The Future in the Age of Aquarius

A classic example of how futurism has entered our world is the prospect of climatic and environmental devastation from pollution.  Most pundits are claiming that the biggest problem the world is facing is the environmental catastrophe if we do not reign in pollution.  The environmental catastrophe lies in the future.  When in the historic past has human society been faced with a future problem of similar magnitude? In the past societies faced problems as they arose, usually due to some marauding army.

In the modern world the future has become just another space to fill up.  We expect the future to be technically more stunning than the present provided we don’t all die from the consequences of our consumerist extravaganza.  The future holds both positive and negative issues for us to consider, think about and debate.  This is another example of the Aquarian age in action.

The mass confusion amongst astrologers and laypersons about the arrival of the Age of Aquarius is sure to make a comic documentary one day.  Aquarius is associated with numerous familiar archetypes other than the future such as flight, democracy, electricity, computers yet astrologers do not have anywhere near the consensus that the Aquarian age has arrived.

The reason why there is so much confusion amongst astrologers about the arrival of the Aquarian age is that astrologers have inherited a methodology applied to the astrological ages that is over 2,100 years old.  In the 2nd century BC an ancient Greek astronomer and astrologer ‘discovered’ the astrological ages.  He applied a specific technique to the zodiacal constellations to calibrate them.

Since the 2nd century BC astrologers have continued to use this ancient technique.  This situation is very similar to science.  Many ancient Greeks and Romans stated many scientific concepts such as Aristotle, Galen and Ptolemy.  In the scientific world, all these ancient claims were thoroughly examined commencing with the Scientific Revolution commencing in the 15th century (naturally in the same century as the age of Aquarius arrived).   Most ancient claims were relegated to the dustbin of history once empirical evidence confirmed or denied the ancient claims.

Since the 15th century science has been funded by governments, and so scientists have the means to check all the ancient claims.  Unfortunately astrology is not funded by governments, and so any research must be funded by individual astrologers.  This has seriously impeded some aspects of astrology.  Astrologers have not reviewed the claims of the ancient Greek astronomer and astrologer who developed the technique of calibrating the ages.

My research clearly shows that the ancient technique which is still revered by astrologers is patently incorrect.  I don’t intend to go into detail here about the ancient technique and its errors but the result of these serious errors has created the current confusing situation.  Based on the ancient technique the Age of Aquarius is not due until around 2600.  To get around the problem that so many Aquarian developments are occurring in the world astrologers fall back upon the cusp argument.

The cusp argument states that before a new age arrives that there is a blurring of influences from the old age and new age before the new age arrives.  No serious or reputable astrologer has ever claimed that cusps in astrology work in this manner.  The cusp argument is just one of a number of band aids that have been put on the astrological ages to hide the incongruity of a world full of Aquarian developments occurring in the supposed age of Pisces.

Perhaps in the future astrologers will come to terms with the Aquarian age that arrived in the 15th century.  Until then we must reside in the comical present situation where over five hundred years of the Aquarian age has already transpired yet astrologers are still arguing if the Aquarian age arrived in the 20th century or if we must wait until 2600.

The Wisdom of the Ages

There is much wisdom to be gained from the astrological ages.  In my research and study of the ages I have taken the novel approach that to understand the ages it is necessary to ‘stand under’ the ages and let the ages teach me how they operate.  The ages do not operate in the way that the urban myths of the ages have spread.  Most astrologers define the ages and what supposedly occurs within ages based on theoretical considerations and wishful thinking, not from evidence.   The ages never indicate that paradise, utopia or a world exclusively based on consciousness, reason and rationality is around the corner – or even a possibility at any time.

In our modern world we have enough information and knowledge to examine ages in detail all the way back to the deglaciation of the world that commenced around 14,000 years ago.  It is true that highly detailed information is thin on the ground for the first few thousand years, but what information that is available from those ancient times not only support the existence of the astrological ages, but also that each age consists of positive and negative archetypes associated with the astrological sign concerned.

This is not new to astrologers.  All experienced astrologers know that the horoscope for each individual person is a combination of positive and negative elements.  Most people have a relative equal number of positive and negative astrological attributes.  There is no perfect human being and there is no perfect age.

The perspective of the ancient Chinese philosophers and sages got it right – everything associated with physical reality is composed of a combination on yin and yang, with a little bit of yang in the yin and vice versa.  What happens as each new age arrives is that the positive and negative archetypes associated with the new sign slowly take over from the positive and negative archetypes of the influence from the previous age.  This is what is happening in the world today.  The Pisces momentum from the Pisces age has promoted the positive and negative archetypes of Pisces while the new Aquarian age has commenced pushing its own positive and negative archetypes to the fore.

What are the positive and negative archetypes of Pisces?  On the plus side we have compassion, charities and social security (less so in the USA compared to most other Western nations); great poetry, drama and artworks from the likes of Shakespeare, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci onwards (including the modernists such as Picasso), an incredible array of movies, fictional novels and abstract concepts; pharmaceutical drugs for a whole range of ailments.

On the negative side of Pisces are alcoholism, poisonous chemicals, prisons, addictive drugs, propaganda (spin) and swindlers, religious delusions; slavery and now sex slaves.  In addition, there are a number of areas that can be either positive or negative depending upon your point of view.  These ambivalent Pisces activities include Buddhism, Christianity and Islam; European culture; petroleum, corporations and recreational intoxicants.

These positive and negative aspects of Pisces remain the dominant archetypes in the world but Aquarius has progressively introduced its positive and negative aspects since it arrived in 1443 (or 1442).   For example, Aquarius has promoted democracy on the positive side counter-balanced by fascism.  Whenever Aquarius is strong the sea-saw will tend to go towards fascism or democracy as both are strong Aquarian archetypes.  This is keenly demonstrated by the USA that so strongly promotes democracy within its borders yet since the Second World War has supported fascist dictators and governments around the world over democracy whenever it suits the commercial or political interests of the USA.  In fact, the USA is an excellent example of democracy and fascism conjoined – but that is another story altogether.

Positive developments associated with Aquarius include flight, electricity, humanitarianism and idealists, inventions, modernization, civic organizations and associations, and free thought.  Negative elements include lack of stability, mental instability and illnesses, emotional detachment (think of the Holocaust).  Other elements that can go either way are rebelliousness and revolutions (some bring democracy and freedom while others bring tyranny); and socialism (which can be extended to communism).

Are all zodiacal signs equal in their positive and negative aspects?   There are two schools of thought on this – the modern school typically indicates that each sign and planet is basically equal in its positive and negative aspects.  Traditionalists believe that some planets and the signs they rule are more orientated towards either positiveness or negativity.

In my observation, I believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  No planet or sign is all bad or good – each contains both good and bad, but some planets and signs do tend slightly more to the negative while others tend towards the positive but some sit in the middle.  I believe that Pisces does err mildly on the negative side but Aquarius is either balanced or very slightly biased towards the positive side.  This does not make the Pisces age negative and the Aquarian age positive.

Therefore, though the world is not passing from the ‘dark’ Age of Pisces to the radiant Age of Aquarius, Aquarius does seem to offer some advantages over Pisces.  This can be easily demonstrated.  Whenever the ubiquitous Jehovah’s Witnesses would arrive at my doorstep they would quickly draw my attention to all the problems and deteriorations in the world.  My standard counter was ‘if the world is so bad today, when in the past was it better?’  This perspective always left them floundering.  Do you think 1978, 1988, 1998 for example were better than 2008?

Even with all the problems of pollution, corruption, inequality, terrorism, war, violence, criminal activity and so on, the world in general today is better for a higher proportion of the world’s population compared to any time in the past.  It reminds me of something I heard not too long ago.  Someone said that if your life is 51% positive and 49% negative then you are experiencing a positive life.  The same situation applies to the world.

The majority of the world does not live the relatively gifted lifestyles of the populations of the First World countries.  The proportion of the world that does get to experience modernity is growing.  Even over the last few decades hundreds of millions of people around the world have been embraced by modernity partially or fully – one way or another, especially in China and India.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  The arrival of modernity from its seed that was planted over 500 years ago when the Aquarian age first arrived unannounced is steadily embracing a greater proportion of the world.  The modern world is not a perfect world but from my subjective perspective, it is superior to the medieval (Pisces) world it is replacing.

This is the wisdom of the ages.  There is no perfect age, and the Age of Aquarius is definitely not perfect.  The quest for the mythical perfect Age of Aquarius is just the hangover from Pisces.  Pisces rules delusions and self-deception.  You have a choice – you can continue to listen to delusions about a fantasized Age of Aquarius that will never arrive – or you can open your eyes and perceive the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – warts and all, that is occurring all around you and has been for over 500 years

There are many warts associated with the Age of Aquarius but in the end, it comes down to a simple issue – is the glass half full or half-empty?  On a daily basis, I give thanks to whatever reality that produced the universe and world we live in.  Is there any other time in history that is superior to today?  For the huge majority of us living in the modern world, we should be truly thankful for this unique experience since our evolution from the animal kingdom.

I sincerely hope that the dawning of the Age of Aquarius continues until all the people in the world have the option to live in this modern world.  The wisdom of the ages indicates that this will not occur this century and may not even be completed in the next one thousand years.  This is not based on my personal preferences but on what investigating the ages has taught me.