SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1

Part 1 –Revolution and Tyrants

Five years ago my article SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times was published in the Astrological Monthly Review (Vol. 68, No. 11, November 2006, pgs 27-31). Within the Aquarian age, the most relevant aspect that relates to the 21st century is Scorpio.  This is because there are twelve sub-ages in each age, and the Scorpio sub-age existed from 1791 until 1970.  Due to the fact that the greatest manifestation of influence for any age or sub-period is in the immediate following period, the peak potential for Scorpio is actually 1970 to 2148.  There are smaller sub periods in the astrological ages than sub-ages.  Each sub-age has twelve micro-ages of approximately 15 years each, with each micro-age consisting of three decans of approximately five years each The Scorpio micro-age decan ran from 2005 until 2010, with its overflow period 2010 to 2015 its most potent time – especially 2010 to 2012.  The whole period 2005 to 2015 is a Scorpio hotspot as this little Scorpio micro-age decan resonates with the momentum of the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148)

In the article published in 2006 I identified the prime concepts associated with Scorpio:

  • Revolution and general instability
  • tyrants with their cruelty
  • terrorists
  • spiritual regeneration
  • death, assassinations and murder
  • waste products from any process, which naturally includes sewage and pollution
  • atomic energy and bombs
  • almost everything associated with sex
  • taxes and debt (including credit cards)
  • underground criminal organisations
  • spy networks
  • minimalism

Revolution and General Instability

Recent evidence, especially since about 2007, strongly supports the existence of this Scorpio hotspot.  Let’s start with revolution and general instability.  The flare-up of disenchanted citizens in many Middle Eastern countries since early 2011 is widespread and includes: Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Jordan, Mauritania, Sudan, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Djibouti, Morocco, Iraq, Somalia, Bahrain, Iran and Kuwait.  The unrest commenced in Tunisia in December 2010 and two established leaders have already been overthrown – in Tunisia and Egypt. In response a number of these countries have enacted democratic reforms, but some have created greater repression of their political opponents or citizens.[1]

From an astrological perspective, it is interesting that the current round of revolutionary fervour is basically located in Middle Eastern Muslim nations, while the similar revolutionary fervour of the 1960s and 70s was mainly associated with Western nations.  The main exception to this was Iran.  The current Middle Eastern instability is occurring in the Cancer micro-age (2000 – 2015).  Cancer is the main sign associated with Islam, and also has long antecedents in the Middle East (Cancer is always associated with the middle of anything, including particularly the stomach). Even the recent riots (since 2005) in French cities were by disaffected Muslim youths.  This is interesting from the point that the signs Cancer and Scorpio have strong antecedents in France, and the Muslim urban guerrillas seems to be mainly a French phenomenon rather than a European or western phenomenon.

The current revolutionary unrest may be a small preview of what is to come.  The Cancer micro-age overflow (2014 – 2029) is potentially the first of a number of highly revolutionary periods experienced in the world for around 7,000 years (see A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making ).  The Cancer micro-age overflow is also the same time period as the Gemini micro-age which contains within it the revolutionary Aquarian micro-age decan and overflow (2015 – 2024) with the most potent time around 2020.  Will the Middle East explode?

The last time the world experienced a Scorpio micro-age decan and overflow within a Cancer micro-age was 1841 to 1851.  It was during this period that the first explosions of western working class people began against their mainly despotic and anti-democratic rulers.  At the forefront of this new revolutionary sensibility of the working class was the publication in 1848 of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  After 30 years of relative calm, major revolutions in 1848 provided Europe with a taste of things to come. Similar to exiting despotic rulers in the Middle East, the western monarchial governments severely repressed their citizens in the 18th century. It took over 100 years, but by the end of the 20th century, most people in western countries existed in a democratic environment.  Freedom does not come easily!

The astrology of the astrological ages indicates that not all the world is unilaterally affected at the same time when a new age or sub-period arrives.  There is no doubt that when the Scorpio sub-age arrived in 1791, Europe was ready for its revolution, and over the course of the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970), this definitely took place.  At the beginning of the sub-age, Europe was mainly ruled by monarchs.  A little after the end of the sub-age, Europe consists mainly of democratic nations.  This was a real revolution and probably the greatest revolution the world has ever experienced!  In the Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970 – 2148), the same kind of revolutionary energy that Europe experienced in the 19th and 20th centuries, will fan out to the rest of the world like the wake of a boat.  The fact that in the current Scorpio hotspot, the revolutionary zeal is mainly focused upon Middle Eastern Muslim nations, strongly suggests the new theatre of action over the next century or so.  From the macro-astrological perspective, the tyrannical, dictatorial and repressive regimes in the Middle East seem to have the edge over the demonstrators except in Tunisia, Egypt and perhaps Libya.

The citizens of the Middle East will not see the arrival of their democratic rights en mass in the next year or decade except in some lucky countries. However their quest for freedom may not take as long or be drawn out compared to what occurred in the West over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.  The macro-astrological conditions for the rest of the 21st centuries are extremely volatile and revolutionary – far more than the 19th and 20th centuries. Whichever Middle Eastern nations retain autocratic and monarchial control by 2074 will have to withstand the 60 years long Aquarian sub-age decan overflow (2074-2148).  Combining revolutionary Aquarius with the revolutionary Scorpio sub-age overflow (1970-2148) is going to create some very interesting political conditions in many areas of the world – heads will roll.

One major difficulty for these fledging Middle Eastern revolutionaries is the enormous amount of money their mainly despotic rulers have available to repress their subjects.  The West is pouring its financial resources into these nations in exchange for the economic heroin of the time – oil. The West also has its armaments industries assiduously arming these despots “for a profit”.  Therefore the fundamental difference between Europeans citizens fighting for the democratic rights over the last two centuries and Middle Eastern citizens is that their autocratic leaders are receiving enormous support from the western countries to maintain their autocratic authority.  This highlights one of those contradictions of the modern world.

In the current Aquarian age (really the Pisces-Aquarius age), the main sign is medieval Pisces, not democratic Aquarius. One Pisces delusion in the world today is that western democratic countries do the work of well-meaning democracies.  Just because a country is nominally democratic within its own borders, does not prevent it behaving abominably outside of its borders.  The role that western democratic nations have taken in the world is the role of the medieval lord of the manor demanding obeisance of its serfs (developing and Third World nations).  The west consumes the most, borrows the most, pollutes the most and enacts policies to maintain this position of privilege and power. It is in the best interests of western capitalists that Middle Eastern countries provide them with oil in exchange for providing massive financial support that enables Middle Eastern despots to keep their citizens subjugated.

The geo-political reality of the modern world is therefore unlikely to stand by while the suppliers of their next fix of oil get consumed by any revolutionary rabble.  Yes there will be some lip service towards nebulous democratic ideals – and in places like Libya it will be convenient as a payback time. Libya has long been a rogue state from the western perspective and therefore becomes the public relations scapegoat promoting the perspective that the western intervention is seen as the west fulfilling its democratic duty.   This takes the media focus way from other countries such as Bahrain where the Saudi’s in their tanks arrived to quell those pesky citizens having the temerity to demand their democratic rights – why don’t they obey their king like obedient subjects and keep those oil wells flowing?

Astrology is not biased towards good winning over evil.  While the Middle Eastern unrest is mainly a secular drive for freedom, all the other revolutionaries around the world are busy blowing up churches, mosques, temples and innocent people to further their extremist agendas.  They are also empowered by the current Scorpio hotspot.  So we have about four more years of concentrated freedom seeking revolutionaries and extremist terrorists creating turmoil.  The current Scorpio hotspot sits within the shadow of the Leo micro-age overflow (2000-2014) indicating, as a general rule, that the autocratic leaders have the (astrological) momentum compared to their revolutionary citizens.  This also applies to terrorists.  So while the Middle East revolutionaries may extract little major change in the current Scorpio hotspot, neither will the extremist terrorists.  This is all due to change by 2020 at the latest when a foretaste of the end of the 21st century is experienced.


Tyrants have come out of the closet with the arrival of the current Scorpio hotspot– and top of the list is Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, but he is not alone in his obnoxiousness.  In real terms the first prize should go to Kim Jong-il of North Korea – shelling a South Korean inhabited island, launching provocative missiles, sinking a South Korean naval ship and always threatening to produce nuclear weapons. It is one of those ironies of the astrological ages and politics that the same sign Scorpio breeds revolutions and tyrants.  They both seem to appear relatively simultaneously.

Of course tyrants have only appeared since the rise of “civilization”. Examination of Colonel Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il is like being in a time machine as they are good examples of the common political reality over the last 5,000 years in most “civilized” nations. Most European countries as well as most countries over the last 5,000 regularly had leaders as obnoxious (and far more so) as Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il.  Take the Taliban and their persecutions in Afghanistan when they held power prior to 9/11.  They behaved exactly the same as the Roman Catholic Church in the Inquisition only a few centuries ago – except the Inquisition lasted a much longer time.

There are some interesting macro-astrological connections to these modern day tyrants.  First, Colonel Gaddafi – he came to power in 1969, one year before the peak of Scorpio from the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970).  Gaddafi is therefore a child of Scorpio. Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia came to power in 1980, towards the end of the Scorpio micro-age overflow (1970 – 85) but was fully active in the opposition to the white-minority Rhodesian government and saw the end of the Scorpio sub-age in 1970 serving a jail sentence as a political prisoner from 1964 to 1974. Like Colonel Gaddafi, Mugabe is also a child of Scorpio.  The tyrannical Iranian government also appeared in the Scorpio micro-age overflow in 1979 making a strong Scorpio connection to the Iranian government.

At the top of the tyrannical league, the only one without a strong Scorpio connection is Kim Jong-il of North Korea.  He is the leader of a government that first came to power in 1948, which does have Scorpio as a strong background sign, but was formed when the Capricorn sub-age overflow (1940-55) was the dominant sign.  On the micro-age decan level 1948 sits smack in the middle of the Leo micro-age decan overflow (1945-50).  Capricorn combined with Leo are both leadership signs bereft of any democratic content.  In North Korea they have combined the harsh authoritarianism and frugality of Capricorn with the ego of Leo – the king of the jungle as their ‘magnificent’ leader taking them on to their glorious socialist future.  North Korea is currently benefiting from the Leo sub-age overflow (2000-14) when astrologically, the sun shines the brightest upon North Korea.  However Leo does not benefit Capricorn as it produces lack of financial resources and even bankruptcy.

The shifting emphasis to Cancer as the current Cancer micro-age (2000–15) reaches its highpoint in 2015 will create a strong impediment to Capricorn (Cancer is opposite Capricorn).  Cancer is also the 12th house to Leo – with the 12th house indicating endings, perils and self-undoing.  Therefore the most likely tyrant to fall is Kim Jong-il.  In a Wikileaks release in 2010 it was revealed that Chinese diplomats had suggested that North Korea should be taken over by South Korea and that China was getting tired of the childish antics of the North Koreans.[2]  North Korea’s days may be numbered. Between now and 2015, when Cancer achieves full strength, there is a small gear change for Cancer – around 2012.  It is possible around 2012 the situation may further develop or deteriorate, but it is from 2015 onwards that the real hurdle for North Korea appears.

Robert Mugabe’s age may save Zimbabwe – at 87 years he surely has a limited time ahead at the helm.  Mugabe came to power in 1980 placing this in the Capricorn micro-age (1975 – 80) as a key supporting sign.  Like Kim Jong-il, this also puts him and his followers on a collision path with the peak of the Cancer micro-age in 2015.  In the meantime he can cause more havoc.  The Iranian government commencing 1979 is much the same as for Mugabe. Interesting times ahead for Iran as Cancer grows in strength towards 2015.

It is only Colonel Gaddafi that is almost pure Scorpio.  The Leo micro-age (2000-15) places anything associated with Scorpio in the limelight and favours the ruler of their subjects.  The current Scorpio micro-age decan overflow (2010-15) normally would assist him and the looming rising influence of Cancer is usually not a problem for Scorpio.  Born in 1942 when Capricorn was at its peak strength may just put him intrinsically on a collision course with his population as the strength of Cancer rises – but this is speculative.  Gaddafi also has strong tribal support for his rule.  If the Libyan uprising is a drawn-out conflict, this would suit western powers, as they can demonstrate their altruism in bringing democracy to the Middle East as a smokescreen for the oil-fix commercial reality, while people needlessly die, and more repressive Middle Eastern nations continue on in their merry ways with the tacit support of western nations.

Continue Reading: SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited Part 2 – Nuclear Issues

[1]2010–2011 Middle East and North Africa protests.” Wikipedia, 21 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Apr. 2011.

[2]Simon Tisdall , Wikileaks cables reveal China ‘ready to abandon North Korea‘,, Monday 29 November 2010 21.30 GMT

The Eight Most Popular Posts for Further Investigation

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies

An Age Old Mistake That Still Haunts Astrologers

The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Generational Astrology – Introduction (Part 1)

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

Is Trump the New Caligula



For detailed background information on the mechanics of macro-astrology used in this post, please refer to theAge of Aquarius for Dummies

Further resources from Terry MacKinnell – details of purchasing the book available

Demystifying the Aquarian Age for the interested general public and astrologers

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening

Online Institute of Macro-Astrology – details on how to learn macro-astrology

10 thoughts on “SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1

  1. There’s so much cultural bias in your writings…

    Have you ever left middle class America?
    Did you read up on Ken Wilber?
    Do you know Hinduism, Sufism, Kaballah?

    There’s a world (physical) outside of the good old US of A. There’s more valid government structures than the so called “democracy”. Where does this superiority complex come from, in what historical perspective is it justifiable?

    We seem to have learned very little from the Inquisition, wars, genocides and fascism.
    Still playing the Good guys versus Bad guys game, us always being the good guys, despite creating endless wars and suffering that benefit very few at the expense of multi-millions.

    Who created all the unrest in the Middle East, with what agenda?

    • You have raised some interesting issues but I would need a little bit more information from you to properly reply to you. Firstly, I am not American, I am Australian and live in Australia. Secondly, all the contentious issues you raise i agree with you. I don’t know Ken Webler (yet), I do not a lot about Hinduism, Sufism, and a little about Kabbalah. I do agree about your brief analysis of the USA and the perversions it has created in the world since the Second World War. But you must understand that i am an astrologer, i don’t allow my personal bias, prejudices or opinions to detract from my astrological analysis. If you can give me an example or two of the cultural bias in my writings I could attempt to explain what I wrote and why I wrote it. It is extremely unlikely that ISIS would even exist today if the USA and its allies had not Invaded Iraq last decade (for its oil). Thanks for the feedback.

      • He’s probably talking about your comments regarding Gadaffi and KJ Il.

        “Tyrants have come out of the closet with the arrival of the current Scorpio hotspot– and top of the list is Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, but he is not alone in his obnoxiousness. In real terms the first prize should go to Kim Jong-il of North Korea – shelling a South Korean inhabited island, launching provocative missiles, sinking a South Korean naval ship and always threatening to produce nuclear weapons.”

        You’re making a lot of assumptions here and a bit of a double standard and cultural bias. An example of that bias is using the term “threatening” about a nation that wants to produce nuclear weapons. It’s not neutral, and it’s rather odd considering you are clearly aware of the tyranny of the West.

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