Background to Brexit

The Brexit referendum in 2016 occurred early in the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) of the Gemini micro-age (2014 – 2029) of the Libra sub-age (1970 – 2148) – the forth sub-age within the Age of Aquarius (1433 – 3574), and all these zodiacal signs are antithetical to the signs in the astrological signature for the UK.  This suggests that Brexit will bring the UK no benefits, but for the short term, it also suggests a damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don’t scenario due to the polarization that has occurred in the UK on this issue, very similar to the divide that has embraced the USA under President Trump.  Aquarius does not favor the mainstream – it favors extremists, fringes and radicals, and politicians are taking advantage of this temporary rejection of middle-of-the-road politics in an attempt to shift the political agenda to radical or other extremist agendas. The initial impulse has mainly been towards the hard right wing and even neo-fascist side of politics – but it remains early days yet for the current Aquarius period.

My final analysis of Brexit will cover the clash between UK’s astrological signature and the signs of these times, especially the Brexit referendum while this background analysis is based on examining the UK’s performance under previous Aquarius micro-age decans (and micro-ages) as far back as the end of the Age of Pisces.  This allows us to find thematic and archetypal diachronic connections that can shed light on Brexit and what it really means for the UK.

Many people think that any random development, such as Brexit, is reasonable if it agrees with their personal political views.  For example, is Scotland better off as a separate country or part of the UK?  To answer this, it is necessary to understand where the world is heading, because even without astrology, it is obvious that the evolution of civilization does indicate a direction to this evolution, otherwise we would be viewing the murder or killing of people on TV in replication of the Roman circus where such events were considered ‘normal’ to the spectators.  There is both progress and acknowledgement that much more progress needs to occur due to numerous shortcomings with society and politics.   It is easy to see the benefits and direction of progress over previous centuries and millennia, but how do we project progress into the future so that we can see how present events support or detract from the where the world is heading?

This is outside the scope of this analysis, but the astrology associated with the Age of Aquarius, suggests that the world is approaching greater aggregation, coordination and synchronization with the role of individual nations being sublimated into larger global structures, in the same way over the last millennium, small kingdoms and fiefdoms were combined to form the nation states of today.  Small kingdoms and fiefdoms were a problem, and these problems were overcome by their absorption into larger structures that prevented them from fighting or undermining their neighbors.  The same issue now faces nation-states that are not adequately synchronized with their neighbors and the world at large, especially in key issues such as climate change, civil rights, religious freedoms, military aggression and so on.  I will be updating the last chapter in my book, The Dawning – Shedding New Light on the Astrological Ages, published in 2011, with a revised outline of the future at the first opportunity.

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As previously stated, the Brexit referendum in 2016 occurred early in the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) which is based on a five year micro-age decan followed by its overflow onto the following five year period like a wave [see The Age of Aquarius for Dummies]. In simple terms, the world rotates through five year micro-age decans representing all 12 zodiacal signs normally every 60 years (but with some minor variation at the cusp of sub-ages).  Therefore all 12 signs are generally granted equal measure to influence events, and if this was solely the case, the world would just go around a merry-go-round with history constantly repeating itself.  This means that democracy would usurp monarchs, only for monarchs to again usurp democracy ad infinitum.

However, the merry-go-round scenario is not strictly the case.  It is due to resonance of these 5 years micro-age decans to larger periods that the relatively small micro-age decans are biased in their relative strengths with each other.  Therefore, since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, any Aquarius micro-age decan (and Pisces micro-age decan) will have the edge on other micro-age decans due to resonance with the Pisces Age overflow and Age of Aquarius.  Every Libra micro-age decan will also be more powerful due to resonance with the Libra age-decan (1433 – 2148).  Since 1791, every Scorpio small period will resonate with the Scorpio sub-age and overflow (1791 – 1970 – 2148) and so on.  It is these incremental differences between one sub-period and another that provides longer term trends in society. For example, since December 2014, the ages, sub-ages and micro-ages have, for the first time in around 7,000 years, fully aligned themselves to progressive influences but alas, also instability, and this is being played out now [see A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making ].  

The current Aquarius micro-age decan, and following two (Libra and Gemini micro-age decans) are more powerful than average, as each resonates with a larger period – Libra with the Libra age decan (1433 – 2148) and Gemini with the Gemini sub-age decan (1970 – 2029).  The larger the parent period, the greater the resonance between periods.

The first four sub-ages at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius displaying the 12 micro-ages within each sub-age

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1373 – 1378 – 1382)

This period, set toward the end of the Pisces age (732 BC – 1433 AD), replicates the Brexit Aquarius micro-age decan inasmuch it is part of a Gemini micro-age and Cancer micro-age overflow, but all larger periods are different and they were also more favorable to the British compared to the Brexit period.

The pre-Protestant English Lollards under the Oxford scholar, John Wyclif, went on the attacked against papal authority, and due to some support from the English government, he was able to instigate virtual heresy against the Roman Catholic Church.  John Wyclif promoted the reading of the Bible by ordinary people, and he was instrumental in producing the Wyclif Bible translated from Latin into Middle English.[i]  Wyclif also promoted the role of the king over the pope and was an iconoclast inasmuch he opposed cherished beliefs and institutions that have become erroneous or pernicious – straight out of the Aquarius cookbook.

This small Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow demonstrates how the astrology of the astrological ages mimics and correlates to historical developments.  This Aquarius period promoted revolutionary Aquarian ideals, but this period is not within the Age of Aquarius, so it does not have any real momentum behind it due to lack of resonance.  However, when the next similar Aquarius period occurred, it was inside the Age of Aquarius, thus strengthening each and every Aquarian archetype resulting in not just a spat with the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but an actual split creating a completely different social-religious-political structure in Europe that lasted centuries.  Resonance makes a big impact.

This Aquarius period witnessed appropriately, the English Peasants Revolt (1381) under Wat Tyler, which was initiated by widespread anger against a poll tax.  Tyler led his followers on a march to London, taking Maidstown, Rochester, and Canterbury along the way.  They tricked their way into London, marched down Fleet Street, beheaded a judge, archbishop and 18 leading citizens, and instigated even greater fury against the Flemish community.  During negotiations with the King Richard II, the London mayor mortally struck Tyler with a sword, and the revolution was over, though the king pardoned all the assailants. Nevertheless, a major revolutionary assault was made against the British government in this early Aquarius period, and this really sets the tone for these Aquarius periods.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1468 – 1473 – 1478)

This period occurs within the Age of Aquarius and is part of a Libra micro-age.   Royalty strongly figures in this period with the murder of insane King Henry VI in the Tower of London allowing for the reinstatement of Edward IV, part of the ongoing struggle between the houses of York and Lancashire and called the War of the Roses (1455 – 1487).  This was definitely a period in Britain where the British royalty and therefore the government were in gross detriment which played itself out in the War of the Roses.

The full extent of the War of the Roses was probably an attribute of the Scorpio micro-age and overflow (1448 – 1463 – 1478) with Scorpio always a troublesome sign for the Taurus British.  Also, the War of the Roses occurred in the Virgo sub-age decan (1433 – 1493) with Virgo opposed to Pisces, a sign that is associated with the British.  Murdering the head of government continues the theme of angst between Aquarius and Leo Britain.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1523 – 1528 – 1533)

This period partly replicates the Brexit Aquarius period due to its location in a Gemini micro-age.  This Aquarius period is associated with the reign of King Henry VIII including the annulment of his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon and the beginning of the English Reformation – a major revolutionary event in its day.  The English Reformation is considered a part of the wider European Protestant Reformation, instigated by the (German) Martin Luther in this small Aquarius period with the new Protestants breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church and rejecting the authority of the Pope, extremely appropriate for revolutionary Aquarius.  In hindsight, the Reformation was an early symptom of the newly arrived Age of Aquarius promoting democracy and rejecting (Leo) leaders, as the new Protestant churches instigated a number of democratic processes associated with congregations into its structures.

Martin Luther’s role also supports the long term association of Aquarius with Germany.  In this case King Henry VIII wittingly, or unwittingly, sided with the revolutionary Luther in opposing the (Leo) might of the pope and Roman Catholic Church but for purely personal self-seeking reasons.  The internal turmoil created by the English Reformation lasted until the Glorious Revolution in the following similar Aquarius micro-age decan in 1688.

This Aquarius period occurred in the lead up to the peak of the Taurus sub-age decan (1493 – 1552), and with such strong support from Taurus, and from the Capricorn quasi sub-age (1523 – 1702), another sign favorable to the British, the greatest loser here was the external Roman Catholic Church with Britain formally leaving the fold.  The Roman Catholic Church has Pisces and Scorpio at the top of its totem pole, and this Aquarius period was greatly influenced by Taurus and Virgo – both antithetical to the Christian church.  The Taurus sub-age decan (1493 – 1552) is also the same period as the overlapping Virgo sub-age decan overflow – bad news for Pisces-Scorpio Christianity.

Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1582 – 1597 – 1612)

The anti-royal flavor of Aquarius quickly manifested when in 1587, Queen Elizabeth had Catholic Queen Mary beheaded.  In the following year, the Spanish unleashed their invasion Armada against the British, only to have it disintegrate due to adverse weather and better tactics of the British with the Spanish losing 65 ships and 10,000 men compared to the English losing no ships and less than 100 men.  Nevertheless, Queen Elizabeth scrapped with Parliament in 1593, where she asserted the monarchical right to assent or disagree with Parliament, and that religious matters and foreign affairs were the domain of the monarch.   The newly elected parliamentarians from the middle class had another perspective.

The death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603 saw the thrones of England and Scotland combined under King James VI.  Catholic Guy Fawkes was foiled in his attempt to kill King James VI and blow up Parliament in 1605 leading to centuries of fireworks for many British and their descendants around the world.  Despite winning against the Spanish, this Aquarius period again demonstrates the traumatic events in Britain under Aquarius, and associated with a royal execution, and attempted royal murder.  However, this small Aquarius period witnessed the birth of the American colonies, establishing their revolutionary spirit from birth under Aquarius.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1627 – 1632 – 1637)

This finds England under the reign of King Charles I (1600 – 1649) who believed in the divine right of kings, and so this Aquarius period witnessed a feud between the king and parliament with the general public opposed to his policies, especially taxation without parliamentary consent and his behavior as an absolute monarch.  Ultimately this cost him his head.  This is a straightforward anti-monarch period, but also a difficult period for the British as should be expected when Aquarius is strong.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1687 – 1692 – 1697)

The main game in town was the Glorious Revolution (1688) with the overthrow of King James II of England by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch William III, Prince of Orange, who was James’s nephew and son-in-law. William’s successful invasion of England with a Dutch fleet and army led to his ascension to the throne as William III of after the Declaration of Right, leading to the Bill of Rights 1689.  The initial dissent occurred due to the likelihood that King James’s Catholic son would take the British throne and therefore create the establishment of a Roman Catholic dynasty. Working with British parliamentarians, William successfully launched a large invasion fleet in 1688, and following the defeat of King James’s forces, James fled England.  This revolution or invasion again indicates the ability of Aquarius to deeply undermine the integrity of Britain.

For British Catholics its effects were disastrous, both socially and politically, as for over a century Catholics were denied the right to vote and sit in Parliament; they were also denied commissions in the army, and the monarch was forbidden to be Catholic or to marry a Catholic – this latter prohibition remaining in force until 2015. Of course, the subsequent persecution of Catholics is good old Aquarius fascism.  It has been argued, mainly by Whig historians, that James’s overthrow began modern English parliamentary democracy: the Bill of Rights 1689 has become one of the most important documents in the political history of Britain and never since has the monarch held absolute power.[ii]

The English Bill of Rights set out certain basic civil rights and clarified royal succession and laid down limits on the powers of the (Leo) monarch and sets out the rights of (Aquarius) Parliament, including the requirement for regular parliaments, free elections, and freedom of speech in Parliament. It sets out certain rights of individuals including the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment and reestablished the right of Protestants to have arms for their defense within the rule of law. The Bill of Rights 1689 was one of the inspirations for the Bill of Rights in the USA.[iii]

This period is the source of America’s gun-toting culture as this Aquarius period was situated in the strongest part of the Aries sub-age decan and overflow  (1612 – 1672 – 1731), that influenced the early years of the British settlement of North America.  While the British moved on, many Americans have held fast to Aries inspired guns as the formative period for any nation is highly influential in creating national myths.

Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1746 – 1761 – 1776)

This Aquarius period relates to the 20th century Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1940), and as a preview to the disastrous early 20th century for the UK, in this 18th century period,  it ended with the beginning of the American War of Independence leading to the loss of its American colonies.  This period also included the first war waged on a global scale, and therefore is a precursor to the two world wars in the 20th century.  The Seven year’s War (1756 – 1763) went extremely well for the UK making the UK the dominant world power.  This all occurred mainly in the first half of this Aquarius period, which coincides with the Pisces micro-age overflow (1746 – 1761) which probably astrologically accounts for this war as Europe always splits under Pisces, despite Pisces being its most influential sign.

The second half of this Aquarius period is closely aligned to the growing dissent within the Thirteen Colonies in North America leading to the beginning of the American Revolutionary War in 1775.  This Aquarius period is located near the peak of the Sagittarius juggernaut associated with the massive Sagittarius quasi sub-age (1702 – 1881) which propelled the UK into the stratosphere.  Nevertheless, the conditions that led to the loss of the thirteen colonies must be viewed as an unfortunate event for the British.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1791 – 1796 – 1801)

This Aquarius period occurred in the Libra micro-age (1791 – 1806), at the very beginning of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), and is in a period of astrological strength for the UK being at the highpoint of the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow (1612 – 1791 – 1970), with a special positive and strong Sagittarius focus on the period 1791 – 1881.  The UK jumped on to this Sagittarius period with the Industrial Revolution and then went on and created the greatest empire the world has ever experienced.  Therefore, any difficulty experienced in an antithetical Aquarius micro-age decan is like a mouse being trodden on by an elephant.

Painting, Coalbrookdale by Night by Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg, 1801. O Exhibited as ‘A View of Colebrook Dale by night’ at Royal Academy London, 1801. Featuring night work at the Bedlam furnaces in Madeley Dale (i.e. Coalbrookdale) along the river Severn, Shropshire.

It is appropriate that this period commences with a quote from Thomas Paine “There is a dawn of reason rising in the world” as a salute to Aquarius, though it did not help him as he was executed in revolutionary France in 1794

Execution of Louis XVI in what is now the Place de la Concorde, by Isidore Stanislas Helman – Bibliothèque nationale de France, Public Domain,

The major issue that impacted the UK naturally was the French Revolution which was already in progress but turned nasty under extremist Aquarius.  The English and European royalty were naturally highly concerned that one of their members had been usurped by a popular revolution championing freedom and justice.  This revolution found sympathizers in the UK who were subdued by the British government, one way or another.  In response to Irish nationalists invigorated by the French Revolution, in 1791 the Protestants in Northern Ireland formed the Orange Society to protect their interests.

By 1792, reformers in England created organizations such as the Corresponding Society of London which called for male suffrage, annual parliaments, fairer land and legal systems, lower taxes, better education, prison reform and basic social security for the poor and elderly.  In 1795 Britain invaded the Cape Colony in South Africa and subdued the revolutionary Boers who had already driven out the Dutch officials.  In 1797 there were numerous mutinies in the Royal Navy perched to wage war against the revolutionary French.

Great Britain in 1793 orchestrated a union of European nations to protect the crowned heads of Europe against the French and demanded the French to restore their monarchy. As part of these frenetic times for European royalty and the status quo, the British instituted a savage response to dissenters in Scotland where the head judge decreed the British constitution was perfect, and therefore anyone proposing amendments was an enemy of state.  Some revolutionary Scots were meeting their Irish counterparts in France.

By 1799, societies such as the Corresponding Society of London had been banned, their leaders imprisoned, trade unionists suppressed and newspapers heavily censored – to keep Aquarius’ fascist side invigorated.  At the end of this period, Prime Minister William Pitt was forced to quit after suggesting to King George III that because of the dissolution of the Irish government and its amalgamation with Westminster, British Catholics should be legally emancipated.  This threw the mad king into a rage, and again we see the antipathy here between Aquarius and royalty – though he did not literally lose his head.

The Irish uprising and attempted French invasion of Ireland in 1798 was followed by the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801, and therefore the UK does have some minor inclusion of Aquarius in its astrological signature, but dwarfed by Sagittarius.

Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1856 – 1861)

This period is another partial replica of the Brexit-Aquarius period and found the UK in the midst of the Victorian era (1837 – 1901) and strategically located in Britain’s ‘Golden Years.’ (1850–1870).  The main difference between the Aquarius period covering 1851 to 1860 compared to the current one (2014 – 2024) is that while both were also associated with a Cancer sub-age overflow, this 19th-century Aquarian period was also at the peak of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1792 – 1851 – 1910) which magnifies the power of Cancer at least threefold (and probably nine fold) compared to 2014 to 2024.  The absolutely strongest time for Cancer in this period was the period 1851 to 1881, tightly coinciding with Britain’s time of might (1850 – 1870), and substantiating the strong British association to Cancer through their Saxon roots.  Therefore, it is necessary to weed out the Cancer influence that significantly contributed to pushing the UK to its greatest heights and seek Aquarius in the cracks.  This Aquarius period is therefore not the ideal comparison with the current one.

Portrait photograph of Queen Victoria dressed for the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Albany

Britain fought alongside France in the Crimean War against Russia (1851 – 1856), and Russia has Aquarius high up its totem pole, and thus the most vexing military issue in the Victorian era was Russia, and nothing much has changed.  Leo UK and Aquarius Russia were designed to be sparring partners.  In the 1856 Treaty of Paris, Russia was prohibited from hosting a military presence in Crimea and prevented from invading Turkey.[iv]

The Second Opium War saw Britain overpower the Qing dynasty in China and was the standard act of European imperialism and from the astrological context, (Leo) UK can be in fighting mode in any Aquarius period invoking the 7th house of opposition.  Of course, the Second Opium War had the UK become the major drug pusher of the period.  However, the UK was representative of the peak of European civilization, and this behavior was considered ‘normal’ at the time as Europeans considered that they were superior to other people around the world.

The most radical intellectual development appropriate to this Aquarius period was the publication by Charles Darwin of “On the Origin of Species” in 1859. The book aroused international interest and a widespread debate, with no sharp line between scientific issues and ideological, social and religious implications.  Much of the initial reaction was hostile, but Darwin had to be taken seriously as a prominent and respected name in science. The major reactionary element, in this case, was the Church and demonstrates that in Aquarius periods, great leaps towards rationality can be made, but medieval reactionaries get fired up in defending their former positions of power.[v] 

It is appropriate that in an Aquarius period, opposed to Leo ego, that that the human ego should be put back into its place.  This groundbreaking book was another major wedge driven between religions based on (Pisces) belief systems and (Aquarius) intellectual rationality.  In the same way that in previous centuries, the Church opposed a Sun-centered solar system, with Charles Darwin suggesting that humans are related to chimpanzees, in both situations, it is the ego of humans that consider themselves superior and at the center of the universe that is undermined by Aquarian scientific advances.  This exact same situation is replicated today in the issue of other evolved intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe, with many promoting the statistically absurd notion that we are alone in the universe.   The hairless chimpanzee always seems to extend its shelf life no matter how much progress toward rationality has occurred in the world. The hairless chimpanzee remains highly influential in world affairs until at least the end of the Pisces quasi-age in 2503 AD!

Another demonstration of Aquarius was the Indian Rebellion of 1857, known in India and Pakistan more correctly as the First War of Independence, which was a major uprising in India during 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company.  This is a classic example of (Leo) imperial power squashing the rights of people, and treating them as second-class citizens due to their different race. Unfortunately, the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow combined with the Sagittarius sub-age overflow greatly favored the imperialism of Great Britain at this point of time, who naturally considered that they were superior.  A good argument can be made that the Leo aura associated with the British royalty, has over the centuries, descended to the average British person who feel that they are also somehow superior, and why would superior people need to be bound to their neighbors in the European Union?

Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 -1925 – 1940)

Apart from the calamitous two world wars, and loss of the largest empire the world has experienced to date, the prime archetypal event of the period was the abdication in 1936 by King Edward VIII.  He seemed enamored by Aquarius archetypes due to his “apparent disregard for established constitutional conventions” followed by his proposal of marriage to a woman who had already been married twice – obviously a hanging offense in the staid conservative UK of the 1930s.  Aquarius likes tripping up staid conservatives.  Due to the impossible position he found himself in, Edward VIII simply abdicated and became one of the shortest-reigning monarchs in British history.  He appeared to have also been captivated by Hitler’s cult, and even gave a full Nazi salute in 1937 while visiting Germany.[vi]  Aquarius fans the fires of fascism and progress.

However, this Aquarius period witnessed the opening scene for Britain’s “Darkest Hour”, coined by British prime minister Winston Churchill to describe the period of World War II between the Fall of France in June 1940 and the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 when the UK was under threat of imminent invasion.  This says enough of the antipathy of Aquarius to the UK.  This technically was not in the Aquarius micro-age decan, but it was due to the UK taking its eye off the ball in the 1930s that they almost lost their eye and ball as well. The British can be at the height of their collective stupidity in an Aquarius period, and the lead-up to the Second World War was a classic example.

To be contextually correct, the two world wars were not solely due to this Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow,  but to the far more powerful Pisces sub-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970) with the most powerful quarter ruling the period 1910 – 1940.  This already powerful Pisces sub-age decan and overflow resonated with the super-massive Pisces age overflow (1433 – 3574) and this strength of Pisces will not be replicated in the world for around another 25,000 years. Europe is primarily ruled by Pisces, but whenever Pisces is strong, not only is there a focus upon Europe, but also on the two fish swimming in opposite directions.  Europe always splits under Pisces, and both world wars demonstrated again this massive and major split endemic to Europe (and passed along to the USA).  World wars are not a one-in-every-hundred-year event, but require a massive astrological underpinning – though in reality, apart from Japan in the Second World War, both world wars were really two European wars of self-destruction – entirely appropriate for Pisces.  Also, the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) sits at the 12th house position to Pisces.


The common themes of these Aquarius periods are: trauma, such as attempted and actual invasions and revolutions; overthrow or assault on the monarch/government (including murder, executions and abdication) and loss, such as the American colonies and British Empire – combined with the extreme loss of clarity in the lead up to the Second World War, where it tried to appease Hitler (an extremely hard right wing and fascist leader), and now repeating this process on a smaller scale with the same lack of clarity in holding the Brexit referendum to appease the hard right politicians in the UK. The UK, and its previous incarnations, is rarely on hallowed ground under Aquarius.  There is absolutely no support to the concept that the Brexit imbroglio is a strengthening or positive step for the UK based on the previous association of Britain to previous Aquarius micro-ages or micro-age decans. The exact opposite is indicated – the UK is usually in dire circumstances in these small Aquarius periods, even though this was self-inflicted due to the Tory government under Prime Minister Cameron trying to appease the hard-right politicians in his party.  Prime Minister Cameron, along with many people, was shocked by the outcome of the referendum, in the same way that the majority of Americans were shocked by the election of Donald Trump as president.  One attribute of Aquarius is its ability to shock.  The current Aquarius period remains emergent, so expect even greater lightning bolts from December 2019 onward when it goes into its more powerful overflow mode.  We have seen the effects of reactionary politics under Trump and Brexit, but the reaction to the reactionary side usually follows. 

[i]John Wycliffe, Wikipedia, Retrieved 05:42, March 2, 2019, from

[ii] Glorious Revolution, Wikipedia, Retrieved 09:48, January 24, 2019, from

[iii] Bill of Rights 1689, Wikipedia. Retrieved 09:53, January 24, 2019, from

[iv] Victorian era, Wikipedia, Retrieved 08:32, January 24, 2019, from

[v] On the Origin of Species, Wikipedia, Retrieved 09:00, January 24, 2019, from

[vi] Edward VIII, Wikipedia, Retrieved 06:11, March 2, 2019, from


Pisces America

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival in Bali (5 – 9 October 2011).  With an eclectic mix of presenters from Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas, this writers festival provided a first account insight into the world today – warts and all.  One recurrent theme introduced by a variety of writers focused upon the destructive political and social input from the USA upon many countries outside of the developed western world.

Before providing the relevant details of the political skulduggery undertaken by the USA since the Second World War (to keep the world free) let me be clear that I am not anti-American, and though I will be dealing with some of these negative issues associated with the USA, I will also be discussing many positive qualities associated with the USA as presented by various writers at the festival. This is actually the essence of this blog post.  There are two distinct sides to the USA, and while many people acknowledge one side or the other, depending upon their personal political views and allegiances, it is necessary to recognise both sides to fully comprehend the Pisces psyche of the USA.

In my recently published book, The Dawning – Shedding New Light on the Astrological Ages, I basically introduce the USA onto the world stage as the modern empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age. In a similar fashion, Ancient Rome was the empire of the Aries-Pisces age, Ancient Egypt the empire of the Taurus-Aries age and Sumer (Mesopotamia) the empire of the Gemini-Taurus age.  Each of these empires introduced specific peaks of achievement associated with the age-pair of the times, with a distinct focus upon the first sign in the age pair.

Mesopotamia of the Gemini-Taurus age introduced (Gemini) writing.  Ancient Egypt of the Taurus-Aries age is known for its massive pyramids, stone temples and monuments carved out of mountains – appropriate for Taurus – the fixed earth sign of solidity.  Ancient Rome of the Aries-Pisces is renowned for its mighty armies that not only created the largest ancient empire based on its military might – it actually pioneered modern military techniques (basically shock and awe).  Aries is the sign ruled by Mars – the god of war.  In the same vein, the USA in the current Pisces-Aquarius age (1433 – 3574) is the champion of Pisces in the modern world – and even on a simplistic level, this can be seen by its cultural capital, Hollywood, which has conquered the world through movies (movies are ruled by Pisces, the sign always associated with fantasy in all its shapes and guises).  Furthermore the USA is the champion of the ethereal corporation – which are fake bodies given the status of real bodies in the legal system, and thus has provided the backbone of the modern capitalistic world.  Most things that are fake are associated with Pisces. All these associations are explored in far greater detail in The Dawning (see:

The focus in this blog however is on the bi-polar nature of the USA due to its primary association to Pisces.  The USA is not the Pisces Empire of the modern world, but the Pisces-Aquarius Empire, but Aquarius plays second fiddle to Pisces in the Aquarian age due to the Overflow Effect (see: Is the Aquarian Age Like a Block of Granite?).  Basic zodiacal sign symbology for Pisces displays two fish swimming in opposite direction.  This is reflected in American politics,  foreign policy and society.  At the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival of 2011, the two fish of the USA were on display (without anyone realising the Pisces connection, other than myself).

The author and journalist Tariq Ali is an expatriate Pakistani living in exile in London due to his political views – having a political view in Pakistan is dangerous!  In the two sessions I attended that included Tariq, he repeatedly described how, since the Second World War, the USA has actively undermined the political integrity and the fledgling democracies in the Middle East, in the same way that it did in South America.  Tariq basically stated that the USA would undermine any country that it perceived to be against the foreign policy interests of the USA.  This is a well-documented and widely known fact. Towards the end of the session, Tariq wittingly stated that Australia was the USA’s fixed aircraft carrier in the region.

Andrew Fowler discussed his new book The Most Dangerous Man in the World (about the rise of Julian Assange to international prominence).  One of the reasons Julian is fighting his extradition to Sweden, is that not only is the Swedish government conservative, it was also a stopover point provided by the Swedish government to the Americans sending alleged terrorists to other countries for torture.  The Americans have demonized Assange as a spy with the complicity of the New York Times, and in a show of political corporate (Pisces) support, American companies such as MasterCard, Visa and PayPal pulled the plug on donations being provided to Assange.  Even though the New York Times published some of the information provided by Assange’s Wikileaks, they stated that Julian was a source, not a journalist.  Journalists are protected in the USA due to freedom of speech – but sources do not have this protection.  Even the New York Times was complicit in the demonizing of Assange.

In the session “My Egypt” with Gamal Al Ghitani and Khaled Al-Khamissi, about word on the street in Egypt, it came out that Assange’s Wikileaks provided some important information that helped garner support for the overthrow of the Tunisian regime through people-power.  Wikileaks revealed that American diplomatic sources secretly discussed how they would not support the Tunisian government due to its corruption and despotism.  This fact alone gave moral support to the democratic revolutionary elements in Tunisa – and the rest is history. Tunisia was the first despotic regime to fall, setting in momentum the unrest that spread to Egypt, Bahrain, Syria and other Middle East countries.  So while the USA demonizes Julian Assange, it appears that his altruistic desire to reveal the truth about what our politicians and diplomats are really doing behind the scenes and ultimately on our behalf, has already borne some fruit.  I wonder how the American Founding Fathers in their revolutionary zeal would view Julian Assange?

The final political session “Coups, Crusades and Revolutions” with Horst Geerken (Germany), Oya Baydar (Turkey) and Tariq described a litany of interference by the USA into the internal affairs of many countries resulting in the deaths and persecution of many people – many of whom were just members of a trade union or expressed left-wing political views.  Horst was resident in Indonesia in the early 1960s in the final years of the non-aligned President Sukarno, and witnessed the USA backed military coup against him led by General Suharto.  Once installed in power, the USA gave the names of communists, leftists and sympathisers to be neutralized, and consequently between one and three million Indonesians were murdered, with the numbers killed in Bali particularly high. This is all documented in Horst Geerken’s book A Gecko for Luck.

The reason why the USA orchestrated coups around the world and militarily intervened wherever necessary (Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.) has evolved since the post-World War Two period, but the initial purpose was to contain and stop the spread of communism. There is no doubt that the growth and development of communism in the first part of the 20th century was an evil and duplicitous enterprise carried out by ruthless and unscrupulous supporters.  Its evil was such that communism was probably equivalent to one of the horses of the apocalypse.  The duping of much of the western intellectual and leftist political supporters morally supporting the evil of Stalinist-style communism was perceived by the USA as the enemy within – and in retrospect this view was basically correct, even though the enemy within were not aware of their own ignorance.  It should be remembered that the key sign in the current Pisces-Aquarius age is Pisces – the sign of gullibility and deception.  Furthermore the first part of the 20th century was a Pisces hot spot – possibly the last Pisces hotspot of such magnitude for almost another 26,000 years.  Even many western intellectuals and academics were hypnotized (Pisces) by the communists.

The post-war American political agenda had communism firmly in its gun sights, and it did not waver in facing the enemy wherever it tried to break out from its support base in the USSR and China.  Unfortunately America utilised the Pisces technique of demonization and adopted any means, fair or foul, to defeat its enemy – basically the same technique of the communists.  From the militaristic American perspective, the appearance of communism or its supporters anywhere in the world was cause for great concern and it did everything it could to eradicate its enemy and supporters.  If a fledging democratic government had to be overthrown by a military coup – so be it! If millions of people had to be killed, even if they were only of a left-wing political persuasion – off with their heads. America took the view that the end justifies the means.  This may seem incongruous with a democratic nation, but the history of democracy shows that democracy to date has always been limited.  For example in Athens in Ancient Greece, only the male landholder could vote, and they also owned slaves.  In the modern example, while the USA is internally based on democratic institutions, its role, and foreign policy in the international arena has always been based on self-interest (no different than most other powers in the world). Pisces involvement is in the fact ‘the end justifies the means’ – any number of deceitful and sordid calamities could be bestowed on any country deemed an enemy or opponent.

Since the collapse of monolithic communism, the USA was bereft of an enemy.  9/11 solved that problem, and the USA has engaged in a new reign of hostilities against Al-Qaeda or its supporters and allies in the Middle East, or using its War Against Terror to invade or undermine any country it so pleases – in much  the same way it has widely done since the Second World War.  I am sure that none of the key players in the inner American political establishment feels anything other than justifiable righteousness in containing its perceived enemies – be they the former communists or the new breed of terrorist networks.

Most people in the world believe that their personal actions and beliefs are correct – this underlies the Pisces illusion of our modern age.  The unconscious reasoning goes something like this – if I am correct, then anyone who disagrees with me incorrect.  If these incorrect or deluded adversaries cause a problem, or I perceive they may cause a problem, I can further enhance their incorrectness by demonizing them in any way I like.’  This was done to the extreme in Nazi Germany, Stalinist USSR and Mao’s China.  It has been done to homosexuals, some minor religious groups, major religions against other major religions, people who use drugs – and in some countries, people who drink alcohol and most recently to illegal immigrants.  Any use of demonization is evidence of Pisces (i.e. delusion and deception).

The USA, as the Pisces-Aquarius Empire of the modern world, has mythologised its minor Aquarian revolutionary nature that prompted it to become an early democracy in a world basically ruled by monarchical elites.  There is no doubt that the sentiments expressed by America’s Founding Fathers will echo through the world for millennia to come.  Despite this strong Aquarian element in the American psyche, the Pisces element is the senior partner.  One way this Pisces element manifests is that, by and large, American’s believe their own propaganda.  They are proud of their leading role in the world and particularly their democratic traditions – but they let the mirage of their self-assessment over-rule reality.  The reality is that countries may be relatively democratic within their borders, but they behave outside of their own border just like countries have always done since countries were first invented – they act in their own self-interest and, if powerful, they do all they can to make other countries obey their will.

In total contrast to Americas’ international relations, one of the final sessions of the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival named “Traversing Cultural Divides” highlighted three different people who have fled to or immigrated to the USA, and now call it home, plus one Afro-American.  Basically Arthur Flowers (USA), Chris Abani (Nigeria), Edel Rodriguez (Cuba) and Shirley Lim (ethnic Chinese Malaysian) waxed lyrical about the benefits of living in the USA, and the many opportunities this gave them.  They believe that anyone who sets their mind to it can live the life they deserve in the USA and achieve fulfilment in their lives.  Such success is not born of race, social status or religion but their own effort in an egalitarian society.

For example Shirley Lim’s family has lived some generation in Malaysia, but Malaysia will not treat them as a full citizen due to their ethnic Chinese background. Edel Rodriguez grew up under Castro in Cuba until his family fled to Florida, USA. Rodriguez acknowledges his childhood memories and he would like to be buried in Cuba when he dies, but in the meantime he is a successful graphic artist in the USA. Chris Abani relates to one incident in the USA, his adopted home, where he had to stay in a strange city one night, in a hotel with no friends to call upon.  The helpful and friendly staff informed him that the tree he could see from his hotel window was famous for lynching Negroes in the not too distant past.  As a black African himself, this did little to make him feel at home. Nevertheless, all the panellists were firm in their conviction that no country in the world gave the same degree of freedom and opportunity as the USA.

The USA has pioneered more than democracy, it has been at the forefront of technological evolution for almost a century, and has recently extended itself into cyber world. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are two leading lights in the new technological world.  In a recent article in The Global Edition of the New York Times[1] it was revealed that sentiment was so high following the death of Steve Jobs, that following the release of the new iPhone 4S, many customers stated that the “4S” meant “for Steve”.  The USA has provided leadership in the cyber world as evidence by the inroads that various American companies have achieved – from IBM, Microsoft to Facebook, Google, Wikipedia and so on.  These innovative developments have been lapped up by a hungry and mainly appreciative world.

In should be noted that Steve Jobs was proud of his (Pisces) drug use – he was a product of the 1960s and 70s and he was an unabashed proponent of this aspect of his life.  The USA led the world, yet again, in those revolutionary and liberating times of the 60s and 70s with marijuana and LSD high on the list.  As one online commentator stated – if Steve had been caught, he would have been put in a (Pisces) cage.  This yet again displays the two fish Pisces paradox that is the USA. On the one hand, the USA led the new drug fuelled world, but simultaneously enacted one of the most draconian laws against drug use in the western world. Currently the American war on drugs is dissembling Mexico and causing untold hardship around the world in its stance against an evolutionary social development that American conservative elements do not like.

Where else in the First World does any other country other than the USA has such a large block of citizens who refute Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in favour of creationism?  This same fundamentalist Christian block maintains an arch-conservative political influence that beggars description and has no known parallel in any other First World country.  The American conservative bloc is another manifestation of the two fish associated with Pisces.

America presents itself as an Aquarian freedom loving democracy – but this is nothing more than ‘white man speaks with forked tongue’.  Americans are not consciously malicious, like everyone else they believe they are doing the right thing in the right way, but even their approach to Julian Assange and Wikileaks indicates a chink in their Pisces armour. They prefer that the delusion of their democratic mystique is maintained rather than be scrutinized and have reality appear.  Assange was merely putting on public display the reality of American foreign policy.  What the American government was telling its citizen’s as its justification for war was in stark contrast to the facts that their own intelligence service provided.  Reality has no association with Pisces other than Pisces is the sign of ‘lack of reality’.  Pisces is associated with public relations and spin – America does everything it can to maintain the mirage of its own spin. Pisces is an ill-defined archetype which is an inherent part of its nature.  It is more like a mirage or fog than a solid object.

Finally, there is no suggestion that the stance and approach that the USA adopts in its foreign policy is in any way inferior or worse than most other nations, past or present – it is just that America is the most influential nation in the world, and so its actions are noticed the most – and criticised the most. The UK was equally malicious in the age of the British Empire as were most European countries – and most countries in the world given the chance.

There is an urban myth developing that the USA is being overtaken by China.  One writer put this in perspective – I think it was Tariq Ali from Pakistan.  Basically he said that if you take the next 10 leading countries in size, after the USA, add all their respective defence budgets together and then double this figure – it still does not equate to the USA’s defence spending.  Though this may be an exaggeration, the military power of the USA is not about to be usurped.  One columnist recently referred to the rise and fall of empires, and stated that the USA had at least two decades left as the world’s superpower. This is where the astrological ages provide greater clarity.  The USA, as empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age, will be at its exalted position for many centuries, if not for another 1,500 years or so – but with some significant turmoil and changes coming in due course.  The first major unsettling development due for the USA will not occur before the middle of next century.

The USA is an enigma within an enigma – it is Hollywood on the grand scale in every sense. It is a mixture of fact and fantasy, where fantasy is presented as fact, and facts are often presented as fantasy. It promotes the glamor of democracy and the deceit of an international bully.  For me this was encapsulated by President Bush immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Bush stated to the effect that “.. he would make the world safe for Americans”. What about everyone else in the word – don’t they also deserve peace?  This is Athenian democracy – it is for the elite only.

In a session “Happiness in Human Nature” Rodaan al Galidi, a long term refugee in Jordan from Iraq, and currently resident of Holland since 1998 reflected upon a CNN news report of the war in Iraq.  “800 Iraqi’s were killed today and an American soldier was shot in the leg”.  CNN then went on and described the convalescence required, input from his family members and other details from the soldier’s wound.  The USA promotes an elitist democracy but hides this reality.  This is Pisces pure and simple. Nevertheless, the USA is the empire of the Pisces-Aquarian age, and the real Aquarian age empire will not appear for at least another 1,500 years. The USA will be perceived as a stepping stone along the way towards real democracy in the same way that ancient Athens is considered the starting point of the western democratic tradition.

As a major consolation for idealists and rationalists, if the Stalinist communist model had been successful and the world had succumbed to their brain-numbing political model of terror, subjugation and genocide, the USA would appear as a saint – but only in comparison.  Now we know that the USA is not a saint but we are left with the Pisces choice – is the glass half full or half empty? Being an optimistic Sagittarian, I take the USA glass to be half full. Furthermore there are exciting times ahead for the USA and the world (see: A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making).

In relation to Ancient Rome, the USA position today is equivalent to the year 145 BC for Rome.  Rome did not attain its maximum territorial size until around 250 years after 145 BC. 145 BC was towards the end of the period known as Supremacy of the New Nobility (287–133 BC) where there was a kind of balance of power of the aristocratic senate and the plebeian assembly. However this was the most militarily active era of the Roman Republic and it left many Roman citizens bankrupt and dependent upon the state due to the deteriorating economic circumstances.[2] Following 133 BC, Ancient Rome teetered between normalcy and crisis, and various reforms were attempted. The world is not static, and this also applies to the USA.

So in conclusion, when many friends and acquaintances throw their hands up in collective horror at the shenanigans of the USA in world affairs since the Second World War, I remind them that for every evil deed done and every corrupt or deceitful action take, that on the other side of the coin, America attains some major development, goal or produces something uplifting for humanity. The IT revolution is being led by the USA, and the ubiquitous cell phone has been shown to play an important part in recent revolutions – as is the case with social network websites. The two fish will always be stuck to the USA, and unfortunately they swim in opposite directions.  This Pisces paradox lies at the core of the American psyche. To accept only one side is to be part of the delusion. Most people choose one fish or the other as if these individual fish adequately describes the USA.  Unless cognizance is given to both fish, that seem intrinsically opposed to each other, than no real understanding of the age empire of our time can be made.

[1] Sat-Sun Oct 15-16 2011 Pg 15

[2] “Roman
Republic.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 19 Oct.
2011. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.

Now available online and at major book stores.

For a complete background to the above blog, see THE DAWNING, published in 2011

A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making

We have anniversaries, biennial events, diamond jubilees, centenaries, bi-centenaries and even millenarianism but rarely do celebrations arrive around every 7,000 years!  Between December 2014 and 2029, a very special event takes place that has not occurred since 5122 BC.  The world in 5122 BC was a very different place.  The population of the world was about 25 million people in 3000 BC, and so perhaps 10 to 15 million people were alive in 5122 BC – about the size of present day Los Angeles.  Nevertheless, great things were stirring in the world as this period marked the first widespread settling down of humans, farming and domestication of animals.

Until 5122 BC the world was the closest in temperament to the society still being shaped by mankind in today’s Aquarian age in the 21st century.  5122 BC marks the end of the Gemini age.  The Gemini age and Aquarian age are both Air signs.  The Aquarian age that arrived in 1433 AD is the first age of the same Air element since the Gemini age (7351 – 5122 BC).  Obviously, the world’s inhabitants in 5122 BC were not concerned about broadband, computers, the price of fossil fuel, pollution or over-crowding, but their heads were in an intellectually creative mode – something common with Air signs.

While these ancients may not have been making technological discoveries of the modern world, they were making farming and agricultural discoveries that allowed them to produce more food than they required – spurning on population growth and spreading their new agricultural technology far and wide.  The Gemini age also saw the first large villages or hamlets and the introduction of many discoveries around the world including the relatively simultaneous cultivation of newly domesticated crops in most continents of the world.  Pottery became widespread, primitive canoes were built, irrigation trenches first appeared and the white-skinned race continued to evolve as they turned to milk and

Old Sumerian goddess (possibly Lilith)

trekked further north where the sun shines weakly.  Gavin White believes that in this distant ancient period, people in Mesopotamia were investigating the night sky and commenced creating key constellations, including some of the zodiacal constellations [Ref: Babylonian Star-Lore, Solaria Publications, London, 2007, pp, 256, 259, 263]

The world in the Gemini age was on the move.  Probably more discoveries and inventions occurred in the Gemini age than in the previous 50,000 years.  While life was much slower and far less intense in the Gemini age compared to the current Aquarian age – similar intellectual inventiveness was evident.

The relationship between the Gemini age and Aquarian age deepens when the full context of each age is taken into account.  In reality, it was the Cancer-Gemini age and today we are in the Pisces-Aquarian age (see Is the Aquarian Age Like a Block of Granite?).  Cancer and Pisces are Water signs and Gemini and Aquarius are Air signs.  There are four elements associated with the 12 zodiacal signs – Water, Air, Fire and Water.  Each of these elements has specific characteristics.  Fire and Earth signs promote conservatism, patriotism and the status quo.  Water and Air signs promote change, evolution and instability.  The more Water and Air signs the more change and instability.  The more Fire and Earth signs the more conservatism.  When Reagan was president of the USA, and

Reagan & Thatcher

Thatcher prime minister of the UK the world was experiencing a mainly Earth and Fire micro-age influences and even here we can see the rise of conservatism on the small scale following the heady 60s when the progressive Water element was dominant.

The current Pisces-Aquarian age being Water and Air promotes evolution, change and instability.  Within the current Pisces-Aquarian age are 12 sub-ages.  Currently, the world is in the Scorpio-Libra sub-age (1970-2148).  Scorpio is a Water sign and Libra is an Air sign – the same combination as Pisces and Aquarius.  This is the first time in the Pisces-Aquarian age that we are in a Water-Air sub-age.  This is the first time in over 7,000 years that both the ages and sub-ages are all in Water and Air territory.  The plot deepens.  Each sub-age also has 12 micro-ages.  In December 2014 (plus or minus a month or two) the world enters a little 15 years Cancer-Gemini micro-age with Cancer a Water sign and Gemini an air sign – the same combination of Air and Water again!

Therefore from around December 2014, for the first time in over 7,000 years the world will be passing through an age, sub-age and micro-age that all aligned with Water and Air – with no Fire or Earth in sight.  This occurrence will occur nine times in the Pisces-Aquarian age, with the first three occurring between 2014 and 2148.  This period will, therefore, see the extreme of change, evolution and instability.  Over the last 7,000 years, the world descended into the opposite of what we are now facing.  In the Taurus-Aries age (2916 – 732 BC) the world experienced nine times when Earth and Fire elements ruled supreme without any Water and Air signs in sight.  The world was turning to the bedrock of conservatism, war and nationalism, during that time and the construction of ‘advanced’ societies and massive structures such as pyramids,  and palaces.

Early societies were mainly democratic orientated often involving elders in a tribe. The Taurus-Aries age coincided with the firm arrival of an entrenched aristocracy, pharaohs, kings and other forms of totalitarian governments who by and large were hell-bent on waging war with each other.  The world is like a pendulum that swings from conservative totalitarianism to ‘democratic’ liberalism. After 7,000 long years, the world is returning to progressiveness, liberal change but instability.  Those revolutionary and heady days of the 1960s and early 70s have nothing on what is coming – at best the 1960s and 70s is a preview of what is to come.

The conservative backlash (mainly in the USA and Islamic fundamentalists) following the 1960s and 70s was due to a small digression back into the conservative Virgo and Leo micro-ages – Earth and Fire micro-ages respectively. The stepping stones to the first all Air and Water period commenced with little fanfare in 2000 with the arrival of the Leo-Cancer micro-age (Fire and Water), but changed gear in 2007 (one year before the election of the first black president of the USA) when the Water element in the Fire and Water  Leo-Cancer micro-age (2000 – 2014) became stronger.  The world will finally move into all Water and Air territory around December 2014 for the first time in over 7,000 years.

What can be expected in the period 2014 to 2029 – the first of nine such periods in the Pisces-Aquarian age?  Unfortunately, the extent of what we can expect is hard to determine because historical records going back 7,000 are insufficient to provide us with clear antecedents.  Alternatively, we can examine some of the previous two hundred years or so and look for periods where they are closest to the ideal scenario of all periods elements being Air and Water.  In the Sagittarius-Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) only Sagittarius was Fire, all other signs were Air and Water, so those micro-ages within the Sagittarius-Scorpio sub-age that were also exclusively Air and Water may provide us with a guide.  The particular periods include the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851-66) and the Pisces-Aquarius micro-age (1910-25).

Both these periods witnessed many instabilities including in the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851-66) the American Civil War, The Crimean War and the Taiping Rebellion with an estimated death toll of between 20 and 30 million alone.  Wikipedia states that

“The 1860s were an extremely turbulent decade in the world, with numerous cultural, social, and political upheavals in Europe and America.”

In the Pisces-Aquarius micro-age (1910-25) saw the end of European millenarianism and conservative influences with the arrival of the 1st World War.  This triggered the abdication of various conservative monarchies and the fall of the last world empires (German, Ottoman and Austria-Hungary).  The arrival of the communists in full force with the Russian Revolution in 1917 introduced radical new concepts of how societies could operate.  The USA attempted to outlaw alcohol with prohibition. The Irish commenced throwing off their British overlords leading to the Irish Rebellion.  Fascists took advantage of political instability.

The instability in these periods was extensive, but so was the progressiveness.  Probably the most important breakthrough in the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (1851-66) was Charles Darwin’s publication of The Origin of Species, putting forward the theory of evolution by natural selection in 1859.  On a minor note, Paris became the fashion capital of the world.  In the following period, the Pisces-Aquarius micro-age (1910-25) Einstein did to physics what Darwin did to biology, and produced his revolutionary theory of general relativity while Alfred Wegener suggests that the continents drift and collide with each other.  Culturally radio, movies and jazz became popular and Pablo Picasso became the leading 20th-century painter, first with Cubism than moving on to Surrealism.  The 1920s introduced the Roaring Twenties or Jazz Age.

As a guide to the Cancer-Gemini micro-age (2014 – 29), we can expect great instability, but also progress – one way or another.  Though doom and gloom pundits may predict a 3rd World War I don’t think this is a possibility as astrologically the world is turning away from war.  There is a bigger problem facing humanity than war – climate change.  However, even climate change can precipitate division.  One way or another the USA fractures in Gemini-Cancer micro-ages so some serious division, conflict or discord will occur in the USA.  Possibly this will occur due to a perception by conservative elements in the USA that they are losing control.  Mass dislocation of people and massive legal and illegal immigration is sure to be a factor in the world.

Climate change requires great adaptation by societies if it is to be successfully tackled, and this period does to a certain extent promote such change – more so from the general population than leaders.   If the last two Water and Air micro-ages produced Darwin’s evolution and Einstein’s relativity – some very significant breakthrough may occur in 2014 – 2129, perhaps the understanding of dark matter and dark energy that supposedly constitutes around 90% of the universe? Other alternatives include breakthroughs in nano-technology, AIDS immunization, a new and superior internet, longevity, DNA in medical technology, a cure for many cancers or even a replacement for fossil fuels.

It would be nice to say that in a Water-Air period that is soon to arrive in late 2014 that positive elements will succeed at the expense of negative elements but this should not be expected. In the 1960s and early 70s, though revolution was in the air for youth, many countries witnessed military coups and dictatorial governments.  Water-Air periods while producing advances both technological and societal, also produce instability which can be taken advantage of by the unscrupulous – particularly the military.  The desire by many people to be free will rise, and some existing totalitarian governments are sure to falter, but others will tend to extract revenge upon many of their citizens – such is the ugly nature of politics.  While public opinion and sentiment are sure to rise, leadership may be wanting in the years 2014-29.  Some key political leaders may actually suffer mental illness and behave like a modern-day Nero or Caligula.  Hopefully, they will not have their finger on the button!

The period 2014 – 29 is a celebration of over 7,000 years in the making – but what kind of a celebration will it be?  Will it be more like a party or a wake?  It is bound to have elements of both, but at the bottom line and despite whatever conflicts and turmoil occur, some very interesting, evolutionary and progressive developments are sure to claim our attention, awe and wonder like we collectively have not experienced for over 7,000 years.

Copyright Terry MacKinnell 2009

Illustrations (added later)

  • Famous relief from the Old Babylonian period (now in the British museum) called the “Burney relief” or “Queen of the Night relief”. The depicted figure could be an aspect of the goddess Ishtar, Mesopotamian goddess of sexual love and war. However, her bird-feet and accompanying owls have suggested to some a connection with Lilitu (called Lilith in the Bible), though seemingly not the usual demonic Lilitu. By Manuel Parada López de Corselas User:Manuel de Corselas ARS SUMMUM, Centro para el Estudio y Difusión Libres de la Historia del Arte – Own work, Public Domain
  • “FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Celebrates Royal Baby” by DEVIN DWYER WASHINGTON, July 22, 2013, abs NEWS,


Further resources from Terry MacKinnell

book-img 3D 110315 – details of purchasing the book available

Demystifying the Aquarian Age – General introduction to the astrological ages

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

How Long is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

© Terry MacKinnell 2008, All Rights Reserved

Numerous publications and blogs tell us that this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  Some people think that the Age of Aquarius has already arrived while others think that it is due in the next decade or two.  If you refer to the topic Astrological Ages at Wikipedia  you will discover that there no agreement about the arrival of the Aquarian age, researchers are divided as to whether the Aquarian age arrived five centuries ago, or as late as 3621 AD, or anywhere in between.

Some researchers claim that the cusp of an age is equivalent to 10 degrees.  Because there are 12 signs to share the 360 degrees of the circle, each sign or age is allocated 30 degrees.  If each age is approximately 2150 years, then 10 degrees represents about 717 years.  This is rather strange as if we equate an age with a day, a day has 24 hours but the dawn of an average day is about one hour maximum.  One hour as a fraction of 24 hours is .0416666 of a day.  The same fraction of an age of 2150 years is 90 years.  Therefore if there is any correspondence between days and ages, the dawning of an age should be about 90 years.

Alas and alack, logic rarely comes into the argument when it involves the astrological ages.  This is all due to the influence from the previous age, the Age of Pisces.  Each sign has an opposite sign, and the sign opposite Pisces is Virgo.  Virgo is the sign of purity, details, exactness and perfection.  If Virgo is full of clarity, then Pisces is the exact opposite.  There is no clarity with the sign Pisces.  I am always entertained by my Pisces friends as they all behave like actors on a stage where not only can they set the rules to their hearts content, they can change the rules whenever they like.  Furthermore Pisces rarely provide details about what they have done, are doing or will do, and if they do provide anything, it will be wide of the mark.

You can’t help but like Pisces as it is the chameleon sign, changing its hue and colour to suit circumstances.  Pisces highly developed ability of deception makes them ideal actors, and they are highly represented amongst movie stars, fashion models and spruikers, especially those born-again Bible thumpers on weird hours in television land.  Yes television, Disneyland, cartoons, movies, Hollywood, fantasies, myths and so on all have a common denominator – Pisces.

In a previous post, Is the Aquarian Age Like a Block of Granite?, I provided the example how each astrological age behaves like a new government.  The new government is faced with the previous governments’ policies, laws, judicial appointments and for a long time, the old government will hold sway.  The same with ages – though the world is well and truly in the Aquarian age, the influence from the previous Age of Pisces is incredibly strong.  This can be demonstrated by the New Age Movement.  The New Age Movement is a living parody of Pisces as described in Aquarius in Pisces Sheep Clothing.

What all this means is that for anyone looking for clarity about the Aquarian age, it is almost impossible because the environment for any such enquiry is Pisces.  Pisces has set the parameters, and Pisces’ parameters never bring clarity.  Looking for clarity in a Pisces environment is like trying to get your work done while drunk or stoned – it ain’t a happening thing.  This is why, from an astrological perspective, everything to do with the arrival of the Aquarian age, including its dawning, is lost in the mists of  dreams and fantasies.  This is why the delusions of the Aquarian age are exactly that – delusions.  The delusions of the Aquarian age are collectively everything that the world is not, never has been, and never will take place.  But let’s not behave like a Virgo- enjoy the delusions like a good movie with a happy ending.

The dawning of the Age of Aquarius is so long and drawn out that one blogger actually called it the `yawning of the Age of Aquarius’.  Everyone seems sick and tired of waiting for the Aquarian age to dawn.  Is the dawning of the Aquarian age going to take over 700 years?  The answer, as with so many things, is yes and no.

First the good news – the Age of Aquarius arrived like the tolling of the midnight chimes of a church or town hall bell.  There is no confusion about midnight, and there is no confusion about the arrival of the Aquarian age.  The Aquarian age arrived at the same time as the modern world.  Historians constantly tell us that the modern world arrived over 500 years ago, and this is exactly when the Age of Aquarius arrived.

Now for the bad news – it will take all of the Age of Aquarius for Aquarius to extract itself from the Pisces quagmire and stand on it own two feet.  For all but the very end of the Aquarian age, Pisces will be incredibly strong, stronger than Aquarius, especially in the first half of the Aquarian age.  So from this perspective we can say it will take about 2150 years for the dawning of the Aquarian age.

Now back to the good news.  Though Pisces is stronger than Aquarius for most of the Aquarian age, Aquarius is not impotent.  Aquarius has been, is and will continue to introduce new and innovative developments into the world since it has been doing since 1433.  First there was Leonardo da Vinci, then Copernicus, Galileo and all the revolutionaries that defied the (Pisces) church and introduced reality as an antidote to delusions.  In the cat and mouse game between Aquarius and Pisces, Pisces has the might (Christianity, bureaucracies, corporations etc) but the underdog Aquarius has the ability to introduce new and startling discoveries like a lightening bolt.

Another lightening bolt came from Charles Darwin, when the lateral thinking that sits in Aquarius’ arsenal of weapons, produced the theory of evolution.  The whole diversity of scientific discoveries over the last five and a half centuries are at least 50% attributable to Aquarius (the other 50% is Capricorn but that is another whole subject altogether).  Aquarius did not limit itself to scientific discoveries, the advent of democracy in modern times also coincides with Aquarius.

The first appearance of the new Aquarian-inspired quest for democracy and freedom came from the Martin Luther in 1517, only 84 years inside the Aquarian age.  The Protestant Reformation was against the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and the pope.  The new Protestants did not want an authority on high (the pope) telling them how they should think.  The Protestant churches as a rule, adopted a fairly democratic structure along the Aquarian egalitarian model.  Martin Luther was a standard bearer of the new Aquarian age.

The rise of secular western nations is another example of Aquarius.  The American colonists called this `freedom of religion’.  Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.  The fact that normal citizens in most developed nations are not forced to attend religious services, or abide by the antiquated religious behaviour of established religions is another example of Aquarius.  This is a progressive development.  I remember in the 1980’s being locked out of our local movie theatre on Good Friday while we were watching the Life of Brian.  Evidently the law banned movies on Good Friday.  This is no longer the case, as this antiquated law that upheld religious values has been removed.  This is progressive evidence of the Age of Aquarius in action.

The Age of Aquarius arrived with certainty, conviction and unexpectedly in the 15th century but it will take until around 3574 AD for Aquarius to unfold its wings and fly to its preordained heights.  We only get to experience the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but has the world witnessed any comparable dawning to date?

Further resources from Terry MacKinnell

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Online Institute of Macro-Astrology – details on how to learn macro-astrology – details of purchasing the book available

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers