Is Western Society Due Another Revolution?

For most people in the western world, astrology is just the sun-sign.   Astrologers are not so circumscribed – they know that the sun-sign is just one of a huge number of influential astrological factors including the ascendant, moon signs, aspects and so on that are available in interpreting and predicting events associated with a person, object or event.

When it comes to the astrological ages, the situation is, in a way, almost reversed.  The average astrologer has usually heard of the Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius and plus some earlier ages such as the Age of Cancer – with each age somewhere around 2155 years each.  This is akin to sun-sign astrology.  The astrological age in play at any time in history is just one of many factors of the astrological influences that can be extracted from them.

Firstly, each age has three age-decans of almost 720 years each.  Secondly, each age has twelve sub-ages of almost 180 years each.  These again have three sub-age decans of almost 60 years each and 12 micro-ages of approximately 15 years each – and it does not stop there.  Micro-ages have 12 nano-ages of approximately 15 months each, and in the last few years, I have even been employing pico-ages that are only about 5 weeks in length.  These pico-ages provide valuable insights into subtle financial market gyrations. (For more details on the mechanics of the astrological ages, see The Age of Aquarius for Dummies.

The upshot of all these sub-periods is that when any historical event or current affair is examined, it has to be correlated to the appropriate sub-period of an astrological age, otherwise it is like a client wanting to know their future but only provide their sun-sign!

For any astrologer wanting to learn about the sub-periods of the astrological ages, the best sub-periods to commence with are the sub-ages because a new sub-age arrives approximately every 179 years.  Compare this to an age of some 2150 years – the common thread that must remain historically relevant for over 2,000 years, is very thin.  The common thread associated with a sub-age is far shorter and thicker – and thus easier to identify.

The focus in this article is upon the sub-ages that have been experienced within the current Age of Aquarius to date and specifically upon new cultural, social or political movements that have “revolutionised” western society with the arrival of every new sub-age commencing with the 15th century.  It seems that the world is always in decay, but decay can be taken only for so long.  Since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius there have been three large scale revolutions in western society, and we are again facing the problems and issues of another deterioration of western society requiring another revolution?

The three revolutions that have occurred since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius are related to the first three sub-ages within the Age of Aquarius.

Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612)

Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791)

Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970)

The Capricorn Revolution

A medieval scene of a cleric, soldier and worker

What was life like in 1433 AD at the arrival of the Age of Aquarius?  It was medieval!  The greatest institution in western society was the Roman Catholic Church that was riddled with extreme corruption and people could purchase their way to heaven by buying indulgences, thus supplying a steady income stream to the church.  Society’s perspective was based on the extremely conservative Christian tradition and there was no room for rationality or empirical evidence if the Bible had already commented upon a particular subject.  Furthermore, the church was able to dream up dogma on just about anything based on their religious concepts. People lived in a fantasy or what the world was, what it existed in, and how things worked.  People could be burnt alive for being witches.  It was an abject state of affairs and it made living more difficult than necessary as delusion, corruption and ignorance were accepted as real.

So what happened to correct this absurd state of affairs?  It all started with the appearance and evolution of Protestantism in Europe commencing in 1529.  The term derives from the letter of “protestation” from German Lutheran princes in 1529 against an edict of the Roman Catholic Church Diet of Speyer condemning the teachings of Martin Luther as heretical.

In the 16th century, Lutheranism, or associated reformed churches, spread from Germany into most of Northern Europe by such reformers as John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and John Knox. Protestants developed their own culture, which made major contributions in education, the humanities and sciences, the political and social order, the economy and the arts, and other fields.  The Protestants brought the first modern revolution to western society. In their day, they were the revolutionaries.

The changes brought about by Protestantism include a massive drive to educate their youth.  For example, when the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628, they founded Harvard College only eight years later.  Protestants believed that God gave them the power to reason, greatly contributing to the modern Scientific Revolution.  The main part of the Protestant’s moral code was industry, frugality, calling, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility – all strong Capricorn archetypes.  In tune with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, Protestantism was almost pure democracy in its internal structure compared to the Roman Catholic Church.  This new culture underpinned the formation of the USA.

It should also be noted that the modern Scientific Revolution appropriately commenced with this Capricorn sub-age but the first Age of Science or Scientific Revolution commenced in Ancient Greece  in the previous Capricorn sub-age (551 BC – 370 BC).  According to Nick Campion, this previous scientific revolution was “perhaps comparable to that which transformed European though from around 1500 to 1700, from Copernicus to Newton.”[1]

The Sagittarius Revolution

The bourgeoisie benefited from the Sagittarius sub-age and their “revolution” brought wealth to poverty-stricken western culture.  There were many

The prototypical bourgeois: Monsieur Jourdain, the protagonist in Molière’s play Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670).

revolutions in Europe in the early 1600’s because

There is nothing which stirs and angers the people more than food shortages and the cost of bread.[2]

The common term the “nouveau riche” also applied to the bourgeoisie as a derogatory term by the aristocracy against people that made their wealth from business.  In the 17th and 18th century, the bourgeoisie  were in battle against the Law of Privilege – the divine right to rule by the nobles and aristocracy.  The English Civil War (1642–51), the American War of Independence (1775–83), and French Revolution (1789–99) were partly motivated by the desire by the bourgeoisie to rid themselves of the feudal and royal encroachments on their personal liberty, commercial prospects, and the ownership of property. The extent of the bourgeoisie revolution in England is framed by one history book as “England, Towards a Bourgeois Monarchy”.[3]

In tandem with the bourgeoisie revolution was another major Sagittarius archetype – international travel and affairs.  This sub-age saw the flowering of the great joint-stock companies which emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe which served a leading role in spurring on global commerce and colonization.  The two most famous companies were the English East India Company and the Dutch East India Company – both from Protestant countries.  The end result of the bourgeoisie revolution was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution leading to the greatest economic boom and population explosion the world has ever experienced.

The Scorpio Revolution

The two signs strongly related to revolution are Aquarius and Scorpio, so any Scorpio sub-age within the Age of Aquarius is going to be highly revolutionary, and this sub-age lived up to its archetype.  The great revolution of the Scorpio sub-age was the Workers’ Revolution who basically took on the baton from the bourgeoisie and virtually eliminated western aristocracy in a little over a century.  The plight of workers at the beginning of the Scorpio sub-ages was pitiful.  The first excesses of the Industrial Revolution had created factories involving long hours, child workers, dangerous conditions and low pay while too many bourgeoisie owners behaved like Scrooge McDuck.

At the beginning of this sub-age in 1791, almost the whole of western society remained firmly under control of monarchs and the aristocracy with the

c.1865: Karl Marx (1818-1883), philosopher and German politician. (Photo by Roger Viollet Collection/Getty Images)

bourgeoisie making great inroads – the USA being the key exception to monarchy.  By 1970, only vestiges of monarchs remained.

However, the workers were not just against the aristocracy, they were also against the bourgeoisie – the owners of businesses. The key year was 1848 when there were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe. It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history.  As a result, significant lasting reforms included the abolition of serfdom in Austria and Hungary, the end of absolute monarchy in Denmark, and the introduction of parliamentary democracy in the Netherlands.  Austria and Prussia eliminated feudalism by 1850, improving the lot of the peasants. European middle classes made political and economic gains over the next 20 years; France retained universal male suffrage. Russia would later free the serfs on February 19, 1861.

A key expression of the Workers Revolution was trade unions.  They were banned in the UK in 1799 and severely repressed until 1824.  More permanent trade unions were established in the UK from the 1850s.  They were finally legalised in 1872 (in the UK).

The working class was not content to just being limited to forming trade unions, it was from the excess of extremists elements of the working class that brought the Russian Revolution in 1917 resulting in the communisation of much of the Eurasian land mass by 1950.  The workers finally got rid of the nobles, bourgeoisie and church – but this excess has been brought back to earth not long after the arrival of the Libra sub-age in 1970.  Nevertheless, something that is never taught in schools is that under the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), the biggest revolution the world has ever experienced took place.

The Libra Revolution

Each of the above revolutions arrived due to mass discontent of a significant part of western society against limitations and strictures placed upon them.  The limitations usually come from entrenched anti-democratic forces.  If history is any guide, then the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) should produce another “revolution”.  However what kind of revolution will Libra produce, as it is not a zodiacal sign renown for revolutionary intensity?  It may be better to say “evolution” in place of “revolution” but with the understanding that the result is the same – a major change in direction against an entrenched force.

What are the problems that exist in western society that require an evolution/revolution to fix?  It is not hard to see what the problem is – it is the agenda of most western nations promoting extremists capitalism.  The role of capitalism in the world today represents the opposite extreme of communism of the last century which was in reality extremist socialism.  Capitalism places money at the top of the totem pole, and this has resulted in the ongoing expansion of climate change due to out-of-control pollution in all of its forms and guises. It has also produced a ridiculous situation whereby as of 2015, the richest 1% of the world’s population now owns 50% of its total wealth.[4]

What many people are ignorant about is that when the first western democracy appeared in Ancient Greece (appropriately under the influence of the last Aquarius sub-age), the Athenians were not looking for democracy, they were just looking for a way to prevent utter chaos in their society due to the shenanigans of the rich.

The Libra revolution is firmly in place – it started with the Peace movement, hippies and the appearance of post-modernism in the 1960’s and 70’s.  So powerful and noticeable was this period that it is taken as granted in the American media that the 1960’s and 70’s was the Age of Aquarius with many contemporary writers and media articles waxing lyrical about the Age of Aquarius as if it was a 20 year age!  The 1960’s and 70’s was not the beginning of the Age of Aquarius but the high-point of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148).  Both Scorpio and Aquarius are revolutionary signs, so the revolutionary energies are high (pun not intended).

We are not looking at a violent and turbulent revolution because Libra is in the mix. Not only does the Libra sub-age begin in 1970, coinciding with the

This is a poster for the musical Hair.

Scorpio sub-age overflow, but we are also slowly approaching the high-point of the massive Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2148 – 2863) and Libra is opposite in nature to violent Aries.  Violent Aries is in for a surprise as Libra grows in strength, as aggression and violence will be replaced by peace and harmony, but not necessarily agreement.  We can expect a bi-polar world of some sort or another, probably split between totalitarian and democratic states with China at the apex of the totalitarian model (China also has a strong association with Libra).  We can also expect by the middle of the 22nd century that western nations will be relatively split between environmentalists with progressive agendas and died-in-the-wool capitalists keen to make a profit, but more constrained than the current free wheeling extreme capitalism that is currently running the world.

We are not going to see a perfect world (if such a thing is remotely possible), but a world that has been further tweaked, in the same way that the previous three sub-ages have seriously tweaked western society.  One of the reasons why so many people feel anguish at the current state of affairs in the world is that a small but significant percentage of western society has moved their heads into the new reality.  From the perspective of the new reality, the current situation of an anachronistic billionaire at the helm of the greatest nation in the world is just pure anathema, which combined with the ongoing and accelerating worldwide environmental disaster, billions spent on armaments when many many millions of people still starve and suffer – is just to hard to bear.  Major revolutions and evolutions are a multi-century affairs, and those that have the new consciousness will need to include patience and forbearance into their psychological outlook.

The outlook and consciousness of the standard bearers for change in western society will also evolve and develop over the coming century and more.  Some years ago a came across the small movement that promoted non-aggressive communication, which was looked upon like veganism as just being an idealistic extremist agenda with little of no relevance for the wider society.  Recently, I also heard an interesting personal outlook for the new age that is developing that went something like this:

Do not offend anyone.

Do not take offence from anyone.

Do not retaliate or take revenge against anyone that has offended you.

This kind of outlook is the harbinger of the world that is coming.  It is a recipe for harmony, understanding and consciousness.  It will not be a perfect world, but it will resolve some or many of the problems and injustices that remain prevalent in the world.  Most science fiction writers, novels and movies get the future completely wrong.  The common Hollywood expectation is either a world with more advanced technology in a corporate fascist environment or a post-apocalyptic world with numerous hardships and privations in an environment of survival of the fittest or most dangerous.  Neither of these two scenarios align with the current growing strength of Libra in the world.

I have been writing about the good news of where the world is heading  for some time, but we will only see the early stages.  Already the LGBT community is experiencing the benefits of this change, and the ongoing equalization of the sexes has made another step forward in the Me-Too movement.  If you are focused upon where we are going, and avoid focusing upon the inequities in the world carried forward from the past, the world suddenly becomes a better place in your personal bubble.

Some of my previous posts on where the world is heading are listed below:

The Silent Revolution

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Will New Agers Rule the World?

The Future of Capitalism in the Age of Aquarius

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

The Progressives’ Lament

The Real Revolution in the USA

Note: the above was adopted from an article published in the FAA Journal Volume 47 No. 3, June 2017 published by the Federation of Australian Astrologers


[1] Nicholas Campion, “The Dawn of Astrology”, Continuum, London, 2008 p.74

[2] “The Collins Atlas of World History”, London, 1987, p 158

[3] “The Collins Atlas of World History”, London, 1987, p 156

[4] Daniel Bentley, “The top 1% now owns half the world’s wealth”, Fortune, Oct 15, 2015,

The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960′s or ’70s (Revised)

© Terry MacKinnell 2008, 2011 All Rights Reserved

The most commonly stated urban myth about the Aquarian age is that it commenced in the 1960s or ’70s. Blogs from one end of the world to the other repeatedly discuss the arrival of the Aquarian age in those rebellious and drug-fuelled times.  Just because the musical Hair commenced proclaiming in the 1960s that ‘this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…’ does not make it so. If all the people in the world jumped up and down in unison declaring this is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius could not care less, even if everyone sang it in key!

The behind-the-scenes understanding of the Aquarian age, and astrological ages in general, requires some knowledge of astronomy and astrology.  However, even in the astrological world, very few astrologers research the subject, while most of the other astrologers have little more knowledge on the astrological ages than the general public. The most common statement on the subject, from those few research astrologers that examine the ages, is that the previous age, the Age of Pisces, arrived with the birth of Jesus Christ. Pisces is the sign of two fish.  Since early times Christians preferred the fish symbol for Christianity, so astrologers behave like Homer Simpson and say d’oh – ‘Jesus must have started the Pisces age’.

However if Jesus commenced the Pisces age, the earliest the Aquarian age can arrive is around 2150. Why? Because the cycle of ages due to precession of the equinoxes takes approximately 26,000 years to make one revolution. In the approx. 26,000 years cycle each age appears for approximately 2150 years each. Therefore if the Pisces age commenced with Jesus then the Aquarian age cannot commence before approx. 2150. Secondly, many astrologers believe that due to the haphazard sizes of the zodiacal constellation, the Pisces age must be closer to 2600 years in length as the constellation of Pisces is a large constellation on the ecliptic, and takes up more than 30 degrees – the average or standard size assigned to each zodiacal constellation. Based on this approach, many
astrologers believe the Aquarian age will not arrive until around the year 2600 – almost six centuries into the future.

The problem with the Aquarian age arriving in the middle of the 22nd or much later at the beginning of the 27th centuries is how to explain all the Aquarian
developments in the world today. Such Aquarian developments include electricity, computers, flight, space travel and democracy. All these have strong archetypal affinity to Aquarius and no relationship to Pisces.  What do these have to do with the Pisces age?

To get around this awkward question the solution is easy – just state that we are approaching the cusp of the Pisces and Aquarian ages, and at the cusp there is a blurring of the two influences. Unfortunately no experienced astrologer to my knowledge has ever experienced cusps. Cusps are an urban myth popular with those members of the general public with a little knowledge of astrology and with novice astrologers who do not know any better. In over three decades of studying astrology, I have never encountered a factual explanation of cusps that justify their existence nor heard from any experienced astrologer that cusps have any validity.

The common approach to the astrological ages is a good demonstration of irrationality at work. When no justification for the arrival of the Aquarian age before 2150 can be supplied, astrologers have invented a solution that no one has proved or can substantiate. In past times this is called ‘building your house on sand rather than rock’. The house is going to fall down if built upon the sand. Cusps are made of sand.

What else is sand here? Something very simple and totally overlooked. There is no doubt that Christianity has a relationship with Pisces. Pisces shares the fish symbol with Christianity and Pisces is also associated with mysticism and mystical religions, and religions based on salvation. But the BIG question is, why
should the Pisces age begin with the arrival of the avatar of Western culture?  Who said that ages must begin with a famous person? What about Buddha or
Zoroaster, why could not the Pisces age be already in place when Buddha appeared around six centuries earlier?

The whole mess of an Aquarian age not arriving before 2150 or much later is dependent on the unsubstantiated assumption that Jesus began the Pisces age. When I have confronted some astrologers about this anomaly their eyes turn blank and their aura recedes because astrologers are not accustomed to think about the ages in general and the Aquarian age in particular. Astrologers are deep thinkers, but not when it comes to the ages. The study of the astrological ages is one area in astrology where astrologers can dream up all manner of unsubstantiated nonsense and pretend it is true. If this is how astrologers behave, no wonder the urban myths on the Aquarian age are in lala land.

If the Aquarian age arrived, say at 1970, then the Pisces age should have arrived at around 181 BC (1970 AD – 2150 = 181 BC). What happened around 181 BC to indicate a major historical shift in gears? Nothing! There is no reason to believe that the Pisces age arrived around 181 BC. However this does not mean that 181 BC was not in the Pisces age.

One of the main reasons that astrologers, and many members of the general public, have a problem aligning astrological ages with history is that, by and large,
astrologers and the general public are not historians.  For the historical-challenged (i.e. most people), the revolutionary fervent around the 1960s and 70s was strongly evident.  Yes there were bohemians well before this time, and beatniks appeared in the 1950s but the intensity of youthful revolutionary passion in the 60s and 70s was awesome in comparison.  However the historical problem with a new age arriving in the 60s and 70s is that the revolutionary fervent occurred in a culture in progress that has been developing for many centuries.

Historians claim that the modern world is the result of many significant changes that have their seed around the 15th century – often called the Early
Modern Period. Even Wikipedia states that:

modernity has been associated with cultural and intellectual movements of 1436—1789 and extending to the 1970s or later

Some commentators state that the world has recently entered the era of postmodernism, and some claim that we are now in the period of post-postmodernism.  The common denominator of Early Modern, modern, postmodernism and even post-postmodernism is that these are all aspects of modernity.  The modern world commenced unfolding in the 15th century.  Along the way, many significant and major developments have occurred within the unfolding of the modern world, but they are all one continuum.  Most people are unaware of the significant historical events that occurred and began
in the 15th century.

The upshot of all this is that from a simplistic and obvious point of view the Age of Aquarius has not only arrived – it arrived in the 15th century!  Another reason why astrologers are unaware of this reality (apart from a lack of historical perspective) is that for over the last 2100 years, the calibration technique adopted by astrologers to determine the astrological ages has been incorrect.  Many of the techniques of the ancients have been found faulty, and from the 15th
century onwards, scientists and academics have turned upside down ancient science and replaced ancient approximations or incorrect approaches with
approaches based on evidence and logic (empiricism). Until recently, the  calibration technique adopted by the ancients to measure the arrival of the
astrological ages such as the Age of Aquarius has not been closely examined.

Though the Aquarian age did not arrive in the 1960s and 70s, an important point within the Aquarian age did occur in 1970.  Each age contains 12 sub-ages of around 179 years.  In 1970, the Scorpio sub-age came to its end and simultaneously achieved its highest power. Both Aquarius and Scorpio are associated with revolution – so at a Scorpio high point around the 1970s, revolution will be very powerful.

For more details of the Scorpio sub-age, refer to SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times.

SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1

Part 1 –Revolution and Tyrants

Five years ago my article SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times was published in the Astrological Monthly Review (Vol. 68, No. 11, November 2006, pgs 27-31). Within the Aquarian age, the most relevant aspect that relates to the 21st century is Scorpio.  This is because there are twelve sub-ages in each age, and the Scorpio sub-age existed from 1791 until 1970.  Due to the fact that the greatest manifestation of influence for any age or sub-period is in the immediate following period, the peak potential for Scorpio is actually 1970 to 2148.  There are smaller sub periods in the astrological ages than sub-ages.  Each sub-age has twelve micro-ages of approximately 15 years each, with each micro-age consisting of three decans of approximately five years each The Scorpio micro-age decan ran from 2005 until 2010, with its overflow period 2010 to 2015 its most potent time – especially 2010 to 2012.  The whole period 2005 to 2015 is a Scorpio hotspot as this little Scorpio micro-age decan resonates with the momentum of the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148)

In the article published in 2006 I identified the prime concepts associated with Scorpio:

  • Revolution and general instability
  • tyrants with their cruelty
  • terrorists
  • spiritual regeneration
  • death, assassinations and murder
  • waste products from any process, which naturally includes sewage and pollution
  • atomic energy and bombs
  • almost everything associated with sex
  • taxes and debt (including credit cards)
  • underground criminal organisations
  • spy networks
  • minimalism

Revolution and General Instability

Recent evidence, especially since about 2007, strongly supports the existence of this Scorpio hotspot.  Let’s start with revolution and general instability.  The flare-up of disenchanted citizens in many Middle Eastern countries since early 2011 is widespread and includes: Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Jordan, Mauritania, Sudan, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Djibouti, Morocco, Iraq, Somalia, Bahrain, Iran and Kuwait.  The unrest commenced in Tunisia in December 2010 and two established leaders have already been overthrown – in Tunisia and Egypt. In response a number of these countries have enacted democratic reforms, but some have created greater repression of their political opponents or citizens.[1]

From an astrological perspective, it is interesting that the current round of revolutionary fervour is basically located in Middle Eastern Muslim nations, while the similar revolutionary fervour of the 1960s and 70s was mainly associated with Western nations.  The main exception to this was Iran.  The current Middle Eastern instability is occurring in the Cancer micro-age (2000 – 2015).  Cancer is the main sign associated with Islam, and also has long antecedents in the Middle East (Cancer is always associated with the middle of anything, including particularly the stomach). Even the recent riots (since 2005) in French cities were by disaffected Muslim youths.  This is interesting from the point that the signs Cancer and Scorpio have strong antecedents in France, and the Muslim urban guerrillas seems to be mainly a French phenomenon rather than a European or western phenomenon.

The current revolutionary unrest may be a small preview of what is to come.  The Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029) is potentially the first of a number of highly revolutionary periods experienced in the world for around 7,000 years (see A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making ).  The Cancer micro-age overflow is also the same time period as the Gemini micro-age which contains within it the revolutionary Aquarian micro-age decan and overflow (2015 – 2024) with the most potent time around 2020.  Will the Middle East explode?

The last time the world experienced a Scorpio micro-age decan and overflow within a Cancer micro-age was 1841 to 1851.  It was during this period that the first explosions of western working class people began against their mainly despotic and anti-democratic rulers.  At the forefront of this new revolutionary sensibility of the working class was the publication in 1848 of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  After 30 years of relative calm, major revolutions in 1848 provided Europe with a taste of things to come. Similar to exiting despotic rulers in the Middle East, the western monarchial governments severely repressed their citizens in the 18th century. It took over 100 years, but by the end of the 20th century, most people in western countries existed in a democratic environment.  Freedom does not come easily!

The astrology of the astrological ages indicates that not all the world is unilaterally affected at the same time when a new age or sub-period arrives.  There is no doubt that when the Scorpio sub-age arrived in 1791, Europe was ready for its revolution, and over the course of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), this definitely took place.  At the beginning of the sub-age, Europe was mainly ruled by monarchs.  A little after the end of the sub-age, Europe consists mainly of democratic nations.  This was a real revolution and probably the greatest revolution the world has ever experienced!  In the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148), the same kind of revolutionary energy that Europe experienced in the 19th and 20th centuries, will fan out to the rest of the world like the wake of a boat.  The fact that in the current Scorpio hotspot, the revolutionary zeal is mainly focused upon Middle Eastern Muslim nations, strongly suggests the new theatre of action over the next century or so.  From the macro-astrological perspective, the tyrannical, dictatorial and repressive regimes in the Middle East seem to have the edge over the demonstrators except in Tunisia, Egypt and perhaps Libya.

The citizens of the Middle East will not see the arrival of their democratic rights en mass in the next year or decade except in some lucky countries. However their quest for freedom may not take as long or be drawn out compared to what occurred in the West over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.  The macro-astrological conditions for the rest of the 21st centuries are extremely volatile and revolutionary – far more than the 19th and 20th centuries. Whichever Middle Eastern nations retain autocratic and monarchial control by 2074 will have to withstand the 60 years long Aquarian sub-age decan overflow (2074-2148).  Combining revolutionary Aquarius with the revolutionary Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) is going to create some very interesting political conditions in many areas of the world – heads will roll.

One major difficulty for these fledging Middle Eastern revolutionaries is the enormous amount of money their mainly despotic rulers have available to repress their subjects.  The West is pouring its financial resources into these nations in exchange for the economic heroin of the time – oil. The West also has its armaments industries assiduously arming these despots “for a profit”.  Therefore the fundamental difference between Europeans citizens fighting for the democratic rights over the last two centuries and Middle Eastern citizens is that their autocratic leaders are receiving enormous support from the western countries to maintain their autocratic authority.  This highlights one of those contradictions of the modern world.

In the current Aquarian age (really the Pisces-Aquarius age), the main sign is medieval Pisces, not democratic Aquarius. One Pisces delusion in the world today is that western democratic countries do the work of well-meaning democracies.  Just because a country is nominally democratic within its own borders, does not prevent it behaving abominably outside of its borders.  The role that western democratic nations have taken in the world is the role of the medieval lord of the manor demanding obeisance of its serfs (developing and Third World nations).  The west consumes the most, borrows the most, pollutes the most and enacts policies to maintain this position of privilege and power. It is in the best interests of western capitalists that Middle Eastern countries provide them with oil in exchange for providing massive financial support that enables Middle Eastern despots to keep their citizens subjugated.

The geo-political reality of the modern world is therefore unlikely to stand by while the suppliers of their next fix of oil get consumed by any revolutionary rabble.  Yes there will be some lip service towards nebulous democratic ideals – and in places like Libya it will be convenient as a payback time. Libya has long been a rogue state from the western perspective and therefore becomes the public relations scapegoat promoting the perspective that the western intervention is seen as the west fulfilling its democratic duty.   This takes the media focus way from other countries such as Bahrain where the Saudi’s in their tanks arrived to quell those pesky citizens having the temerity to demand their democratic rights – why don’t they obey their king like obedient subjects and keep those oil wells flowing?

Astrology is not biased towards good winning over evil.  While the Middle Eastern unrest is mainly a secular drive for freedom, all the other revolutionaries around the world are busy blowing up churches, mosques, temples and innocent people to further their extremist agendas.  They are also empowered by the current Scorpio hotspot.  So we have about four more years of concentrated freedom seeking revolutionaries and extremist terrorists creating turmoil.  The current Scorpio hotspot sits within the shadow of the Leo micro-age overflow (2000-2014) indicating, as a general rule, that the autocratic leaders have the (astrological) momentum compared to their revolutionary citizens.  This also applies to terrorists.  So while the Middle East revolutionaries may extract little major change in the current Scorpio hotspot, neither will the extremist terrorists.  This is all due to change by 2020 at the latest when a foretaste of the end of the 21st century is experienced.


Tyrants have come out of the closet with the arrival of the current Scorpio hotspot– and top of the list is Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, but he is not alone in his obnoxiousness.  In real terms the first prize should go to Kim Jong-il of North Korea – shelling a South Korean inhabited island, launching provocative missiles, sinking a South Korean naval ship and always threatening to produce nuclear weapons. It is one of those ironies of the astrological ages and politics that the same sign Scorpio breeds revolutions and tyrants.  They both seem to appear relatively simultaneously.

Of course tyrants have only appeared since the rise of “civilization”. Examination of Colonel Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il is like being in a time machine as they are good examples of the common political reality over the last 5,000 years in most “civilized” nations. Most European countries as well as most countries over the last 5,000 regularly had leaders as obnoxious (and far more so) as Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il.  Take the Taliban and their persecutions in Afghanistan when they held power prior to 9/11.  They behaved exactly the same as the Roman Catholic Church in the Inquisition only a few centuries ago – except the Inquisition lasted a much longer time.

There are some interesting macro-astrological connections to these modern day tyrants.  First, Colonel Gaddafi – he came to power in 1969, one year before the peak of Scorpio from the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970).  Gaddafi is therefore a child of Scorpio. Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia came to power in 1980, towards the end of the Scorpio micro-age overflow (1970 – 85) but was fully active in the opposition to the white-minority Rhodesian government and saw the end of the Scorpio sub-age in 1970 serving a jail sentence as a political prisoner from 1964 to 1974. Like Colonel Gaddafi, Mugabe is also a child of Scorpio.  The tyrannical Iranian government also appeared in the Scorpio micro-age overflow in 1979 making a strong Scorpio connection to the Iranian government.

At the top of the tyrannical league, the only one without a strong Scorpio connection is Kim Jong-il of North Korea.  He is the leader of a government that first came to power in 1948, which does have Scorpio as a strong background sign, but was formed when the Capricorn sub-age overflow (1940-55) was the dominant sign.  On the micro-age decan level 1948 sits smack in the middle of the Leo micro-age decan overflow (1945-50).  Capricorn combined with Leo are both leadership signs bereft of any democratic content.  In North Korea they have combined the harsh authoritarianism and frugality of Capricorn with the ego of Leo – the king of the jungle as their ‘magnificent’ leader taking them on to their glorious socialist future.  North Korea is currently benefiting from the Leo sub-age overflow (2000-14) when astrologically, the sun shines the brightest upon North Korea.  However Leo does not benefit Capricorn as it produces lack of financial resources and even bankruptcy.

The shifting emphasis to Cancer as the current Cancer micro-age (2000–15) reaches its highpoint in 2015 will create a strong impediment to Capricorn (Cancer is opposite Capricorn).  Cancer is also the 12th house to Leo – with the 12th house indicating endings, perils and self-undoing.  Therefore the most likely tyrant to fall is Kim Jong-il.  In a Wikileaks release in 2010 it was revealed that Chinese diplomats had suggested that North Korea should be taken over by South Korea and that China was getting tired of the childish antics of the North Koreans.[2]  North Korea’s days may be numbered. Between now and 2015, when Cancer achieves full strength, there is a small gear change for Cancer – around 2012.  It is possible around 2012 the situation may further develop or deteriorate, but it is from 2015 onwards that the real hurdle for North Korea appears.

Robert Mugabe’s age may save Zimbabwe – at 87 years he surely has a limited time ahead at the helm.  Mugabe came to power in 1980 placing this in the Capricorn micro-age (1975 – 80) as a key supporting sign.  Like Kim Jong-il, this also puts him and his followers on a collision path with the peak of the Cancer micro-age in 2015.  In the meantime he can cause more havoc.  The Iranian government commencing 1979 is much the same as for Mugabe. Interesting times ahead for Iran as Cancer grows in strength towards 2015.

It is only Colonel Gaddafi that is almost pure Scorpio.  The Leo micro-age (2000-15) places anything associated with Scorpio in the limelight and favours the ruler of their subjects.  The current Scorpio micro-age decan overflow (2010-15) normally would assist him and the looming rising influence of Cancer is usually not a problem for Scorpio.  Born in 1942 when Capricorn was at its peak strength may just put him intrinsically on a collision course with his population as the strength of Cancer rises – but this is speculative.  Gaddafi also has strong tribal support for his rule.  If the Libyan uprising is a drawn-out conflict, this would suit western powers, as they can demonstrate their altruism in bringing democracy to the Middle East as a smokescreen for the oil-fix commercial reality, while people needlessly die, and more repressive Middle Eastern nations continue on in their merry ways with the tacit support of western nations.

Continue Reading: SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited Part 2 – Nuclear Issues

[1]2010–2011 Middle East and North Africa protests.” Wikipedia, 21 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Apr. 2011.

[2]Simon Tisdall , Wikileaks cables reveal China ‘ready to abandon North Korea‘,, Monday 29 November 2010 21.30 GMT

The Eight Most Popular Posts for Further Investigation

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies

An Age Old Mistake That Still Haunts Astrologers

The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Generational Astrology – Introduction (Part 1)

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

Is Trump the New Caligula



For detailed background information on the mechanics of macro-astrology used in this post, please refer to theAge of Aquarius for Dummies

Further resources from Terry MacKinnell – details of purchasing the book available

Demystifying the Aquarian Age for the interested general public and astrologers

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

Online Institute of Macro-Astrology – details on how to learn macro-astrology

Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius

Everyone wants to live at the beginning of an age.  Every half century or so someone somewhere thinks we are at the beginning of some new age, era or epoch.  The Nazis thought they were at the beginning of a glorious thousand years age under the swastika.  With the Mayan calendar finishing in 2012, many people will proclaim this the beginning of a new age and some have already claimed (erroneously) that 2012 marks the start of the Age of Aquarius.

Though we are not at the beginning of the Aquarian age, Baby Boomers are an identifiable generation that is associated with the Age of Aquarius.  Where do Baby Boomers sit in the Aquarian Age?  This is not as difficult as it sounds as there is only one sign that booms (if you exclude the boom of cannons which would make it Aries).

The best way to approach this question is to think of a clock with an hour, minute and second hand.  In the Aquarian age the hour hand points to Aquarius.  Just as in each hour there are minutes, each age has sub-ages.    The equivalent to the second hand is a micro-age.  Ages are approximately 2150 years long, sub-ages 179 years and micro-ages 15 years.

It is the second hand, pointing at micro-ages that indicate the relationship between Baby Boomers and the Age of Aquarius.  Between 1940 and 1955 was the Sagittarius micro-age with its momentum carrying over up to 1970.  The Sagittarius quasi micro-age (1948-1962), representing the peak of the Sagittarius micro-age bell-curve aligns itself remarkably well to the baby Boomer generation.  According to Wikipedia, Baby Boomers are those people born between 1946 and 1964, peaking around 1957 but plummeting from 1964 onwards due to the availability of the birth control pill.

Sagittarius is the sign that is associated with expansion, good fortune, optimism and good luck.  The Baby Boomers is the generation that far exceeded the normal population explosion in western culture both before and after this generation.  Expansionary Sagittarius aligns itself well with the Baby Boomer generation.  Sagittarius is the sign that booms – preferably an economic boom.

What can Sagittarius tell us about the Baby Boomers in general?  On the positive side it indicates that the Baby Boomers are lucky, optimistic, fortunate and have had expanding possibilities in their lives.  In addition Baby Boomers have had plenty of opportunities for overseas travel, philosophical reflection and excess materialistic resources.  On the negative side this generation has over-consumed, gained too much weight (or allowed their children to do so), devoured too many resources, overly moralistic and prefers to depend upon luck to solve problems rather than wisdom.

If we pull back from the second hand and examine the minute hand that calibrates the sub-ages, the Baby Boomers were the last generation born under the even larger boom time of the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612-1791-1970) .  The Sagittarius sub-age brought to the world the Industrial Revolution and massive population explosion over the last two centuries.  The Baby Boomers are the last hurrah of this expansion gone mad.

Once the second hand moved on from Sagittarius it encountered Scorpio well and truly by the mid 1960’s.  On a larger note, the Sagittarian Sub-Age was overtaken by the influence of the Scorpio Sub-Age around 1970.  On two counts Scorpio has arrived at the Baby Boomers doorstep just as they were getting out of their diapers.  Scorpio is a very different sign than Sagittarius but the Baby Boomers have brought their innate good fortune into Scorpio territory ever since the 1960s and 70s.

Scorpio is the sign of revolution, contraction, minimalism, pollution, nuclear weapons and energy, sex, debt, instability, the world wide web, underground criminal networks and hidden power plays by politicians to name just a few associations.  The Sagittarian Baby Boomers hit the new Scorpio paradigm with the throttle full steam ahead.  This created those heady revolutionary days of the 60s and 70s where anti-war, anti-conscription and anti-government protests, demonstrations and riots were the order of the day.  Revolution was a growth industry in the 60s and 70s.

Remember when a significant number of the Baby Boomers discovered marijuana.  Their innate optimism thought it would be legalized within a few years.  They flouted sexual taboos, dropped out and created the counterculture.  They did everything in the booming extroverted way always associated with Sagittarius.  The 60’s and 70s was an optimistic Scorpio revolution of the youthful Baby Boomers in an extroverted Sagittarian manner.  Only people without materialistic concerns can drop out – you don’t see many starving Sub-Saharan Africans willingly drop out.

Since the 60s and 70s things have calmed down somewhat because at the end of the day the world has moved on from Sagittarius to Scorpio.  The Baby Boomers may not have been born at the beginning of an age, but they were early witnesses of the transition from the expansionary days of Sagittarius to the minimalist sign of Scorpio, mostly during their teenage years or early twenties.

Scorpio is a cold, brooding almost malevolent sign compared to Sagittarius, with Death as its patron saint.  In the same way that in Lord of the Rings Gandalf told Frodo that the ring wants to be found and returned to its evil master, Scorpio wants the world to contract – and in many ways.  It wants a serious drop in population, output and production but it will foster anything in its own camp.  Scorpio will promote debts (national debt, credit cards etc), financial instability, destruction and death, the world wide web, nuclear weapons and energy, genetic engineering, pollution, AIDS, the sexual revolution, instability and seeking inner truth.  For a full assessment of Scorpio see Scorpio – the Sign of the Times.

It is unlikely the Baby Boomer generation will have to deal with the full impact of what Scorpio has in mind, as Scorpio has all of the next few centuries to reveal its hand.  Baby Boomers continue to bring their sometimes groundless enthusiasm with them whenever they look to the future.  Why bother about global warming and pollution – scientist can go and invent something to solve the problems.

Will future generations idealise or curse the Baby Boomers?  They will probably look back enviously at these carefree (Sagittarian) days.  Days where a significant amount of the world’s oil reserves, that took hundreds of millions of years to create, get consumed in a matter of seconds, relatively speaking.  Days when stock markets, business opportunities and travel appeared to provide a never ending vista of possibilities and new horizons.  Jumping in a V8 and putting your foot down – a Sagittarians dream.

Baby Boomers will want to continue in their modus operandi of expansion until the day they die, but morose old Scorpio has different plans.  Scorpio wants to pull the rug out from under Sagittarius.  The fact that Scorpio will do this is unquestionable, the question is, how much success will Scorpio have in the Sagittarian Baby Boomers’ lifetimes?

One very demonstrative way Scorpio has surreptitiously insinuated its way into our lives is through the collective feeling of vulnerability.  People feel incredibly more vulnerable today.  As a result people don’t want their kids out playing in the streets and parks, they want to see what they are doing all the time.  People feel vulnerable travelling due to the spectre of terrorists – yes terrorists are ruled by Scorpio, so they are a growth industry for the next couple of centuries.

The media is on the payroll of Scorpio – any problem, death, unrest, violence and so on virtually anywhere in the world can be brought into your home in a matter of hours in full colour.  So though war and violence in general are on the decline, reportable incidences have been on a significant increase due to the enhanced ability of the media to present these issues to you in a manifold number of ways.  This is only one way Scorpio has commenced to bite, there are many more waiting.

It is unlikely that the Baby Boomer generation will want to mend its ways much at all.  A lion cannot change its spots.  The generations following the Baby Boomers have the stronger Scorpio credentials to face the serious Scorpio issues facing the world.  The Baby Boomers witnessed the arrival of a significant new (Scorpio) period in the history of the world by getting stoned, dropping out, avoiding conscription and then rolling up their sleeves and getting seriously stuck into it – pushing the world further out on the over-production plank as Sagittarius has been doing for the past few centuries.

Baby Boomers are the last generation of the old paradigm – development, expansion and consumption at all cost.  One the other hand some Baby Boomers have entered the new world of Scorpio (environmentalism, recycling and renewables).  Baby Boomers have one foot in each camp.  If Baby Boomers took their enthusiasm and optimism to face the worlds’ (Scorpio) problems and apply real solutions they may leave a more positive heritage to their descendants.  Or will Baby Boomers be remembered as the generation that consumed far more than their fair share of the worlds finite resources with no consideration for future generations.  Sagittarians can behave like pigs at the trough or they can provide positive counsel!

Further resources from Terry MacKinnell


Online Institute of Macro-Astrology – details on how to learn macro-astrology – details of purchasing the book available

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

The Aquarian Age Rocks!

© Terry MacKinnell 2008 All Rights Reserved

Recently I had the pleasure of attending Richard Tarnas’ workshop The Harmony of the Spheres.  What was so special about this workshop is that Richard was able to demonstrate how music related to specific planetary energies.  For example the whining electric guitar is Uranus (the planet Uranus is the ‘ruler’ of Aquarius).  Venus (ruler of Libra) produces a totally different sound, rich in melody and harmony.  Neptune (Pisces) introduces serenity.  Richard provided many examples including the Big Brother and the Holding Company (Uranus/Aquarian) electric guitar lead in to Janis Joplin’s deep and intense (Scorpio) singing.

What I found so interesting is that the 1970’s marked the highpoint of the Scorpio energy within the Aquarian age (the Scorpio sub-age of Aquarius to be technically correct).   Scorpio introduces the rhythmic sexual intensity of rock-and-roll and Aquarius contributes the electric guitar.  This fusion of Scorpio with Aquarius that was at a highpoint in the 1960’s and 70s defined the rock and counterculture revolution of the time.  This is the time that urban myths refer to as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, and some people actually think these two decades were the Age of Aquarius, not realizing that ages last some 2150 years.

There is one very good reason why people mistake the 60s and 70s for the start of the Aquarian age.  Certainly these two decades were exciting, revolutionary and confrontational to mainstream society.  Some archetypes are associated with only one sign, but many archetypes are associated with two or more signs.  For example airplanes are associated with both Aquarius (flight) and Sagittarius (long distanced travel).  Revolution is associated with both Aquarius and Scorpio.  It is easy to see that when Scorpio arrived at its high energy point in the 60s and 70s (at the end of the Scorpio sub-age) that is located within the Aquarian age, revolution was the winning archetype.

This revolution was not limited to music.  There was also the Sexual Revolution (sex is ruled by Scorpio).  Unfortunately there were also a lot of assassinations (President Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King etc) as Scorpio rules death.  In addition Scorpio also rules excrement, and the excrement of the world is pollution.  Ever since Scorpio attained its height in the 60s and 70s, the effects from the scourge of pollution, that has been silently and relentlessly contaminating the atmosphere, oceans and soil, can no longer be ignored.   Scorpio also rules evolution and metamorphosis – and right on cue arrived born-again Christians.

The list of Scorpio archetypes is much greater than I have mentioned above (i.e. atomic bombs, nuclear energy and minimalism are also associated with Scorpio) but you should recognize the general drift. The impact of the strong influence from Scorpio upon the world within the Aquarian age should extend to the middle of the 21st century.  So while the world waits with expectation for the Aquarian age (that actually arrived many centuries ago) the real issue at our neck of the woods in the unfolding of world history is actually Scorpio.

The good and bad news related to Scorpio is that the world is again heading for another Scorpio hotspot, releasing once again much of the stored up revolutionary fervor of the 60s and 70s.  This little Scorpio hotspot in the new episode will only have about a five years moment of glory between 2009 or 2010 and 2015 but nevertheless we should see the first serious crack in the conservative wall that politicians have created since the 60s and 70s.

On the music level, it should start some serious rock-and-roll again.  This Scorpio hotspot is resonating with the energy of the Scorpio sub-age.  Whatever Scorpio does, it must do in harmony with Aquarius, as the age over rules a sub-age in authority.  A key archetype of Aquarius is excitement.  When hippies dreamed of the paradisiacal Age of Aquarius expecting love, cosmic harmony and a lift in consciousness little did they realize that these attributes have nothing to do with Aquarius – but a lot to do with Libra (love) and Pisces (dreams, paradise, cosmic harmony). Aquarius is technology, electricity, flight, freedom, democracy, fascism, dictators, mental illness (thus the need for anti-depressants) and especially excitement.  It is always exciting in the Age of Aquarius.

You can feel the excitement of the Age of Aquarius when it arrived many centuries ago.  Leonardo da Vinci was so excited about his scientific speculations that he wrote with both hands simultaneously.  Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler made astonishing discoveries in astronomy – dispelling the notion of a flat earth for example. The printing press was invented and people became stimulated by a rush of new ideas and concepts – all very exciting and many historians believe this explosion of new ideas promoted the rise of democracy.  Michelangelo stunned the world with his art.  Sailors discovered the Americas and untold number of countries, islands and cultures as they intrepidly explored the far reaches of the world.  Scientist discovered logic and set in train the modern Scientific Revolution.  Democracy reared its head in the USA and went forth and multiplied.  Charles Darwin unlocked the secret of evolution.  Computers were invented, the internet developed.  The world has never seen previously this level of excitement (to our knowledge) – why, because Aquarius is synonymous with excitement.

We live in exciting times, not perfect times.  There is nothing in the traditional associations of Aquarius that suggest that the Aquarian age is the Age of Perfection or the Age of Love. The urban myths of the Aquarian age are a fantasy – there is no Garden of Eden in the Aquarian age – it is the Age of Excitement.  Unfortunately the followers of Hitler were incredibly excited by his promise of a thousand years of Nazi domination in the Third Reich.

Why do tyrants and dictators come under the wing of Aquarius, the sign of democracy?  Tyrants and dictators are so inspired or excited by their own absolutely true insights that they have no qualms about forcing these on the less realized.  Aquarius rules mental stimulation.  Dictators like Hitler were mentally stimulated.  The German people even said they were `electrified’ by Hitler’s speeches (electricity is also ruled by Aquarius).  Charles Manson is another classic example on the wrong side of Aquarius – all signs have their dark side!.

While the urban myths of the Aquarian age perceive a paradise, it cannot be based upon the astrological ages as there is no perfect sign in astrology.  The closest thing to perfection is the sign Virgo, but even here it is a two-edged sword.  The archetypes of purity, virginity and perfection align themselves to Virgo, but if you don’t measure up to Virgo’s high standards you will be severely criticized – compassion is thin on the ground near Virgo.  If being hen-pecked is your idea of perfection then you should have delayed your birth until the Age of Virgo.

Perfection, the Garden of Eden, everyone behaving like mahatmas, universal love and so on will not arrive in the Age of Aquarius, and if they did the situation would be short-lived.  Why?  Because other strong archetypes associated with Aquarius are inconsistency – and sudden and unexpected changes.  The Aquarian lightening flash of inspiration brings excitement, but can suddenly and unexpectantly pull the rug out from under you before you know it!  Aquarius works both ways.

Therefore in the Aquarian age, take whatever excitement you can, as there is no guarantee it will last.  If it is not some dictator or conservative politician it will be some religious figure or fanatical group that will do their best to dampen the excitement.  Notice recently the Pope wants to add another seven sins to the list.  Obviously things are getting far too exciting!  Notice that it is still not a sin to get drunk but the new sins comes down heavy on other intoxicants.  While many people will behave like some kind of school principal and try to force you to recant your exciting lifestyle, remember that this is the Age of Aquarius and the Aquarian age rocks!  This is the time to thumb your noses at authority – a little Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix or John Lennon may remind you of this Aquarian reality with a strong Scorpio flavor.