was replaced by the Roman Empire ruled by dictatorial Caesars.  Age-decan cusps are strongly related to regime change. The world is not facing these types of scenarios in the coming decade but the end of this century is another story!

If the world avoids a major international conflict in the coming decade, I will personally be very pleased but we cannot expect that rationality will succeed over nationalism and patriotism which will probably remain the underlying political impetus in the world until at least the midpoint of the Age of Aquarius around 2503.  Until that time, the influence of Pisces remains stronger than Aquarius, even though the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 15th century.  Humans evolve very slowly, and from a grand narrative, we are still only stepping out of caves, but with atomic weapons instead of spears.  People a thousand years in the future will cringe at our backwardness – provided our backwardness does not wipe out humanity in the intervening period.  It is extremely unlikely we will have a world devoid of wars and violence without an effective international government – and even then, further international civil wars could still occur if science fiction movies have any credibility?

The astrology indicates that the next big thing should be war or some alternative style of major conflict – above and beyond what the world has experienced since the end of the Second World War, and I have provided some speculative scenarios of the combatants and details which may or may not be correct.  We cannot expect astrology to provide a high-definition video with stereoscopic audio of the future as its track record does not support this.  Much fanfare was made of the predictions of the COVID-19 pandemic by the French astrologer, the late Andre Barbault, but even in his predictions, he could not be definitive and he certainly did not get the finer details correct. However, merely defining the outline of the next big thing is an achievement in itself if it comes to pass! 

However, there is another possibility that could occur in place of a major war – or in addition to a major war. The necessary international alliance required to tackle Climate Change is also more likely to take shape under the Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) with the second half (Nov 2024 – Nov 2029) the more likely timeframe. This may deteriorate into a bipolar approach to Climate Change with two intractable opposing sides, or it could be a success as Libra can bring peace or accord in a time of disagreement. A major conflict in parallel to a Climate Change accord is also a possibility.

There is one more hurdle between the world in 2021 and the approaching Libra highpoint around November 2024 and that is the replacement of the Cancer quasi micro-age (Jul 2007 – Jun 2022) with the Gemini quasi micro-age (Jun 2022 – Jan 2037) in June 2022. It must be remembered that the sub-prime mortgage crisis struck after the arrival of the Cancer quasi micro-age in July 2007. In another examples, the Soviet Union collapsed at the beginning of the Leo quasi micro-age (June 1991 – Jul 2007) under the influence of the Aquarius nano-age and overflow (Jun 1991 – Sep 1992 – Dec 1993). Apartheid in South Africa also collasped indicating the relevance of these quasi periods.

A quasi micro-age cusp is really a gear change, and the approaching cusp in June 2022 indicates a change down in gear for Cancer and a rise in gear for Gemini making their respective influences about equal. Furthermore, the first nano-age overflow in the approaching Gemini quasi micro-age is the Sagittarius nano-age overflow (Jun 2022 – Aug 2023) and it is always the case that each quasi period commences with a sub-period of the opposite sign introducing greater tension than normal. The Sagittarius nano-age and overflow (Mar 2021 – Jun 2022 – Aug 2028) will be a time of high stress for Gemini and could highlight issues associated with the internet, cities, commuter transportation, students and fragmentation.

Perhaps Greta Thunberg significantly increases her influence amongst students? Maybe the European Union struggles to retain all of its existing members? Does an internet crash or incident become a major liability in some way? Cities may start to flex their influence at Climate Change talks? Or the extraction of vehicles from fossil fuels accelerate? China comes off the boil and starts showing early signs of political fracture? My first choice is the internet. Unfortunately the track record of the human race is that governments will use any newly developed or created technology for war – and so we may expereince some kind of militarization of the internet.

Despite a war or major conflict prediction, Libra is not focused solely on conflict.  There is always a focus upon females, both positive and negative, and we have already seen this with the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan severely curtailing the freedom of women and Texas’ almost suppression of abortion.  Despite these dark forces that remain so prevalent in the world, previous Libra periods strongly suggest that it is still a forward march for female rights – especially under Libra sitting so strongly in the Age of Aquarius for almost the next thousand years.  Another major area is art and artists – and we should see a focus and movement in that field as well.  Art auction prices have recently increased.  These and other areas such as justice associated with Libra such as Black Lives Matter will be explored in later posts.  It’s early days yet for Libra!

Interesting facts

9/11 in 2001 occurred in the Leo micro-age decan overflow (Feb 2000 – Jan 2005) including the invasion of Afghanistan in retaliation.  The withdrawal of US and allied troops in 2021 followed by the Taliban takeover occurred in the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) with Leo and Aquarius opposite signs in the zodiac.  Aquarius will undermine Leo.

9/11 took place around 19 months inside of the Gemini quasi sub-age decan (Feb 2000 – 2059) and this Gemini quasi sub-age decan is constructed from the Gemini sub-age and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2088) with the quasi sub-age representing the more potent middle half of the sub-age and overflow.  The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 occurred four months inside the Scorpio quasi sub-age decan (Aug 1940 – Feb 2000).  In both cases, the USA was caught with its pants down as subsequent inquiries discovered they had enough intelligence to know what was coming, but failed to have the clarity to act upon the evidence. A Pisces age empire such as the USA will often lack (Virgo) qualities such as clarity.

The Pearl Harbor attack also occurred in the Scorpio nano-age (Aug 1940 – Nov 1941) while 9/11 occurred in a Gemini nano-age overflow (May 2001 – Aug 2002).  In both attacks, not only were they near the very beginning of a quasi sub-age, but the nano-age in effect was of the exact same sign as the quasi sub-ages.  The Scorpio nano-age at the beginning of the Scorpio quasi sub-age decan relates to Japan as Japan’s main sign is Scorpio, and Scorpio also rules surprise attacks.  A similar Gemini connection to 9/11 has Gemini, the sign of the twins which involved the Twin Towers, and Gemini is traditionally the sign for Iraq and adjoining countries, as Iraq’s antecedents go back to Mesopotamia, the Gemini age empire – the very first age-empire tin the world.

Will the USA suffer a similar fate near the beginning of the next quasi sub-age – specifically the Aquarius quasi sub-age decan commencing 2059?  With the USA’s primary sign Pisces, it cannot be expected to get the (Virgo) details correct.  The first nano-age in the Aquarius quasi sub-age decan is an Aquarius nano-age and overflow, and if it follows form, there should be a strong Aquarian element in any future attack.  It could also be an internal attack by extremists.


The Backbone of the Libra Age-Decan (1433 – 2149)

The Baptism of the Libra age-decan (1433 – 2149)

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 1527 – Dec 1532 – Nov 1537)

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (August 1582 – July 1592)

Libra micro-age and overflow (April 1627 – May 1642 – April 1657)

Libra micro-age decan & overflow (January 1692 – December 1701)

Libra micro-age decan & overflow (Sep 1746 – Sep 1751 – Aug 1756)

Libra micro-age and overflow (June 1791 – April 1806 – March 1821)

Civil Wars & More in the Libra micro-age decan & overflow (1856 – 1861 – 1866)

Total War & the Libra micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1915 –1920)

[1] Timeline of the Arab Spring, Wikipedia, Retrieved 01:16, September 11, 2021, from

[2] Dutch Republic, Wikipedia, Retrieved 05:01, January 22, 2021, from

[3] Wars of the Three Kingdoms, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:55, January 21, 2021, from

[4] War of the Spanish Succession, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:41, December 23, 2020, from

[5] “Why the first world war wasn’t really”, The Economist. 2014-07-01.

[6] White Lotus, Wikipedia, Retrieved 01:52, May 1, 2021, from

Why I Did Not Predict COVID-19?

It may seem incredibly unbelievable, but a sub-period that represents only a minute 1/5184th of the Age of Aquarius has brought the world to its knees with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Such a sub-period cannot create such turmoil without assistance, because a significant event is like a plane crash.  It is extremely rare for a plane crash to occur due to just one thing going wrong – the normal plane crash is the result of a number of seemingly insignificant events, none of which will cause the plane to crash, but in combination, has this power.  Since December 2019, the world has been experiencing such a deadly combination.  In addition, the outer planets have obviously made a significant contribution, but I will leave that analysis to those experienced astrologers who specialize in that field.

Around September last year (2019), I commenced focusing on December 2019 because I knew that December marked the greatest change in the sub-periods of the Age of Aquarius over a five year period. This change was due to the arrival of the approximate five year Libra micro-age decan (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024).  This Libra micro-age decan is strategically located within the following periods that behave like layers of an onion within the Age of Aquarius:

Libra micro-age decan (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024)

Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029)

Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148)

Age of Aquarius (1433 – 3574)

However, whenever a cusp is precipitated such as in December 2019, all smaller periods also experience a cusp, and sometimes larger periods as well.  In the current case, there were no larger periods involved, but December 2019 also experienced cusps at the even smaller 15-month nano-age and 5-month nano-age decan level, with nano-age decans the smallest part of an astrological age with clearly identifiable and reliable correlations to worldly events.  In fact, it is one such nano-age decan that has precipitated the COVID-19 pandemic despite the fact that a nano-age decan represents only 1/5184th of an astrological age (i.e. 12 sub-ages x 12 micro-ages x 12 nano-ages x 3 nano-age decans = 5184).

Referring back to the plane crash analogy, no one astrological input precipitates any event in macro-astrology, it is the combination that creates the circumstances and tells the story.  The relevant minute part within the Age of Aquarius was the approximate five-month Virgo nano-age decan (Dec 2019 – Apr 2020), and Virgo rules public health issues.  This alone cannot create a pandemic, because if it did, a pandemic would appear approximately every 5 years because every five years an earth-sign nano-age will appear, and every earth nano-age will have at a minimum a Virgo nano-age decan, with usually every third earth nano-age also being a Virgo nano-age.

Despite the incredible small size of the Virgo nano-age decan (Dec 2019 – Apr 2020), a public health crisis has appropriately occurred.  This also has precedence, because the last coronavirus attack, Camel Flu (MERS), appeared in the very last Virgo nano-age decan as I published on 20th June 2015:

“Though MERS has been around since May 2013, it only accelerated in April 2014 and became an international newsworthy item since late May 2015, exactly aligned to the arrival of the Virgo nano-age decan and overflow (May 2015 – March 2016)”.[1]

The even earlier coronavirus of note was SARS that commenced in November 2002 but it was not aligned with any Virgo sub-period – it was aligned with an Aries nano-age (Aug 2002 – Nov 2003) and Aries is the secondary sign associated with public health issues (being the natural ruler of the 1st house with the 1st and 6th houses the two acknowledged health houses).  Despite this apparent clear correlation, if we examine all the small Aries and Virgo sub-periods since 2000 prior to COVID-19, there have been four earth nano-ages with a Virgo component but only one of these four associated with a major health crisis, and four fire nano-ages with an Aries component , but only one of these is associated with a health crisis.  Consolidating both probabilities, there have been eight incidences between 2000 and 2019 associated with either an Aries or Virgo nano-age or nano-age decan, but only two produced a result, or alternatively, there has been a 25% chance that any Aries or Virgo nano-age or nano-age decan will produce a health crisis of one degree or another in recent times.  I was aware of this unreliability last September (2019), and while I promoted the possibility of an expanded Camel Flu (MERS) epidemic in the previous Virgo nano-age decan and overflow (2015), I decided not to go down that path for the Virgo nano-age decan that commenced in December 2019 as it did not seem a reliable correlation, plus Camel flu was kind of a fizzer and did not really affect the vast majority of the world.

The astrology behind COVID-19, while taking into account the Virgo nano-age decan (Dec 2019 – Apr 2020), provides a very detailed analysis of the real story associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The real story is that this pandemic is merely the precipitator of a larger and more significant event in the same way as the subprime home mortgage sector in the USA precipitated and created the massive Global Financial Crisis (2007 – 8), which is acknowledged as the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  The biggest problem the world is currently facing is not a health crisis but a financial crisis, and this financial crisis and disruption of the world economy will extend well past the actual pandemic.

Even calling COVID-19 a pandemic is an exaggeration – at best it should be called a mild pandemic despite its disastrous consequences, and possibly is better described as a serious flu epidemic that is 10 to 40 times more deadly than average seasonal flu.  The Spanish Flu (1918-19) pandemic was a real pandemic because between 60 and 100 million people died when the world had a population much smaller than today at about 1.8 billion people.[2]  About 27% of people were infected by Spanish flu and it killed between 3% to around 5% of the world population or one in every 20 to 33 people.  COVID-19 is not in the same league, and the astrology comparing the Spanish flu (plus major outbreaks of the Bubonic plague) are totally different and indicates that COVID-19 cannot be compared to previous major pandemics, though the economic disruption will be at least in the league of the GFC, and perhaps even more so.

I may not have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic, but I did predict the financial crisis the pandemic has precipitated. The following is extracted from my post of September 2019:

“What is even more cantankerous to the economic outlook from sometime in December 2019 onwards is the arrival of the Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 2019 – Mar 2021 – Jun 2022) because Capricorn is true to its archetypal attachment to doom, gloom, austerity and distress – never a good omen for the economy.

Furthermore, the Capricorn nano-age and overflow commenced with the Virgo nano-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – May 2020 – Oct 2020) and not only is Virgo the bubble-breaker (Pisces bubbles always has trouble with Virgo reality), but it was with a similar connection of Capricorn with Virgo that brought the world the Great Depression commencing in September 1929.  However, in the case of the Great Depression, Capricorn was a micro-age, and Virgo was a micro-age decan, whereas, in 2019 and 2020, Capricorn is a mere nano-age and Virgo a nano-age decan.  The negative influence in late 2019 or 2020 is one-twelfth the strength and is in play for 1/12th the timeframe.”[3]

So what has occurred with COVID-19 is that it has been assigned the role of “bubble-breaker” and though Virgo usually attains this by bringing in (Virgo) reality to counter the (Pisces) market bubbles, in 2020, it has achieved this by a (Virgo) pandemic. I failed to take into account the possible health aspect of Virgo when predicting the current dire economic circumstances.  So while I did not specifically predict a health crisis that has led to a mild worldwide pandemic with COVID-19, I did predict the financial crisis that COVID-19 has created. And in the years to come, the financial crisis will be the main legacy even after the health aspect has been resolved. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic should be limited to the Virgo nano-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Apr 2020 – Oct 2020) but this Virgo nano-age sits within the Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 19 – Apr 2021 – Jun 2022).  Capricorn rarely brings good economic news, but prefers hardship and frugality.

The most significant astrological ingredient associated with COVID-19 appears to be Aquarius. December 2019 commenced the five years Libra micro-age decan, but this overlaps with the more powerful Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) as overflow periods are stronger, and so if you are waiting for the main benefits associated with the Libra micro-age decan (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024), this will occur in the following Libra micro-age decan overflow (Nov 2024 – Nov 2029).

Aquarius is the great disrupter – it does not like normality or middle of the road positions, it prefers extremes.  Aquarius also prefers sudden and unexpected shocks.  Also, the Aquarius period commencing December 2019 is the strongest manifestation of Aquarius within the Age of Aquarius since the massive disruption associated with the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) that brought two world wars, the Great Depression and the Spanish flu (it did not achieve all this on its own but it was a significant player). For example, no Baby Boomer or later generations have ever previously experienced Aquarius at the strength it has appeared in December 2019.

Compared to the Great Depression, the current economic crisis technically should be much smaller than the Great Depression because fortunately the current manifestation of Aquarius is one-third the size and length of the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) and so the current Aquarius input is only one-ninth the power compared to the early 20th century Aquarius.

The timeframe for COVID-19 should be associated with the Virgo nano-age decan and overflow (Dec 2019 – Apr 2020 – Oct 2020).  The majority of the economic destruction should be associated with the Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 19 – Apr 2021 – Jun 2022) so we should expect bad economic news for another two years.  The disruptive influence or shock to the world at large should extend to the end of the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2019 – Nov 2024).

When does the bad news recede? Based on the simple fact that COVID-19 came to world attention in December 2019, at the exact highpoint of the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024), this strongly suggests that Aquarius is the key sign for the current crisis.  The associated Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (Jun 2017 – Jun 2022) is the upper half of the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow bell curve, and with the influence shifting from the Aquarius quasi micro-age decan to the Libra quasi micro-age decan in June 2022, this provides a parameter of some sort for the extent of the current crisis, as Libra is a more benign sign and suggests that the worst will be over by mid-2022.

The current Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 19 – Apr 2021 – Jun 2022) cannot provide any real or sustained support as even though the current influence of the Virgo nano-age decan will be followed by a Taurus nano-age decan and overflow (May 2020 – Oct 2020 – Mar 2021), Taurus will probably bring a serious banking crisis.  The influence of Capricorn will steadily increase until at least the end of the Capricorn quasi nano-age (Jul 2020 – Oct 2021).  Taking into account the quasi period is always the strongest manifestation, the world has not yet even reached the strongest manifestation of Capricorn yet – it remains in the pipeline.

The first significant positive influence will be the Sagittarius nano-age and overflow (Mar 2021 – Jun 2022 – Aug 2023) that overlaps and follows the current Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 19 – Apr 2021 – Jun 2022).  The Sagittarius nano-age and overflow also has within it a Sagittarius nano-age decan and overflow (Jan 2022 – Jun 2022 – Nov 2022), and so this is the most reliable time for stock markets to stage a (temporary) recovery, especially in the second half (Jun 2022 – Nov 2022).

Relevant nano-ages and nano-age decans (NAD) associated with COVID-19 (OF = Overflow)

For background economic details based on the sub-periods of the Age of Aquarius, see The Dynamics of Economic Recessions in the Age of Aquarius.  In this paper I published in November 2016, Table 1 (also provided below), provides the likelihood of a large recession based on nano-age timeframes (i.e. 15 months).  All the nano-ages until December 2019 indicated no likelihood of a large recession, and December 2019 to March 2021 indicated the likelihood of a recession is 3, followed by even a greater likelihood from March 2021 to June 2022 with a score of 5.  This outlook supports the above assessment and also suggests a rocky decade ahead.

From To QMAD Nano-Age Mut Score
12 2014 3 2016 Cancer Taurus -4
3 2016 6 2017 Aries -4
6 2017 9 2018 Aquarius Pisces -1
9 2018 12 2019 Aquarius -1
12 2019 3 2021 Capricorn 3
3 2021 6 2022 Sagittarius * 5
6 2022 8 2023 Libra Scorpio -1
8 2023 11 2024 Libra 2
11 2024 2 2026 Virgo * 3
2 2026 5 2027 Leo 2
5 2027 8 2028 Gemini Cancer 1
8 2028 11 2029 Gemini * 6
11 2029 2 2031 Aries -2
2 2031 5 2032 Pisces * 0
5 2032 7 2033 Capricorn Aquarius 0
7 2033 10 2034 Capricorn 0
10 2034 1 2036 Sagittarius * 1
1 2036 4 2037 Scorpio -2
4 2037 7 2038 Virgo Libra 0
7 2038 10 2039 Virgo * 1
10 2039 1 2041 Leo -2
1 2041 4 2042 Cancer -5
4 2042 6 2043 Taurus Gemini -1
6 2043 9 2044 Taurus -5

Table 1 – Predictions of large recessions for the Gemini and Taurus micro-ages covering the period December 2014 to September 2044 with the ‘Mut’ column flagging Mutable nano-ages (with a positive score) which have the highest of all probabilities of commencing a large recession


[1] Camel Flu or MERS


[3] Do the Tropical & Sidereal Zodiacs Talk to each Other?

The 2016 US Presidential Election Part 2 Conclusion

Grand Torino, the 2016 Presidential Elections & the End of this Century

I have tried so many times to write my concluding part of the 2016 US presidential elections but just kept losing interest no matter how many coffees I drank.  After much reflection I now know why.   The two major candidates represent the past and will both help the richer half of the population get richer and leave the other 50% of the population stagnant or scrambling for the few extra breadcrumbs thrown their way.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Having made the tentative leap to a new generation with Obama in 2008 and confirmed in 2012, the nominated 2016 candidates are a retreat back to caveman and cave-women politics!  The November 2016 presidential elections loom as a ponderous choice between a lackluster establishment candidate, who is also the first female contender from the two party stable of American politics, and an outsider who clearly lacks common morals and ethics but champions populace policies that are very attractive to a sizable minority of the US electorate.

In many Western societies in the new global world, it is the poorer half that bears the brunt of the radical international economic restructuring due to globalization.  There are winners and losers in this restructure – the rich are getting richer while the poor stagnate.  Many stagnating voters are beginning to snarl.  However, developing and Third World nations seem to be prospering in this new environment.  They are catching up to the Western standard of living.

It seems a curious quirk of fate that a candidate representing the richer half of society, the Republicans, is attracting a significant number of demoralized or snarling voters from the poorer half of society.  However frightened or demoralized voters do not resort to logic when looking to solutions for their perceived problems.

For example, I recently encountered an enthusiastic supporter of Trump.  Though she acknowledged Trump’s unsavory sexual caveman antics, what she was more riled up about was the continuation of the same old thing represented by Hillary Clinton. This Trump supporter does not have a university background, does not understand economics, had a vague and shadowy understanding of history and represented many working class voters.

What she did know was that she was being duped by the ongoing collusion of government with business (without clearly articulating this concept) and  that this ongoing collusion greatly benefited the richer half of society with little noticeable trickle-down effect upon her life or the lives of her friend. Trump was perceived by her as outside of the ‘corrupt’ political system and she believed he represented her best interests in bringing change that will benefit her.

It is always important to understand opposite points of view because the huge majority of people of all political persuasions believe wholeheartedly that they are sincere in their beliefs and they only want the best outcome.  Denigrating people with different political views comes across as a rejection of their sincerity.  But they know they are personally sincere, so they perceive that their attackers (political opponents) are their enemies because they treat them as underlings.  The only real difference in economic outlook between the supporters of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are their solutions, otherwise it is chalk and cheese with nearly every issue.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

If you focus upon the superficialities of the 2016 US elections and many world events you may be dismayed or confused – but if you examine the astrology behind this reality you will see this is part of an arc of a much bigger story.  For voters on the Right, Trump is their lasting hope to restore the “greatness” to America while to voters on the Left, Trump is a crass neo-fascists.  Voting for Hillary appears to be nothing but a vote against Trump.  This is obviously Hillary’s greatest asset in this election.  Both sides are depending upon fear for their support.  This does not mean it is a waste of time voting, and any election requires serious reflection by the public but the astrology strongly suggests that the public will be dissatisfied either way.  In this Cancer time, the public is usually dissatisfied with their leaders.

This election occurs at the peak of Cancer derived from the Cancer micro-age decan and overflow (2007-2012-2017) but if this almost 10 years period is broken down into its four quarters, like the lunation cycle, it is currently in the third quarter of the cycle which is always the most potent quarter of any cycle in macro-astrology.  Specifically, the third quarter runs from December 2014 to mid-2017 where Cancer is at its greatest potency. (see Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World for more details)

On the dark side of Cancer is fear.  Brexit was instigated by fear. Many countries are building walls or erecting barriers on their borders to prevent ‘illegal’ immigrants and refugees from entering their countries. Other countries and Trump are proposing the same.  Many people fear those that are different either due to religion, language, skin color or anything that can possibly differentiate one group of people from another such as people with AIDS, leprosy or whatever. This fear was exemplified by Clint Eastwood in the 2008 movie Grand Torino when an aging American Korean War veteran had to confront having an Hmong family from South-East Asia living next door.  There are always many people in most countries that are fearful of ‘outsiders’. Governments and political parties around the world cultivate this fear for their own purposes.  (see Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains).

In a Cancer time, (Capricorn) leaders are scorned, ignored, repudiated or denounced by the (Cancer) general public who see their (Capricorn) leaders as their (7th house) enemies.  However from the perspective of ‘leaders’ this Cancer period rules their 7th house as well so they can go on the aggressive offensive.  This is why we see the pitiful spectacle of the 2016 presidential contenders’ cat fights.  Furthermore, these contenders are no longer upholding their democratic right of the viewpoints of their opponent.  No matter which candidate wins, the Cancer public will be offside.  It is a no-win situation.

However, both Hillary and Trump do represent different sides of Cancer.  Cancer favors females, so in this regard, Cancer gives Hillary and edge as the potential first female president.  Cancer also rules mentally unstable people, and while no one would suggest that Trump is mentally unstable, he does come across as politically unstable.  Surprisingly, this instability gives Trump an edge as it aligns with Cancer.  Unfortunately for Trump, half the voters are female but half the voters are not so keen on an unstable candidate.

There is nothing new to say about this election that I have not already published except that this is probably the last election where both candidates are firmly focused upon yesterday’s world.  The next election will not be an election for the policies of yesterday because the world has recently entered a 10 year Aquarius sub-period overlapping the 10 year Cancer period (both of which are derived from 5 year decans of a micro-age – see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for more details on the internal structure of ages).  This new Aquarian period is the strongest Aquarius influence any Baby Boomer or later generations have ever experienced and harks back to the 1920s and 30s when Aquarius was very strong (see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan for more details).

However, it is not until mid-2017 that this new Aquarius period will gather more strength but by 2022 it’s a new Aquarius heyday. However, in the meantime, the arrival of any new period will have an immediate impact, and in this election, this new Aquarius impact was represented by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump on opposite sides of the Aquarian coin.  Both had revolutionary and politically eccentric messages that galvanized many supporters.  Aquarius can temporarily supercharge any situation.

Aquarius, like all zodiacal signs, has positive and negative archetypes associated with it.  Most starry eyed idealists see a magical idealistic Age of Aquarius yet if this was the case, every Aquarian you know would stand out as superior to other signs.  This is not the case.  Aquarius is definitely associated with democracy, freedom and liberty (on a good day) but also fascism, dictators and destructive revolutionaries or anarchists on a bad day.  Adolph Hitler was a perfect example of a fascist dictator appearing when Aquarius was at its last peak in the world, but that peak was three times stronger than the current Aquarius blip which has just arrived on the scene.  The new Aquarius period is still in diapers.

Under Aquarius, many people are attuned to be ‘electrified’ by a charismatic leader who will bring back greatness and any other quality they feel is missing.  On the neo-fascist side of Aquarius the means they adopt to achieve their goals do not have to be fair, democratic or rational because their aim is so “pure”, they are above the normal ethics and law that prevail.  This is why so many Filipinos support a president who has legitimized extra judicial murder by the police force against people involved with illegal drugs.  There is no suggestion that Donald Trump is a fascist of the same stature as Adolph Hitler, but he and his supporters promote some neo-fascist policies.  This is why Trump stated in one debate that he plans to appoint a special prosecutor for the purpose of putting Hillary in jail if he wins the election. Also, denouncing or persecuting minorities of any type, such as Mexicans, is another standard approach from the fascist bag of tricks.  Most modern Western countries continue to deploy a range of neo-fascist policies by promoting fear amongst the population.

The most interesting aspect of the 2016 US election is not who wins but what this implies about the future of the USA (and the world) in the second half of the current century.  A major Aquarius sub-age decan arrives in 2029 which will be in full swing by 2089 but seriously picking up speed as early as 2059.  Our little Aquarius period this decade is a preview of the end of this century!  The astrology suggests that the Bernie Sanders preview is what is in store for the USA but Trump is the preview of those nations with less entrenched democratic ideals.  A good current example is the political situation in the Philippines and Poland.

In the last two presidential elections I have analyzed the birth micro-age decans of the contenders and made a prediction of who would win based on the relationships between the birth micro-age decan and the ruling micro-age decan at election time.  However, Trump and Hillary were born so close together that such an analysis cannot be used to differentiate between them.  Both were born in the Capricorn-Sagittarius Pre-Boomer generation (see Generational Astrology – Part 2 Pre-Boomers (Cap-Sag) ).  The two former presidents from this generation were Bill Clinton and George W Bush.

On the 29th January 2012 I posted on a Facebook group “This election is starting to look like a landslide win for the Democrats regardless of it being Sanders or Clinton”.  Furthermore, the tide of change is sweeping the world, and with this tide, progressive politics is favored over conservative politics until November 2029 (but only in advanced democracies).  What this means is that every US presidential election until 2029 favors the Democrats.  This does not automatically mean that the Democrats will win every presidential election until that date.

However, the post Second World War years at a minimum indicate that when a party wins a presidential election when the wind is technically blowing in the other direction, the incumbent president hits far more headwinds than normal (see table below).  The only two presidents that this applies to is Richard Nixon, who resigned from office, and Bill Clinton who was unsuccessfully impeached.  This means that in the unlikely scenario that Trump won, expect some serious opposition to his presidency and possible impeachment.

Feb 1948 Sagittarius -Sagittarius CONSERVATIVE Eisenhower C
Jul 1955 Sagittarius -Scorpio Conservative-PROGRESSIVE JFK P
Dec 1962 Scorpio-Scorpio PROGRESSIVE LBJ P
Scorpio-Scorpio PROGRESSIVE R Nixon C
May 1970 Scorpio-Virgo PROGRESSIVE-Conservative J Carter P
Oct 1977 Virgo-Virgo CONSERVATIVE R Reagan C
Apr 1985 Virgo-Leo CONSERVATIVE G H W Bush C
Sep 1992 Leo-Leo CONSERVATIVE B Clinton P
Feb 2000 Leo-Cancer CONSERVATIVE-Progressive G W Bush C
Jul 2007 Cancer-Cancer PROGRESSIVE Obama P
Dec 2014 Cancer-Gemini PROGRESSIVE
Jun 2022 Gemini-Gemini PROGRESSIVE
Nov 2029 Gemini-Taurus Progressive-Conservative

Finally, I am not only a macro-astrologer but also a Vedic-Western fusion astrologer.  Vedic astrology employs a predictive technique called Vimshottari.  One of the most difficult dasas within the Vimshottari system that anyone must navigate is the 18 year Rahu dasa (Moon’s north node in western astrology).  About 80% of people experience a serious loss near the beginning or end of this dasa and Vedic texts often state that a person loses at the end of this dasa all the gains they have made during the dasa.  Trump’s Rahu dasa concludes on November 14 2016.  This does not look good for Trump!

Furthermore, Trump’s Rahu (the dragon) is in his 10th house tightly conjunct his Sun. Trump is in his dragon period where he feels he can open his mouth and with his fiery outpourings – burn away all opposition.  Who dares to challenge the almighty dragon?  Well, his Vedic chart strongly suggests that his fire is about to go out.  Hillary is in her Sun dasa.  Will Trump’s Rahu eclipse Hillary’s Sun? Extremely unlikely.

In this new 10 years Aquarius period, which overlaps a 10 year Cancer period, Aquarius sorts out the sheep from the goats.  Those countries with shallow democratic ideals entrenched within the population tend to regress to anti democratic and neo-fascist governments or policies with fear the common underlying sentiment. Entrenched democracies tend to push forward into a higher evolution of democracy and liberalism but not without a serious reaction by some elements of society.  What suffers in this process is the middle-of-the-road approach as mainstream values are aligned to Leo, the sign opposite in quality to Cancer.

So while the 2016 US presidential election is mainly affected by the correlation to Cancer, it is also experiencing an input from Aquarius. Most Western countries are experiencing a rise in neo-fascism amongst a sizeable minority of their populations, but it is extremely unlikely that a country like the USA, with such entrenched democratic and liberal ideals, will succumb to this rising tide.  Countries like the Phillipines, Thailand, Poland, Turkey, Hungary and so on do not have this entrenched democratic ethos and are more liable to tip towards neo-fascism.  The 2016 US presidential election is really just a bit player in this larger game.

In conclusion, the 2016 US presidential is not really about who will win but an act in the ongoing struggle towards a more evolved liberal democratic outlook facing growing resentment by a sizeable minority of people in advanced democracies against this evolution while in less democratic environments, the reactionary forces are stronger and neo-fascists forces will temporarily dominate just as they did in Germany, Italy and Japan in the early 20th century.  It certainly will be an interesting world towards the end of this century when the Aquarius input is four times stronger than the world experienced in the first half of the 20th century and 12 times stronger than the current Aquarius blip!

POSTSCRIPT (20 October 2016)

I am again attending the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (26 – 30 October 2016 in Bali, Indonesia – the nation with the largest Muslim population in the world.  In a number of commentaries by distinguished writers, journalists and organizers, the common theme was presented that currently in the world government policies and election campaigns are no longer about facts and information but (Cancer) emotions.  Even if a candidate makes a statement that is categorically incorrect or a lie by the ‘fact checker’, this means nothing.  In a Cancer time, a significant number of people are not interested in facts but are only willing to emotionally respond.

Another interesting insights gleaned from the festival is that the new neo-fascists politicians such as Duterte in the Philippines, Putin in Russia and Trump in the USA (and many others around the world to a greater or lesser extent) have the ability to ‘electrify’ their supporters.  Electricity is associated with Aquarius – the other key sign currently gaining traction in the world.  Germans reportedly were ‘electrified’ by the speeches of Adolph Hitler in the previous (stronger) Aquarius period.  However this time around, these fascist-orientated politicians are being democratically elected!

POSTSCRIPT (2 November 2016)

This new Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) has seen the rise of the new breed of petty neo-fascists around the world, though this time around, they mostly are obtaining power through the ballot box.  It comes as shock and horror to many people that a huge number of people prefer mini-Hitler clones to solve their problems.  If you want to know how the 1930s fascists came to power, just observe how a significant number of the US electorate will vote in November 2016.  History does repeat itself!

On the other side of the coin are Aquarian visionaries such as Bernie Sanders.  There are two sides to all zodiacal signs including Aquarius. Most astrologers think the Age of Aquarius only manifests good Aquarian archetypes and keeps the bad Aquarian archetypes under lock and key.  This is called Pisces delusion.

The new Aquarius micro-age decan is the first micro-age decan of the new Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) which resides in the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) – the forth sub-age in the Age of Aquarius

In the USA, the new Aquarius micro-age decan has manifested in Donald Trump’s triumph in securing the candidature for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination and Bernie Sanders failed attempt to gain the Democratic Party nomination.  However all periods in macro-astrology have a yin-yang aspect.  For example in any period, such as the new Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019), there are some anti-Aquarius times but mostly Aquarius is (yang) strong.

This means that while any archetypal activity associated with Aquarius is promoted in the Aquarius micro-age decan, in some parts, not only does this not happen, it can even breed anti-Aquarian sentiments, but only temporarily.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders took advantage of the new Aquarian sentiment of the times and each launched into their specific versions of revolutionary outlooks that basically represented both sides of the Aquarian coin.  However recently, a poison apple appeared in both camps.

The current Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) contains four nano-ages of approximately 15 months each.  Currently the world is in the Aries nano-age (March 2016 – June 2017). But here the plot deepens because if we drill down into the little Aries nano-age, it has three nano-age decans of approximately five months each.  Currently the world is in the Leo nano-age decan (August 2016 – January 2017).

There is a little sponginess with the exact month these very small periods commence and end due to the erratic nature of precession of the equinoxes.  Nevertheless, this little Leo period can temporarily upset the intentions of the much larger Aquarius micro-age decan.  This is what has happened and continues to happen.

Bernie Sanders dropped out of the Democratic race on the 26 July, at the nebulous cusp of the beginning of the Leo sub-period.  Trump’s campaign has hit serious headwinds from August onwards.  For example on October 7, 2016, The Washington Post publicized a recorded conversation about Donald Trump and Billy Bush having “an extremely lewd conversation about women” in 2005.   This was a pivotal turning point, not for the diehard Republicans who would eagerly back Dracula if necessary, but it affected many of the undecided voters who decide the election.

Leo periods favor the mainstream over extremists. This new Leo sub-period definitely swings public sentiment away from Trump, and this anti-extremist sentiment grows with every passing week – it technically ratchetted up into second gear in the last week or so.  It will be at full strength by January 2017.

The electorate is fickle and changeable, especially when the primary micro-age decan in force is Cancer (Aquarius is currently the secondary micro-age decan present but will become the primary micro-age in mid-2017).

These nano-age decans hidden deep within the astrological ages are potent and have clear correlations to evolving developments in the world on the month-to-month level.  The anti-extremists Leo nano-age decan will knock Trump off his already tenuous perch.  It’s just bad timing for Trump and a godsend for Hillary.

We should also see some other petty neo-fascist leaders temporarily experiencing greater than expected opposition in the current Leo sub-period – especially in the ‘overflow’ period from January to March 2017 and even up to June 2017.  It’s hard to feel sympathetic to Putin, the Thai military junta, the Polish, Turkish and Philippines presidents, just to name a few of the petty neo-fascist leaders in the world today.  However they will be again in full swing by mid-2017 at the latest.  But in the meantime, they will have to deal with stronger than normal opposition to their petty tyrannies.

It must be remembered that while the petty tyrants, and pretenders to the throne such as Trump, grab the headlines, there is much activity on the other side of Aquarius.  Bernie Sanders may get quickly washed down the drain hole of history but his spirit is representative of the coming world according to the incoming Age of Aquarius.  Just because the tide is coming in does not mean each wave moves further up the beach, but on average, the waves do move further up the beach.

There are many people desperately trying to stop the incoming wave of the Age of Aquarius but while they can win some battles, they cannot win the war.  But this struggle will be played out over the next century and a half and even longer in less developed countries in the world.  It’s the grand theme of our times.


I had the first inkling of flaws in my assumption of Hillary Clinton winning the presidential election about one week before the election, and on November 6th I published on a number of Facebook sites “The Scorpio Lunar Month & the US Presidential Elections” (see

In this post I stated:

“For the current Scorpio lunar month, the Taurus full Moon (on 14th November), ….. actively stimulates Trump’s 10th house of status and fame and undermines Hillary’s personal worth in favour of her opponent.”

“There are a number of possibilities. Firstly, the election result may be so close that the final result must wait until after the full Moon effect but in the meantime, Trump is sitting in the sunshine of a possible victory. Secondly, the result is clear on the day but Trump goes on a final ranting binge about the corruption of the US presidential election followed by his last few days as a major news item? Thirdly, Trump actually wins the election?”

“Something strange and unusual is occurring here as Trump gets an immediate election afterglow, one way or another.”

“The only influence from the Dark Moon Lilith is that within 24 hours of the election the transiting Sun will be conjunct Trumps progressed Lilith. This brings either great fame or great loss of fame, but nothing in the middle.”

“In conclusion, ….. it does suggest something that promotes Trump’s image post-election day … . Somehow he gets an election afterglow….. The coming full Moon indicates he will be at his best under the glow of the full Moon.”

However, my mindset was so caught up in the prevailing view that it was impossible for Trump to win the election, that I did not heed the warnings of such a simple and elementary thing as the full moon only days after the election. This full moon in Taurus is located in Trump’s 10th house of fame and prestige and located in Hillary’s 7th house representing her opponent (using whole sign houses).

The lunation cycle and full moons are generally overlooked by the huge majority of astrologers who are always hypnotized with the natal horoscope. Every full moon behaves like a mini-eclipse. Its effects are not limited to the actual few days that the full moon is in the actual sign where it occurs, but it spreads its wings for a number of days either side of the exact full moon. It has personally affected me as the November 2016 Taurus full moon falls in my 4th house of anti-status, thus I am still digesting my hat.

Many astrologers correctly forecasted the election of Trump. The following list (which is probably incomplete), lists astrologers who correctly predicted Trump winning the election: Anil Aggarwal , Steven Birchfield, Barry Goddard, Lisa J Gordon (aka Lisa Lazuli), Hossein Heidari‎, (Steve Judd), Sharon Knight, Inderjit Singh Kallirai, Sachin Malhotra, Peter Novak, Krasi Serguieva, William Stickevers, Ming Wang and Theodore White.

Further details plus list of incorrect predictions available at

 It is always more difficult to pick the correct winner when the winner appears to be the outside chance plus with politics, it appears that 90% of astrologers are biased towards left wing or progressive political persuasion. Therefore congratulations are definitely in order for these astrologers with the correct predictions in difficult circumstances.

A friend of mine stated after the election that a lot of hats are being eaten. Though I had a late inclination that something was wrong with my expectation of a Clinton victory, it was too late. I succumbed to the old enemy of accurate predictions – I succumbed to my own political bias. I am totally aware of my political bias, and I actually try to counter-balance this bias, but in this case, my bias won. At every point of analysis in weighing up the pros and cons of the positive and negative astrological influences, I gave Hillary the benefit of the doubt.

So it is totally appropriate that the November 2016 Taurus full moon is located in my 4th house – how appropriate! For those non-astrologers, the 4th house is ‘anti-status’.

For those interested readers, the following are posts I have previously published on or associated with this topic:

US Presidents in the Age of Aquarius (2008)

US Presidents in the Age of Aquarius (Revised for 2012)

The 2016 US Presidential Election Part 1

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

Recently I have been exposed to many people with pessimistic outlooks upon the world.  We know that the world has enough food but yet people are starving.  We know that the world has adequate resources for all yet countless millions live in abject poverty.  We see Donald Trump on TV – and though he has redefined the concept of stupidity, he is an actual contender for the most powerful political position in the world.  And his finger could be on the button!  Will a cascade of intercontinental ballistic nuclear weapons rain down upon an unsuspecting world if he has a bad hair day?  What is also of concern is that over 40% of the American voting public apparently are prepared to vote for him.

Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses a legislative luncheon held as part of the "Road to Majority" conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria - RTX1H57C
Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses a legislative luncheon held as part of the “Road to Majority” conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria – RTX1H57C

This is just a small fraction of all the bad news.  Corporations and governments are facilitating the pollution of our air, water and land to the point that the average person actually must buy pure water to avoid poisoning themselves. Will we have to buy pure oxygen soon due to air pollution? In the Land of the Free (USA), where a greater percentage of the population is imprisoned compared to any other country, they have prisoner ‘sales’ targets whereby governments must ensure that the privatized prisons have at least 90% occupancy. The average prisoner costs the same amount of money to the state as the salary of a teacher.  Despite the trillions spent of the war against terrorists over the last decade or so, the likelihood of a random terrorist attack has increased exponentially many thousands of times.

I am sure that any sane person could spend the rest of their life documenting the ridiculous outcomes of our modern world.  Is modernity a negative concept? Even relatively normal people are expressing concern about where the world is heading.  The general consensus is that the world is like a ball rolling towards the cliff ready to fall over the edge.  This does not inspire optimism or confidence.

The astrology associated with the astrological ages, and specifically our position in the Age of Aquarius, does support the above pessimistic outlook but not the pessimistic outcome.  When we talk about optimism, we usually refer to Sagittarius suggesting that Sagittarius’ opposite sign Gemini is pessimistic.  A superficial examination of Sagittarius and Gemini plus other key signs within the Age of Aquarius reveals the reason for the current desultory outlook by many people, especially in Western Society.

"An Optimist & Pessimist" by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) - Russian painter
“An Optimist & Pessimist” by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) – Russian painter

In contrast to the West, many people in developing nations are not feeling negative or pessimistic as they are currently riding a secondary wave of economic expansion and material prosperity.  Whenever a new age or sub period of an age appears, the focus of new developments is usually focused upon a specific region, center or culture.  This is what occurred with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century which firmly placed a focus upon Western society.  It was Western society that pioneered the new Aquarian age ethos which then spreads out to the rest of the world like the wake of a boat.  This is why Western society has become despondent while other societies are still experiencing the wake of the fading expansionary period.  The new despondent wake will also hit Asia and the rest of the world in the future.

Western society started the modern expansionary economic paradigm with the Industrial Revolution feeding into the worldwide population explosion.  This quiet naturally was associated with the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612-1791-1970) which like a giant wave has swept through the world but spearheaded by mainly Western nations.  The majority of expansion and optimism was experienced in the second half of the wave (1791-1970).

World Manufacturing Graph (1750-1900)

Conversely, Western nations are unwittingly spearheading the drive towards contraction and minimalism but have not yet understood that this is actually happening and that this is not some temporary aberration but will continue for a long time.  The rest of the world is not taking over the reins from Western society, but just catching up, whereupon they will also start their own paths towards contraction, especially with their populations and economic growth. (see All Good Things Must Come to an End for more details)

Though the expansionary Sagittarius wave technically came to an end in 1970, this is not how it works in practice.  Basically the Sagittarius expansionary paradigm continues its momentum until it comes to a barrier. Secondly, near the end of this Sagittarius wave was a Sagittarius micro-age and overflow (1940-1955-1970) with the peak of this smaller wave aligned to the Baby Boomers.  (see Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius) The Baby Boomers are the last hurrah of expansionary Sagittarius as the world plummets into out-of-control economic overdrive and environmental degradation.  The Baby Boomers are like the captain of the Titanic encouraging the sailors to increase speed as they plow towards the iceberg.

The main sign that undermines Sagittarius is Gemini.  Gemini is currently developing as the new sign of our times. After the Sagittarius wave came the wave associated with the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148).  This remains very strong in the world and is part of the reason so many people are feeling vulnerable, sarcastic and desultory – Scorpio has never been known as a cheerful sign … unless you call throwing flower petals on a coffin a pleasant experience.  (see SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1 )

However, following in the wake of the Scorpio wave is the relatively new Libra sub-age (1970-2148), and based on previous sub-ages, its main period of benefit will be in its overflow period commencing in 2148 whereupon it will bring in a mini Golden Age – provided there is anyone left around to enjoy it!  The current Libra sub-age (this is why a female is running for US president in 2016) has three sub-age decans, and the first sub-age decan within the Libra sub-age is the Gemini sub-age decan (1970-2029). Naturally, Gemini will be far stronger in its almost 60 years overflow period commencing in 2029.

Gemini is opposite Sagittarius, and it is this Gemini sub-age that is currently bringing a halt to economic expansionism and optimistic outlook mainly in the Western economies.  Because Gemini is unlucky and pessimistic, it has a tendency to resort to cheating and thieving to gain advantage.  This growing phenomenon is being played out by corporations around the world where each year they discover new means and methods to cheat their customers.  Whereupon a few years ago, airlines discovered they could extract more money from their passengers by supplying a relatively cheap basic service than charging often exorbitant amounts for add-ons, flight changes and so on, this is now spreading like an inferno. In the absence of a strongly expansionary market, businesses are trying to extract more and more from each customer using anyone of a number of devious and nefarious (Gemini) schemes.

This anti-Sagittarius new Gemini reality may be hypnotizing the world with handheld mobile devices, but it is also associated with a pessimistic outlook.  If everything is not expanding crazily, things must be bad!  However, while Gemini may be a new and growing reality, it is not the most important player on the field.  A massive revolution is underway associated with the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) leading to an incredibly strong Libra period.  This Libra period will greatly affect the world for over 700 years commencing in 2148 – introducing the first mini golden age after almost 7,000 years of mainly war and violence.  Naturally, the last 5,000 years of war is associated with the arrival of the Aries age and overflow (2916BC – 732BC – 1433AD).

In the meantime in our cell phone modern world, it seems like a partnership with sour old Scorpio and pessimistic Gemini being the two key players of note.  Scorpio is bringing a smaller and more evolved world but change always grates because society and culture is always aligned to Taurus – the sign of stability. Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus, so all social cultural values have been under attack since 1791, and picking up speed since 1970.   Scorpio is introducing the most unstable of times and people not only dislike instability, they will even fight for their stable cultural-religious values as they dissolve in slow motion before their eyes.  But cultural values will continue to dissolve because Scorpio improves by first pruning the bush then producing new growth which is more appropriate to the times.  The world is mainly in the destructive side of a major metamorphosis.

If you look carefully, there are huge areas of advancement, progress and social evolution in the world today but our minds are more attuned to the disasters and problems when we feel desultory and pessimistic. A steady and growing percentage of Western populations are acknowledging the key role of the environment over short sighted capitalistic practices. Females continue to demand and get greater equality to the point that the most powerful political position in the world is soon to be most likely held by a woman.  Gays are in the process of gaining the right to marry in a growing number of Western nations. Some drugs demonized only a few decades ago are finding increasing support from mainstream society.

However, socio-political-cultural revolutions are painful, and many reactionary elements will do their best to stop the tide from coming in.  Donald Trump is tapping into this reactionary sentiment by many voters who nostalgically prefer the old over the new.   This is also why in the 1960s and 70s so many nations, including Western nations, succumbed to military coups and dictators in place of democracy to prevent progressive change from upsetting their part of the world.  It did not work then, and it will not work now or in the future but it will temporarily re-appear.  The main change to the change occurring in the world is that it will progressively grow stronger and have wider effects and affect more of the world – change is accelerating.  Reactionary elements will also periodically get stronger and try and stop the tide coming in.

So many people get despondent when they realize they will not be around for the mini Golden Age that will arrive mid next century.  There is no need to feel despondent as anyone can be mentally in the Golden Age now, and while the percentage of the population that may already be mentally in the Golden age is a small percentage, this percentage is constantly growing.  More and more people do not want more of the same. (see The Silent Revolution ) Unfortunately, Gemini makes people impatient, and many people are impatient for all the benefits of the Golden Age which cannot fully manifest before midway through next century.

There are important steps along the way towards the mini Golden Age, but the next most important step does not arrive until 2059 – but a preview will appear next decade.  What will happen around 2059?  In western society at least, about 20% of the population will be environmentally friendly and attuned to progressive political and cultural agendas compared to about 10% at present.  20% is the tipping point and research indicates that once 20% of the population has turned to a different direction, they have far greater influence upon society than what should be expected from only 20% of the population.  However, by the mid 22nd century, this 20% becomes 50%.

Finally, there is also very good news hidden behind the turmoil and angst of the modern world.  Of all the signs, Scorpio is the sign most aligned to inner reality or inner Truth.  This means that one of the greatest opportunities in the world today under Scorpio is to find or discover the inner reality that underpins life, the universe and everything.  Scorpio indicates change and turmoil in the external world but actively promotes the benefits of the inner world and the Truth available from going inside.  If truth and ultimate reality are important to you, then you have hit the jackpot for the time you live in.  Search for it because, among other considerations, the astrology is on your side for success in this endeavor.  It is also more fulfilling than complaining and watching the world seemingly go down the gurgler.

There is an old concept associated with the lotus.  While the lotus expresses beauty and enlightenment, it also usually grows in a smelly putrid swamp.  At this point of history, we definitely get the swamp, but we can also have the lotus.  Many ancient and modern seers have stated that they were distracted from smelling the putrid swamp when dazzled by the lotus.

Further Reading

Age of Aquarius for Dummies

Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Will New Agers Rule the World?

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

The 2016 US Presidential Election Part 1

One of the key signs for the 2016 US presidential election is Cancer (based on the five year Cancer quasi micro-age decan July 2012 – June 2017).  During this five year period, it describes what the general public is feeling.  The general public is hypersensitive, emotional, changeable and anti-authoritarian.  They are moody and most likely will not like any outcome as they are also fickle.  They feel their (Capricorn) leaders are their enemies.  They are open to female input.  They are emotional about Cancer topics, most notably refugees and immigration, and some on the growing strength of China and of course the Middle East and Islam.  [For further details, see Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World ]

Research over the years has also demonstrated that there are conservative signs and progressive liberal signs (in macro-astrology).  The Fire and Earth signs all favor conservative and established mainstream values while the Water and Air signs favor progressive and liberal policies, but the times are generally much more volatile (it cannot be assumed that this directly translates to mundane astrology).  Because the current Cancer period is a Water sign this favors the Democrats.

A short review of recent decades from the perspective of periods used in Generational Astrology can quickly demonstrate how the pendulum swings between conservative and progressive values (see Table 1).

Feb 1948 Sagittarius -Sagittarius Conservative
Jul 1955 Sagittarius -Scorpio Conservative-Progressive
Dec 1962 Scorpio-Scorpio Progressive
May 1970 Scorpio-Virgo Progressive-Conservative
Oct 1977 Virgo-Virgo Conservative
Apr 1985 Virgo-Leo Conservative
Sep 1992 Leo-Leo Conservative
Feb 2000 Leo-Cancer Conservative-Progressive
Jul 2007 Cancer-Cancer Progressive
Dec 2014 Cancer-Gemini Progressive
Jun 2022 Gemini-Gemini Progressive
Nov 2029 Gemini-Taurus Progressive-Conservative

Table 1 – the pendulum swing between conservative and progressive values

What many people may find interesting in Table 1 is that it commences with the post-Second World War conservative times which coincided with the appearance of the first half of the Baby Boomer generation.  Baby Boomers can remember the stultifying social and political conservative times when being different in any way meant being ostracized.  This was the ‘medieval’ witch-hunt period of McCarthyism in the USA where a veritable kangaroo court made judgements on people’s political convictions without the due process of law.  On the economic front, it was a post-war boom time.  Conservative times usually promote good economic conditions.

From 1955 onwards, with the arrival of the Sagittarius-Scorpio period, the tide commenced to change in preparation of the heady days of the revolutionary 1960s which developed into a full-blown progressive period associated with the Scorpio-Scorpio period commencing December 1962.  This quickly turned into a western cultural revolution marked by the arrival of hippies and the New Age movement withPeace_sign their satanic rock-and-roll. The volatility of the times was also on display as many countries were taken over by military juntas or dictators.  Even Greece, the cradle of democracy, was unceremoniously taken over by a coup d’état in April 1967 by the Regime of the Colonels.  This was the same decade reactionary forces most likely arranged the assassinations of President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Progressive times such, as the 1960s, breed reactionary forces.  People, groups, organizations, religions and political parties do not like seeing their power erode with the incoming progressive tide.  Despite all the coups and military dictatorships of the period, looking back, who won?  It was certainly not the reactionary forces.  Nevertheless, in any progressive time, reactionary forces try to prevent the inevitable.

However, the progressive influence of the 1960s was short-lived.  After only one short 7 1/2 year progressive period, the pendulum then commenced swinging back to conservative values starting in May 1970.  By October 1977, the world had to settle into three consecutive full strength conservative periods before the pendulum slowly started the swing back to progressive values commencing in February 2000.   As of July 2007, the world has commenced three consecutive progressive periods.

Normally in the pendulum swing, there are three periods of either 100% conservative or 100% progressive periods.  Each of these sets of three periods is separated by a transitional period where progressive and conservative tendencies temporarily co-exist.  However, every 178 or so years an anomaly occurs, and this last occurred in May 1970 (due to a change in sub-age).  When this occurs, instead of three periods of the same flavor existing in a row, it is reduced to one period.  The progressive Scorpio-Scorpio period (Dec 1962-May 1970) was a loner, and was tightly sandwiched between solid conservative periods.

This is why so many people became disillusioned by the 1960s and early 70s, as it occurred in reaction to the stifling conservatism that dominated the times, but instead of having a solid run over 3 periods

Royal Baby Flashback: Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher Celebrate ...
Royal Baby Flashback: Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher Celebrate …

(about 22 ½ years), it was quickly slowed down commencing in  May 1970 after only 7 1/2 years of progressive influence.  By October 1977 the conservative backlash was in full swing lasting until February 2000.  The peak representatives of this conservative backlash in the West could be represented by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and by Leonid Brezhnev in the USSR (Russia) up to 1982.

However, the table has again turned.  All those starry-eyed hippies of the 1960s and 70s are now beginning to see a continuation of the liberal-progressive narrative so swiftly truncated when they were still young.  Even some American states have legalized marijuana and the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in most western nations is an indication of the return to progressive policies.

This pendulum swing between conservative and progressive values normally lasting a few decades exists within larger frameworks that also display the same swing but over centuries and millennia.  What very few astrologers realize is that as of December 2014, the world has entered a progressive-liberal phase unmatched for over 7,000 years which also insinuates increased social, political and financial volatility.  The world is on the cusp of a multi-thousand year volatile-progressive landscape.  One way this has manifested is that about 5,000 years ago the opposite pendulum swing occurred and the world seriously went to war, and war has been central to world politics for the last 5,000 years.  See A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making .  This does not mean the Democrats will win the presidential elections for the next 7,000 years!

Sitting behind the current five-year Cancer period is a major multi-century Scorpio influence that is at the absolute height of its dominance from 1970 to 2059.  This Scorpio influence is in the process of replacing the (Sagittarius) capitalist dream with debt, anxiety and a strong feeling of vulnerability from a number of fronts.  These include the threat of terrorism, lack of income growth, burgeoning debt, rapid societal dissolution from immigration (legal and illegal) and accelerating change in just about everything.  This contributes to the growth of reactionary forces wanting to ‘restore’ the past which is as effective a kids sand wall on the beach to prevent the tide from coming in.

Also since December 2014, Aquarius has reared its head after about 74 years of dormancy.  The new Aquarius (micro-age decan and overflow) will broadly affect the current period until 2024, and be a strong emergent influence up until 2019.  The strongest time for Aquarius will be 2019 to 2024 (see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan ).  Aquarius likes extremes, and whenever Aquarius is strong, the extremists’ views at both end of the spectrum become stronger and more people than normal in the middle class will get affected by these more extreme views. This favors all candidates except Hillary as Hillary is the only top-four candidate in the middle.

Aquarius breeds reactionary fascism such as ISIS in the Middle East as well as many countries with immature democratic institutions.  Even ‘mature’ democratic nations will experience die-hards on the right trying to influence the direction of their nation in undemocratic ways.  One impetus is the pushBernie_Sanders to ‘restore values’ but democratic values are conveniently excluded from the values to be restored.

All the above periods affect the outcome of the presidential election and explains why the current top four are in their exalted positions.  Hillary benefits from being the only female in a Cancer period – Cancer is one of the two key female signs.  The other three candidates all benefit from emergent Aquarius – Saunders for his progressive views, and Trump and Cruz for their extremist right wing views. Cancer both helps and hinders Hillary, the female component helps her, but Cancer is anti-authoritarian, and Hillary is from establishment politics.

The almost permanent background Scorpio influence indicates that the general public is getting

"Road to Majority" conference in Washington June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria - RTX1H57C
Trump and Cruz

impassioned and they want something revolutionary to change the uncomfortable situation they believe they are in.  Research shows that Republican voters are far more upset than Democrat voters as they perceive progressive policies are eroding their established values.  This may explain why the two leading Republican candidates, Trump and Cruz, are so out there.  The background Scorpio influence favors all four candidates as the first female president, the socialist policies of Bernie Saunders, the extreme right wind views of Cruz and Trump as the jack-in-the-box all satisfy  the quest for a major change.  This is why they are the last four candidates effectively standing.  These four may not last until the elections, especially on the Republican side.

Finally, referring back to Table 1, it is possible to make a prediction on the outcome of the 2016 presidential election with about 80% accuracy based solely on these 7 ½ year periods’ orientation to either conservative or progressive values, or a combination of both in the transitional periods.  Table 2 correlates the US presidents with the conservative-progressive pendulum of Table 1:

Feb 1948 Sagittarius -Sagittarius CONSERVATIVE Eisenhower C
Jul 1955 Sagittarius -Scorpio Conservative-PROGRESSIVE JFK P
Dec 1962 Scorpio-Scorpio PROGRESSIVE LBJ P
Scorpio-Scorpio PROGRESSIVE R Nixon C
May 1970 Scorpio-Virgo PROGRESSIVE-Conservative J Carter P
Oct 1977 Virgo-Virgo CONSERVATIVE R Reagan C
Apr 1985 Virgo-Leo CONSERVATIVE G H W Bush C
Sep 1992 Leo-Leo CONSERVATIVE B Clinton P
Feb 2000 Leo-Cancer CONSERVATIVE-Progressive G W Bush C
Jul 2007 Cancer-Cancer PROGRESSIVE Obama P

Table 2 – excludes presidential elections when an incumbent president wins the election.  “P” = progressive and “C” = conservative.

The only presidents in Table 2 that were elected in a period where the opposite political influence was stronger were Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.  Maybe this was why Nixon left office in disgrace and Bill Clinton was only the second president to be impeached?  It seems to be dangerous territory for any president to be in office in a period favoring the other side of politics.

There is no suggestion that Table 2 is statistically relevant due to the small amount of data, but if this is representative of the broader whole, only two of the ten presidents listed were presidents in the ‘wrong’ period.  This means that 8 out of 10, or 80% of presidents were originally elected president in a period aligned to their political persuasion.  Based on Table 2, there is an 80% chance the 2017 US presidential election will be won by a Democrat. If the election is won by a Republican or right-leaning independent, they will probably court heated controversy of some kind as they will be a duck out of water.
From left, presidential candidates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders


From a distance, it seems that the main race for the 2016 presidential election is between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. A similar thing often happens at tennis tournaments when the main two protagonists face off against each other in the quarter or semi-finals, and the winner then just demolishes the last surviving player in the finals but the best match was earlier. It seems the Republican race is just to decide the loser in the presidential elections as the field they have produced seems incapable of attracting middle America.  The initial astrological perspective supports this view as do most polls (excluding Fox News).

However, this is only the initial conclusion based mainly on the application of 7 ½ years period and their orientation to conservative or progressive values.  Part 2 will focus on smaller periods associated with 5 year periods (based on micro-age decans that have already been briefly introduced here in Part 1), 15 month periods (nano-ages) and five month periods (nano-age decans).  The smaller periods may not agree with the above perspective.


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Fore background details on the mechanics of the astrological ages see Age of Aquarius for Dummies

Details of the Book by Terry MacKinnell

Click for details
“The Dawning” is available from Xlibris, Amazon etc
Detailed examination of the astrological ages from the Age of Leo to the Age of Aquarius including age-decans









The Pre-Boomers (Capricorn-Sagittarius generation Aug 1940 – Feb 1948)


Is America Entering a New Victorian Era?

Journalists, historians, anthropologists and social commentators often observe historical cycles better than the average person including astrologers because they pay great attention to the unfolding of events.  This is certainly the case with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century – a century most prominent historians consider being the most important century of recent times for numerous reasons as well as being the demarcation century between Medievalism and Modernity.  The modern world has sprung out of the 15th century.  The claim that a new age began in the 20th century is simply absurd to historians.

One observant journalist, Michael Barone, writing in the conservative,[1] asks if the USA is returning to Victorian values.  He first notes that 47 years ago with the opening of the musical “Hair” that the audience was informed that America was entering the Age of Aquarius and therefore the old moral rules were extinct.  He then acknowledges the massive rise in divorce, cohabitation and illegitimate births in the following decades supporting the concept of the beginning of a new period.

However, Barone now claims that recent trends indicate a return to Victorian values in contrast to the expectation of the freedom-seeking hippies of the 1960s that the Age of Aquarius would continue indefinitely.  The social changes Barone refers to in the USA are the significant decline in teenage sexual activity since 1988, in both males and females, coinciding with a sharp decline in teenage births and drop in the rate of abortions.  Other contemporary Victorian values include new college rules against male-female sexual contact.  Baone referred to a recent poll which indicated that 63% of Americans are uncomfortable with American’s society direction on social issues.  Barone has stated:

“Even the legalization and vastly increased approval of same-sex marriage has a Victorian aspect. The early same-sex marriage advocates Andrew Sullivan and Jonathan Rauch argued that marriage would domesticate homosexuals. There’s logic to that — marriage inevitably includes elements of restriction and restraint — and we will see how it works out.”

In conclusion, Barone suggests that the USA is moving away from the Age of Aquarius and instead heading towards a new Victorian Era.

From the astrological perspective, this is fascinating because, while the sub-periods of the Age of Aquarius do support the recent trend towards a new Victorianism, as suggested by Barone, it does not suggest any long term deviation from the direction of the Age of Aquarius.  The traditional dates for the Victorian era are 1837 to 1901[2] – a period of 64 years and remarkably close to the length of a sub-age decan (see the Age of Aquarius for Dummies).

portrait photograph of Queen Victoria dressed for the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Albany
portrait photograph of Queen Victoria dressed for the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Albany

The Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) commenced with the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1791 – 1851 – 1910) with the highpoint of Cancer associated with the Cancer quasi sub-age (1821 – 1881).  There was a strong overlap between the Cancer sub-age decan and the Victorian era.   The term “Victorian morality” can be used to describe any set of values that promote sexual restraint, low tolerance of crime and a strict social code of conduct.  However the hypocrisy of Victorian time’s has also been widely noted  as prostitution and child labor was endemic.

The world is not returning to Victorian era values aligned to the Cancer sub-age decan, but we are in the middle of a small but temporarily strong Cancer period.  Currently the world is at the peak of the Cancer micro-age and overflow (2000-2014-2029) and so there will be a short term exposure to archetypes associated with Cancer. Such archetypes as shyness, reticence and meekness are associated with Cancer and hedonism is associated with Cancer’s opposite sign Capricorn, so Cancer periods can be anti-hedonistic periods.  The current Cancer period however is not an era, we are in fact in an era defined by Gemini – the first sub-age decan of the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148).  The next time your see someone transfixed by their cellphone or tablet, think Gemini era!

There is a common misconception in the press and urban myth that the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 1960s and 70s but has come and gone.  Firstly the Age of Aquarius did not arrive in the 20th century.  What arrived in the 1960s was a peak at the center of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791-1970-2148).  The commonality between Scorpio and Aquarius is that they are both revolutionary signs, and so revolution was definitely in the air in the 1960s and 70s.  The Age of Aquarius is like an incoming tide.  In an incoming tide, every wave does not extend further up the beach compared to the previous wave – but on average, the waves slowly move up the beach.

So, while Barone may be incorrect in concluding that the Age of Aquarius has been shunted aside by a new Victorian conservative future, his perception of Cancer archetypes in both the Victorian era and current period is perceptive and relevant.  I prefer to refer to non-astrologers for historical assessments as historians, journalists etc are experts in their field, while astrologers are only experts in astrology unless the individual astrologer is also an historian, journalist etc.  This is why so many astrologers make the utterly absurd claim that the Age of Aquarius has recently arrived.  Its like saying the Telephone Age began with the Apple iphone!


The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s

Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World


[1] Michael Barone, “Is America Entering a New Victorian Era?”,, Jul 28, 2015, and

[2] Victorian era. Wikipedia, Retrieved 01:06, August 9, 2015, from

Photograph of Queen Victoria – Photographer – Alexander Bassano (1829–1913), 1887, Source:      

This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan

No Baby Boomer, or anyone born later, has ever experienced a serious Aquarius sub-period of the Age of Aquarius.  When some Baby Boomers turned on, tuned in and dropped out in the 1960s and 70s they were not responding to the new Age of Aquarius, they were mainly responding to the 1970 peak of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148). The combination of revolutionary Scorpio and revolutionary Aquarius produced a major shakeup of mainly western culture and the ripples of this cultural shakeup are still strongly affecting society today.  The latest example is the recent confirmation by the US Supreme Court of the nation-wide legalization of gay marriage. This ruling is also an early example of the new Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow.

The new Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) is the first micro-age decan of the new Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) which resides in the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) – the forth sub-age in the Age of Aquarius.  For an explanation of the sub-periods of the astrological ages, see the Details of the Age of Aquarius for Dummies.

Why should gays have an easy time in an Aquarius micro-age decan?  Aquarius is an extremist sign, and so it places a focus on the outliers of the bell curve, not the mainstream majority.  Any group or sub-culture that is different, eccentric or on the fringe is favored by Aquarius – and this includes homosexuals.  Under Aquarius minorities can temporarily swing the mainstream their way.  This has mixed results as there is no guarantee the minority group is forward thinking with a positive effect upon society.  For example, any examination of the last Aquarius micro-age (1910 – 25) reveals the ability of the fringe Bolsheviks in Russia to take over their government and commence the worldwide communist revolution.

In the more potent Aquarius micro-age overflow period (1925 – 1940) the Nazi’s were able to sway the German public to their fascist principles at the same time similar events were occurring in Spain, Italy and Japan with echoes in most western countries including the USA.  Few people realize that the German Nazi’s never obtained more than a little over 20% electoral support.  The term “Fascism” was first used in 1915 by members of Mussolini’s movement, the Fasci of Revolutionary Action. [1]

The world is not even past the one year mark of the current Aquarius micro-age decan and already it has stamped its mark upon an unsuspecting world.  In the same way that the revolutionary peak of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow in the 1970s resonated with the revolutionary Age of Aquarius, so to the current revolutionary Aquarius micro-age decan resonates with the revolutionary Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148).  We are indeed in for some interesting times, especially in the Aquarius quasi micro-age decan (Jun 2017 – Jun 2022) which corresponds to the upper half of the Aquarius micro-age decan bell curve.

What has occurred since December 2014 that points towards Aquarius apart from confirmation of gay marriage in the USA?  One small but noteworthy item is the clearance given the propose law to the compulsory vaccination of children in California otherwise they will be prevented from attending public or private schools.  This is an example of the coercive fascist side of Aquarius.  On the other side is the legalization of gay marriage in Ireland in May 2015.

On the serious negative side we have the Charlie Hebdo terrorist massacre in January 2015 which can be directly linked astrologically to the four ISIS inspired attacks in June including the deaths of 40 people at the Tunisian resort at Port El Kantaoui.  Aquarius is the sign of radicals and revolutionaries.  There will be more than just radicals and homosexuals associated with the current Aquarius micro-age decan.  In the more advanced or evolved societies, the push will be towards progressive policies, and the legalization of gay marriage is just one such avenue.  In the less evolved societies, there will be a tendency towards fascism of one sort or another.  Countries like Russia, Thailand and much of Asia, Africa and South America will tend towards totalitarian autocratic type rule to solve their problems.  The more entrenched democratic societies are generally protected from such autocratic tendencies but fascist anti- immigration groups will get more powerful and influential even in First World Countries over the coming decade.

Senator Bernie Saunders

How will the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow play out in the USA?  Already Donald Trump has jumped on the fascist-leaning bandwagon with his declaration of virtual war against Mexicans.  Fascism always tends to deal with issues in a black and white fashion exploiting populace views.  The already polarized political spectrum in the USA will become more polarized.  If on one extreme we have Donald Trump, on the other extreme we have Bernie Saunders nominating for the Democrats as their presidential candidate. Bernie is the perfect example of a progressive promoting the positive side of Aquarius.  Hillary Clinton also pushes the Aquarius button as a female president of the USA is a progressive development.

President Franklin Roosevelt

The last Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) is instructive about how the two sides of Aquarius can manifest.  This period saw the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt (1882 – 1945) who was actually one of the most progressive presidents in the history of the USA and in response to the devastation of the Great Depression, he introduced a range of very progressive policies under the New Deal.  He was president from 1933 to 1945 aligned roughly with the Aquarius micro-age overflow (1925 – 1940). FDR’s New Deal promoted united labor unions, big city machines, white ethnics, African Americans, and rural white Southerners while at the same time more closely regulating business and high finance.  Also in line with freedom-loving Aquarius, Prohibition in the USA was repealed in 1933. However all was not rosy in the USA in the 1930s, and the clash of the collective strength of the impoverished and destitute versus local fascism was ably portrayed in John Steinbeck’s novel “Grapes of Wrath”

However in parallel with the progressive FDR, was the appearance of the Black Legion, which included in its membership serving members of the military and National Guard.  This group was the most violent expression of organized opposition against FDR and his New Deal policies. The Black Legion openly acknowledged that they considered the president a threat and sought the overthrow of the government.  The group primarily targeted Communists, blacks, Jews, and Catholics in the name of God for the protection of white Protestant America. The group was heavily associated with the Republican Party.  The group was political, large, and took serious action, including lynching people, shooting murders, floggings, kidnappings, and general threats of violence against people and groups that they opposed. The Black Legion was also acting in accord with the interests of some corporations and actively assisted corporations in union busting and threatening labor organizers.

In addition to the thugs of the Black Legion, some of the most famous American companies and business people were deeply involved with the Fascist regimes of Europe in the 1930s of which they admired.  These included: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK’s father), Charles Lindbergh, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles (later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City Bank, Coca-Cola, and General Electric. It was reported by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974 that:

 “The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II…are instructive…… In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world.  The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war.”[2]

The fascist way of describing corporations is to label them as anti-democratic dark forces of concentrated wealth, but this would be pure idiocy.  Like nearly everything, there are two sides to corporations and business interests.  The wealth and affluence we experience today is due to the successful wealth creation of corporations and business interests over the last few centuries.  When communism banned corporations and private enterprise they not only threw the baby out with the bathwater, they threw out virtually the whole family.  20th century communism was an abject failure but people have difficulty with big picture perspective and therefore cannot see that the world pendulum has swung the other way and has arrived at extreme capitalism.  While extreme capitalism continues to exist, it can sway and influence governments, governmental policies and laws and even more, as the Murdoch press did to the 2000 US elections in what could be regarded as the first corporate coup in the USA.  Corporate heavyweights also planned a coup to topple FDR.  Despite the dark forces around him, FDR instituted many progressive reforms in the USA.

Pushing back to previous Aquarius periods of note we arrive at the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1861) of the Gemini micro-age (1851 -1866).  This is the same combination and arrangement as the current Aquarius micro-age decan.  The 1850s in the USA was the decade of ‘Bleeding Kansas’ when a series of violent political confrontations between anti-slavery and pro-slavery elements took place mainly in the Kansas Territory between 1854 and 1861, exactly coincident with the Aquarius micro-age decan overflow (1856 – 1861) when this Aquarius period was at full strength.  The heart of the conflict was the question of slavery.  This conflict was a proxy war between anti-slavery forces in the North and pro-slavery forces from the South.

This conflict presaged the Civil War (1861 to 1865)[3] exactly coincident with the middle Libra micro-age decan overflow (1861 -1866) of the 19th century Gemini micro-age. This suggests that Libra is a dangerous sign for entrenched traditional elements in the USA and suggest the period 2024 to 2029 (again aligned to a Libra micro-age decan overflow) will be an extreme confrontational period in the USA.  The seeds of this conflict should appear with the current Aquarius micro-age decan (2014 – 2019) and become bleeding obvious in the period 2019 – 2024.  This does not suggest anything as extreme as a civil war, as the 19th century period occurred just past the 1851 peak of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1791-1851-1910) with Cancer in opposition to the highly conservative Capricorn element high on the USA’s totem pole.  Context is everything in macro-astrology.  However the levels of opposition and bitterness will reach new heights.

There is the possibility that another progressive president of FDR genus may appear in American politics under the current Aquarius period.  Bernie Saunders may be FDR reincarnated?  However the current Aquarius period is one third the strength and size of FDR’s Aquarius micro-age and overflow.  This limits both the degree of progressive policies that will occur and the opposing fascists’ sentiments of conservative groups.  However, fascist tendencies will also strengthen in the USA over the coming decade in the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow even if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Saunders becomes president.

If the world just kept going around in circles, we would have the likes of Hitler and Mussolini appear regularly, but  each decade and century pushes the world further into the heartland of the Age of Aquarius, and the astrology strongly suggests that the world is heading towards a more progressive and democratic  world.  As an example, all OECD nations[4] are firmly democratic.  Since December 2014, for the first time in over 7,000 years, the world is in an age, age-decan, sub-age, sub-age decan, micro-age and micro-age decan which when combined with all their respective overflow periods, are ALL in Water or Air zodiacal signs.  It is the Fire and Earth signs that breed conservatism while the Air and Water signs promote progressive liberal policies.  So while there will be some backtracking, especially in the Second and Third World nations, the world is not speeding towards fascism but towards secular progressive democratic liberalism.

The liberal-fascist struggle will be played out mainly in the Middle East, China, Russia and Africa in the coming decade with fascism always the easy option.  The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow sits under the shadow of the Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029).  Cancer promotes China, Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, New Zealand and much of Polynesia, the Middle East including Greece.  These countries and regions excluding Scandinavia, Canada and New Zealand may succumb to backward political developments.  Progressive modern countries will be influenced by both sides of Aquarius but fascism needs an undemocratic environment to succeed and these countries are unlikely to succumb to populace brute force over democracy.

The revealing years for the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is the overflow period of December 2019 to November 2024 when the era of military coups so strong in the 1960s and 70s (under Scorpio) will again affect less evolved countries.  Some second tier countries will make progressive advances and other will turn more to fascism to control their populations.  Third World countries will be the most prone to autocratic exercise of fascism.  The countries most at risk are associated with Leo  as Leo is opposite Aquarius and therefore Leo countries will be either under threat or aggressive.   The Leo associated countries also include all of South America plus Bhutan, France (and particularly Paris – the City of Light), Greece, India, Israel and Zimbabwe – though these lists are incomplete.

Already Paris has been hit with the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack.  Greece resorted to a democratic defense in July 2015 to attempt to fight off the international bankers.  The likely contenders to be caught in the Aquarius net are:  Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and South America in general, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey and the USA. Singapore and Turkey will be interesting case studies to watch to see how far they may graduate into progressive countries or regress into fascism even though Turkey is an OECD country.

Countries that are financially vulnerable under Aquarius are any country associated with Cancer.  This includes a significant number of countries with China at the top of the list followed by Middle Eastern countries, much of Polynesia, France, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Russia, and the UK.  Countries that can lose prestige in any of a number of ways are those countries associated with Scorpio.  Scorpio countries include France, Germany, Indonesia and Japan (though Germany has a strong relationship with Aquarius and therefore avoid any loss of prestige).  The Roman Catholic Church’s reputation or status is also awkward in this period as the Roman Catholic Church is a Pisces-Scorpio institution (with plenty of Aries and Capricorn thrown into the mix).

The four stages of the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow are as follows:

Stage Start End Strength
1 Dec-14 Jun-17 Weak
2 Jun-17 Dec-19 Medium
3 Dec-19 Jun-22 Strong
4 Jun-22 Nov-24 Medium-Strong

The next upgrade of Aquarius is around June 2017 where even stronger hints of what lie ahead should appear.  From December 2019 onwards it is Aquarius all-the-way but from June 2022 it will pull back somewhat as the Libra quasi micro-age decan comes online but there is always a sting in the tail of all periods in macro-astrology.

The Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow will also archetypally interface in part with the Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029) because Cancer is anti-authoritarian and Aquarius is revolutionary which means it is usually fighting authority.  People from one end of the world to the other will be seeking to break free of out-of-date restrictions and limitations.  In response, reactionary forces will institute draconian and fascist’s measures to counter such ‘insurrection’ and the strength of each society will determine which of the progressive or reactionary forces succeed.  In some cases it will be the opposite scenario where the revolutionary forces (ISIS, Taliban, Al Quada etc.) or anti-immigration parties will attempt to exert their views upon society and either succeed or fail.  The anti-immigration forces will strengthen as the Cancer micro-age decan overflow that commenced in December 2014 ensures 7 years of increased movement of people between countries seeking a better home and lifestyle compared to before December 2014.

Another side of Aquarius is excitement.  The last Aquarius micro-age coincided with the Roaring 20s and the Jazz Age.  The cultural aspects of the Roaring Twenties began in leading metropolitan centers, especially Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Paris, Berlin and London; then spread widely in the aftermath of World War I producing a period with a distinct cultural edge. The French called it the “Crazy Years” emphasizing the era’s social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood and Art Deco peaked. The era saw the large-scale use of electricity (ruled by Aquarius) plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. In most major countries women won the right to vote.  The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity associated with (Aquarius) modernity and a break with traditions. Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, movies and radio enhanced the surge of “modernity” to a large part of the population. At the same time, jazz became popular and the period is also often referred to as the Jazz Age.[5]  We can expect exciting times ahead under our smaller Aquarius period and perhaps we will see some Jazz musicians the likes we have not seen for decades? The discordance of jazz matches the eccentric nature of Aquarius.

Finally, the new Aquarius period will ‘oppose’ the remnant influence from the Leo micro-age and overflow (1985-2000-2014) with the Leo micro-age period proper (1985 – 2000) aligned to the greatest bull market of all times.  The first major threat to the (Leo) bull market was the Scorpio micro-age decan overflow (2010-2014) coinciding with the darkest years of the recent Global Recession as Scorpio ‘demotes’ anything associated with Leo.  The remnants of the Leo bull market left in the world will get trampled upon by the Aquarius period, especially its overflow commencing in December 2019. This may already be affecting China’s share markets.

Aquarius is one of the ruling signs for astrology, the other two keys signs also recognized as being associated with astrology are Scorpio and Cancer.[6] Considering the world is in the most potent Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148), Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029) and now in the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (2014-2019-2024) we can expect some significant developments in the world of astrology, especially in the period 2019 to 2024.

As the world slowly creaks towards the strength of the Aquarius Age over the coming centuries, the tide passes over different landscapes, and the main landscape at this part of the Age of Aquarius is defined by Scorpio due to the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148).  Change is accelerated at this time as both Scorpio and Aquarius promote change.  Despite the great change forecast for the rest of this century, there is nothing as dire or gloomy as existed in the much of the first part of the 20th century.  However Scorpio provides a hint at how to best deal with our time.  Scorpio indicates that what is external is vulnerable because the strength lies inside.  Scorpio is the time of inner truth and history indicates that in previous Scorpio periods, there were a far greater number of seers, visionaries and promoters of Truth compared to other periods.  For example one of the greatest promoter of inner truth (when he was alive) was Jesus Christ[7] who lived almost at the same exact stage the world is in now but in the previous Peace_signScorpio sub-age overflow (8 BC – 173 AD).  Our 2015 corresponds to year 36 AD.  For those worried about climate change and the environment, the world will eventually be saved by the ethos of the new green and environmental movement that grew out of the alternative revolution of the 1960s and 70s at the peak of Scorpio.  This will not succeed in the coming decade, but it will eventually succeed.

Never a dull moment under Aquarius!


Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

The Progressives’ Lament


[1]. Paul O’Brien. “Mussolini in the First World War: The Journalist, The Soldier, The Fascist”. p. 52

[2] RG Price, “Fascism Part II: The Rise of American Fascism”, May 15, 2004,

[3] Bleeding Kansas, Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:09, July 5, 2015, from

[4] OECD nations: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,  Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2015, June 27), Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:03, July 11, 2015, from

[5] Roaring Twenties. (2015, July 8). Wikipedia, Retrieved 01:02, July 9, 2015, from

[6] Research has found that over the last 2,000 years whenever significant periods are ruled by Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius, great strides are made in the evolution of astrology.

[7] Glenville Whittaker, “For Christ’s Sake: pressing the refresh button on the life of Jesus”, 2014


Associated Posts

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 1

Will New Agers Rule the World

Scorpio – the Sign of the Times


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell – details of purchasing the book available

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies – explains the structure and sub-periods associated with the astrological ages

Aquarian Age Economics – Examines the relationship between macro-astrology and financial cycles

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

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“The Dawning” is available from Xlibris, Amazon etc
Detailed examination of the astrological ages from the Age of Leo to the Age of Aquarius including age-decans