Libra micro-age and overflow (April 1627 – May 1642 – April 1657)

This is a ‘full size’ 30 year Libra period being the Libra MA&OF (April 1627 – May 1642 – April 1657) and is the second of this size in the Libra age-decan (1433 – 2149). The most significant influence for this Libra period was dour old Capricorn, and its negative influence upon gay Libra is readily identifiable in many of the historical events of this period – especially the absence of notable women.  This Libra period fell under the shadow of the Capricorn sub-age overflow (1612 – 1791).

As to be expected, some major conflicts affected this Libra period and the major conflict of note is the British Civil Wars (1639 – 1653) and therefore closely shadowing the Libra MA&OF (1627 – 1657).  The wars included rebellions, civil wars and invasions with the most important being the English Civil War which ended when the English parliamentarian army won followed by the execution of the king, the abolition of the monarchy, and the founding of the Commonwealth of England which lasted until 1660 – only a few years past the end of this Libra period. [1] No English king had ever been previously executed.  The English Civil War, similar to the American Civil War, was a major event in the history of the UK.  Family was against family, and in all regions of Great Britain, the population was fairly evenly split in their loyalties to the crown or parliament.

Some historians claim that this civil war was the result of the arrival of the Renaissance into England which changed the balance of power, but governments tend to lag behind such changes at their peril.  The Puritans played a decisive role, and the Puritans were energized Protestants, and Protestants do represent the arrival of the Age of Aquarius into Europe as many of Protestant features invoke Aquarius such as anti the pope (anti the magnificent Leo leader), and the fact that the Protestant cults usually had strong democratic features as opposed to the hierarchical structure of the Roman Catholic Church modelled after the government of Ancient Rome. 

Oliver Cromwell (1599 – 1658) was the head of state (Lord Protector) under the new commonwealth.  However his approach quickly fell out of favor after his death and his corpse was subsequently dug up, hung in chains, and beheaded. Cromwell is one of the most controversial figures in British and Irish history, considered a regicidal dictator by some, and a military dictator by Winston Churchill, a class revolutionary by Leon Trotsky, and a hero of liberty by John Milton.  Cromwell was a Puritan who used his political power to actively promote the suppression of vice and encouraged virtue.[2]  Cromwell’s main generational sign was Aquarius, and his more fine-tuned generation was an Aquarius-Capricorn generation with Aquarius providing the revolutionary spirit and Capricorn the conservative Puritanism.

People today just do not understand the excitement unleashed by the Protestant revolution and arrival of the Age of Science early in the Age of Aquarius.  These excited people were able to seize the government of England for a while, and stamp out the monarchy like it was a cigarette which provided the first Aquarius revolution in the new age.  However, Aquarius is always detrimental to the UK as the UK has Leo high in its astrological signature.  It did not take long for the monarchy to return and Aquarius’ revolutionary zeal headed to North America!

A number of developments occurred due to the English Civil War with close ties to Libra.  In 1641 English law made witchcraft a capital crime (Capricorn and Libra) and a few years later in 1644 the first witch-hunter made his career in the eastern counties of England. In 1642 the English Parliament ordered the closure of all theatres in London, effectively ending the era of English Renaissance theatre established in the previous Libra period and followed by the banning of all stage plays in theatres anywhere in the country due to the stern approach to life adopted by the Puritans.  The Taliban, ISIS and ISIL were merely following in the footsteps of European fascism from earlier centuries.

Libra the balance may have archetypally influenced the appearance of the Levellers, a political movement during the English Civil War (1642–1651) with (Libra) justice strongly represented in its manifesto – popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law and religious tolerance. The hallmark of Leveller philosophy was its emphasis on equal natural rights.  They were not the only ones going down this path.

The Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers was formed in 1648 from ‘divine insight’ and as a Protestant Christian cult, its relevance to this Libra period is its opposition to (Aries) war and elevation of women.  In the 1650s, individual Quaker women prophesied and preached publicly, developed charismatic personae and spread the word. This practice was bolstered by the movement’s firm concept of spiritual equality for men and women. Thus the Quakers were unwittingly in service to Libra (and the spirit of Aquarius).  Interestingly, early Quakers disliked paganism so they refused to use the usual names of the days of the week, since they were derived from the names of pagan deities (planetary gods) and they refused to celebrate Christmas because they believed it was based on pagan festivities – which is true as the early Christian church borrowed Saturnalia from the Romans and rebadged it as Christmas (the general consensus of historians is that Jesus was not born in December).[3]  Only a few years past this Libra period in 1662 Quakers were persecuted for a time in the UK and American persecution commenced in 1656, only a year before the end of this Libra period, and four Quakers were actually hanged in 1660 in Boston.[4]

Libra’s connection to jurisprudence is again clearly demonstrated with the publication of a series of legal treatises The Institutes of the Lawes of England which were written and published between 1628 and 1644. Widely recognized as a foundational document for English common law, they have been cited in over 70 cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, including several landmark cases including Roe v. Wade (1973), where The Institutes were cited as evidence that under old English common law, an abortion performed before quickening was not an indictable offence. An earlier case in 1895 referred to The Institutes for their definition of monopolies.[5]

The publication in 1644 of Areopagitica; A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc’d Printing, to the Parlament of England by the English poet John Milton who strongly opposed censorship is amongst history’s most influential and impassioned philosophical defenses of the principle of a right to freedom of speech and expression. Many of its expressed principles have formed the basis for modern justifications.  Milton has been acclaimed as the “greatest English author”, and he is regarded “as one of the preeminent writers in the English language”. John Milton also promoted the legitimacy of divorce publishing The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce in 1643 which was considered heretical at the time.  Libra’s quest for justice is again displayed.

Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679) was an English philosopher who is considered to be one of the founders of modern political philosophy. He is best known for his 1651 book Leviathan, in which he expounds an influential formulation of social contract theory.  Social contract definitely has a Libran tinge and the main argument is that individuals have consented, one way or another, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority (of the ruler, or to the decision of a majority) in exchange for protection of their remaining rights or maintenance of the social order. Hobbes was an early exponent of this balanced argument.[6]

Colonial America contributed to Libra even at this extremely early stage. In 1628 Puritans settled Salem, which later became part of Massachusetts Bay Colony.  In 1629 around 350 English Puritans sailed from England to Salem, to settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony which was granted a Royal Charter in the following year and it became a self-governing entity.  The following year brought another 700 passengers including Anne Bradstreet, America’s first poet of significance and who in 1646, became a founding mother of Andover Parish (modern-day North Andover), Massachusetts.

1630 saw the settling of Boston and a group of emigrants arrived at Southampton Hundred, on the James River in Virginia.  The first governor was appointed to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1631 with the first English settlement in Maryland and in the following year Charles I of England issued a charter for the colony of Maryland.  Also in 1631, the Dutch West India Company started a settlement of the Delaware River.   In 1634 a group from the Plymouth Colony settled in Windsor, Connecticut, making it the first settlement in the state.  In 1635 Roger Williams (theologian) founded Rhode Island. And such was the rush to the colonies, in 1637 King Charles I of England issued a proclamation, attempting to stem emigration to the North American colonies.

In 1637 Elizabeth Poole became the first woman to found a town in the Americas – Taunton, Massachusetts.  In the following year, Anne Hutchinson was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for heresy, and moved to Rhode Island.  In 1643 the New England Confederation (also known as the United Colonies of New England) was formed as a military alliance comprising the colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Saybrook (Connecticut), and New Haven. Its primary purpose was to unite the Puritan colonies in support of the church, and for defense against the American Indians and the Dutch colony of New Netherland. It was the first milestone on the long road to colonial unity.  Interestingly, even at this early stage, the nascent American psyche was on display as John Quincy Adams remarked two centuries later:

“Its history, like that of other confederacies, presents a record of incessant discord – of encroachments by the most powerful party upon the weaker members, and of disregard, by all the separate members, of the conclusions adopted by the whole body. Still the main purpose of the union was accomplished.”[7]

The Pisces American psyche is aptly demonstrated in the above statement.

In 1652, Rhode Island passed the first law in North America making slavery illegal.[8]  In 1655 John Casor, became the first legally recognized slave, as a result of a civil case.  He was the first person of African descent in the Thirteen Colonies to be declared as a slave for life.  His master was perversely a freed African-American and the Virginian court sustained the right of free blacks to own slaves.  Laws racializing slavery hardened during Casor’s lifetime and after this Libra period in 1662, the Virginia Colony made a ruling that children of enslaved mothers would be born into slavery, regardless of their father’s race or status. This was in contradiction to English common law for English subjects, which based a child’s status on that of their father.[9] However, this does shift the emphasis to Libra even if it is perverse!

One of the earliest voices for modern democratic ideals in the USA was pioneered by Roger Williams (1603 – 1683), the founder of what would become the Colony of Rhode Island.  Though he was a Puritan minister, he was also a staunch advocate for religious freedom, separation of church and state, and fair dealings with Native Americans, and he was one of the first abolitionists as he organized the first attempt to prohibit slavery in any of England’s North American colonies. His views were far too liberal for the conservative Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay authorities and in 1635, he was convicted of sedition and heresy. They declared that he was spreading “diverse, new, and dangerous opinions”.  He was considered an important historical figure of religious liberty at the time of American independence, and he was a key influence on the thinking of the Founding Fathers.[10]  Even at this early formative time, with Roger Williams we see the divergence of American culture between modern and medieval in line with Pisces, represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions.  Pisces is the number one sign for the USA and this Pisces-divergent culture remains in place and recently demonstrated by the presidency of Donald Trump.

The discovery of Tasmania (an island south of the Australian mainland) and New Zealand in 1642 by Abel Tasman (1603 – 1659) followed by the charting of northern and western Australia (New Holland) two years later suggests a Libra connection to Australia and New Zealand especially as these voyages occurred at the pinnacle of this Libra period.

China was also a major focus within this Libra period. In 1627 the Manchus took advantage of Korea’s war-weakened state due to the unsuccessful Japanese invasion in the previous Libra period and invaded in 1627 and 1637, and this was even before the Manchus had taken over China.  In 1637 a Chinese encyclopedist published Exploitation of the Works of Nature which is considered one of the most valuable encyclopedias of classical China.  In 1641 a massive epidemic struck in northern and central China with some local areas and towns having 90% of the local populace wiped out, which may have contributed to the fall of the Ming Dynasty just three years later. In 1644 the invading Qing army captured Beijing marking the beginning of Manchu rule over China proper.  The Ming dynasty had ruled over China from 1368 to 1644 while the Qing dynasty survived until 1912 (also in a Libra period).  This major and highly significant political development in China supports a close connection between Libra and China.  However, the 1368 commencement of the Qing dynasty occurred in a Cancer sub-age decan (1314 – 1373) and Cancer appears to be the most powerful sign associated with China. 

On the artistic level, in 1642, Rembrandt finished his painting, The Night Watch – the most substantial of the important group portrait commissions which he received in this period.  In the decade following the Night Watch, Rembrandt’s paintings gave way to the use of frontal lighting and larger and more saturated areas of color. At the same time, there was a marked decrease in painted works in favor of etchings and drawings of landscapes. In these graphic works natural drama eventually made way for quiet Dutch rural scenes.  Libra’s rulership of parks and gardens is coming into play! 

Rubens’s (1557 – 1640) later period coincided with the first part of this Libra period.  He is considered the most influential artist of the Flemish Baroque tradition. Between 1627 and 1630, Rubens’s diplomatic career was particularly active, and he moved between the courts of Spain and England in an attempt to bring (Libra) peace between the Spanish Netherlands and the United Provinces. Rubens was knighted by Charles I of England in 1630. In 1628 He began a renewed study of Titian’s paintings, copying numerous works.  By 1629 he completed one of his most important works – the Allegory of Peace and War which illustrates the artist’s lively concern for peace. His international reputation with collectors and nobility abroad continued to grow during this decade, and one prominent example was The Assumption of the Virgin Mary (1625–6) for the Cathedral of Antwerp. In 1630, four years after the death of his first wife, 53-year-old Rubens married his deceased wife’s 16-year-old niece, who inspired the voluptuous figures in many of his paintings from the 1630s, including The Feast of Venus, The Three Graces and The Judgement of Paris with his wife the model for various depictions of Venus including sculptures.[11]   

Sir Anthony van Dyck (1599 – 1641) was a Flemish Baroque artist who became the leading court painter in England after success in his homeland and Italy.  He is best known for his portraits of the aristocracy, most notably Charles I (before he was beheaded), and his family and associates. Van Dyck became the dominant influence on English portrait-painting for the next 150 years.  King Charles I was the keenest collector of art among the Stuart kings, and saw painting as a way of promoting his elevated view of the monarchy (this was the time of Capricorn). In 1628, just inside this Libra period, he purchased the fabulous collection that the Duke of Mantua was forced to sell.  Van Dyck remained in contact with the English court and helped King Charles’s search for paintings.  In England he developed a version of his style which combined a relaxed elegance and ease with an understated authority in his subjects which was to dominate English portrait-painting to the end of the 18th century. Many of these portraits have a lush (Libran) landscape background.[12]

Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643) was an Italian musician and priest who composed both secular and sacred music, and was a pioneer in the development of opera – he is considered a crucial transitional figure between the Renaissance and Baroque periods of music history.  This Libra period mainly coincided with Monteverdi’s late flowering period (1637 – 1643) commencing with the opening of the first public opera house in Europe at San Cassiano in 1637, which stimulated the city’s musical life and coincided with a new burst of the composer’s activity.  By 1656, the first opera house opened in London. Monteverdi’s contribution to opera at this period is notable and is credited for the rebirth of theatrical music and that “he will be sighed for in later ages, for his compositions will surely outlive the ravages of time.”[13] Monteverdi’s drive may have come from the fact he was born of an Aries-Aries or Aries-Pisces generation.

Molière (a stage name) (1621/2 – 1673), was a French playwright, actor and poet, widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and world literature. He turned to acting in 1643 only one year past the peak of this Libra period.  His extant works include comedies, farces, tragicomedies, comédie-ballets, and more. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed at the Comédie-Française more often than those of any other playwright today. His influence is such that the French language is often referred to as the “language of Molière”. Despite his own preference for tragedy, Molière became famous for his farces. He began to write full, five-act comedies in verse in 1654 [14] towards the end of this Libra period which he outlived.  His attraction to farce may be explained by the fact he was born in a Scorpio-Scorpio generation and his troupe did go bankrupt at one stage.

Though highly notable females seem absent in this period, an abstract focus did prevail.  In 1629 a Chinese emperor of the Ming dynasty reiterated the state prohibition against female infanticide.  However, as perhaps an example of oriental yin yang, the same year actresses were banned from the stage in Japan. 

In 1631, the death in childbirth of the Mughal emperor’s wife caused the emperor to commission the Taj Mahal at Agra, as a mausoleum for her. Constructed from 1632 to 1653 – it also became the emperor’s tomb (at a cost of about $US956 million in today’s money).  The Taj Mahal was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 for being “the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world’s heritage” and it was declared a winner of the New 7 Wonders of the World (2000–2007) initiative.[15]  It could be dedicated to Libra both as a work of art and beauty plus an expression of love in marriage!

One of the 7 wonders of world and one of the major tourist attraction of India. Agra is synonymous with that monument of love, which is the stunning Taj Mahal and it is surrounded by beautiful lush green gardens and a river in backward Yamuna.By Kristian Bertel – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The elevation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Queen of Genoa in 1637 is again in the Libra camp. And finally, Libra’s ruling planet Venus gets some attention in 1639 when the English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks made the first successful prediction and observation of a transit of Venus.

Cafes breed (Libra) socializing, and the appearance of cafes in Europe coincided with this Libra period with the first café in Europe opened in Venice in 1640.  Coffee drinking became popular in Paris by 1643 and England saw its first coffeehouse open in 1651 and such were their popularity, by 1675, there were more than 3,000 coffeehouses in England.

Finally, Libra’s connection to all things beautiful naturally must include flowers, and so it is fitting that in 1637 saw the collapse of Tulip mania in the Dutch Republic. At the peak of tulip mania, in February 1637, some single tulip bulbs sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled crafts worker. Another example suggests that one tulip bulb was bartered for 12 acres (5 hectares) of land.  It is believed to have been the first recorded speculative bubble and bust in history but it did not create an economic crisis for the Dutch Republic, which at the time was the world’s leading economic and financial power.[16]

Finally, the 1656 invention of the pendulum clock by Christiaan Huygens is interesting because 1656 is heavily influenced by the Capricorn sub-age overflow, Capricorn sub-age decan overflow as well as the Capricorn quasi sub-age – in other words, Capricorn the sign of time and clocks, was incredibly strong when the pendulum clock was invented.  However, the swing motion of the pendulum invokes Libra!  Pendulum clocks were the most precise timekeeper, accounting for its widespread use until the 1930s and 40s when they were overshadowed by less-expensive, synchronous, electric clocks[17] in the Capricorn micro-age and overflow (1925 – 1940 – 1955).  In my youth I can remember when I stayed at my grandparents’ house, I used to go to sleep every night listening to the half hour and hour chimes of their mantelpiece pendulum clock which they wound up every day.

The most notable aspect of this Libra MA&OF (April 1627 – May 1642 – April 1657) is the lack of notable women.  There would have been some notable women that fail to register with us today, but there is a plausible astrological reason why highly placed notable women are largely absent in this larger than average Libra period.  The following list displays the Libra periods since the start of the Age of Aquarius in 1433 that have been investigated to date in this Libra series:

Pisces-Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612)

  • Libra micro-age and overflow (March 1463 – March 1478 – March 1493)
  • Libra micro-age decan and overflow (December 1527 – November 1537)
  • Libra micro-age decan and overflow (August 1582 – July 1592)

Capricorn-Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791)

  • Libra micro-age and overflow (April 1627 – May 1642 – April 1657)

With the first three Libra periods located in Pisces-Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612), Pisces overshadows Capricorn.  The current Libra period however is located in the Capricorn- Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791) where Capricorn is the major player.  The current Libra period is the first in the Capricorn-Sagittarius sub-age overflow and is buffeted by the strongest Capricorn influence of all the Libra periods investigated to date.  Capricorn is naturally anti-feminine due to Cancer being the opposite sign to Capricorn – and Cancer shares with Libra a strong association to females.  Furthermore, the first sub-age decan in the Capricorn- Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791) is the Leo sub-age decan (1612 – 1672) and Leo is male-orientated. Naturally, the darkness of Capricorn did not limit the accusation of witchcraft against women, if anything, it magnified this horror.

The major conflict of note was the English Civil War resulting in the execution of the king and the establishment of a commonwealth in England that also banned anything frivolous or fun, as Capricorn promotes a stern authoritarian lifestyle.  This is why all theatres were closed in London in 1642.  Nevertheless Libra inspires justice, and this can be seen with the Levellers promoting modern liberal ideals – well ahead of their time.  The Quakers also promoted equality of the sexes.  The publication of The Institutes of the Lawes of England clarified many aspects of English common law that spread to the USA and other countries.  Other legal perspectives from John Milton and Thomas Hobbes pushed the boundaries of English medieval laws towards modernity.

This Libra period saw great activity in North America, especially New England or what would become the hub of the northern states in the USA and suggests that in Pisces USA, one of the fish has strong Libran qualities of justice and equality.  These new settlements include: Salem, Boston, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.  The creation of the United Colonies of New England was a forerunner for the creation of the revolution USA.  The seeds of the American Civil War were put in place in this Libra period when Rhode Island passed the first law in North America making slavery illegal.

The first extensive European exploration of Australia and New Zealand in this period also suggests that inclusion of Libra into the astrological signatures for these countries (and Canada whose name was coined in the previous Libra period) provided future Libra periods confirm this assessment.

China had an exceptional development with the fall the Ming dynasty replaced by the Manchu dynasty in 1644.  The publication of the Exploitation of the Works of Nature in 1637 provides an invaluable insight into the Chinese world of this period. However, before the Ming collapsed they did reiterate the state prohibition against female infanticide

Probably the most notable development in this period was on the artistic side.  This Libra period captured key periods in the life of extremely famous artists and musicians such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck, Monteverdi, and Molière with Rubens the most influential artist of the Flemish Baroque tradition and Van Dyck dictating portraiture for the next 150 years. Monteverdi virtually created opera and Molière as one of the greatest writers in the French language and world literature.

Appropriately one of the most famous marriages in history occurred in this Libra period with the death in India of the Mughal emperor’s wife and his construction of one of the most beautiful buildings in the world – the Taj Mahal.  As a temple (ceremonial structure), ruled by Capricorn, it is better known than his wife to whom the temple is dedicated. Though this period is bereft of famous females, the elevation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Queen of Genoa in 1637 does make an attempt.  Venus (the ruler of Libra) gets a focus when the English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks made the first successful prediction and observation of a transit of Venus

Coffee promotes (Libra) social interaction and coffee made its move in this Libra period with the first European café in 1640. Libra’s association with flowers does see its manifestation with the boom of the tulip market in the Dutch Republic, followed by its bust and setting the precedent for economic cycles over the following centuries including the 21st century.  Finally the invention in 1656 of the pendulum clock aligned with Capricorn, the ruler of time, is a fitting end to this review.

Previous Libra periods Examined:

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Aug 1582 – Jul 1592)

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 1527 – Nov 1537)

Libra micro-age and overflow (Mar 1463 – Mar 1493)


[1] Wars of the Three Kingdoms, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:55, January 21, 2021, from

[2] Oliver Cromwell, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:45, February 25, 2021, from

[3] Date of birth of Jesus, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:11, March 6, 2021, from

[4] Quakers, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:30, February 24, 2021, from

[5] Institutes of the Lawes of England, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:17, January 29, 2021, from

[6] Thomas Hobbes, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:34, February 23, 2021, from

[7]Quincy Adams, John, ed. (1843). The New England Confederacy A Discourse delivered before the Massachusetts Historical Society, at Boston, on the 29th of May 1843; In Celebration of the Second Centennial of that Event. Charles C. Little and James Brown.

[8]“Time and Place”, . Slavery and the Making of America. Thirteen. 2004. Retrieved 2018-02-24. Rhode Island passes laws restricting slavery and forbidding enslavement for more than 10 years.

[9] John Casor, Wikipedia, Retrieved 05:26, January 29, 2021, from

[10] Roger Williams, Wikipedia, Retrieved 03:08, February 24, 2021, from

[11] Peter Paul Rubens, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:19, February 23, 2021, from

[12] Anthony van Dyck, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:50, February 23, 2021, from

[13] Claudio Monteverdi, Wikipedia,  Retrieved 07:12, February 23, 2021, from

[14] Molière, Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:28, February 23, 2021, from

[15] Taj Mahal, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:34, January 29, 2021, from

[16] Tulip mania, Wikipedia, Retrieved 04:43, January 29, 2021, from

[17] Pendulum clock, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:53, February 24, 2021, from

Libra micro-age decan and overflow (December 1527 – December 1532 – November 1537)

This Libra MAD&OF sits within the Gemini micro-age (Dec 1522 – Nov 1537) and therefore mimics to a certain extent the current Libra MAD&OF (Dec 2019 – Nov 2029) within the Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029). However, this early experience of the Libra micro-age decan in the Age of Aquarius continues to be heavily influenced by Pisces, but this period is more influenced by Capricorn due to the Capricorn quasi sub-age (1522 – 1701).[1]  The Taurus sub-age decan (1493 – 1552) also needs to be taken into account. There was no evading the many wars and conflict that afflicted the world in the 16th century, as with most centuries over the last 5,000 years, but Libra aligned conflict is marked by opposing powers of similar magnitude rather than a singular marauding army plundering wherever it can such as Genghis Khan (c.1158 – 1227) under the auspices of the Aries sub-age (1075 – 1254).

This major polarization which is strongly associated with Libra was clearly evident in this period which was so instrumental in creating the major schism between England and the Roman Catholic Church over another Libran archetype – marriage.  In this case, King Henry VIII of England wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, as she was unable to provide a male heir and future king of England.  In 1529 under pressure from the king the English Reformation Parliament passed the necessary legislation ‘divorcing’ England from Rome and established the Church of England in its place.  In 1533 King Henry VIII’s marriage with Catherine of Aragon was declared annulled by an English Archbishop but this was not authorized by the pope, nor recognized by Catherine.  Later in the same year, Anne Boleyn married Henry VIII and was crowned as queen consort of England, and Henry VIII was subsequently excommunicated by the pope.  Anne Boleyn gave birth to Princess Elizabeth, the future Elizabeth I of England.

1536 was an extremely busy year for King Henry VIII commencing with his first queen, Catherine of Aragon, dying while banished. A few months later, Anne Boleyn, was arrested on the trumped up grounds of incest, adultery and treason and the English church fell in line and nullified Henry and Anne’s marriage. This was followed by the execution of five men accused of adultery with Anne Boleyn, including her own brother and Anne was executed shortly afterwards while Henry VIII married Jane Seymour.

This major rift between England and the Roman Catholic Church was reinforced in 1529 when a group of German rulers and independent cities protested against the reinstatement of the Edict of Worms, which had declared Martin Luther a wanted heretic, and thus beginning the Protestant movement in earnest.  This is where the Taurus sub-age decan (1493 – 1552) makes its influence felt as the top sign of Christianity is Scorpio – Taurus’ opposite side and therefore Scorpio Christianity is in ‘detriment’ under Taurus.

Another major treaty was enacted between two European early seafaring nations, Spain and Portugal, when in 1529 the Treaty of Zaragoza divided the Far East between the Spanish and Portuguese empires.  Under the treaty, Portugal gained control of all of Asia and its neighboring islands that had been discovered at the time, leaving Spain with most of the Pacific Ocean. The world was divided into two under the control of two superpowers to pillage as they wanted.  Also in 1529 the failed siege of Vienna, Austria by Ottoman (Turkish) forces marked the beginning of 150 years of bitter military tension between the Habsburgs and Ottomans, punctuated by reciprocal attacks, and culminating in a second siege of Vienna in 1683.  Another major polarity established under Libra’s watch.

Libra aligned China was having a hard time, and in 1528 to 1530 in Henan province, an enormous drought coupled with a gigantic swarm of locusts deprived the region of harvests for the next two years, killing off half the people in some communities, due to starvation and cannibalism.

The Americas saw a lot of interest under this Libra period and in 1532 the Portuguese began colonizing Brazil, which is the largest country in both South America and Latin America, and in 1532, sugarcane was first cultivated by the settlers (the scourge of sugar is ruled by Libra). Buenos Aires (Argentina) was first founded by the Spanish in 1536 and an expedition did set off to discover a route to Peru.  The first two of three voyages by Jacques Cartier (1491 – 1587) was the first European to map the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the shores of the Saint Lawrence River, which he named “The Country of Canadas” after the Iroquois names for the two big nearby settlements.

References to important females has already been made such as Catherine of Aragon and the birth of Elizabeth 1, and in 1529 the polymath Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa published Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex, a book that pronounced the theological and moral superiority of women with Libra smiling in the wings.[2]  Our Lady of Guadalupe, (also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe) is associated with a series of five Marian apparitions in 1531, and a venerated image on a cloak enshrined within the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Supposedly, the Virgin Mary appeared four times in Mexico City to Juan Diego and once more to his uncle. The basilica is the most-visited Catholic shrine in the world, and the world’s third most-visited sacred site – dedicated to a female apparition.  In 1531 on the other side of the ledger, a witch-hunt was conducted in the town of Schiltach, Germany following the burning of the town – the convicted witch was executed.

The 1529 Treaty of Cambrai, also known as the Ladies’ Peace, is appropriate for mention as it was orchestrated by the mother of Francis I Louise of Savoy and the aunt of the emperor Margaret of Austria. They represented both monarchs in negotiations, helping them not to lose face in one of the numerous conflicts of the times.  Interestingly, women were also allowed to appear on Italian stages for the first time in this same year.[3]

From 1533 to 34, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent made Roxelana, his Ruthenian (Ukrainian) harem girl and former slave his legal wife and she became one of the most powerful and influential women in Ottoman (Turkish) history. She eventually achieved power, influencing the politics of the Ottoman Empire and through her husband, she played an active role in affairs of the state.  She has inspired paintings, musical works (including Joseph Haydn’s Symphony No. 63), an opera, a ballet, plays, and several novels.  She commenced the era known as the Sultanate of Women – a period of extraordinary political influence exerted by wives and mothers of the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire lasting until 1656. At this time, the influence of Capricorn from the Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612) was extremely strong, and the Islamic Ottomans were naturally aligned to Cancer – with Cancer and Capricorn opposite signs.  The 7th house invokes partners and this perhaps explains why the Ottomans, when at the top of their game, deferred to their wives and gave them power under Capricorn.  The waning of female influence in 1656 is aligned to the growth in strength of the (male) Leo sub-age decan (1612 – 1672).

Vasari wrote that Titian once painted “portrait of Roxelana”.This painting was attributed as probable copy of that portrait executed in Titian’s workshop

Titian, born in the previous Libra MA&OF was in his mature stage for this Libra period and in 1530 he developed the style introduced by his dramatic Death of St. Peter Martyr.  Also appropriately, Michelangelo, who also born in the previous Libra period, commenced painting The Last Judgment at the end of this Libra period in 1536 – it was a fresco covering the whole altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City depicting the Second Coming of Christ and the final and eternal (Libra) judgment by God and Jesus of all humanity.  Almost immediately after completing the Last Judgment, Michelangelo’s final paintings begun in 1542 – but adopting a major change in style, away from (Libra) grace and aesthetics to an exclusive concern with illustrating the narrative, with no regard for (Libra) beauty.[4] This change of style occurred in the following Taurus micro-age (1537 – 1552) close to the peak of the Capricorn micro-age decan in 1542.

The influence and strength of this much smaller Libra period nevertheless continues to express strong Libran themes. This period witnessed the divorce of England from the Roman Catholic Church over the issues of multiple (Libra) marriages by King Henry VIII.  This breakup was followed by the beginning the Protestant movement and greatest schism in western Christianity spearheaded by Martin Luther in Germany. Spain and Portugal were dividing the world in two and the Austrian and Turks commenced a bitter 150 years of conflict.  China took a dent with two years of drought followed by a gigantic swarm of locusts.  Famous women of this period include Catherine of Aragon, birth of Elizabeth I, ex-slave girl Roxelana and the Virgin of Guadalupe supported by Agrippa’s Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex. A witch-hunt in Germany unfortunately balanced the ledger.  All the above have a strong archetypal connection to Libra.

Despite its size, archetypal Libra shines through nevertheless and indicates that micro-age decans also have a significant impact. With this Libra period under the influence of the Cancer micro-age overflow (1522 – 1537), Cancer indicates a time when (Capricorn) leadership is imperiled – which is exactly what occurred in the Roman Catholic Church as the pope’s authority was successfully repudiated by King Henry VIII and antipope Protestants were streaming out of Germany with this new heresy.  One in every three Libra periods will have a strong Cancer influence to contend with, and the same surge of breaking down established authority is always markedly in attendance such as under the current Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029).


[1] A quasi period captures the upper half of the bell curve of any period plus its overflow and is calculated as the second half of the initial period and first half of the overflow period.

[2] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Wikipedia, Retrieved 08:03, January 26, 2021, from

[3] “The Timetables of History”, p236

[4]The Last Judgment (Michelangelo), Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:32, February 14, 2021, from

Background to Brexit

The Brexit referendum in 2016 occurred early in the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) of the Gemini micro-age (2014 – 2029) of the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) – the forth sub-age within the Age of Aquarius (1433 – 3574), and all these zodiacal signs are antithetical to the signs in the astrological signature for the UK.  This suggests that Brexit will bring the UK no benefits, but for the short term, it also suggests a damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don’t scenario due to the polarization that has occurred in the UK on this issue, very similar to the divide that has embraced the USA under President Trump.  Aquarius does not favor the mainstream – it favors extremists, fringes and radicals, and politicians are taking advantage of this temporary rejection of middle-of-the-road politics in an attempt to shift the political agenda to radical or other extremist agendas. The initial impulse has mainly been towards the hard right wing and even neo-fascist side of politics – but it remains early days yet for the current Aquarius period.

My final analysis of Brexit will cover the clash between UK’s astrological signature and the signs of these times, especially the Brexit referendum while this background analysis is based on examining the UK’s performance under previous Aquarius micro-age decans (and micro-ages) as far back as the end of the Age of Pisces.  This allows us to find thematic and archetypal diachronic connections that can shed light on Brexit and what it really means for the UK.

Many people think that any random development, such as Brexit, is reasonable if it agrees with their personal political views.  For example, is Scotland better off as a separate country or part of the UK?  To answer this, it is necessary to understand where the world is heading, because even without astrology, it is obvious that the evolution of civilization does indicate a direction to this evolution, otherwise we would be viewing the murder or killing of people on TV in replication of the Roman circus where such events were considered ‘normal’ to the spectators.  There is both progress and acknowledgement that much more progress needs to occur due to numerous shortcomings with society and politics.   It is easy to see the benefits and direction of progress over previous centuries and millennia, but how do we project progress into the future so that we can see how present events support or detract from the where the world is heading?

This is outside the scope of this analysis, but the astrology associated with the Age of Aquarius, suggests that the world is approaching greater aggregation, coordination and synchronization with the role of individual nations being sublimated into larger global structures, in the same way over the last millennium, small kingdoms and fiefdoms were combined to form the nation states of today.  Small kingdoms and fiefdoms were a problem, and these problems were overcome by their absorption into larger structures that prevented them from fighting or undermining their neighbors.  The same issue now faces nation-states that are not adequately synchronized with their neighbors and the world at large, especially in key issues such as climate change, civil rights, religious freedoms, military aggression and so on.  I will be updating the last chapter in my book, The Dawning – Shedding New Light on the Astrological Ages, published in 2011, with a revised outline of the future at the first opportunity.

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As previously stated, the Brexit referendum in 2016 occurred early in the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) which is based on a five year micro-age decan followed by its overflow onto the following five year period like a wave [see The Age of Aquarius for Dummies]. In simple terms, the world rotates through five year micro-age decans representing all 12 zodiacal signs normally every 60 years (but with some minor variation at the cusp of sub-ages).  Therefore all 12 signs are generally granted equal measure to influence events, and if this was solely the case, the world would just go around a merry-go-round with history constantly repeating itself.  This means that democracy would usurp monarchs, only for monarchs to again usurp democracy ad infinitum.

However, the merry-go-round scenario is not strictly the case.  It is due to resonance of these 5 years micro-age decans to larger periods that the relatively small micro-age decans are biased in their relative strengths with each other.  Therefore, since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, any Aquarius micro-age decan (and Pisces micro-age decan) will have the edge on other micro-age decans due to resonance with the Pisces Age overflow and Age of Aquarius.  Every Libra micro-age decan will also be more powerful due to resonance with the Libra age-decan (1433 – 2148).  Since 1791, every Scorpio small period will resonate with the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148) and so on.  It is these incremental differences between one sub-period and another that provides longer term trends in society. For example, since December 2014, the ages, sub-ages and micro-ages have, for the first time in around 7,000 years, fully aligned themselves to progressive influences but alas, also instability, and this is being played out now [see A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making ].  

The current Aquarius micro-age decan, and following two (Libra and Gemini micro-age decans) are more powerful than average, as each resonates with a larger period – Libra with the Libra age decan (1433 – 2148) and Gemini with the Gemini sub-age decan (1970 – 2029).  The larger the parent period, the greater the resonance between periods.

The first four sub-ages at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius displaying the 12 micro-ages within each sub-age

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1373 – 1378 – 1382)

This period, set toward the end of the Pisces age (732 BC – 1433 AD), replicates the Brexit Aquarius micro-age decan inasmuch it is part of a Gemini micro-age and Cancer micro-age overflow, but all larger periods are different and they were also more favorable to the British compared to the Brexit period.

The pre-Protestant English Lollards under the Oxford scholar, John Wyclif, went on the attacked against papal authority, and due to some support from the English government, he was able to instigate virtual heresy against the Roman Catholic Church.  John Wyclif promoted the reading of the Bible by ordinary people, and he was instrumental in producing the Wyclif Bible translated from Latin into Middle English.[i]  Wyclif also promoted the role of the king over the pope and was an iconoclast inasmuch he opposed cherished beliefs and institutions that have become erroneous or pernicious – straight out of the Aquarius cookbook.

This small Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow demonstrates how the astrology of the astrological ages mimics and correlates to historical developments.  This Aquarius period promoted revolutionary Aquarian ideals, but this period is not within the Age of Aquarius, so it does not have any real momentum behind it due to lack of resonance.  However, when the next similar Aquarius period occurred, it was inside the Age of Aquarius, thus strengthening each and every Aquarian archetype resulting in not just a spat with the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but an actual split creating a completely different social-religious-political structure in Europe that lasted centuries.  Resonance makes a big impact.

This Aquarius period witnessed appropriately, the English Peasants Revolt (1381) under Wat Tyler, which was initiated by widespread anger against a poll tax.  Tyler led his followers on a march to London, taking Maidstown, Rochester, and Canterbury along the way.  They tricked their way into London, marched down Fleet Street, beheaded a judge, archbishop and 18 leading citizens, and instigated even greater fury against the Flemish community.  During negotiations with the King Richard II, the London mayor mortally struck Tyler with a sword, and the revolution was over, though the king pardoned all the assailants. Nevertheless, a major revolutionary assault was made against the British government in this early Aquarius period, and this really sets the tone for these Aquarius periods.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1468 – 1473 – 1478)

This period occurs within the Age of Aquarius and is part of a Libra micro-age.   Royalty strongly figures in this period with the murder of insane King Henry VI in the Tower of London allowing for the reinstatement of Edward IV, part of the ongoing struggle between the houses of York and Lancashire and called the War of the Roses (1455 – 1487).  This was definitely a period in Britain where the British royalty and therefore the government were in gross detriment which played itself out in the War of the Roses.

The full extent of the War of the Roses was probably an attribute of the Scorpio micro-age and overflow (1448 – 1463 – 1478) with Scorpio always a troublesome sign for the Taurus British.  Also, the War of the Roses occurred in the Virgo sub-age decan (1433 – 1493) with Virgo opposed to Pisces, a sign that is associated with the British.  Murdering the head of government continues the theme of angst between Aquarius and Leo Britain.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1523 – 1528 – 1533)

This period partly replicates the Brexit Aquarius period due to its location in a Gemini micro-age.  This Aquarius period is associated with the reign of King Henry VIII including the annulment of his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon and the beginning of the English Reformation – a major revolutionary event in its day.  The English Reformation is considered a part of the wider European Protestant Reformation, instigated by the (German) Martin Luther in this small Aquarius period with the new Protestants breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church and rejecting the authority of the Pope, extremely appropriate for revolutionary Aquarius.  In hindsight, the Reformation was an early symptom of the newly arrived Age of Aquarius promoting democracy and rejecting (Leo) leaders, as the new Protestant churches instigated a number of democratic processes associated with congregations into its structures.

Martin Luther’s role also supports the long term association of Aquarius with Germany.  In this case King Henry VIII wittingly, or unwittingly, sided with the revolutionary Luther in opposing the (Leo) might of the pope and Roman Catholic Church but for purely personal self-seeking reasons.  The internal turmoil created by the English Reformation lasted until the Glorious Revolution in the following similar Aquarius micro-age decan in 1688.

This Aquarius period occurred in the lead up to the peak of the Taurus sub-age decan (1493 – 1552), and with such strong support from Taurus, and from the Capricorn quasi sub-age (1523 – 1702), another sign favorable to the British, the greatest loser here was the external Roman Catholic Church with Britain formally leaving the fold.  The Roman Catholic Church has Pisces and Scorpio at the top of its totem pole, and this Aquarius period was greatly influenced by Taurus and Virgo – both antithetical to the Christian church.  The Taurus sub-age decan (1493 – 1552) is also the same period as the overlapping Virgo sub-age decan overflow – bad news for Pisces-Scorpio Christianity.

Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1582 – 1597 – 1612)

The anti-royal flavor of Aquarius quickly manifested when in 1587, Queen Elizabeth had Catholic Queen Mary beheaded.  In the following year, the Spanish unleashed their invasion Armada against the British, only to have it disintegrate due to adverse weather and better tactics of the British with the Spanish losing 65 ships and 10,000 men compared to the English losing no ships and less than 100 men.  Nevertheless, Queen Elizabeth scrapped with Parliament in 1593, where she asserted the monarchical right to assent or disagree with Parliament, and that religious matters and foreign affairs were the domain of the monarch.   The newly elected parliamentarians from the middle class had another perspective.

The death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603 saw the thrones of England and Scotland combined under King James VI.  Catholic Guy Fawkes was foiled in his attempt to kill King James VI and blow up Parliament in 1605 leading to centuries of fireworks for many British and their descendants around the world.  Despite winning against the Spanish, this Aquarius period again demonstrates the traumatic events in Britain under Aquarius, and associated with a royal execution, and attempted royal murder.  However, this small Aquarius period witnessed the birth of the American colonies, establishing their revolutionary spirit from birth under Aquarius.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1627 – 1632 – 1637)

This finds England under the reign of King Charles I (1600 – 1649) who believed in the divine right of kings, and so this Aquarius period witnessed a feud between the king and parliament with the general public opposed to his policies, especially taxation without parliamentary consent and his behavior as an absolute monarch.  Ultimately this cost him his head.  This is a straightforward anti-monarch period, but also a difficult period for the British as should be expected when Aquarius is strong.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1687 – 1692 – 1697)

The main game in town was the Glorious Revolution (1688) with the overthrow of King James II of England by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch William III, Prince of Orange, who was James’s nephew and son-in-law. William’s successful invasion of England with a Dutch fleet and army led to his ascension to the throne as William III of after the Declaration of Right, leading to the Bill of Rights 1689.  The initial dissent occurred due to the likelihood that King James’s Catholic son would take the British throne and therefore create the establishment of a Roman Catholic dynasty. Working with British parliamentarians, William successfully launched a large invasion fleet in 1688, and following the defeat of King James’s forces, James fled England.  This revolution or invasion again indicates the ability of Aquarius to deeply undermine the integrity of Britain.

For British Catholics its effects were disastrous, both socially and politically, as for over a century Catholics were denied the right to vote and sit in Parliament; they were also denied commissions in the army, and the monarch was forbidden to be Catholic or to marry a Catholic – this latter prohibition remaining in force until 2015. Of course, the subsequent persecution of Catholics is good old Aquarius fascism.  It has been argued, mainly by Whig historians, that James’s overthrow began modern English parliamentary democracy: the Bill of Rights 1689 has become one of the most important documents in the political history of Britain and never since has the monarch held absolute power.[ii]

The English Bill of Rights set out certain basic civil rights and clarified royal succession and laid down limits on the powers of the (Leo) monarch and sets out the rights of (Aquarius) Parliament, including the requirement for regular parliaments, free elections, and freedom of speech in Parliament. It sets out certain rights of individuals including the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment and reestablished the right of Protestants to have arms for their defense within the rule of law. The Bill of Rights 1689 was one of the inspirations for the Bill of Rights in the USA.[iii]

This period is the source of America’s gun-toting culture as this Aquarius period was situated in the strongest part of the Aries sub-age decan and overflow  (1612 – 1672 – 1731), that influenced the early years of the British settlement of North America.  While the British moved on, many Americans have held fast to Aries inspired guns as the formative period for any nation is highly influential in creating national myths.

Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1746 – 1761 – 1776)

This Aquarius period relates to the 20th century Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1940), and as a preview to the disastrous early 20th century for the UK, in this 18th century period,  it ended with the beginning of the American War of Independence leading to the loss of its American colonies.  This period also included the first war waged on a global scale, and therefore is a precursor to the two world wars in the 20th century.  The Seven year’s War (1756 – 1763) went extremely well for the UK making the UK the dominant world power.  This all occurred mainly in the first half of this Aquarius period, which coincides with the Pisces micro-age overflow (1746 – 1761) which probably astrologically accounts for this war as Europe always splits under Pisces, despite Pisces being its most influential sign.

The second half of this Aquarius period is closely aligned to the growing dissent within the Thirteen Colonies in North America leading to the beginning of the American Revolutionary War in 1775.  This Aquarius period is located near the peak of the Sagittarius juggernaut associated with the massive Sagittarius quasi sub-age (1702 – 1881) which propelled the UK into the stratosphere.  Nevertheless, the conditions that led to the loss of the thirteen colonies must be viewed as an unfortunate event for the British.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1791 – 1796 – 1801)

This Aquarius period occurred in the Libra micro-age (1791 – 1806), at the very beginning of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), and is in a period of astrological strength for the UK being at the highpoint of the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612 – 1791 – 1970), with a special positive and strong Sagittarius focus on the period 1791 – 1881.  The UK jumped on to this Sagittarius period with the Industrial Revolution and then went on and created the greatest empire the world has ever experienced.  Therefore, any difficulty experienced in an antithetical Aquarius micro-age decan is like a mouse being trodden on by an elephant.

Painting, Coalbrookdale by Night by Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg, 1801. O Exhibited as ‘A View of Colebrook Dale by night’ at Royal Academy London, 1801. Featuring night work at the Bedlam furnaces in Madeley Dale (i.e. Coalbrookdale) along the river Severn, Shropshire.

It is appropriate that this period commences with a quote from Thomas Paine “There is a dawn of reason rising in the world” as a salute to Aquarius, though it did not help him as he was executed in revolutionary France in 1794

Execution of Louis XVI in what is now the Place de la Concorde, by Isidore Stanislas Helman – Bibliothèque nationale de France, Public Domain,

The major issue that impacted the UK naturally was the French Revolution which was already in progress but turned nasty under extremist Aquarius.  The English and European royalty were naturally highly concerned that one of their members had been usurped by a popular revolution championing freedom and justice.  This revolution found sympathizers in the UK who were subdued by the British government, one way or another.  In response to Irish nationalists invigorated by the French Revolution, in 1791 the Protestants in Northern Ireland formed the Orange Society to protect their interests.

By 1792, reformers in England created organizations such as the Corresponding Society of London which called for male suffrage, annual parliaments, fairer land and legal systems, lower taxes, better education, prison reform and basic social security for the poor and elderly.  In 1795 Britain invaded the Cape Colony in South Africa and subdued the revolutionary Boers who had already driven out the Dutch officials.  In 1797 there were numerous mutinies in the Royal Navy perched to wage war against the revolutionary French.

Great Britain in 1793 orchestrated a union of European nations to protect the crowned heads of Europe against the French and demanded the French to restore their monarchy. As part of these frenetic times for European royalty and the status quo, the British instituted a savage response to dissenters in Scotland where the head judge decreed the British constitution was perfect, and therefore anyone proposing amendments was an enemy of state.  Some revolutionary Scots were meeting their Irish counterparts in France.

By 1799, societies such as the Corresponding Society of London had been banned, their leaders imprisoned, trade unionists suppressed and newspapers heavily censored – to keep Aquarius’ fascist side invigorated.  At the end of this period, Prime Minister William Pitt was forced to quit after suggesting to King George III that because of the dissolution of the Irish government and its amalgamation with Westminster, British Catholics should be legally emancipated.  This threw the mad king into a rage, and again we see the antipathy here between Aquarius and royalty – though he did not literally lose his head.

The Irish uprising and attempted French invasion of Ireland in 1798 was followed by the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801, and therefore the UK does have some minor inclusion of Aquarius in its astrological signature, but dwarfed by Sagittarius.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1856 – 1861)

This period is another partial replica of the Brexit-Aquarius period and found the UK in the midst of the Victorian era (1837 – 1901) and strategically located in Britain’s ‘Golden Years.’ (1850–1870).  The main difference between the Aquarius period covering 1851 to 1860 compared to the current one (2014 – 2024) is that while both were also associated with a Cancer sub-age overflow, this 19th-century Aquarian period was also at the peak of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1792 – 1851 – 1910) which magnifies the power of Cancer at least threefold (and probably nine fold) compared to 2014 to 2024.  The absolutely strongest time for Cancer in this period was the period 1851 to 1881, tightly coinciding with Britain’s time of might (1850 – 1870), and substantiating the strong British association to Cancer through their Saxon roots.  Therefore, it is necessary to weed out the Cancer influence that significantly contributed to pushing the UK to its greatest heights and seek Aquarius in the cracks.  This Aquarius period is therefore not the ideal comparison with the current one.

Portrait photograph of Queen Victoria dressed for the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Albany

Britain fought alongside France in the Crimean War against Russia (1851 – 1856), and Russia has Aquarius high up its totem pole, and thus the most vexing military issue in the Victorian era was Russia, and nothing much has changed.  Leo UK and Aquarius Russia were designed to be sparring partners.  In the 1856 Treaty of Paris, Russia was prohibited from hosting a military presence in Crimea and prevented from invading Turkey.[iv]

The Second Opium War saw Britain overpower the Qing dynasty in China and was the standard act of European imperialism and from the astrological context, (Leo) UK can be in fighting mode in any Aquarius period invoking the 7th house of opposition.  Of course, the Second Opium War had the UK become the major drug pusher of the period.  However, the UK was representative of the peak of European civilization, and this behavior was considered ‘normal’ at the time as Europeans considered that they were superior to other people around the world.

The most radical intellectual development appropriate to this Aquarius period was the publication by Charles Darwin of “On the Origin of Species” in 1859. The book aroused international interest and a widespread debate, with no sharp line between scientific issues and ideological, social and religious implications.  Much of the initial reaction was hostile, but Darwin had to be taken seriously as a prominent and respected name in science. The major reactionary element, in this case, was the Church and demonstrates that in Aquarius periods, great leaps towards rationality can be made, but medieval reactionaries get fired up in defending their former positions of power.[v] 

It is appropriate that in an Aquarius period, opposed to Leo ego, that that the human ego should be put back into its place.  This groundbreaking book was another major wedge driven between religions based on (Pisces) belief systems and (Aquarius) intellectual rationality.  In the same way that in previous centuries, the Church opposed a Sun-centered solar system, with Charles Darwin suggesting that humans are related to chimpanzees, in both situations, it is the ego of humans that consider themselves superior and at the center of the universe that is undermined by Aquarian scientific advances.  This exact same situation is replicated today in the issue of other evolved intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe, with many promoting the statistically absurd notion that we are alone in the universe.   The hairless chimpanzee always seems to extend its shelf life no matter how much progress toward rationality has occurred in the world. The hairless chimpanzee remains highly influential in world affairs until at least the end of the Pisces quasi-age in 2503 AD!

Another demonstration of Aquarius was the Indian Rebellion of 1857, known in India and Pakistan more correctly as the First War of Independence, which was a major uprising in India during 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company.  This is a classic example of (Leo) imperial power squashing the rights of people, and treating them as second-class citizens due to their different race. Unfortunately, the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow combined with the Sagittarius sub-age overflow greatly favored the imperialism of Great Britain at this point of time, who naturally considered that they were superior.  A good argument can be made that the Leo aura associated with the British royalty, has over the centuries, descended to the average British person who feel that they are also somehow superior, and why would superior people need to be bound to their neighbors in the European Union?

Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 -1925 – 1940)

Apart from the calamitous two world wars, and loss of the largest empire the world has experienced to date, the prime archetypal event of the period was the abdication in 1936 by King Edward VIII.  He seemed enamored by Aquarius archetypes due to his “apparent disregard for established constitutional conventions” followed by his proposal of marriage to a woman who had already been married twice – obviously a hanging offense in the staid conservative UK of the 1930s.  Aquarius likes tripping up staid conservatives.  Due to the impossible position he found himself in, Edward VIII simply abdicated and became one of the shortest-reigning monarchs in British history.  He appeared to have also been captivated by Hitler’s cult, and even gave a full Nazi salute in 1937 while visiting Germany.[vi]  Aquarius fans the fires of fascism and progress.

However, this Aquarius period witnessed the opening scene for Britain’s “Darkest Hour”, coined by British prime minister Winston Churchill to describe the period of World War II between the Fall of France in June 1940 and the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 when the UK was under threat of imminent invasion.  This says enough of the antipathy of Aquarius to the UK.  This technically was not in the Aquarius micro-age decan, but it was due to the UK taking its eye off the ball in the 1930s that they almost lost their eye and ball as well. The British can be at the height of their collective stupidity in an Aquarius period, and the lead-up to the Second World War was a classic example.

To be contextually correct, the two world wars were not solely due to this Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow,  but to the far more powerful Pisces sub-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970) with the most powerful quarter ruling the period 1910 – 1940.  This already powerful Pisces sub-age decan and overflow resonated with the super-massive Pisces age overflow (1433 – 3574) and this strength of Pisces will not be replicated in the world for around another 25,000 years. Europe is primarily ruled by Pisces, but whenever Pisces is strong, not only is there a focus upon Europe, but also on the two fish swimming in opposite directions.  Europe always splits under Pisces, and both world wars demonstrated again this massive and major split endemic to Europe (and passed along to the USA).  World wars are not a one-in-every-hundred-year event, but require a massive astrological underpinning – though in reality, apart from Japan in the Second World War, both world wars were really two European wars of self-destruction – entirely appropriate for Pisces.  Also, the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) sits at the 12th house position to Pisces.


The common themes of these Aquarius periods are: trauma, such as attempted and actual invasions and revolutions; overthrow or assault on the monarch/government (including murder, executions and abdication) and loss, such as the American colonies and British Empire – combined with the extreme loss of clarity in the lead up to the Second World War, where it tried to appease Hitler (an extremely hard right wing and fascist leader), and now repeating this process on a smaller scale with the same lack of clarity in holding the Brexit referendum to appease the hard right politicians in the UK. The UK, and its previous incarnations, is rarely on hallowed ground under Aquarius.  There is absolutely no support to the concept that the Brexit imbroglio is a strengthening or positive step for the UK based on the previous association of Britain to previous Aquarius micro-ages or micro-age decans. The exact opposite is indicated – the UK is usually in dire circumstances in these small Aquarius periods, even though this was self-inflicted due to the Tory government under Prime Minister Cameron trying to appease the hard-right politicians in his party.  Prime Minister Cameron, along with many people, was shocked by the outcome of the referendum, in the same way that the majority of Americans were shocked by the election of Donald Trump as president.  One attribute of Aquarius is its ability to shock.  The current Aquarius period remains emergent, so expect even greater lightning bolts from December 2019 onward when it goes into its more powerful overflow mode.  We have seen the effects of reactionary politics under Trump and Brexit, but the reaction to the reactionary side usually follows. 

[i]John Wycliffe, Wikipedia, Retrieved 05:42, March 2, 2019, from

[ii] Glorious Revolution, Wikipedia, Retrieved 09:48, January 24, 2019, from

[iii] Bill of Rights 1689, Wikipedia. Retrieved 09:53, January 24, 2019, from

[iv] Victorian era, Wikipedia, Retrieved 08:32, January 24, 2019, from

[v] On the Origin of Species, Wikipedia, Retrieved 09:00, January 24, 2019, from

[vi] Edward VIII, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:11, March 2, 2019, from


Is Western Society Due Another Revolution?

For most people in the western world, astrology is just the sun-sign.   Astrologers are not so circumscribed – they know that the sun-sign is just one of a huge number of influential astrological factors including the ascendant, moon signs, aspects and so on that are available in interpreting and predicting events associated with a person, object or event.

When it comes to the astrological ages, the situation is, in a way, almost reversed.  The average astrologer has usually heard of the Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius and plus some earlier ages such as the Age of Cancer – with each age somewhere around 2155 years each.  This is akin to sun-sign astrology.  The astrological age in play at any time in history is just one of many factors of the astrological influences that can be extracted from them.

Firstly, each age has three age-decans of almost 720 years each.  Secondly, each age has twelve sub-ages of almost 180 years each.  These again have three sub-age decans of almost 60 years each and 12 micro-ages of approximately 15 years each – and it does not stop there.  Micro-ages have 12 nano-ages of approximately 15 months each, and in the last few years, I have even been employing pico-ages that are only about 5 weeks in length.  These pico-ages provide valuable insights into subtle financial market gyrations. (For more details on the mechanics of the astrological ages, see The Age of Aquarius for Dummies.

The upshot of all these sub-periods is that when any historical event or current affair is examined, it has to be correlated to the appropriate sub-period of an astrological age, otherwise it is like a client wanting to know their future but only provide their sun-sign!

For any astrologer wanting to learn about the sub-periods of the astrological ages, the best sub-periods to commence with are the sub-ages because a new sub-age arrives approximately every 179 years.  Compare this to an age of some 2150 years – the common thread that must remain historically relevant for over 2,000 years, is very thin.  The common thread associated with a sub-age is far shorter and thicker – and thus easier to identify.

The focus in this article is upon the sub-ages that have been experienced within the current Age of Aquarius to date and specifically upon new cultural, social or political movements that have “revolutionised” western society with the arrival of every new sub-age commencing with the 15th century.  It seems that the world is always in decay, but decay can be taken only for so long.  Since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius there have been three large scale revolutions in western society, and we are again facing the problems and issues of another deterioration of western society requiring another revolution?

The three revolutions that have occurred since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius are related to the first three sub-ages within the Age of Aquarius.

Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612)

Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791)

Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970)

The Capricorn Revolution

A medieval scene of a cleric, soldier and worker

What was life like in 1433 AD at the arrival of the Age of Aquarius?  It was medieval!  The greatest institution in western society was the Roman Catholic Church that was riddled with extreme corruption and people could purchase their way to heaven by buying indulgences, thus supplying a steady income stream to the church.  Society’s perspective was based on the extremely conservative Christian tradition and there was no room for rationality or empirical evidence if the Bible had already commented upon a particular subject.  Furthermore, the church was able to dream up dogma on just about anything based on their religious concepts. People lived in a fantasy or what the world was, what it existed in, and how things worked.  People could be burnt alive for being witches.  It was an abject state of affairs and it made living more difficult than necessary as delusion, corruption and ignorance were accepted as real.

So what happened to correct this absurd state of affairs?  It all started with the appearance and evolution of Protestantism in Europe commencing in 1529.  The term derives from the letter of “protestation” from German Lutheran princes in 1529 against an edict of the Roman Catholic Church Diet of Speyer condemning the teachings of Martin Luther as heretical.

In the 16th century, Lutheranism, or associated reformed churches, spread from Germany into most of Northern Europe by such reformers as John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and John Knox. Protestants developed their own culture, which made major contributions in education, the humanities and sciences, the political and social order, the economy and the arts, and other fields.  The Protestants brought the first modern revolution to western society. In their day, they were the revolutionaries.

The changes brought about by Protestantism include a massive drive to educate their youth.  For example, when the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628, they founded Harvard College only eight years later.  Protestants believed that God gave them the power to reason, greatly contributing to the modern Scientific Revolution.  The main part of the Protestant’s moral code was industry, frugality, calling, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility – all strong Capricorn archetypes.  In tune with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, Protestantism was almost pure democracy in its internal structure compared to the Roman Catholic Church.  This new culture underpinned the formation of the USA.

It should also be noted that the modern Scientific Revolution appropriately commenced with this Capricorn sub-age but the first Age of Science or Scientific Revolution commenced in Ancient Greece  in the previous Capricorn sub-age (551 BC – 370 BC).  According to Nick Campion, this previous scientific revolution was “perhaps comparable to that which transformed European though from around 1500 to 1700, from Copernicus to Newton.”[1]

The Sagittarius Revolution

The bourgeoisie benefited from the Sagittarius sub-age and their “revolution” brought wealth to poverty-stricken western culture.  There were many

The prototypical bourgeois: Monsieur Jourdain, the protagonist in Molière’s play Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670).

revolutions in Europe in the early 1600’s because

There is nothing which stirs and angers the people more than food shortages and the cost of bread.[2]

The common term the “nouveau riche” also applied to the bourgeoisie as a derogatory term by the aristocracy against people that made their wealth from business.  In the 17th and 18th century, the bourgeoisie  were in battle against the Law of Privilege – the divine right to rule by the nobles and aristocracy.  The English Civil War (1642–51), the American War of Independence (1775–83), and French Revolution (1789–99) were partly motivated by the desire by the bourgeoisie to rid themselves of the feudal and royal encroachments on their personal liberty, commercial prospects, and the ownership of property. The extent of the bourgeoisie revolution in England is framed by one history book as “England, Towards a Bourgeois Monarchy”.[3]

In tandem with the bourgeoisie revolution was another major Sagittarius archetype – international travel and affairs.  This sub-age saw the flowering of the great joint-stock companies which emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe which served a leading role in spurring on global commerce and colonization.  The two most famous companies were the English East India Company and the Dutch East India Company – both from Protestant countries.  The end result of the bourgeoisie revolution was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution leading to the greatest economic boom and population explosion the world has ever experienced.

The Scorpio Revolution

The two signs strongly related to revolution are Aquarius and Scorpio, so any Scorpio sub-age within the Age of Aquarius is going to be highly revolutionary, and this sub-age lived up to its archetype.  The great revolution of the Scorpio sub-age was the Workers’ Revolution who basically took on the baton from the bourgeoisie and virtually eliminated western aristocracy in a little over a century.  The plight of workers at the beginning of the Scorpio sub-ages was pitiful.  The first excesses of the Industrial Revolution had created factories involving long hours, child workers, dangerous conditions and low pay while too many bourgeoisie owners behaved like Scrooge McDuck.

At the beginning of this sub-age in 1791, almost the whole of western society remained firmly under control of monarchs and the aristocracy with the

c.1865: Karl Marx (1818-1883), philosopher and German politician. (Photo by Roger Viollet Collection/Getty Images)

bourgeoisie making great inroads – the USA being the key exception to monarchy.  By 1970, only vestiges of monarchs remained.

However, the workers were not just against the aristocracy, they were also against the bourgeoisie – the owners of businesses. The key year was 1848 when there were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe. It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history.  As a result, significant lasting reforms included the abolition of serfdom in Austria and Hungary, the end of absolute monarchy in Denmark, and the introduction of parliamentary democracy in the Netherlands.  Austria and Prussia eliminated feudalism by 1850, improving the lot of the peasants. European middle classes made political and economic gains over the next 20 years; France retained universal male suffrage. Russia would later free the serfs on February 19, 1861.

A key expression of the Workers Revolution was trade unions.  They were banned in the UK in 1799 and severely repressed until 1824.  More permanent trade unions were established in the UK from the 1850s.  They were finally legalised in 1872 (in the UK).

The working class was not content to just being limited to forming trade unions, it was from the excess of extremists elements of the working class that brought the Russian Revolution in 1917 resulting in the communisation of much of the Eurasian land mass by 1950.  The workers finally got rid of the nobles, bourgeoisie and church – but this excess has been brought back to earth not long after the arrival of the Libra sub-age in 1970.  Nevertheless, something that is never taught in schools is that under the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), the biggest revolution the world has ever experienced took place.

The Libra Revolution

Each of the above revolutions arrived due to mass discontent of a significant part of western society against limitations and strictures placed upon them.  The limitations usually come from entrenched anti-democratic forces.  If history is any guide, then the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) should produce another “revolution”.  However what kind of revolution will Libra produce, as it is not a zodiacal sign renown for revolutionary intensity?  It may be better to say “evolution” in place of “revolution” but with the understanding that the result is the same – a major change in direction against an entrenched force.

What are the problems that exist in western society that require an evolution/revolution to fix?  It is not hard to see what the problem is – it is the agenda of most western nations promoting extremists capitalism.  The role of capitalism in the world today represents the opposite extreme of communism of the last century which was in reality extremist socialism.  Capitalism places money at the top of the totem pole, and this has resulted in the ongoing expansion of climate change due to out-of-control pollution in all of its forms and guises. It has also produced a ridiculous situation whereby as of 2015, the richest 1% of the world’s population now owns 50% of its total wealth.[4]

What many people are ignorant about is that when the first western democracy appeared in Ancient Greece (appropriately under the influence of the last Aquarius sub-age), the Athenians were not looking for democracy, they were just looking for a way to prevent utter chaos in their society due to the shenanigans of the rich.

The Libra revolution is firmly in place – it started with the Peace movement, hippies and the appearance of post-modernism in the 1960’s and 70’s.  So powerful and noticeable was this period that it is taken as granted in the American media that the 1960’s and 70’s was the Age of Aquarius with many contemporary writers and media articles waxing lyrical about the Age of Aquarius as if it was a 20 year age!  The 1960’s and 70’s was not the beginning of the Age of Aquarius but the high-point of the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148).  Both Scorpio and Aquarius are revolutionary signs, so the revolutionary energies are high (pun not intended).

We are not looking at a violent and turbulent revolution because Libra is in the mix. Not only does the Libra sub-age begin in 1970, coinciding with the

This is a poster for the musical Hair.

Scorpio sub-age overflow, but we are also slowly approaching the high-point of the massive Libra age-decan and overflow (1433 – 2148 – 2863) and Libra is opposite in nature to violent Aries.  Violent Aries is in for a surprise as Libra grows in strength, as aggression and violence will be replaced by peace and harmony, but not necessarily agreement.  We can expect a bi-polar world of some sort or another, probably split between totalitarian and democratic states with China at the apex of the totalitarian model (China also has a strong association with Libra).  We can also expect by the middle of the 22nd century that western nations will be relatively split between environmentalists with progressive agendas and died-in-the-wool capitalists keen to make a profit, but more constrained than the current free wheeling extreme capitalism that is currently running the world.

We are not going to see a perfect world (if such a thing is remotely possible), but a world that has been further tweaked, in the same way that the previous three sub-ages have seriously tweaked western society.  One of the reasons why so many people feel anguish at the current state of affairs in the world is that a small but significant percentage of western society has moved their heads into the new reality.  From the perspective of the new reality, the current situation of an anachronistic billionaire at the helm of the greatest nation in the world is just pure anathema, which combined with the ongoing and accelerating worldwide environmental disaster, billions spent on armaments when many many millions of people still starve and suffer – is just to hard to bear.  Major revolutions and evolutions are a multi-century affairs, and those that have the new consciousness will need to include patience and forbearance into their psychological outlook.

The outlook and consciousness of the standard bearers for change in western society will also evolve and develop over the coming century and more.  Some years ago a came across the small movement that promoted non-aggressive communication, which was looked upon like veganism as just being an idealistic extremist agenda with little of no relevance for the wider society.  Recently, I also heard an interesting personal outlook for the new age that is developing that went something like this:

Do not offend anyone.

Do not take offence from anyone.

Do not retaliate or take revenge against anyone that has offended you.

This kind of outlook is the harbinger of the world that is coming.  It is a recipe for harmony, understanding and consciousness.  It will not be a perfect world, but it will resolve some or many of the problems and injustices that remain prevalent in the world.  Most science fiction writers, novels and movies get the future completely wrong.  The common Hollywood expectation is either a world with more advanced technology in a corporate fascist environment or a post-apocalyptic world with numerous hardships and privations in an environment of survival of the fittest or most dangerous.  Neither of these two scenarios align with the current growing strength of Libra in the world.

I have been writing about the good news of where the world is heading  for some time, but we will only see the early stages.  Already the LGBT community is experiencing the benefits of this change, and the ongoing equalization of the sexes has made another step forward in the Me-Too movement.  If you are focused upon where we are going, and avoid focusing upon the inequities in the world carried forward from the past, the world suddenly becomes a better place in your personal bubble.

Some of my previous posts on where the world is heading are listed below:

The Silent Revolution

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Will New Agers Rule the World?

The Future of Capitalism in the Age of Aquarius

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Is the World a Calamity in Progress?

The Progressives’ Lament

The Real Revolution in the USA

Note: the above was adopted from an article published in the FAA Journal Volume 47 No. 3, June 2017 published by the Federation of Australian Astrologers


[1] Nicholas Campion, “The Dawn of Astrology”, Continuum, London, 2008 p.74

[2] “The Collins Atlas of World History”, London, 1987, p 158

[3] “The Collins Atlas of World History”, London, 1987, p 156

[4] Daniel Bentley, “The top 1% now owns half the world’s wealth”, Fortune, Oct 15, 2015,

Aries Sub-Ages

I am pleased to announce the first publication of my new research on the astrological ages is available for download from:

Aries Sub-Ages by Terry MacKinnell 2017

My major research on the astrological ages was published in 2011[1] with the focus upon astrological ages of the Holocene Epoch commencing with the Cancer Age (9600 – 7350 BC).  The original research also included age-decans, quasi-ages and quasi-age decans (see “Age of Aquarius for Dummies” at ).  My original plan in 2011 was to also include sub-ages, but at 396 pages, I dropped sub-ages as apart from probably doubling the size of the book, it also may have delayed publication by at least two years.  I have been researching and writing about sub-ages and sub-age decans for around the last two years in fits and starts and have come to realize that while the conclusion to the research and publication of the book of sub-ages is highly desirable, it is another marathon multi-year project.  Therefore, I have decided to break the sub-age project into bite-size pieces and progressively make this research available as each part reaches draft status.

Instead of writing a book on sub-ages, I will write four books, one each on the sub-ages of the same element.  My first book will be fire sub-ages (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and the plan is to then follow through with earth sub-ages, air sub-ages and conclude with water sub-ages.  This arrangement only came into focus after writing about the Aries sub-ages, and then discovering that I had to cover the same ground when researching Leo sub-ages and Sagittarius sub-ages.  This is because each Aries sub-age also includes a Leo and Sagittarius sub-age decan, each Leo sub-age includes Aries and Sagittarius sub-age decans while each Sagittarius sub-age includes Aries and Leo decans.  In reality, all signs of the same element work together in sub-ages and their decans and to isolate sub-ages to their primary sign only does not accurately portray how their energies synthesize to produce the most accurate correlation to the historical events and unfolding current events.

The major difference between what I am making freely available now and what ultimately will be published is that I am only focusing upon sub-ages, and apart from a passing reference to sub-age decans, these will be ignored at this point of time. This will also simplify the process for the average astrologer who, by and large, is floundering at the concept of the Age of Aquarius arriving in the 15th century, let alone dealing with sub-ages.  Sub-age decans just may be one step too far and too fast.

Another reason I plan to publish my research on sub-ages and sub-age decans in a piecemeal fashion is due to the current sub-age decan.  The Gemini sub-age decan (1970 – 2029) is great for fake news, social media, handheld phones and devices, the growth of cities but on the other side of the coin sits short term attention spans and a lack of focus upon serious reading.  The following is a summary only of the material available in the attached Adobe Acrobat pdf file.

Aries sub-ages

 My sub-age research commences with the arrival of the Aries age in 2918 BC as historical accuracy before this time is far too vague.  However, I do seek out some vestiges of sub-ages before the arrival of the Aries age in 2918 BC.  Since 2918 BC, there have only been two Aries sub-ages, and despite the fact that about 2,000 years separate these two Aries sub-ages, a common theme is experienced from both.  The following is a summary only of the attached file which provides a detailed analysis of these two Aries sub-ages.

A number of diverse archetypes are associated with Aries but with a common underlying theme – raw energy.  This raw energy is readily seen in the combination of military leaders and massive warfare on the one side, and cultural florescence on the other.  Into this mix can be added new breakthroughs or the beginning of something plus major and significant engineering feats.  Basically Aries wants to do something – if this involves building the biggest tower, creating a city (with all the trappings such as a library, gardens etc.) or conquering as much land as possible – so be it!  Behind nearly everything associated with Aries is this desire to collectively roll up the sleeves of the society, conquer as much territory as possible, build one or more grand cities, plumb new depths in engineering and plunge forth intellectually with vigor whenever conditions are suitable.

Those individuals that are at the forefront of Aries become ‘great’ one way or another.  Usually this is through being a great military leader, but as the fortunes of the Aries age and overflow waned, people became respected for other reasons, especially for religious reasons as the Pisces age and overflow picked up speed from around 351 AD onward with the arrival of the Pisces quasi age.

The first Aries sub-age examined arrived at the peak of the almost 4,500 years Aries age and overflow ‘bell curve’ (2916 BC – 732 BC – 1433 AD), also known as the Aries era – the Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC) situated dead center.  The Aries crown in this period is given to Assyria – the military marvel and empire of this sub-age, and probably the purest manifestation of Aries’ ferocity.  No mercy was given to the inhabitants of any captured city that resisted Assyria’s army and the Assyrian’s used pure terror as a strategy to expand their empire.  Aries on one extreme is a pure bully.  Assyrian rulers delighted in hunting and this probably accounted for the extinction of the Mesopotamian lion which they slaughtered in large numbers. Assyria’s main city was Nineveh, and to supply it with water, two million limestone blocks were used in one bridge alone of the aqueduct constructed by thousands of prisoners of war.

Despite Assyria’s ruthlessness, the sciences and visual arts flourished.  The Assyrians were especially interested in astronomy and astrology.  One Assyrian king established the famous library at Nineveh with 30,000 clay tablets organized by shape but were separated by content into different rooms. As another Aries’ first – this library had one of the first library catalogs.[2]  The Assyrians were also the first nation to move en-masse conquered people to different locations in the Assyrian empire.[3]  Aries is always associated with people on the move for a new home.  The apex of Assyria was the reign of Tiglath-Pileser III. However, by the end of this Aries period, Assyria had disappeared from sight.  The power vacuum caused by the fall of Assyria allowed a Babylonian renaissance culminating in the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the capturing Jerusalem in 597 BC.

This Aries period also saw the rise of Ancient Greece (800 to 480 BC) and the settling of the village of Rome in Italy.  The Etruscans in the Italian peninsula also did well under Aries, and so the sign Aries was focused upon Rome from the very beginning, not only by its formation in this Aries period, but also by the influence from the Aries-orientated Etruscans and Greek.  The founding of Carthage also made it an Aries city-state, but with Aries a competitive sign, ultimately it was either Rome or Carthage – the stakes are high under Aries!

Classical Antiquity, also known as the Classical Era, Classical period or Classical Age,[4] aligns itself exactly to the first half of the Pisces age.  The second half of the Pisces age is aligned to the Medieval period.[5] With the arrival of the Aquarius age in the 15th century, the Modern period or age commenced.[6]  These long term fundamental periods suggest that our current modern “age” or period will last until the midway point of the Aquarius age around 2500 which is the same as the arrival of the Aquarius quasi-age.  Will 2500 bring the world to the post-apocalyptic age so well portrayed in many Hollywood movies?

The second Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) examined again witnessed  mighty Aries deeds.  The two greatest war mongers of this time were Genghis Khan and Pope Urban II.   Genghis Khan is reputed to be the world’s greatest warrior though Pope Urban II started the Crusades when he called upon Europeans to venture forth to the Middle East to attack the infidels occupying the Holy Land.  This Aries period coincided with the beginning of the Pisces quasi age-decan (1072-1791). Pisces archetypes therefore experienced a promotion and this is what we see also at this time in history – a Pisces religious leader becoming a war monger.  Only the Pisces religious pope had the ability to call Europe to arms as European secular powers were divided and at loggerheads with each other.  The default unification of Europe in fighting a common enemy confirms not only the major Pisces rulership of Europe, but also the secondary rulership by Aries.

The Crusades commenced within 30 years of the arrival of the Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) but concluded in 1291, about 40 years past the end of the Aries sub-age proper.  Aries is like a sky rocket, it goes up with a lot of fanfare but quickly comes back to earth with a thud.  Though wars appear to disfavor the aggressors, and this certainly happened to the Europeans in the failed Crusades, it did begin something else that had far reaching consequences.  All of a sudden backward Europeans gained first-hand knowledge of the majesty of the Byzantine Empire and Islamic Middle East.  The introduction of their greater knowledge and culture ultimately turned Europe from a backward atavistic society to conquer nearly all other societies in the world. Aires always wants to fight!

Genghis Khan delayed his birth to the very beginning of the more potent Aries quasi sub-age (1162-1332).  The Mongols tribes were like Europeans, always fighting among themselves, but Genghis Khan was able to meld the warring tribes into one large fighting force the likes the world had never experienced previously or since.  Like the European Crusades, the Mongol Empire lasted only while Aries was strong –  aligned to the Aries quasi sub-age.  This alignment to the Aries quasi sub-age is mimicked by Saladin – the warrior of note and military foe of Richard the Lionheart.  Saladin’s dynasty was also aligned to the Aries quasi sub-age (1162-1332).  After the death of Genghis Khan the Mongol Horde continued the momentum and conquered China, central Eurasia, much of Russia and almost Venice in 1214.  The Mongol dynasty in China fell only three decades past the end of the Aries quasi sub-age in 1332. The Mongols conquered more of Eurasia and killed a greater percentage of people than any time before or after making the Mongol Horde an Aries exemplar.  The Mongols also spread the widespread use of gunpowder and very quickly the Europeans, Muslims and Indians were employing canons and firearms – items always fondly caressed by Aries.

This Aries period saw the beginning of the end of the Eastern Roman Empire.  The sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders (under the bidding of Constantinople’s business rival, Venice) put an end to the Eastern Roman Empire’s last period of greatness.  Like the sunset period of the Western Roman Empire, the power in the Eastern Roman Empire commenced to be vested in provincial military families.  The final dynasty of the Eastern Roman Empire turned more to their Greek rather than Roman origins. This dynasty fell with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, only 20 years past the end of the Aries sub-age overflow and Pisces age.

The two Aries sub-ages examined have been located in the Aries age and overflow (2916 BC – 732 BC – 1433 AD) and all these sub-ages and sub-age decans since the Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC) have been the critical periods in the rise and fall of Ancient Rome.  The Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC) saw the settling of the village of Rome on the Tiber River.  Just past the end of the Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) the last vestige of Ancient Rome collapsed with the fall of Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, to the Muslim invaders.  Ancient Rome was book-ended by two Aries sub-ages.

The Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) saw, in allegorical terms, the handing of the baton from Ancient Rome to modern Europe.  The European resurgence was firstly most noticeable in Italy with the rise of powerful and rich trading states such as Venice.  This baton-passing act only temporarily involved Italy, and very quickly it left the Italian peninsula and moved into Europe where the Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Germans, Dutch and Great Britain were ready to launch forth on an unsuspecting world.  Context is everything, as each Aries sub-age or sub-age decan arrives, it must interact with whatever age, age-decan and associated quasi-periods.

The Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) is what I colloquially call the ‘sting in the tail’ of the Aries age and overflow. Any period in macro-astrology that is not a decan ends with such a sting-in-the tail and deserves an appropriate name.  Every age has as its second last sub-age in its age overflow period a sub-age with the same sign as itself.  Taking into account the sub-age overflow, this means that every age-wave finishes with a bang.  It is the conclusion to the story.

Other notable events associated with this pivotal Aries period include the Hussite Wars (1419-34) which saw the use of the hand-held cannon in Europe, Britain’s conquest of Wales (but failed conquest of Scotland) and the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) between France and England which commenced with bows and arrows but ended with firearms and was an emphatic loss to Britain though they retain Calais for some time.

There is strong evidence of Aries in Britain’s astrological signature.  The Celts are believed to have migrated into Britain in the Aries sub-age and overflow (914 – 732 – 551 BC).  Britain entered another major phase of self-government with the withdrawal of Roman troops in the Aries sub-age decan and overflow (352 – 412 – 472 AD).  In the Aries sub-age and overflow (1072 – 1252 – 1433 AD) Britain’s nationalistic sentiment was created due mainly to the One Hundred Years war with France.  Finally in the Aries sub-age decan and overflow (1672-1731-1791) the British Empire became temporarily the foremost military power in the world due to its successes in the Second Hundred Years War.  Appropriately, Great Britain was eclipsed in the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) with Scorpio sitting in the 8th house of death and vulnerability to Aries.  Aries is a significant sign for Great Britain.

Other developments of note in these Aries’ periods include the mass movement of people either forcibly or willingly.  Engineering and construction included most of the Seven Wonders of the World  including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  Other established Aries’ associations are developments in some sports and athletics including the Olympic Games.

The full version is available at:

Aries Sub-Ages by Terry MacKinnell 2017

References & Citations

[1] Terry MacKinnell, “The Dawning”, Xlibris, USA, 2011

[2] Library catalog. (2015, May 30). Wikipedia, Retrieved 02:24, June 4, 2015, from

[3] “A Very Short History of the World”, pp 68-72

[4] Classical antiquity. (2015, May 20). Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:35, June 4, 2015, from

[5] Middle Ages. (2015, June 4). Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:39, June 4, 2015, from

[6] Modern history. (2015, May 20). Wikipedia, Retrieved 07:42, June 4, 2015, from

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 2

The current 21st century from an astrological perspective is a ‘mild’ century.  In Part 1, an initial examination of the 21st century was made which proposed that the 21st century is not as dangerous compared to the 20th and 22nd centuries due primarily to the fact that both these centuries have a major sub-age cusp whereas the 21st century does not.  The primary influence in the 21st century is from the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) and a basic examination of Scorpio archetypes was undertaken.  Sub-age cusps are not the only harbingers of disasters and difficulties, and in this post, a deeper examination of the differences between the current 21st century compared to the two adjoining centuries is made.

For those readers not familiar with periods used in macro-astrology, you may find your understanding significantly increases if you first read Age of Aquarius for Dummies

The 20th century saw both the peak of the Scorpio sub-age wave in 1970 and the peak of the Pisces sub-age decan (the middle decan of the Scorpio sub-age) wave in 1910.  Normally a wave associated with a sub-age decan should have only one-third the strength of a sub-age wave – but like the inevitability of Murphy’s Law, there is always an exception.  The peak of the Pisces sub-age decan wave in 1910 was the exception to the rule.  The greatest wave of all is caused by an age, and that last rolled in on an unsuspecting world in the 15th century.  The age cusp in the 15th century marked the boundary of the Pisces and Aquarian ages, but in the 15th century Pisces is the sign of strength while Aquarius is just the new spindly kid on the block.

In the 15th century, the Pisces age broke like a tsunami and is currently washing over the world for thousands of years bringing all manner of Pisces archetypes along for the ride.  Pisces is traditionally associated with Europe, is the primary sign on the USA’s totem pole, is the sign for corporations (fake bodies) and thus strongly linked to capitalism, and is the apocalyptic sign which is why key Pisces religions such as Christianity and Islam look to the end of the world for salvation.  Even many science fiction and futuristic movies often portray a post-apocalyptic future.  Pisces is the sign of endings, and many people are convinced about the imminent and messy end of human society or society as we know it.

Coincidentally Pisces archetypes include self-deception, delusion and a lack of clarity. Under Pisces’ spell, when Pisces was at its peak the Roman Catholic Church (and the new Protestantism) behaved like the Taliban or ISIS and burnt at the stake many people, exiled or persecuted them by other means due only to their beliefs.  There were massive religious wars between the Protestant and Catholic nations (similar to the Sunni and Shiite antagonism currently playing out in the Middle East).  The Black Death ravaged Europe.  The majority of the American Indians were killed by disease upon contact with their European superiors, if they had not already been murdered or enslaved.  Millions of innocent Africans were transported to become slaves with many millions dying a horrible death on route.  It was not a pretty picture.  There were many developments on the positive side of Pisces at this critical juncture but at this point, I am looking for worse case scenarios.

When the tsunami of the Pisces age wave passes over the centuries, if it comes across a significant Pisces sub-period it resonates with the smaller Pisces period creating, for a short time, a far greater impact than can normally be expected from a smaller wave.  When the Pisces age wave hit the early 20th century, it resonated with the smaller Pisces sub-age decan wave and reminded the world of what it was like to live under medieval Pisces in earlier centuries.  This is why in the first half of the 20th century the world saw two World Wars, the Great Depression and the millions of deaths associated with the Spanish flu in 1918 which killed more people than the First World War.  How many hundreds of millions of people were cut down before their time in the first half of the 20th century? Again, I am focusing on the dark side of Pisces only. The first half of the 20th century was the great disaster of modern times, and there is nothing remotely like it indicated in the current 21st century.

On the other side of the 21st century, the 22nd century has something that only appears once every age.  Each age has three age-decans.  The cusp of one age decan coincides with the cusp of the ages so can be discounted, leaving the two remaining cusps.  The first of these two age-decan cusps takes on additional role.  The first age-decan cusp of any age is of the opposite sign of the second last age overflow and stops it in its tracks!  The whole of the Pisces age (732 BC – 1433 AD) was dominated by the Aries age overflow in the same way that the current Aquarius age (1433 – 3574) is dominated by the Pisces age overflow. However when the 15th century arrived unleashing the Pisces age-overflow, the remnants of the Aries age overflow continued to be carried along in the slipstream.  Aries brought the Age of Warfare and the continuation of the military madness associated with Aries has carried forward into the modern world – but it has a time fuse attached to it.

War is not the only archetype attached to Aries, it is the sign of male-dominated society and sits high on the European totem pole along with Pisces in contrast with the Far East which has a focus upon Libra.  Aries has driven the constructive urge in the world where nearly everywhere in the world has numerous examples of spectacular engineering feats.  Somehow, all this comes to a screeching halt from the middle of the 22nd century onwards because of the peak of the Libra age decan in 2148 – with Libra countering Aries’ archetypes.  Furthermore, age-decan cusps produce serious schisms, and the strength of an age decan cusp is such that even the constitutional integrity of the US government will most likely be compromised (for a short time) before political continuity returns.  Major empires and regions have a history of collapsing upon the arrival of an age-decan cusp.  Age-decan cusps are serious business.  Nothing like this is seen in the current 21st century.

Before examining the 21st century in detail, it is important to reiterate what has been investigated so far.  The current 21st century, for all its problems, will in no way be comparable to the extreme destruction witnessed in the first half of the 20th century nor what is projected to occur in the 22nd century.  The mood however for the 21st century will be desultory and people will feel vulnerable – some will feel very vengeful. A new ethos will grow and develop over the century which can be sourced back to the 1960s and 70s.  This has precedence and previous incarnations of this same phenomena occurred with the rise of the workers commencing the early 19th century, and the earlier rise of the bourgeoisie (self-employed businessmen). Prior to that there was the sudden appearance of the Puritans and Protestant Christians.  In each case, these movements were associated with sub-ages – the Puritans with the Capricorn sub-age, the bourgeoisie with the Sagittarius sub-age and the workers with the Scorpio sub-age.  In all cases there were long germinations times.

Figure 1 – the first four subages of the Aquarian age
Each of these sub-ages of the Aquarian age have produced a major new socio-political movement

What is the new movement or ethos emanating out of the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148)?  It is the New Age movement, and the growth of this new environmentally-friendly social ethos is sure to follow the same pattern.  We will not experience its culmination in this century.

The two key aspects that need to be examined for a top-down view of the 21st century are the influences from the Scorpio sub-age overflow and the newly arrived Libra sub-age (both 1970-2148 and this period can be labelled the Scorpio-Libra sub-age) plus the role of the two sub-age decans cusps that occur in the 21st century.  Because of the wave-like nature of all periods in macro-astrology, no period is solely influenced by only one sign.  The Scorpio sub-age overflow and Libra sub-age are occurring simultaneously as the Scorpio wave has attained its peak ascendancy in 1970 and ‘breaks’ over the following period while in 1970 the Libra sub-age comes online ready for its 179 years climb to its peak.  Abbreviating the period to the Scorpio-Libra sub-age indicates the role of the two signs in this period and the dominance of Scorpio of Libra in the timeframe.

The Scorpio-Libra sub-age (1970-2148) has a demarcation line around the year 2059.  Before 2059 Scorpio is the absolute dominant sign in the partnership, but from around 2059 Libra becomes noticeably more powerful.  The input from Scorpio has already been covered in brief, but there is more to Scorpio than regeneration.  The other key archetype associated with Scorpio is reduction including minimalism.  Scorpio likes to prune the tree.  All the predictions for the world population indicate a continuation of the exponential growth in the number of people in the world.  The population explosion was a direct result of the Sagittarius sub-age overflow (1791-1970) and few people will disagree with the association of a booming population with the sign Sagittarius.  However it is now Scorpio’s turn, and Scorpio is not expansionary like Sagittarius – in many ways it has an opposite quality.  Scorpio wants the population of the world to reduce!

How will the world’s population reduce when all the pundits predict the opposite?  Most people latch onto apocalyptic scenarios, but this melodramatic view of the future is associated with Pisces, and though Pisces is the primary sign in the world for many more centuries to come, there is no Pisces period of strength in the 21st century to resonate with.  The most it can do is prop up the Pisces micro-age and overflow (2059-2074-2089) where it is likely to create another economic bubble which will again crash spectacularly around 2092 to 2097.

The fall in population is already occurring but most people cannot see it.  Most western nations have had negative population growth for decades which means the number of children being born is less than the number of people dying.  The only reason western countries are not shrinking is due to immigration.  This population contraction is now not limited to only western nations, many second tier nations are witnessing the same.  Furthermore, as the spread of the middle class extends from developed nations to developing nations, population growth falls because middle class families do not need to depend upon their children for their social security and labor as they grow old.  Recently, for the first time in history, more people live in urban centers than in rural areas.  This is merely confirmation of the worldwide trend towards an urbanized middle class with greater wealth than their average rural counterpart, resulting in families with significantly less children.  In addition, China, with 1.3 billion people is the most populace nation on earth and had for many decades an enforced One-Child policy which has drastically affected population growth for a significant proportion of the world’s population.

It may be too unrealistic to suggest that all the population contraction will be based solely on economic issues – other mildly catastrophic events may reduce population growth, but if disease, epidemics, pollution, violence and so on become factors that prune the world’s population, it cannot be at the same echelon of disasters that befell the world in the first half of the 20th century.  One possible reason for population decline is due appropriately to growing rates of infertility – infertility is in the stable of Scorpio archetypes.  Infertility or difficulties for women to become pregnant has substantially increased in western nations since the 1960s.[i]  Infertility clinics are becoming as common as McDonalds.

The effects of the astrological ages and sub-periods are not uniform around the world but always radiate out from the age-empire or civilization focal point of the time.  Since the 15th century this has been the prerogative, for better and worse, of western culture – firstly in Europe, but during the powerful Pisces resonant point in the early 20th century, this was passed on to the USA.  The emergent developments will tend to occur first in western nations then radiate out to the rest of the world over the following decades or centuries.  The negative population growth of western nations has commenced radiating out past western nations, and though it may not hit Africa for over another century or more, it will ultimately get there.

The other big picture association to Scorpio is pollution.  Pollution will be a significant factor in world affairs at least until the early 23rd century.  When the world arrives at the peak of the Taurus sub-age decan[ii] around 2207, a counterbalancing period lasting many decades will reign in pollution or its effects one way or another.  There is no need to review the plethora of dire consequences that environmental scientists predict for the world except for one major aspect that I did briefly refer to in my book published in 2011.  Global Warming is real, and currently the heat is not going into atmospheric temperature but into rising oceanic temperature.  Apart from melting the ice at the poles, hot water expands.

“Can any insight be gained from the astrological ages about the prediction by many scientists of a serious rise in ocean levels due to climate change? Pisces takes control of the oceans, and scientists are stating that the conclusions of the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are too optimistic and conservative. The average ocean levels rose about 17 cm in the twentieth century. Most people are aware that the melting of glaciers and ice sheets is contributing significantly to sea level rise. However, global warming is also causing the existing seawater to expand, thus further increasing sea level rise. Based on the combination of meltwater from melting ice and expanding oceans, some experts believe ocean levels could rise by 1 meter by 2100 CE.” [iii]

The scientific evidence suggests that the sea level will rise around one meter (over 3 feet) per century for the next five centuries.  Since the 15th century the strongest sign in the world is Pisces and will remain Pisces at least until 2500 – therefore the astrology supports the scientists.  This will be an ongoing major catastrophe in slow motion and satisfies the requirement of our current century that detrimental change is here, but not to the destructive level of the early 20th century.  Recently I was discussing the issue with a university lecturer in marine biology and he stated that the effects of an average sea level rise of just one inch can push back the shoreline by 20 yards or more.  Most of the world’s coastal cities are doomed, but not immediately – how long can Venice survive?

In conclusion, both the 20th and 22nd centuries have major astrological precipitators creating extreme situations due to the Pisces sub-age decan resonating with the Pisces age overflow in the early 20th century, and the Libra age-decan cusp in the 22nd century opposing the violent influence carrying over from the Aries age. The funny thing is that nothing on this level occurs in the current 21st century.Peace_sign

Each sub-age produces a sub-culture with a new ethos, and I have proposed that the new and emergent sub-culture that will be in a position to deal with the world’s problems will evolve from the New Age movement and Green sympathizers.   The population explosion is not only likely to continue to considerably slow down, it may even start reducing the world population as the 21st century unwinds, unless this is totally reserved for the 22nd century.  Ages and all sub-periods ‘radiate’ and at this stage of the Age of Aquarius, it is western culture that is the source of the radiation, and its radiating influence will slowly but steadily affect the rest of the world for better or worse (torturing prisoners or highly questionable interrogation tactics such as waterboarding will also radiate out to the rest of the world).  On the other extreme is the Peace or New Age movement which was developed within western culture.

Finally pollution will increasingly become the issue that must be resolved and the second half of the 21st century looks promising in this regard.  The astrology suggests that the current ethos of western culture is incapable of adequately addressing the major issue of pollution due to the overriding focus upon financial profit, and that it will only be due to the growing influence of the New Age/Green movement, or whatever emerges from this movement, that will sufficiently address the problem – possibly as early as 2059 or shortly thereafter.  The drive towards addressing pollution and Climate Change will build and develop in the period leading to 2059.



[ii] This Taurus sub-age decan belongs to the Virgo sub-age (c.2148-2327)

[iii] Terry MacKinnell “The Dawning”,Xlibris, 2011, p 237-8

Associated Posts

A Funny Thing Happened in the 21st Century – Part 1

Will New Agers Rule the World

Scorpio – the Sign of the Times


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell – details of purchasing the book available

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies – explains the structure and sub-periods associated with the astrological ages

Aquarian Age Economics – Examines the relationship between macro-astrology and financial cycles

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

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“The Dawning” is available from Xlibris, Amazon etc
Detailed examination of the astrological ages from the Age of Leo to the Age of Aquarius including age-decans