Is the Aquarian Age Like a Block of Granite?

What is the relationship between the Age of Aquarius and a block of granite?  There is an expectation by most people that the Age of Aquarius will arrive (if it has not done so already) to replace the Age of Pisces.  The Age of Pisces supposedly produced this sorry world full of greed, war, inequality, corruption and so on.  With the arrival of the Aquarian age the sorry state of the world under Pisces is going to be replaced by a glorious world under Aquarius bringing consciousness, spiritual renewal and peace amongst many other paradisiacal expectations including a virtual return to the Garden of Eden. 

The sorry-state block of granite is going to be replaced by the Garden-of-Eden block of granite.  This is what I mean when I say ‘is the Age of Aquarius like a block of granite?’  In the urban myth of the Aquarian age the answer is a resounding YES.   Is there any foundation for such an expectation of a monolithic Aquarian age replacing a monolithic Pisces age? A resounding No!

One way of examining the current age is to research the major factors appearing in the world and assigning an astrological archetype to these elements (similar to the process taken with the lyrics of the song Hair in my article Aquarius in Pisces Sheep Clothing).  If ages are like a block of granite it should clearly demonstrate this in this exercise.

What are the major developments affecting the world today?  The following list which is not exhaustive indicates from a top down view, the major issues and developments affecting the world today.  Next to the items will be the respective astrological sign usually affiliated with the topic:

  •  Iraq War – Aries
  • Pollution and global warming – Scorpio & Leo
  • Poverty – Taurus
  • Massive economic growth – Sagittarius
  • Computers and the internet – Aquarius
  • Peak oil – Pisces
  • Medical breakthroughs – Virgo
  • Genetic engineering and GM foods – Scorpio
  • Nuclear power – Scorpio
  • Rogue states with nuclear weapons or dirty bombs – Scorpio
  • Globalisation and multi-national corporations – Pisces & Sagittarius
  • China’s economic miracle – Cancer
  • Ethnic cleansing – Scorpio
  • Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims – Capricorn
  • Born-again Christians – Scorpio & Pisces
  • Illegal drugs – Pisces
  • Anti-depressants – Pisces
  • Terrorism – Scorpio
  • Paedophiles – Leo & Scorpio
  • Sex slaves – Scorpio & Pisces
  • Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter – Pisces & Scorpio
  • Growth of cities – Gemini
  • Capitalism – (Pisces)
  • New Age movement – Pisces & Aquarius
  • International travel – Sagittarius
  • AIDS – Scorpio
  • Population explosion – Sagittarius

From the above list the following table of occurrences per sign is produced:

Zodiacal Sign Occurrences (frequency)
Aries 1
Taurus 1
Gemini 1
Cancer 1
Leo 2
Virgo 1
Libra 0
Scorpio 10
Sagittarius 2
Capricorn 1
Aquarius 2
Pisces 7

(Note: The above results can easily be distorted by the omission of important developments, but in broad terms the above represents most key aspects of our modern world.)

The first thing noticeable is that there are two signs which produce the highest number of correlations to current world developments – Scorpio and Pisces, with Scorpio almost half a body length ahead of Pisces.  This clearly indicates that no one sign has taken control of all developments.  Secondly, while Pisces can be explained from the effects of the Pisces age, how can Scorpio be explained?

The above methodology is a rectification technique.  Examining any period in history, and correlating the zodiacal signs with the developments at that time, produces a zodiacal map as illustrated in the above table.  Rectification is reverse engineering.  If the zodiacal map indicates that Scorpio and Pisces are the strongest signs present, then any solution must explain these two characteristics.

The presence of the sign Pisces does not indicate that we are still in the Pisces age, but it does indicate that its presence is definitely stronger than Aquarius at this point of time.  Taking a step back and looking at longer term developments it is easy to see the appearance of Aquarian archetypes such as democracy, electricity, computers and the internet have made a large indent in the world recently, even if these appear to be overshadowed in the current events arena by Pisces for the time being.

How can Pisces be so strong if I am declaring that we are in the Aquarian age in my last post?  It is really simple.  The arrival of a new age is like the election of a new government.  For example, when a new conservative government gets elected replacing a left wing or socialist government, the new government inherits the treasury, budget, policies, judges and laws of the old government.  Certain things it can do swiftly such as how it manages its ministries or government departments that it now controls. But these departments must still comply with the laws of the land, the previously passed budget bill of the left wing government and any laws passed while the previous government was in control.

Slowly the new government can replace the left wing policies of the former government with its right-wing policies.  In the budget it will attempt to lower social security payments, keep wage increases as low as possible, reduce taxes to businesses and corporations, lower the tax rate to the rich and so on.  The new conservative government may not have control of both houses of government.  Therefore it may want to reduce pensions but the Senate remaining under left wing control opposes the measure and it fails.  As the years go by slowly the conservative government swings the country to the right but even after many years it still may get thwarted by the previous government. 

The former left wing government may have stacked the Supreme Court with left leaning judges who sit there for life.  The new conservative government, that now controls both houses of government, passes a law preventing homosexuals from having a legal marriage that have been passed by some states in its country.  Some of these states take the government to court, and the left leaning Supreme Court justices find some arcane clause in the constitution that claims all citizens are equal, therefore homosexuals are equal and can have the same marital rights as heterosexuals. The conservative government has been again stifled by the influence of the previous left wing government.

The same occurs with ages.  When the new Aquarian age arrived it faced the effects of Pisces with a 2150 years momentum.  Momentum does not disappear quickly!  Research indicates that the momentum of the previous age is so strong, that its influence remains stronger than the new age for at least the first half of the new age.  Therefore when the new age of Aquarius arrived, it faces at least 1075 years of the underdog position to Pisces.  This is why there is so much evidence of Pisces in the modern world – far greater than Aquarius, even though we are actually in the Aquarian age. 

The world is definitely in the Aquarian age but with Pisces at the dominant position.  This can explain why in the zodiacal table the sign Pisces correlates with so many developments in the world at the present time.  But where does Scorpio come from?

This returns us to the question – does an age behave like a block of granite?  No because firstly it shares the period with the effects of the previous age, especially in the first half of any age.  Secondly, each age has twelve sub-ages.  This will come as a great shock to many people but amongst astrologers that actually research the ages, this approach is common.

If each age has twelve sub-ages then the effects of each sub-age must correlate to historical events in the same way as ages, but with shorter timeframes of around 179 years each.  The reason why Scorpio figures so strongly is because within the Aquarian age, the world is experiencing the effects from the Scorpio sub-age.  The reason the world is experiencing the effects of the Scorpio sub-age is that it recently came to its end around 1970.  Since 1970 the world has been in the Libra sub-age, but sub-ages behave the same as ages but only smaller.  The momentum of the Scorpio sub-age is so strong, that in this portion of the Libra sub-age, the effects from the Scorpio sub-age dominate Libra.  As a practical example this is why around 1970 the Sexual Revolution (Scorpio rules sex) swept over the developed nations of the world as a direct result of the availability of effective birth control in the Pill.

The cusp of the Scorpio Sub-Age in 1970 also explains why the urban myth believes this period herald the arrival of the Aquarian age.  Some astrological archetypes are shared.  Scorpio shares with Aquarius revolutions and revolutionary activity.  Revolution was in the air in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, not just the Sexual Revolution.  The revolutionary spirit gripped many youths as they cast away outmodes conventions, habits and cultural relics such as preferring marijuana over alcohol, and embarked on a new journey with the new found freedom.

What happened soon after the arrival of the Sexual Revolution – which also tended to allow homosexuals to come out of the closet?  AIDS.  This devastating and generally sexually transmitted disease also shows its Scorpio credentials.  The pervasive influence Scorpio has had on the world, particularly since the 1960s and 70s covers a wide range of influences and is the subject of a magazine article I wrote that was published in November 2006 in The Astrological Monthly Review.  This article examines the peak influence of Scorpio around 1970 (plus and minus 15 years) and the first Scorpio `hotspot’ following this period centred around 2010 (plus or minus 5 years).  This article is available at this blog at–-the-sign-of-the-times/

A brief review of the territory covered in this post clearly shows that in any age, not only is it strongly influenced by the previous age, it is also subject to the wiles of each sub-age as they come trundling along.  Because each zodiacal sign is represented amongst the sub-ages, this puts the stake into the heart of the block of granite approach to the ages.  The world is not only facing the developing influences of the current age, every 179 years or so, a new major influence also arrives, promoting archetypes of the sign of the sub-age. 

In many ways the influence of the sub-age energy is more prevalent than that of the energy of the new age and even the strong influence that has carried over from the previous age.  This was demonstrated in the zodiacal map based on the current major events and developments facing the world.  Scorpio was in number one position, followed by Pisces while Aquarius barely rated a mention.  The current emphasis placed upon the ages both by astrologers and the urban myth generators does not stand up to scrutiny.  The sub-ages are as critical, if not more so, than the ages at any point of time. This shatters the block of granite that people evoke when they think solely in term of ages. 

This emphasis upon the sub-ages does not remove the effectiveness of the ages.  The sub-ages must work within the confines or parameters of the energy of each age.  This can be demonstrated with the Scorpio sub-age (c.1791 – 1970), working within the Aquarian age (c.1443 – 3574).  Both promote revolution, and if any revolution occurs, it will favour democracy and fascist style dictator ships over monarchs (that are ruled by Aquarius’ opposite sign Leo).  I can hear the gasps from here! How can Aquarius be associated with fascism?  Again this is simple, each sign has positive and negative archetypes.  Dictators (Hitler was a perfect case in point with Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius, the strongest sign in his horoscope) are also associated with Aquarius. 

Look what happened between 1791 and 1970 in the Scorpio sub-age.  In 1791 the world was basically ruled by monarchs, except the USA, and maybe a few other small political entities.  By 1970 only a few monarchs remained in power in some Arabic countries, Nepal and in democracies such as Great Britain.   This was a massive world-wide revolution that virtually dethroned the monarchs that had been ruling the world for almost 5,000 years.  This is both Scorpio and Aquarius in action.  Though a significant part of the world replaced monarchs with democracy, another significant part was replaced by virtual dictatorships.  Regardless of the political orientation, what effectively suffered in this greatest revolution ever experienced in the world to date is the dethroning of monarchs, or their separation from real political power.  Scorpio is working within the parameters set by its parent age – the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian age, Pisces age or any age is not like a block of concrete.  There is a cacophony of mixed influences like a fruit cake.  At any time the various astrological influences can be correlated to the ages in question and the sub-ages.  So while Hair was proclaiming that this was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, they should have said:

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

And the Sub-age of Libra

But the Pisces age still affects us

Not to mention Scorpio

It certainly is not melodious or even poetic, but it is far more accurate!

Note: This was originally posted on 27 March 2008 but subsequently got lost in cyberspace.  I am reposting this with some minor editing.


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